News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 4-12-2022


Samson:  Foreign Minister to visit Tehran this week

04/11/2022 11:05:02

  The Iranian Foreign Ministry announced that Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein will visit Tehran this week.

Last Friday, Hussein discussed with his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, in a phone call, the latest steps taken within the framework of bilateral relations, and they stressed the need to speed up the implementation of all previous agreements between the two countries.

He invited Abdullahian Hussein to visit Iran.  LINK

Militiaman:  I wouldn't be surprised if there is some money to talk about, being the largest trade partner in the region... imo ~ MM

Clare:  Cabinet spokesman: The government will continue its work until a new government is formed

10:26 - 11/04/2022

Cabinet spokesman, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Hassan Nazim, confirmed that the government will continue its work in accordance with the law until a new government is formed.

Nazim said, "There are great difficulties and challenges in government work," noting that "the government has developed solutions to the problem of free lecturers and has taken decisions."

He added, "The government exercises its work in accordance with the law," stressing that "the government will continue its work until a new government is formed."  LINK  

Ryan1216:  Great article Clare. Can the current Khazemi government release the new rate? Will they? Time will tell.


Tuesday Morning Thoughts From Holly

Good morning roomies

We will see what happens this week. The news is positive, and I’ll leave it at that.  -Holly  


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 12 April 2022

Compiled Tues. 12 April 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 11 April MarkZ: “Word was that Bond Holders will be paid Tues. 12 April and Redemption Centers would be open later this week. Bond Buyers will now pay the Bond Holders direct instead of going through intermediaries who wanted to collect a fee.”

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could be notified at any time to set our appointments for bond redemption and foreign currency exchange at special rates at official Redemption Centers.

On Sun. 1 May the Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currency of 210 nations was expected to be announced. If so, by Mon. 2 May the general public could exchange currencies at the new International Rates.


13 March 2022 Basel 3, ISO20022, QFS, GESARA Update: Kirsten breaks down the history of our corrupt and broken financial system and explains how these new regulations are bringing transparency, legitimacy:

Read full post here:

Iraqi Dinar update for 04/11/22

Pimpy’s Investment Chat


Greg Mannarino:  4-11-2022


Here’s How Much Cash You Need Stashed if a National Emergency Happens


"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 4-12-2022