News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 5-24-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 24 May 2023

Compiled Wed. 24 May 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Fall of the Central Banking System:

Banks across the Globe were going bankrupt and freezing customer accounts.

On Mon. 22 May 2023 JP Morgan Bank abruptly froze customer bank accounts without warning. “JPMorgan is “persistently” discriminating against its own clients and closing bank accounts without warning,” according to Republican Attorneys Generals from 19 states.

JPMorgan Abruptly Freezes Customers Bank Accounts | Dinar Chronicles 

Thurs. 1 June 2023 the US will be officially bankrupt with no money to pay federal employees, Social Security, or anything else.

On that same Thurs. 1 June 2023 FEDNOW will start with money transfers from one financial institution to another via implementation of ISO20022 or the International Payment System. This service will be conducted 24/7, but would be up to individual institutions to adopt the regime. …Goldilocks, Dinar Detectives

XRP XRL Quantum Financial System: XRP is the master key to access the XRL QFS. It runs at the speed of light. 100% gold/asset-backed. Runs on Star Link and un-hackable. The Stock Market won’t crash, it will be shut down, never to be reopened. The White Hats will protect the system until it shuts down and the QFS is activated.

It is only when we flip the switch that things will shift and we can start anew.

We go from SWIFT to QFS Quantum Financial System; from Bitcoin unregulated Cryptos backed by nothing to XRP backed by ISO metals.


 Tues. 23 May Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

On Tues. 23 May some Bond Holders received their deliveries

On Wed. 24 May Prosperity Packages and CMKX were scheduled to go out by Fed Ex, plus Bond Holders would have access to 1% of their accounts. US Treasury Helicopters will track those deliveries.

On Wed. 24 May the 800s could go out, along with notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) to obtain exchange appointments, with the ability to start exchanges on Thurs. 25 May.

On Wed. 24 May the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was to be made known.

That announcement could be followed by the EBS system activation – which would be the beginning of 12 days of Disclosure.


Hot Rumor: Internet to Go Down by Thursday | Dinar Chronicles

On Thurs. 25 May the Iraqi Parliament would make known their approval of the Budget which would include the new Iraqi Dinar rate.

Redemption Centers have been working and would continue to work until the middle of June

Restitution Allowance monies will go out either the first or last week in June.

Those 62 and older will receive a lump sum payment.

Teens through age 61 will be paid out in 13 months with the agreement that they would not quit their jobs, or if you’re not working, would obtain a job.

Social Security payments will go up quite drastically in the month of June.

Tues. 23 May MarkZ: A number of bond contacts have gone very quiet…one commented they were under an NDA now and they no longer have their bonds. Actually I have heard that from several people that they no longer have their bonds. I cannot in concrete confirm that anybody has received their dollars yet. But it is circling around that a lot based on how many people are quiet and how many people have said they have an NDA now and the handful that have said they don’t have their bonds anymore.

The Central Bank of Iraq de-pegged from the US Dollar on Tues. 16 May. On Thurs. 18 May their digital transactions (Visa, Master Card, Debit, Credit cards, ATMs) went dark in anticipation of activation of the new Dinar Rate. Iraq has told their citizens that their Credit and Debit cards that were embedded with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate, could be active the early part of this week. DINARES GURUS: Militia Man with Angel1- On the Past 7 days – Update

Read full osst here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  I would like to see Iraq un-peg their dinar from the US dollar and peg to the same basket that the Arab Monetary Fund uses...22 or 23 nations are involved in this organization and they all trade using their own special dinar.   That value is really high.  It's the SDR rate, which I think is 1.76 x 4.  That's how they figure out what the value of their [basket] dinar is worth. 

Frank26   Nothing is late.  It's actually on schedule.  Many people think this should have happened last month or at the beginning of the year...but they don't understand the logistics of what the CBI is doing with your [Iraq's] monetary reform.  You as a [Iraqi] citizen now understand.  You see the evidence...

This Trillion Dollar Disaster Is Unavoidable - We Must Prepare

Sean Foo:  5-24-2023

The debt ceiling disaster isn't just about the US defaulting, but a likelier risk of a trillion-dollar aftershock that could trigger another liquidity crisis.

 Here's why the US treasury itself could spark another bank run which could push the banking system to the brink of another collapse. Here's what you must know.

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 Here's The Real Risk

1:07 The Treasury Is Broke!

3:48 A Phantom Rate Hike Is Coming

6:29 Beware The Credit Crisis

8:57 Consumers Are In Pain

11:26 A Big Blindspot


"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday AM 5-24-2023


Zig’s Place Chatroom News & Chatter Tuesday Afternoon 5-23-23