News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Evening 4-14-2022


Tishwash:  Parliament announces the date of voting on the Food Security Law: reducing its allocations to 22 trillion dinars

The Parliamentary Finance Committee has set, today, Thursday, the date

for the House of Representatives to vote on the emergency support law for food security and development, while it indicated reducing its .allocations to 22 trillion dinars Committee member Ikhlas al-Dulaimi said, in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that "the House of Representatives will vote on the emergency support law for food security and development, after the Eid al-Fitr holiday, after completing the ".discussion and amendment of the law with the executive government agencies

Al-Dulaimi indicated that "it was agreed to reduce the allocations of the emergency support bill for food security and development, to 22 trillion dinars, instead of the government ceiling of 25 trillion dinars," noting that "the Finance Committee is continuing the discussion, and the coming days will witness intense meetings to complete the discussion of the law." between parliamentary committees with the .competent executive authorities   link


Tishwash:  Al-Zamili: We are looking forward to reactivating the Iraq agreement with Siemens to resolve the electricity crisis

The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hakim Al-Zamili, confirmed today, Wednesday, Iraq's aspiration to reactivate its agreement with the German company Siemens to resolve the electricity crisis.

And the media office of the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives stated in a statement received (Al-Oula News), that "Al-Zamili discussed in his office today with the German ambassador to Iraq Martin Jaeger and his accompanying delegation, ways of joint cooperation and enhancing investment opportunities to achieve common interests."

Al-Zamili pointed out, according to the statement, "the importance of working to consolidate bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, by introducing the largest possible number of German companies that enjoy a good and solid reputation in the Iraqi market," noting that "Iraq has promising opportunities during the current period in various economic sectors." Including industry, agriculture, electricity and the private sector.”

He added, "The state today is determined to take advantage of the rise in global oil prices to move towards revitalizing the investment map and developing the industrial and agricultural side."

Al-Zamili added that "this opens the door wide for German companies to enter forcefully to work within these frameworks, expressing Iraq's aspiration to reactivate the agreement with Siemens to resolve the electricity crisis, as well as intensify coordination to conclude new and effective agreements between the two sides  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Sandy Ingram  Article:  "Economic center warns of the repercussions of delayed budget approval"  as you know Iraq was not for the 3rd time able to elect a new government.  There is a serious problem that is occurring.  The budgets need approval by law and this will cause serious economic issues if the budget is not approved soon...the existing prime minister is calling on parliament to come together to make the necessary votes so they can continue on with business...


Iraqi Dinar update for 04/13/22 -Those are the teams

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Fed Warns of Housing LYNETTE ZANG


Have you seen the headlines? The same central banking oligarchs who consistently dump money into the economy, sending inflation on a rampage has issued a warning, and it’s made headlines everywhere. The Fed just published a very dire warning for the public. The warning that I'm talking about is around the real estate market.


0:00 Video Overview

0:36 Intro

1:24 Will Raising Rates Destroy Demand?

6:51 The Fed's Ultimate Goal

9:28 Interest Rates Surge Through Economy

18:19 Rent Control Is Back

23:18 Home Defaults Increasing

26:29 Tips from Lynette

30:47 Outro


7 Money Skills It’s Never Too Late To Learn


Why Won't Iraq Ever Elect a President?