News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Afternoon 2-17-2024


Clare:  Al-Sudani's Office: The Iraqi speech in Munich was frank about issues of sovereignty, security, and economic partnerships


Director of the Media Office of the Prime Minister, Rabie Nader, confirmed today, Saturday, that the Iraqi speech in Munich was frank on issues of sovereignty, security, and serious economic partnerships.

Nader said, in a tweet on the {X} platform, that: “More than 22 meetings were held by the Prime Minister in Munich in just two days, and the Iraqi speech was frank on issues of sovereignty, security, and serious economic partnerships.”

He added, "There was great international understanding of Iraq's desire to move the relationship with the international coalition countries from security to strategic partnerships in various fields, and the messages were clear that Iraq's security is necessary for the security of the region and a stable Iraq is in everyone's interest."

Nard continued, "Iraq is a meeting point and refuses to be an arena for settling scores, and the international community must move quickly to stop the war on Gaza." LINK

Clare:  Al-Sudani discusses with members of the US Congress the end of the international coalition’s mission and the transition to bilateral relations


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed, with members of the US Congress, today, Saturday, the end of the international coalition’s mission in Iraq.

Al-Sudani’s media office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News} that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani received four members of the US Congress, namely: Mike Turner, McKeirl, Joe Wilson, and Gerry Connolly, on the sidelines of his Excellency’s participation in the 2024 Munich Security Conference.” .

The statement added, "During the meeting, bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States were discussed, and ways to enhance constructive cooperation, as well as a number of files and issues of common interest were reviewed.

The meeting also touched on the ongoing dialogue regarding ending the mission of the international coalition in Iraq, after the arrival of the security forces." Iraq has reached an advanced stage of readiness and high performance, and the transition to broad bilateral relations between Iraq, the United States of America, and the rest of the coalition countries.”

The Prime Minister stressed, "the necessity of developing relations between the two countries at various levels and sectors, without limiting them to the security aspect only," pointing to "the state of recovery that Iraq is going through, the reforms it is witnessing in various economic and financial sectors, and the progress of concluding integrated economic partnerships with countries in the region." "And the world, which will contribute to promoting development and achieving stability for the country."

For their part, members of the US Congress indicated their "interest in the success of the Iraqi government in several aspects," stressing "the importance of Iraq and its role in enhancing security and stability in the region."   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat   " was decided to transfer all financial transactions electronically through the (POS) point of sale system in traffic departments in Baghdad and all governorates instead of cash dealing.” is a borderline “WOW!” article for us today as Dinar investors. ...electronic banking and POS has been on the radar and will continue to be pivotal in the monetary reform process.... It is a very good step, a sign in the right direction and may help take the demand off the dollars thus reducing the rate in the black market for the dollar.

Frank26  It's no longer a rumor that Iraq is entering the World Trade Organization.  Vietnam is part of the World Trade Organization.  Their currency is worthless. Does that mean the Iraqi dinar that is worthless can join the WTOYeah.  Does that mean the Iraqi dinar is going to stay worthless?  No...The whole world and the United States Treasury worked with the CBI...

Sudani update

Nader:  2-17-2024

Why Gold Backed CBDC's Are Not Saving Zimbabwe

Lynestte Zang:  2-17-2024


Economist's "News and Views" Saturday 2-17-2024


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 2-17-24