News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 9-3-2023

What Currencies are Backed by Gold? (2022 Update)

Historically one of the essential features of most economies has been gold. A precious metal that has been utilized as currency since 600 BC — starting as physical coins and ultimately turning into the gold standard where gold in backed paper currency in the society.

While the gold standard protects the currency from certain risks as hyper-inflation or general loss in value due to the faith in the government, it also puts limits on the government to stimulate the economy as they can’t just print up money and give it away (or buy things). 

This is problematic, but not as bad as one may initially think as the primary cause of such horrific economic collapses are due to effects of fiat currency that’s not backed by gold or other real assets — primarily such fiat currencies promoting debt over saving and thus extreme leverage and risk throughout the entire economy.

Keep in mind the currencies discussed below are not backed entirely by gold, or other commodities, but are heavily tied to the prices of gold or commodities in one way or another – however if you want exposure to gold you should probably still go with gold.

The End of the Gold Standard: World War 1.

During World war 1 the UK started the trend as the first large economic nation to suspend the use of the gold standard so they could be more flexible with currency and and stimulate the economy.

In non-financial speak this means their economy was contracting due to a lower over-all economic output and prosperity due to the war and wasted resources put to the war-effort, and the government began to lack the surplus to continue fighting the war as bond-raising dried up for the war-effort, so they decided to extract wealth from their citizens without directly increasing tax rates or issuing bonds to it’s citizens through literally printing money and thus debasing (taking away value) from the existing currency in their society.

It was 1930 when the UK finally dropped the use of the gold standard for good in favor of a fiat-system. This managed to save themselves from experiencing a depression to the depth of the US Great Depression. The UK was able to “stimulate” their economy and their currency without the reliance on how much gold they had or could buy. This is what you may call “kicking the can down the road” normal person speak.

The End of the Gold Standard: Fiat Becomes the New-Normal

After this occurred many European countries followed the UK’s example and dropped the gold standard “temporarily.” The cat was out of the bag and there was no way they’d let their self struggle to fund the war and “stimulate the economy” when the UK was doing it.

This changed the face of their economies and currencies forever.

The US eventually followed after the Europeans a few years later in 1933 by eliminating the gold standard. This ultimately helped the US to finally start to get out of the great depression and reinvigorate its currency and economy. This didn’t cause major issues as reserves were still kept and it was just the beginning — but as the years have went on the kicking of the can down the road has made the debt and stability worse and worse, ultimately forcing the government to make the federal reserve to try to hold things together.

The End of the Gold Standard: The Last Bastion Falls

Switzerland was one of the few places to buck this trend and maintained use of the Gold standard right up till May 1st 2000. Remaining neutral during World War 2 made it possible for Switzerland to keep hold of its gold reserves and even to profit during the war to stockpile more ensuring it had a large stock of gold when compared to the size of its population.

Even during and after the great depression, the US managed to keep hold of the majority of the world’s gold reserves. In 1944, an agreement was put in place that set the exchange rate for all currencies and gold and it was at this time the US was able to price the Dollar against its reserves.

With the US holding the majority of the worlds gold supply it became easier for most of the rest of the world to start to price their currencies against the dollar instead of gold. The result of this was that currency was no longer tied to the price of gold but to the price of the dollar. The US dollar rose in value and became the standard world currency used.

Read full article here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Mnt Goat  Article:  "SPECIALISTS CALL FOR A REVIEW OF THE IRAQI FINANCIAL SYSTEM"  Quote:  "...the financial and administrative system in Iraq needs to be restructured......of course Iraq does not need all these structural changes to reinstate their currency as the value is already in the dinar with the oil market. Building the economy will only enhance the dinar and bring the rate up even more...

Breitling    There's nothing wrong with cheering the dinar is going to revalue.  There's nothing wrong with being wrong if it doesn't revalue.  BTW I don't think I'm wrong.  It's a principled based investment and there's plenty of future coming for the Iraqi dinar.   Trust me, there     just is...

Major Insiders Predict Crisis While Public Turns a Blind Eye

Lynette Zang:  9-1-2023

Just about every ponzi scheme in history. Everyone that's been happy right before they lost all their money.

 And that's because the more they paint the picture of false gains and happy days, the more people continue to invest more money. Then, right when everyone is singing with glee, that's when they take all the money and flee.

There is a term Sheeple which applies to everyone who blindly goes along with the masses without asking any questions.

It's my job to help as many people as possible step out of that line and learn the truth about what's happening in our economy, our society, everything. Plenty of signs came anywhere but mainstream media from said now, creating the fragility of instant bank to multiple insiders predicting and preparing for the collapse.

These are your signs coming up


0:00 Ponzi Scheme

1:58 Happy Days Again?

 3:15 Traders Risk It All

6:20 Bank Deals

7:05 Selling Debt As Deposits Leave

 8:36 Student Loans Resume

 10:35 Credit Scores

12:45 Overexposed Banks

 14:44 Starwood Chairman

17:56 Powell's Rates

19:29 Physical Gold Market


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for Sunday, September 3, 2023


Sunday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 9-3-23