OD, Sierra and X22 Friday AM 1-24-2020

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (1-24-20): "Flood"


 Operation Disclosure    RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 24, 2020

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

DECLAS is occurring in a "slow drip" manner which will eventually become a flood (mass unsealing of indictments).

The "storm" President Trump mentioned years ago is about to occur.

President Trump is expected to nominate Judy Shelton and Chris Waller to fill positions in the Federal Reserve.

Judy Shelton is known to be a supporter of the Gold Standard.

The Federal Reserve is expected to undergo reforms toward implementing an asset-backed monetary system rather than be abolished.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin is pushing to extend his presidency a little longer to ensure Russia makes it through the upcoming global financial transition.

Putin said in a recent speech, "We will be able to build a strong prosperous Russia only on the basis of respect for public opinion,".

However, Putin is receiving public backlash for his push to extend his presidency.

Also, banks in Turkey are now switching to a digital gold transfer system which signifies transition to asset-backed monetary systems.

According to recent intel, the QFS (Quantum Financial System) will act as an essential tool for the New Gold/Asset-backed Monetary System and will handle all payments for the upcoming redemption of currencies.


"New Q: Castle Clean" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.23.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:13 PM EST on January 23, 2020

There are several new Q drops. It's clear that the Alliance is now moving quickly in their destruction of the Deep State.


Phoenix at PIR has done an excellent video which includes a decode of Q drop number 3782...


Q drop number 3782 features a black and white photo of a stern POTUS, flanked by two Marine guards from the White House. Anons know Castle to be the White House. The text reads...

'Castle clean.'

Phoenix: 'The decode, nice and easy, within the immediate circle of POTUS and his family, it's clean...all the moles and coup plotters have been removed from the inner circle.'

Phoenix goes on to discuss Q drop number 3785....

The drop features a comment from an Anon on the boards, "Looking forward to that flood, sir!!"
Q responds by quoting from the now famous video of President Trump surrounded by his top military leaders in an Oval Room press event. President Trump says to the press, 'This is the calm before the storm.' A reporter asks him, 'What storm, Mr President?' POTUS responds, 'You'll see!'.

Q drop number 3785...

'"What storm, Mr President?"

"You'll see!" POTUS

Phoenix discusses the attempted coup of POTUS (at 4' on video). He quotes Lyndsay Graham telling the press, "The Democrats came to me privately and wanted me to railroad the President of the United States."

Phoenix gives some in depth fascinating information about the astrological energies for the 24th and 25th January. The 24th is Chinese New Years Eve, which is a bigger deal than New Years Day according to a Chinese friend. Phoenix reminds us that Chinese New Year is the start of the new financial year in China.

He says that it is the New Moon on 24th January, and also that two VERY important planets which have been invisible become VISIBLE on 24th - Mercury and Jupiter.

Mercury has been behind the Sun. It was invisible while the Democrats presented their impeachment case. Mercury becomes visible on 24th when the Republicans present their case. Mercury is the plane of information/communication. It moves quickly so the truth will come out fast now.

Jupiter is the planet of blessings, abundance, money and wealth. It, too, has been invisible, and will be visible from 24th. Phoenix says that the combination of Mercury and Jupiter BOTH becoming visible on the same day - along with a New Moon and Chinese New Years Eve - shows potential for great economic news.

As Phoenix says, it doesn't mean that we will necessarily see the news on the actual day. The current powerful energy wave has stages - incoming, cresting then receding. The good economic news could come at any point during that process.

I would recommend that we follow Phoenix's usual advice, 'Be of good cheer'. There is a lot of positive global activity taking place, including confirmation of Brexit - and we are still only in January!

Remember, this is a movie, a show. The Q drops give multiple examples of 'Future proves the past', indicating the complexity of the Alliance 'long game'. We are finally at Stage Four. The game is coming to its conclusion.

'There is no Stage Five.'

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)



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