Your Money & Investments: The Bait and Switch Ponzi Scheme-Lynette Zang
Your Money & Investments: The Bait and Switch Ponzi Scheme
Lynette Zang: 7-6-2023
For those of you with friends or family who have been convinced that there's nothing wrong with the economy or that the US dollar is stable and "everything's going to be okay"...this video is for you. Because what appears to be stocks in the green is actually just the insiders getting out and selling to people who don't know any better.
In fact the insiders have already gotten out...they've sold to the institutional investors who bought in at nosebleed levels on your behalf -IRAs, 401Ks 403Bs, Pensions, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Variable Annuities, and on and on.
It's no different than a bait-and-switch Ponzi scheme that makes you believe it's working until it completely falls apart. These wealth transfers happen before the problems become obvious to the public.
If you do your research you'll see it's already happened countless times throughout history. If you don't see it on TV it doesn't mean it's not happening, there just hiding it from you.
What happens next is it gets too expensive to hide, then the obvious crisis hits and it's too late for everyone waiting.
Don't be the person waiting. I'll explain everything they're not telling you and how you avoid the trap that most of the public is already falling into...coming up!
0:00 It's Already Happening
2:34 Bond Traders Declaring Death of Forward Guidance
5:37 Hawkish Pause
10:09 The Fed's Credibility Issue
12:02 Jerome Powell Believers?
15:47 Global Mess
17:20 Saudis Turning Their Back
18:49 Don't Use QE
24:08 Confidence in Major Institutions