News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 10-3-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts fro the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 3 Oct. 2024

Compiled Thurs. 3 Oct. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 2 Oct. 2024 Wolverine: “Guys, Iraq still has not floated the dinar yet on Forex. Bond payments are definitely started, or about to start. Hearing all good news regarding Bond Holders, but nothing concrete about the RV.

There are Whales who have flown to Zurich to go to their appointments and receive their blessings. The RV is very complicated as they are dealing with all the currencies of the world and have them all gold backed. The Pentecostal group is about to release the funds to their members that are going to the event this weekend.

They will be given the codes and the PIN number to access their funds. They will be paid first before going to the gala night. I think about 300 people or more are going to the event from various countries around the world. Contracts are starting to get paid.”


Wed. 2 Oct. 2024 MarkZ: “The Historic Bond contact I was hoping could give me an update said they are now under an NDA. I am confident they got paid something at the table or they would not have signed it. A couple other bond folks told me they did get their final paperwork but the plan is not to pay the until early next week.

So paperwork is final…process is started but they will not get full release of their funds until next week. I wonder if it’s more of an international clearing process to get their spendable funds. In other words, two of my contacts were in a group so funds were given to the paymaster. Then the paymaster has to clear those billions in funds internationally then distribute those funds to all the people in the group. If these billions were moved from Europe to the US- there would be safety checks and balances.

This takes awhile. I very much think and am very confident money has been moving on bonds, just not as quickly as we want it to be moving.”

Wed. 2 Oct. 2024 the US “Gold Standard” has been initiated in foreign trade!


Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 2 Oct. 2024: BREAKING NEWS: Thousands of Bank of America Customers Locked Out of Accounts Amid Widespread Outages – – American Media Group Bank of America is down: Customers report widespread outage, zero balances shown in accounts.

Wed. 2 Oct. 2024: Global Financial System Implemented: …Ariel on Telegram

Banks on a Leash: No more reckless speculation or shady under-the-table deals. For the first time in modern history, the banking system is being held accountable. Gone are the days when Wall Street fat cats could manipulate your savings for their own gains. The gold-backed system will guarantee your hard-earned wealth is protected by real value, not inflated promises.

Wall Street’s Days of Manipulation Are Over: The financial elites are finally being put in check. No longer will Wall Street have the power to rig markets or siphon wealth from the middle class. The rise of decentralized, asset-backed systems like tokenized gold ensures that real value is driving the market, not fabricated bubbles. You’ll have the power to invest in real assets, knowing the market can no longer be rigged against you.

Ports Flowing With Integrity: The East Coast port strike has opened the door to transparent and equitable supply chains. The days of backroom deals that created shortages and price hikes are over. Goods will now flow through the ports with fair labor practices, ensuring both workers and consumers benefit from a system built on trust and cooperation. You will finally see the true cost of goods reflect the value of fair and honest trade.

A Future For Your Children: The changes happening today will reverberate for centuries. These shifts aren’t just for us—they’re for future generations. Your children and grandchildren will inherit a world where truth, integrity, and fairness form the foundation of society. They’ll grow up in a country where opportunity and justice are the norm, not the exception.

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  They're talking about international.  I can't stress that enough...They're going to need an Article VIII complaint, Article XIV compliant currency with the IMF.  They're going to have to agree to those obligation and that would mean a change of exchange rate to a Real Effective Exchange Rate.  

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:
Special report on deleting the zeros.  They tried to tell us there are good reasons for it and there are bad reasons for it.  They are telling us 54 countries have done this in the past.  They are using that as an example for our monetary reform... FRANK:  Remove the cons and only pay attention to the pros...


Indonesia Accept China's Offer: BRICS is next?

Fastepo:  10-2-2024

Indonesia’s stature as a burgeoning economic and military heavyweight in Southeast Asia is increasingly capturing international attention.

The nation boasts the largest economy in the region, with a gross domestic product of $1.19 trillion in 2023, ranking 16th globally by nominal GDP. Forecasted to grow at 5% in 2024, Indonesia’s economic vigor is propelled by robust domestic consumption and extensive infrastructure investments.

In the same year, Foreign Direct Investment inflows totaled $47.5 billion, enhancing key industries such as metal goods and telecommunications.

In 2023, the Indonesian military comprised approximately 1.05 million personnel, including 400,000 active-duty members, 400,000 reserves, and 250,000 paramilitaries.

This comprehensive force structure allows Indonesia to maintain a robust defense posture across its extensive archipelago.


Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Thursday Morning 10-3-24


Militiaman: Iraq Dinar Update-Iraq Securities Exchange- Transform Iraq-Export Oil - Federal Court Guarantees -