Saturday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-25-22

Saturday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-25-22

A Deputy From Barzani's Party: Our Alliance Is Firm With Sovereignty

Political | 09:59 - 06/25/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, a representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc, Tohma al-Lahibi, said, on Saturday, that the vote of the alternative representatives "gave new hope for the beginning of another step towards forming the government," and that all political blocs are looking forward to a new government that "serves the interest of all Iraqis."

Al-Luhaibi added in a statement to the official newspaper, that "the democratic alliance is firm with sovereignty, while the alliance with other political blocs is based on consensus, balance and partnership, and if there is an agreement in accordance with these principles, we will certainly proceed to form the government with the coordinating framework."

He continued, "All political blocs have demands, and these will be proven by negotiations on alliances, and the result that comes out must depend on consensus, balance and partnership, and if the negotiations proceed in this way, the government will be formed."

Parliamentary Efforts To Legislate A New Electoral Law

Political | 10:16 - 06/25/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, a member of the House of Representatives, Sherif Suleiman, considered today, Saturday, that "it is self-evident" to change the law after the end of each electoral process.

Suleiman added in an interview with the official "Al-Sabah" newspaper, which was followed by Mawazine News, that "all electoral laws have negatives and positives, so the House of Representatives seeks to change the electoral law to serve the next stage," noting that there is an effort to legislate a new electoral law

. In his speech, Member of Parliament Jassem Atwan Al-Moussawi accused the Electoral Commission of “the reasons for the blockage in the political process,”

and continued, “The commission made a big mistake in the recent elections, especially in the normal electoral dues for each bloc, as there are voters in a bloc whose number is double. Those who are in another block, however, we see that they have the same seats, which confirms that there are errors in the mechanism in this system.”

He pointed out that "everyone is determined not to go back and to the same mistakes, by enacting a law that is in the interest of everyone and cannot lead to a political blockage." Ended 29/N33

Hoshyar Zebari: "The Militia Forces" In Baghdad Are Trying To Bring Kurdistan To Its Knees

Political | 11:37 - 06/24/2022   Kurdistan - Mawazine News   On Friday, a member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Hoshyar Zebari, accused forces in Baghdad, which he described as "militia," of trying to bring the Kurdistan region to its knees.

This came during a change of Zebari via Twitter, which was followed by / Mawazine News /, in commenting on the missile bombing that targeted the Khormore field, where the headquarters of the Emirati Dana Gas Company is located in the Sulaymaniyah Governorate, and the attack that targeted a facility belonging to the Dana Gas Company is the second this week, as the surroundings were exposed. The company - where the Khormore field is located - to a similar attack two days ago.

This was preceded by repeated attacks on an oil well in the town of Khabat, west of Erbil, and these attacks did not result in casualties or damage. No party has yet claimed responsibility for the two attacks, however, the Kurdistan Region often blames Iraqi "outlaw" groups. ".

Zebari wrote on his Twitter account, saying that these attacks show that "the militia forces in Baghdad do not differentiate between the two provinces," referring to Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. Ended 29/R77

Source: The Formation Of A "Component Government" After Eid And Shiites' Eyes Are Looking For The Sadrist Ministries

Posted On2022-06-25 By Sotaliraq   Today, Friday, a parliamentary source revealed the formation of the new government after the Eid al-Adha holiday, and while indicating that it will be a government of “component quotas,” he confirmed the anticipation of political blocs outside the Shiite house of the ministries of the Sadrist movement after the resignation of his deputies and the blood of their participation in the next government.

The source, who asked not to be named, said that "the date agreed upon by the political blocs to form the government is set after the Eid al-Adha holiday."

The source added that "the government will take the title of the components' entitlement, or rather the quota itself, that is, for each component, quotas from ministries and positions are known, and agreement is being made between the component blocs themselves to share positions and nominate names that will be agreed upon among themselves."

The source pointed out that “the blocs of the components will benefit from this time to reach an understanding among themselves in order to share the spoils,” noting that the blocs outside the Shiite house are looking at the ministries that were part of the Sadrist movement’s share and awaiting how they will be distributed after the framework became the master of the Shiite position after the withdrawal of the movement Al-Sadr and his deputies resign.

The State of Law coalition, one of the most important forces of the comprehensive coordinating framework for Shiite forces, confirmed, yesterday, Thursday, that they are in the process of accelerating the procedures for forming the largest bloc, after deciding to nominate the replacements of the Sadrist bloc’s deputies who resigned from Parliament.

Yesterday, Thursday, the Iraqi Council of Representatives held an extraordinary session to take the constitutional oath of the newly resigned representatives of the Sadrist bloc, and 64 out of 73 deputies took the oath, as 9 deputies did not attend the session.

And Ahmed Al-Asadi, the representative of the coordination framework, had announced earlier yesterday, Thursday, the approval of the political blocs to proceed with the formation of the new federal government, according to the principle of “partnership, balance, and consensus,” which are the conditions announced by Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani.

The Kurdish leader, Massoud Barzani, had announced, the day before yesterday, Wednesday, that the Kurdistan Region requires its participation in the next federal government, the commitment of the Iraqi political parties to the three principles of "partnership, balance, and consensus."    LINK

The Crisis Continues.. Al-Hakim And Al-Abadi Propose A New Initiative: A Transitional Phase That Ends With Elections  

Shafaq News / The Alliance of National State Forces, headed by Ammar al-Hakim, head of the Wisdom Movement and former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, announced today, Friday, a political initiative to manage the next stage, and while it indicated that the crisis is still ongoing, it confirmed that the next transitional stage ends with new elections with the formation of a "governance equation". Moderation to be reassured by the "participating and non-participating political forces" in the government.

In the text of the initiative received by Shafaq News Agency, the coalition said that "the Iraqi reality, today, is very complex, dangerous and open-ended, and it is not controlled or coherent, and the actors in it are many, and conflicting to the point of contradiction, and any new failure this time will lead to unconventional scenarios," noting that " The real challenge is not to form a judgment equation whatever it is, but rather to its type that is able to maintain it, and staying here is related to the nature of the factors that produce the judgment equation, and to the ability of the judgment equation to deal with the various challenges by their nature and actors.

And the coalition warned that "considering the crisis is over and working with the mentality of victory, it is a mistake and the crisis exists, and it is also wrong to build the next on the basis of the present fords of disagreement, conflict, and engagement, and the next on the basis of a permanent constitutional stage. An exclusionary ruling equation will deepen the feeling of loss and injustice."

The coalition added that "producing the equation of the next ruling on a factional, personal, narrow or adventurous basis, and not taking into account the labors, repercussions and reactions of the influential forces, is a mistake. Not being keen on being qualitative, serious and surprising, is also a mistake, as a ruling equation is capable of restoring the confidence of political forces, reassuring the street, and achieving a qualitative achievement, even at the minimum level.

And the State Forces Alliance stated that “stiffness or flexibility in managing the stage is a mistake, for rigidity alone leads to contradiction and refraction, and flexibility alone leads to weakness.

Loss and what is required are rigidity and flexibility with wisdom, appreciation, responsibility and determination at the same time, in dealing with thorny and dangerous issues,” noting that “relying on The international community alone is wrong, because it does not provide solutions.

The world is preoccupied with itself and ignoring its convictions is also unsound, and we need plans, projects and local visions to succeed and continue to implement them, not vacillation and stagnation, and able to win the world’s trust.

The coalition added that "betting on academic knowledge only and ignoring leadership ability and crisis management is a mistake, because to confront and manage crises we need leadership with vision, experience, will and realistic ability to make the state project succeed and save the system," noting that "the pillars of the governance equation are neither victor nor loser, and all A winner, painful concessions while preserving principles, neutralizing the next stage, the transition of the next stage, the transfer of major controversial files and collective management.

The State Forces Alliance pointed out that “the ruling equation, given that the next phase is transitional, ends with new elections, the duration of which is agreed upon, and the formation of a balanced, moderate governance equation, a place of international regional acceptance, and a place of reassurance for the participating and non-participating political forces in the government, in order to guarantee the unity of the national ranks and the basic tasks of the next government.

He pointed out that “administering the transitional period that ends with new elections, to restore the street’s confidence in the political system, and to ensure qualitative achievements regarding files of corruption, security, services or sovereignty, and to declare principles reassuring (and attractive) inside and outside by the government-forming forces, for important and thorny files, and as support for to the government.”

The Alliance of State Forces noted that "the specifications of the leadership of governance, which are the scientific and political qualifications associated with expertise, competence, integrity, practical experience, and leadership represent a state of reassurance for the participating and non-participating political forces in the government and national neutrality on the basis of non-alignment, political balance and regional and international acceptability, to ensure the creation of a supportive environment and environment and government performance.

Not biased to any political party, with written pledges and commitment to a political reference for the government that determines public policy and strategic issues   LINK

He Called For New Elections.. Qais Khazali: Forming A Government With The Absence Of The Sadrists Is Not Possible

Shafaq News/ The Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, ruled out forming a new government after the Sadrist movement withdrew from the political process, calling for a political agreement to re-elections.

Khazali said in an interview with elites and analysts, which was followed by Shafak News Agency, commenting on the resignation of the Sadrist bloc's deputies, that "the defect is now deeper and more complex, and it is not possible to form a government in calm conditions and it can succeed."

He added, "I call for a political agreement to re-election after amending the electoral law, canceling electronic voting and making important changes in the commission."

This comes  in the wake of an extraordinary parliamentary session held by the Parliament, headed by Muhammad al-Halbousi, and attended by 202 deputies, which saw 64 new deputies take the constitutional oath, instead of the Sadrist bloc's deputies who resigned last week in response to an invitation from the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr.   LINK

Al-Maliki's Coalition Intensifies Its Movement To Announce The Largest Bloc And Form The Government

Shafaq News/ The State of Law coalition, one of the most important forces of the comprehensive coordinating framework for Shiite forces, confirmed on Thursday that they are in the process of accelerating the procedures for forming the largest bloc after naming the replacements of the Sadrist bloc's representatives who resigned from Parliament.

The representative of the coalition, inside Al-Hamidi, told Shafaq News Agency, "The parliament session that was held today in the presence of more than 200 deputies witnessed the constitutional oath of 64 new deputies (the biggest loser from the reserve lists) and the absence of about nine others for unknown reasons."

He pointed out that "the coordinating framework will accelerate its movement to hold intensive meetings with all parliamentarians, especially the replacements, most of whom come from the same (Shiite) component to form and announce the largest bloc, in addition to resolving understandings with the rest of the political parties to agree on forming the new government."

Al-Hamidi added, "After that, the enactment of laws that affect the citizen will begin, the most important of which is approving the general budget for the current year, in addition to preventing violations and violations here and there, as well as promoting the service reality and other files of common interest."

To this, a parliamentary source confirmed, to Shafaq News Agency, that "the session to choose an alternative for the first deputy speaker of the House of Representatives has not yet been determined, as the alternative has not yet been agreed upon, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to refer to the Sadrist movement if it is agreed to name an alternative, to obtain To bless the Sadrist movement and accept it as an important position in the legislative institution.”

Today, Thursday, the Iraqi Council of Representatives held an extraordinary session to swear the constitutional oath of the new replacements for the resigned Sadrist bloc MPs.

Earlier today, Ahmed Al-Asadi, deputy for the coordination framework, announced the approval of the political blocs to proceed with the formation of the new federal government, according to the principle of "partnership, balance, and consensus", which are the conditions announced by Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani.

Al-Asadi said in a statement to the blocs, read out in the House of Representatives today, that the political blocs agreed to proceed with the formation of a national government in accordance with the principle of balance, consensus and partnership that achieves the aspirations of the people, respects constitutional principles, and works to resolve differences between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, legislate the oil and gas law, return the liberated and poorest areas, and provide Job opportunities for youth and imposing the prestige of the state on everyone.

In his statement, Al-Asadi stressed the importance of the current stage and pledged that solutions would be at the level of the challenges, expressing the responsibility of the forces participating in forming the government to confront the challenges entrusted to them, in addition to reminding them of their respect for the decision of the Sadrist blocs.

On Wednesday, Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani announced that the Kurdistan Region requires its participation in the next federal government to abide by the three principles of "partnership, balance, and consensus" by the Iraqi political parties.   LINK


Watch Out For the Coming Black Swan Event !!


"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 6-25-2022