Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Nov. 22, 2019

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 22 2019

Compiled 22 Nov. 2019 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid.

Judy Note on the Global Currency Reset:

Bruce: Tier 3s started to be paid out yesterday Wed. 20 Nov. and completed at 3 am EST this morning Thurs. 21 Nov. Tier 4 could use the toll free number or receive an email from Wells Fargo for information on how to set appointments. This morning Thurs. 21 Nov. at 3 am to 4 am we were put on high, high alert as the Pentagon was now in control of the release. We could get the 800#s anywhere from late tomorrow night Fri. 22 Nov. onward.

MarkZ: Most sources reported that the release was now set for an exact time and they would have liquidity by Tues. 26 Nov., meaning the 800#s should likely be out on Mon. 25 Nov., while Iraqi contacts claimed the reset would happen on Sun. 24 Nov. (which would be Mon. morning 25 Nov. EST). China announced they were going to asset-backed digital currency within days.

Bankers: have been told that the green light has been turned on for the GCR; the reset of 209 world currencies could not be stopped and would occur before Thanksgiving Thurs. 28 Nov.

Restored Republic: Evidently several arrests of high profile individuals were made last Tues. 19 Nov. – one of whom could have been former US President Bill Clinton . Intel within the over 140,000 sealed indictments filed on political and global elites in federal courts across the nation began their exposure the next day on Wed. 20 Nov. with the story of the death of an ex police investigator who spoke out on Child Trafficking and CIA Mind Control.

On that Wed. 20 Nov. it was reported that investigative reporter and retired police officer Jenny Moore was found dead on 16 Aug. 2018, just weeks after reporting Bill Clinton to the FBI and Department of Homeland Security for allegedly raping a boy in a Satanic ceremony where other global elites were present and children were raped, tortured and presumably killed. As a whistleblower Ms. Moore was many times targeted, assaulted and threatened for speaking out on Child and Organ Trafficking, Pedophilia, the CIA and their Black Budget for the MKULTRA NAZI and child-based Mind Control program.

The explosive FISA Abuse Report, the investigation of which began with recovery of Hillary Clinton emails and private server, was scheduled to be released on 9 Dec. according to Fox News. The author, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, would testify on the report before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wed. 11 Dec.

A. Nov. 21 2019 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. Tier 4A core groups were now considered Tier 3s because their rates were pre-negotiated. The Internet Group (us) was considered Tier 4 because we had the opportunity to receive private negotiated rates.

2. Tier 3s started to be paid out yesterday and completed at 3 am EST this morning, receiving 10-20% of their funds. The rest of their funds would be paid out when Tier 4 was paid.

3. Tier 4 could use the toll free number or receive an email from Wells Fargo for information on how to set their appointments.

4. This morning Thurs. 21 Nov. at 3 am to 4 am we were put on high, high alert. The Pentagon was in control of the release.

5. Since this morning Thurs. 21 Nov. at 9 am to tomorrow at 9 am we were in a Group Clarification to make sure there were no crossovers between Tiers 1, 2, 3 and Tier 4.

6. Prosperity Package receivers were vetted, although those who were in that category recently have to be vetted. After that happens, we should be a go.

7. We could get the 800#s anywhere from late tomorrow night Fri. 22 Nov. on.

8. All the new rates were solid on the front bank screens.


B. Nov. 21 2019 Evening Chat with MarkZ:

1. Most sources believed they would have liquidity in their accounts on Tues. 26 Nov., so the 800#s would likely be out on Mon. 25 Nov.

2. Iraqi sources were hearing that the reset would be on Sun. 24 Nov.


C. Nov. 21 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ:

1. My news out of Zurich was that now they were expecting their funds the first of next week, and it’s supposed to be an absolute set time.

2. Contacts out of Iraq claim the reset would happen on Sun. 24 Nov. (which would be Mon. morning 25 Nov. EST).

3. I am not expecting to see anything now until Mon/Tues next week Nov. 25, 26.

4. A military contact said that they were now in charge of the roll-out for the US. Trump turned it over to the military now and its out of his hands.

5. The Central banks of Iraq, China, Japan and Russia have become some of the largest holders of Gold bullion.We have the new Quantum Financial Banking System and the computer power to handle the GCR now.

6. Iraq, Zimbabwe, Hungary, Japan and others have already announced they have an asset/gold backed digital currency and China announced they were going to asset-backed digital currency within days.

D. Nov. 21 2019 1:30 am EST: SGTReport -- John Barbour: JFK, Trump, and the Deep State


E. Interesting Fact: Beginning with Deutsch Bank in Germany, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America were the largest holders of high-risk derivatives.


G. The Crown is Owned and Operated by the Roman Cult (and Has Been Since 1213):


H. Research Resources:

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA; Support POTUS; Follow Q; Trust Plan

Q: We have it all. A Traitors Justice Episode 8 (HD):
Q: We Are The Plan:

A coup against Trump by Barak Obama:
The impeachment narrative, Glen Beck:

President Trump’s Twitter:
President Trump’s Email:
President Trump was Q:

Q Tweets: Q Posts:
Q Posts Twitter: Q Website:

JFK Jr. Twitter:
George’s (JF Kennedy Jr.?) Email: George@The CollectiveQ
George The Collective Twitter:

EyeTheSpy Twitter:
Captain Field McConnell aka Abel Danger Website:
The US Department of Justice:

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles



MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 11-22-19


News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Morning 11-22-19