News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 5-17-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 17 May 2022

Compiled Tues. 17 May 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Reminder: No one, and I mean NO ONE, knows the exact time and date that the codes will be entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments. That will be decided from calculations made by the Military Quantum Computer and were based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

The gold-backed Chinese Yuan has replaced the fiat US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The King Pin of the GCR, Iraq, was told they could revalue their Dinar at any time.

Holly: Over the weekend certain things transpired to move the RV forward such as Bond redemptions in Tier One and Two being executed. This was huge and we should finally see the release.

Mon. 16 May MarkZ: All the new rates have now been set, we just don’t know them yet. Many contacts on multiple continents reported that some folks in those earlier tiers received real dollars over the weekend. Today Mon. 16 May there was an 11 am mtg in Reno to set redemption schedules.

MarkZ Moderator Estimated rates: Dong – $2.25 (up to $4.00?), Dinar – $6.00 (up to $11.00?), Zim – .30 (per million) without projects, higher rate with projects only for projects, Indo Rupiah $1.47.

At any time all Reno subgroups would have 100% access to new ISO 20022 USN accounts for immediate payout, while the Wells Fargo Group (formerly General 64) and Abbott Downing private invitations could start, along with Tier4B notification and appointment scheduling at 7,000 Redemption Centers.

Redemption Center Staff say this next week will be a great week for all of us.

The General Public would likely start around a week after Tier4B exchanges began, according to Bruce.


White Hat Intel:

Russia exited the Matrix first and was now almost completely financially free from the United States.

Now Russia has finally broken the Petrol-Dollar (Fiat Money). The US is now in an existential crisis and Europe will follow.

The dollar is (almost) bankrupt and the cry for regulation of Crypto Currencies by corrupt governments show the corruption and mutiny within the organized financial system bodies like the SEC revealing how Bitcoin and Ethereum are protected.

Russia has the Ruble which is fully backed by gold. India, China and Russia have long had a different monetary system apart from SWIFT.

It seems the time to flip the switch is very very close.

For so long we have speculated and predicted scenarios that would involve the Event and now Russia seems to lead the way out of the Matrix – leaving behind the corrupt financial system, the media, the internet.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan  "The Central Bank of Iraq 75 years in the face of economic challenges"   The take away I see is they have accomplished the necessary goals to get them to the advanced stage of going into a market economy...They have been taken out of the Gray area, removed from sanctions of Chapter VII, accomplished E-Government, E-Payments and Automated the borders and ports and increased revenues outside of oil... [Post 1 of 2...stay tuned]

MilitiaMan  When the Central Bank talks we should listen. They use the wording 'advanced stage' now.. They use the terms 'Market Economy' now.. Well, once Article VIII with a new rate they'll have the Entitlements and Food Security in the bag... Very promising and timely article. imo [Post 2 of 2]

Iraqi Dinar update for 05/16/22 - Sadr making threats

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:

Rafi Farber: The Dollar’s collapse has already begun

Arcadia Economics:  5-16-2022

While it’s easy to notice the rising dollar index and the falling #gold and #silver prices, when you look beneath the surface you can see that the #dollar’s collapse has actually already begun.

Because while the other paper #currencies may be melting down even faster than the dollar, that doesn’t mean that your dollar actually buys more stuff. Which Rafi Farber of The End Game Investor Report explains in today’s episode of the show, as well as what to think about the latest developments in the #stock, #bond, and #precious metals markets


"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 5-17-2022


Early Tuesday Iraq Economy News Highlights 5-17-22