News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 12-29-2024
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 29 Dec. 2024
Compiled Sun. 29 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 Wolverine: “Get ready everyone we are ready. All protocols have been met and everything is ready to go. We just have to wait for the GO sign. I’m expecting the 1 or the 2nd of January. I’ve had many on a conference call and they all said that we are about to go anytime right now and many are pointing to the 1st and 2nd of January 2025. Not long to go guys. God bless.”
Sat. 28 Dec. 2024 TNT Tony: “The green light has been given once again and bankers have a window.”
Read full post here:
Delegation from US Department of Treasury visit the CBI
Announcement from Central Bank of Iraq – Dec 26 2024 Delegation from US department of treasury visited the central bank of Iraq, the delegation expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the procedures taken by the CBI during last year in the operations of combating the financing of terrorism and money laundering.
The delegation “”praised CBI’s electronic programs that was used for the first time and showed their astonishment for the speed and competency in using those programs also their admiration with the criteria placed by the bank with the help of international audit office (KPMG) which related to organizing Dollar selling operations and its monitor during the compliance of all banks to rules of combating the financing of terrorism and money laundering”” No. 39 for the year 2015.
Also the delegation listened to detailed explanation on the electronic system which applied by the CBI to monitor sold Dollar movement, and discussed CBI’s vast training program which will start soon and aims to train and qualify CBI’s employees working in monitoring and supervising field.
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: All we care about is the stopping of the auctions and when...They still say auctions will end by the end of the month. Mr Sammy says when they end the auctions and everyone goes back to work on the 2nd of January, the rise of the dollar will be very closely watched by us here at the banks. If it starts to get out of hand by the 7th when parliament votes then [he] doesn't see any other move but to increase the dinar. That's the only way Alaq has a way out.
Mnt Goat Didn’t I tell everyone years ago that Iraq is going to be a central hub for the middle east? Let me correct myself in saying it is now a central hub only it is not yet fully geared up and running to its potential. Eighty-five docking stations for freight ships at the port of Faw and only five are now open. Imagine when all eighty-five slips are operational? The amount of freight that will flow through this port of Faw.
Iraq - CBI Governor Makes an Announcement, Digital Banking Expansion
Edu Matrix: 12-28-2027
Iraq - CBI Governor Makes an Announcement; Digital Banking Expansion Discover how Iraqi banks transform their services by adopting modern digital solutions in our latest video, "Iraqi Banks Go Digital: A New Era in Banking."
We delve into the Central Bank of Iraq's (CBI) innovative digital banking efforts to enhance financial accessibility and efficiency across the country. Learn about the exciting technologies being implemented and how they are reshaping the banking landscape in Iraq.
When You See A Historic Marker That Signals Recession...
Lynette Zang: 12-28-2024
Today's video is a breakdown from a recent live where Lynette breaks down why this historic marker signals for recession, and why you need to be prepared!