Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: The Basel 3 “Endgame” Explained – Not the RV/GCR Event We’ve Been Led to Believe


The Basel 3 “Endgame” Explained – Not the RV/GCR Event We’ve Been Led to Believe

On July 28, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

There’s been much hype in GCR Land about the Basel 3 “Endgame”. It’s been framed as a turning point in Our GCR as much as SOFR and FedNow were. Yet here we are, still waiting for anything significant to change.

Unfortunately, and with much disservice to our GCR Land community, many RV/GCR “information providers” throw these terms and events out there with little explanation or context. In the end, all this does is place additional confusion and anxiety onto an already difficult GCR landscape. This is unfortunate, so let’s figure this out together without the Hopium or hype.


The Basel 3 “Endgame” Explained – Not the RV/GCR Event We’ve Been Led to Believe

On July 28, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

There’s been much hype in GCR Land about the Basel 3 “Endgame”. It’s been framed as a turning point in Our GCR as much as SOFR and FedNow were. Yet here we are, still waiting for anything significant to change.

Unfortunately, and with much disservice to our GCR Land community, many RV/GCR “information providers” throw these terms and events out there with little explanation or context. In the end, all this does is place additional confusion and anxiety onto an already difficult GCR landscape. This is unfortunate, so let’s figure this out together without the Hopium or hype.

So What is the Basel 3 “Endgame” All About?

Regulatory agencies have recently unveiled a proposal to fortify the banking system by making modifications to capital requirements for large banks. This substantial endeavor, known as the Basel III endgame, seeks to increase the strength and resilience of the financial sector. By better reflecting underlying risks and enhancing risk measurement consistency, the proposal aims to safeguard against future turmoil and ensure a more stable banking environment.

Why the Word “Endgame”?

The term “endgame” is used to describe the final phase or iteration of the Basel III regulatory framework. It signifies that the proposed changes represent the culmination of a long process that began after the global financial crisis of 2007-2009.

The initial Basel III standards were implemented to address weaknesses in the banking system that were exposed during the crisis. Over the years, regulators have worked to refine and enhance these standards, leading to the development of the Basel III endgame.

The term “endgame” suggests that the proposed changes in the endgame phase are the last set of modifications needed to achieve the desired objectives of Basel III. It signifies that regulatory agencies believe the proposed adjustments will provide the necessary strength and resilience to the banking system, effectively concluding the regulatory efforts that started after the financial crisis.

In essence, “endgame” is a term used to indicate that the proposed changes represent the final stage of a comprehensive regulatory process, aimed at solidifying the banking system and reducing the likelihood of future financial crises.

The Basel 3 Endgame has had a Long Timeline

  • 2007-2009: The global financial crisis occurs, prompting the need for regulatory reforms.

  • 2017: The final iteration of Basel III, known as the Basel III endgame, is agreed upon.

  • 2018-Today: Proposal Comment Period: Stakeholders and the public have an opportunity to provide comments on the proposal, allowing for feedback and refinement. Regulatory agencies collect data and analyze feedback to further refine and assess the impact of the proposed changes.

  • November 30, 2023: The comment period for the Basel III endgame proposal closes, marking the deadline for submitting comments.

  • 2023-2025: Banks start preparing for the implementation of the proposed changes, ensuring compliance with the new requirements.

  • July 1, 2025: Large banks begin transitioning to the new framework outlined in the Basel III endgame proposal.

  • July 1, 2028: Full compliance with the new framework is expected to be achieved by this date, marking the completion of the Basel III endgame.

The Basel 3 Endgame in Non-Financial Terms

In simpler terms, the Basel III endgame proposal is a comprehensive plan to strengthen the banking system and make it more resilient. By implementing modifications to capital requirements and risk measurement, regulators intend to ensure that banks are better prepared to weather financial downturns. The proposal aims to create a safer financial environment, reducing the likelihood of future banking crises and promoting stability in the global economy.

By adhering to a standardized framework and considering the risks associated with various activities, regulators aim to create a more stable banking environment, ultimately benefiting the overall economy and safeguarding against future financial turmoil.

Sidebar: Basel 3 General Details

The Basel III endgame is the final iteration of the Basel III regulatory framework, which was established by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision following the global financial crisis of 2007-2009. Here are key details about the endgame proposal:

  1. Purpose: The proposal aims to increase the strength and resilience of the banking system by modifying large bank capital requirements to better reflect underlying risks and improve risk measurement consistency.

  2. Applicability: The proposed changes primarily apply to banks with $100 billion or more in total assets, while community banks are exempt.

  3. Capital Framework Standardization: The proposal seeks to standardize aspects of the capital framework related to credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and financial derivative risk.

  4. Inclusion of Unrealized Gains and Losses: Banks would be required to include unrealized gains and losses from certain securities in their capital ratios.

  5. Supplementary Leverage Ratio and Countercyclical Capital Buffer: The proposal introduces the supplementary leverage ratio and the countercyclical capital buffer, if activated.

  6. Estimated Impact: The proposed improvements are estimated to result in an aggregate 16 percent increase in common equity tier 1 capital requirements for affected bank holding companies. The effects would primarily affect the largest and most complex banks, with variations based on their activities and risk profiles.

  7. Transition Provisions: The proposal includes transition provisions to allow banks sufficient time to adapt to the changes while minimizing adverse impacts.

Now you know – and knowledge is Power.

Related Awake-In-3D Articles:

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Clarifying the Basel III Accords – History, Key Banking Changes, and Impact on Physical Gold


Clarifying the Basel III Accords – History, Key Banking Changes, and Impact on Physical Gold

On July 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Did Basel 3 just asset-back all bank balance sheets, connect to the QFS and bring forth Our GCR? Of course not.

The Basel III Accords, developed as a response to the 2008 financial crisis, have significantly reshaped the global banking sector. This regulatory framework introduces key changes such as increased capital requirements, liquidity standards, and leverage ratios to enhance the stability and resilience of banks.

Notably, Basel III reclassifies physical gold as a Tier 1 asset, recognizing its liquidity and stability. However, it does not directly impact the asset-backing of fiat currencies. While many countries have adopted or are in the process of implementing Basel III, the specific timelines and extent of implementation may vary.


Clarifying the Basel III Accords – History, Key Banking Changes, and Impact on Physical Gold

On July 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Did Basel 3 just asset-back all bank balance sheets, connect to the QFS and bring forth Our GCR? Of course not.

The Basel III Accords, developed as a response to the 2008 financial crisis, have significantly reshaped the global banking sector. This regulatory framework introduces key changes such as increased capital requirements, liquidity standards, and leverage ratios to enhance the stability and resilience of banks.

Notably, Basel III reclassifies physical gold as a Tier 1 asset, recognizing its liquidity and stability. However, it does not directly impact the asset-backing of fiat currencies. While many countries have adopted or are in the process of implementing Basel III, the specific timelines and extent of implementation may vary.

Overall, Basel III aims to fortify the banking system, foster financial stability, and redefine the role of physical gold as a strategic component of banks’ balance sheets.

History of Basel Accords

The Basel Accords take their name from the city of Basel, Switzerland, where the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is headquartered. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), a global banking supervisory body, developed these international regulatory standards to promote financial stability.

Basel I, implemented in 1988, focused on credit risk and introduced minimum capital requirements for banks. Basel II, introduced in 2004, aimed to refine and strengthen the original framework by taking into account market risk and operational risk. However, the 2008 financial crisis exposed several shortcomings of Basel II, leading to the development of Basel III.

Key Changes Implemented by Basel III Accords

1. Capital Requirements: Basel III increased the minimum capital requirements for banks, emphasizing high-quality capital reserves to enhance their ability to absorb losses during economic downturns. Banks are now required to maintain a common equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio of at least 4.5% of their risk-weighted assets.

2. Liquidity Standards: Basel III introduced new liquidity requirements to ensure banks have sufficient liquid assets to meet their short-term obligations. The Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) mandates that banks maintain a minimum level of high-quality liquid assets to cover potential outflows during a 30-day stress period.

3. Leverage Ratio: The accords introduced a non-risk-based leverage ratio to limit excessive borrowing and prevent overleveraging. Banks must maintain a minimum leverage ratio of 3%, which is the ratio of Tier 1 capital to the bank’s total exposure.

Basel III and Physical Gold

Basel III’s impact on physical gold is a notable aspect to consider. Under the previous regulations, gold assets held by banks were classified as Tier 3 assets, which had a higher risk weighting and required higher capital reserves. This discouraged banks from holding physical gold on their balance sheets.

However, Basel III made a significant change by reclassifying physical gold as a Tier 1 asset. This means that gold held in the form of bullion or unallocated gold accounts with trusted counterparties can now be considered as high-quality liquid assets. As a result, banks are now incentivized to hold physical gold, as it contributes to their liquidity and capital requirements.

The reclassification of physical gold as a Tier 1 asset acknowledges its historical role as a safe-haven asset and recognizes its liquidity and stability. This change not only boosts the demand for physical gold but also enhances its status as a viable investment option.

Basel III Impact on Asset Backing of Currencies

Basel III does not have a direct impact on the asset-backing of fiat currencies.

The accords primarily focus on regulating the banking sector by establishing capital and liquidity requirements, and they do not address the specific backing or value of currencies issued by central banks. The asset-backing of fiat currencies is determined by the monetary policy and practices of individual central banks. These policies often involve factors such as economic stability, inflation targets, and the confidence and trust in the issuing central bank. While Basel III may indirectly impact the stability of banking systems and overall financial markets, it does not directly influence the asset-backing of fiat currencies.


The Basel III Accords represent a comprehensive regulatory framework designed to strengthen the global banking sector and prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis. With increased capital requirements, liquidity standards, and leverage ratios, Basel III aims to bolster the resilience of banks and mitigate systemic risks. Moreover, the reclassification of physical gold as a Tier 1 asset under Basel III highlights the importance of this precious metal as a store of value and a strategic component of banks’ balance sheets. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, understanding the implications of regulatory frameworks like Basel III becomes increasingly crucial for investors and financial institutions alike.


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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Elon Musk’s Financial Revolution – Could ’X’ Disrupt Fiat Payment Systems?


Elon Musk’s Financial Revolution – Could ’X’ Disrupt Fiat Payment Systems?

On July 25, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In CBDCs and Digital Finance

Elon Musk’s X platform is set to revolutionize the global financial landscape, offering users the power to conduct their entire financial world within a single app. With ambitions to encompass half of the global financial system, X could disrupt traditional banking and payments, introducing a new era of decentralized transactions and financial inclusivity.

As the X platform emerges from Twitter’s rebranding, it promises a comprehensive integration of social networking, messaging, banking, payments, and more, resembling China’s influential WeChat.

This development could create a significant shift in the way we navigate the financial realm as X unleashes its potential to reshape the world of fiat currency.


Elon Musk’s Financial Revolution – Could ’X’ Disrupt Fiat Payment Systems?

On July 25, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In CBDCs and Digital Finance

Elon Musk’s X platform is set to revolutionize the global financial landscape, offering users the power to conduct their entire financial world within a single app. With ambitions to encompass half of the global financial system, X could disrupt traditional banking and payments, introducing a new era of decentralized transactions and financial inclusivity.

As the X platform emerges from Twitter’s rebranding, it promises a comprehensive integration of social networking, messaging, banking, payments, and more, resembling China’s influential WeChat.

This development could create a significant shift in the way we navigate the financial realm as X unleashes its potential to reshape the world of fiat currency.

The X payment platform has the potential to exist outside of the current financial infrastructure by leveraging innovative technologies and decentralized systems. By incorporating features like blockchain technology and digital currencies, X could provide users with direct peer-to-peer transactions, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries such as banks or payment processors.

This decentralized nature could enable faster, more secure, and cost-effective transactions, while also offering greater financial inclusion to individuals who may not have access to traditional banking services. Additionally, by integrating various financial services within the platform, X could create a self-contained ecosystem for users to manage their finances, reducing reliance on traditional financial institutions.

Key points supporting the implications for the global fiat currency financial system:

  1. Twitter’s rebranding to X, led by Elon Musk, is part of a larger plan to incorporate financial services on the platform.

  2. Elon Musk hinted that users can expect to conduct their “entire financial world” on the X platform in the coming months.

  3. Musk’s X Corp enterprise acquired Twitter to advance the development of his “everything app,” which will also be called “X.”

  4. Musk envisions X as an “everything app” that includes social networking, messaging, video, content, banking, payments, and data.

  5. If executed correctly, X has the potential to encompass “half of the global financial system,” similar to China’s WeChat super app.

  6. Musk has been advocating for integrating financial services onto the platform since acquiring Twitter in October 2022.

Overall, the introduction of X as an all-encompassing platform with integrated financial services implies a potential disruption to the global fiat currency financial system, as users could conduct various financial activities within a single app potentially outside of central bank and government control and surveillance.

Source Reference:

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Part 1: The Historical Context Europe’s Preparations for a Return to a Gold-Backed Currency System


Europe’s Gold Agreement and Plans for a Gold Standard Currency (Part 1)

On July 25, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Part 1: The Historical Context

Europe’s Preparations for a Return to a Gold-Backed Currency System

Step back in time to the early 1970s when a momentous decision altered the global financial landscape forever. As the U.S. unpegged the dollar from gold, signaling the end of the Bretton Woods system, Europe embarked on a different path—one that has been veiled in secrecy and strategic maneuvering for decades.


Europe’s Gold Agreement and Plans for a Gold Standard Currency (Part 1)

On July 25, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Part 1: The Historical Context

Europe’s Preparations for a Return to a Gold-Backed Currency System

Step back in time to the early 1970s when a momentous decision altered the global financial landscape forever. As the U.S. unpegged the dollar from gold, signaling the end of the Bretton Woods system, Europe embarked on a different path—one that has been veiled in secrecy and strategic maneuvering for decades.

Unbeknownst to many, European countries have been diligently preparing for a return to a gold-backed currency system, countering the dollar hegemony and shaping a new equitable financial order. In this gripping account, we delve into the hidden world of European Gold Currency preparations, uncovering carefully orchestrated efforts to equalize gold reserves, strategic gold allocations, and public endorsements of gold as a safe haven.

The evidence points to a powerful conclusion: Europe stands well-prepared for a return to the golden standard, and the implications for the global monetary system are profound.


The early 1970s marked a pivotal moment in the history of the global financial system. As the United States unilaterally severed the link between the dollar and gold, dismantling the Bretton Woods system, the world embarked on an uncertain journey toward a new monetary landscape.

Amidst this turbulence, a hidden and lesser-known story was unfolding in the corridors of power in Europe. Unbeknownst to many, European countries were not merely spectators in this grand financial transformation—they were secretly laying the groundwork for a momentous shift of their own. For decades, behind closed doors, Europe had been engaged in strategic preparations to return to a gold-backed currency system, countering the dollar hegemony and forging a new equitable financial order.

In this revealing account, we unearth the extraordinary efforts undertaken by European central banks, from equalizing gold reserves to promoting gold ownership, and explore the unmistakable signals pointing towards a return to the golden standard. The implications of Europe’s well-prepared stance reach far beyond its borders, hinting at a significant transformation in the global monetary system and a potential surge in the value of the precious metal.

Here are the hidden facts of European Gold Currency preparations—where the past, present, and future collide in a tale of power, strategy, and gold’s enduring financial significance in global economic landscapes today.

Key Terms and Organizations referenced in this Article Series:

  1. Fiat Currency System: The current international monetary system based on paper money not backed by a physical commodity like gold.

  2. Gold Standard: A monetary system where a country’s currency is directly linked to a specific amount of gold.

  3. Bretton Woods: The international monetary system established after World War II, where the U.S. dollar was pegged to gold at $35 per ounce.

  4. London Gold Pool: A consortium of eight Western central banks set up in 1961 to stabilize the gold price in the free market.

  5. European Economic Community (EEC): An economic organization established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957, which later evolved into the European Union (EU).

  6. Central Bank Gold Agreements (CBGA): A series of agreements signed by European central banks to coordinate and limit gold sales.

  7. Bank for International Settlement (BIS): An international financial institution that serves as a bank for central banks.

  8. Special Drawing Right (SDR): A reserve asset issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  9. Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE): The largest physical gold exchange in the world, based in China.

  10. European Monetary System (EMS): A system launched in 1979 by European countries to stabilize exchange rates and pave the way for the Eurosystem.

  11. Eurosystem: The monetary authority of the eurozone countries responsible for monetary policy and the issuance of the euro currency.

  12. Central Bank of Hungary (MNB): The central bank of Hungary responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  13. Central Bank of Poland (NBP): The central bank of Poland responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  14. Central Bank of Italy: The central bank of Italy responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  15. Banque de France: The central bank of France responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  16. Deutsche Bundesbank: The central bank of Germany responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  17. National Bank of Romania (BNR): The central bank of Romania responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  18. Bank of England: The central bank of the United Kingdom responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  19. Bank of Japan: The central bank of Japan responsible for monetary policy and currency issuance.

  20. International Financial Forum (IFF): An international organization focusing on global financial matters.

Early 1970’s: The End of the US Dollar Gold Standard and European Reactions

In 1971, the United States officially terminated the gold standard, marking the end of the Bretton Woods international monetary system. The U.S. dollar, previously backed by gold at a fixed parity of $35 per ounce, was transformed into a pure fiat currency. European central banks found themselves in a challenging position, forced to go along with the dollar hegemony due to prevailing circumstances. However, sentiment in Europe was to counter dollar dominance and gradually prepare for a new monetary arrangement that incorporated gold.

Bretton Woods and the London Gold Pool

Following World War II, the Bretton Woods international monetary system was established, with the U.S. dollar designated as the world reserve currency, backed by gold at $35 per ounce. Under this system, participating countries agreed to peg their currencies to the U.S. dollar, creating a gold exchange standard. To stabilize the gold price in the free market at $35 per ounce, a consortium of eight Western central banks set up the London Gold Pool in 1961. However, France, critical of U.S. monetary policy, repeatedly redeemed dollars for gold at the U.S. Treasury, leading to the depletion of U.S. gold reserves.

The Collapse of the London Gold Pool and the Two-Tier Gold Market

As pressure on the dollar increased between 1965 and 1968, the London Gold Pool had to supply substantial amounts of gold to maintain the peg. European central bankers began considering ways to exit the Pool agreement, as they did not want to indefinitely defend the peg, which was primarily caused by U.S. monetary policies. Consequently, on March 15, 1968, the London Gold Pool ceased its operations, and the gold price in the free market was allowed to float. This development led to the emergence of a “two-tier gold market,” wherein central banks continued trading gold among themselves at $35 per ounce but refrained from buying and selling in the free market.

What was the Two-tiered Gold Market?

  • The two-tiered gold market refers to a system in which there are two distinct markets for gold with different pricing mechanisms. This system was introduced in the late 1960s as a response to the challenges faced by the Bretton Woods monetary system, which was based on the fixed exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to gold.

  • Under the Bretton Woods system, the U.S. dollar was officially pegged to gold at a fixed rate of $35 per ounce, and other participating countries committed to pegging their currencies to the U.S. dollar. However, as the U.S. printed and exported more dollars than it had gold reserves to back them, foreign central banks began to redeem their dollars for gold from the U.S. Treasury. This led to a depletion of the U.S. gold reserves and raised concerns about the sustainability of the $35-per-ounce gold price.

  • To address this issue, a two-tiered gold market was established in 1968. In the first tier, central banks continued to trade gold among themselves at the fixed rate of $35 per ounce. This arrangement allowed central banks to settle international transactions and maintain some stability in the gold market.

  • The second tier, on the other hand, allowed gold to trade freely in the open market, where its price was determined by market forces of supply and demand. This market-driven price was often higher than the official fixed rate of $35 per ounce. Central banks agreed not to buy or sell gold in this free market to avoid disrupting the official fixed exchange rate.

  • The two-tiered gold market allowed central banks to manage their gold reserves more flexibly while still adhering to the Bretton Woods system. However, as the pressures on the dollar continued to mount, the system ultimately proved unsustainable. In 1971, the U.S. unilaterally decided to suspend the convertibility of the dollar into gold, effectively ending the Bretton Woods system and the two-tiered gold market. This event marked the beginning of the era of fiat currencies and the gradual shift away from the gold standard in the international monetary system.

U.S. Decision to End Bretton Woods and Europe’s Response

In early August 1971, France’s move to exchange dollars for gold by sending a battleship to New York signaled ongoing concerns about the dollar’s value. Just days later, on August 15, 1971, the United States unilaterally decided to end Bretton Woods by suspending dollar convertibility into gold. This decision led to a significant diplomatic conflict between Europe, Japan, and other countries, as their dollar reserves were no longer backed by gold.

The U.S. Efforts to Replace Gold with Treasuries

Since the 1960s, the U.S. had been encouraging foreign central banks to reinvest their dollar reserves in U.S. government bonds (Treasuries) instead of redeeming them for gold. This strategy aimed to replace gold with Treasuries in the international monetary system, allowing the U.S. to continue printing money for imports and financing fiscal deficits. However, this move was not seen as an equitable system by European central banks.

The Creation of the Euro to Counter Dollar Dominance

To counter dollar dominance and provide an alternative to the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency, Europe embarked on a path towards integration. The Treaty of Rome in 1957 gave birth to the European Economic Community (EEC), marking the first step in European integration. The euro, later introduced as a common currency, was envisioned as a means to challenge the dollar’s hegemony and create a more balanced international monetary system.

From the events described here in Part 1, it is evident that Europe has been diligently preparing for a return to a gold-backed currency system since the 1970s. European central banks have taken careful and gradual steps to pave the way for a new monetary system based on gold, signaling their intent to move away from the current fiat international monetary system. The subsequent part of this report will delve deeper into the specific measures undertaken by European central banks to prepare for this transition and analyze their potential implications for the global financial landscape.

Declassified: The Battle for Economic Supremacy – Europe vs. the United States

In the early 1970s, a crucial turning point in the global economic landscape was unfolding as the United States, under the Nixon administration, decided to abandon the gold standard. The U.S. National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, William Simon, were at the forefront of discussions shaping the U.S.’s stance on the international monetary system.

Kissinger, in a phone call with Simon on March 14, 1973, revealed his concerns about a unified European monetary system, fearing it would challenge the dollar’s dominance. He stated, “I basically have only one view right now which is to do as much as we can to prevent a united European position without showing our hand… I don’t think a unified European monetary system is in our interest.”

The European solution, which aimed to fix exchange rates of the European Economic Community (EEC) currencies and float as a bloc against the dollar, was perceived as a move to leave the United States out of the global financial equation. Kissinger’s intelligence report on discussions in the German Cabinet further fueled his resolve to prevent Europe from unifying its monetary system.

However, the EEC was determined to assert its economic independence and unity. The EEC publicly declared its commitment to international monetary reform that would consider the interests of developing countries. French President Georges Pompidou emphasized that multiple centers of economic and political power would bring stability to the world. He said in a meeting with U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1970, “Power thus established never lasts long. The existence of more centers of economic and political power makes things more complicated but in the longer term has greater advantages.”

The U.S. opposed the end of the two-tier gold market, which allowed central banks to buy and sell gold among themselves at a fixed price while the free-market price fluctuated. Phasing gold out of the international monetary system was a priority for the U.S., aiming to maintain control and minimize the influence of other countries, particularly those in Western Europe, who held substantial gold reserves.

In a critical meeting in 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger discussed the EC proposal to revalue gold and create a European Gold Standard Currency. Arthur Burns, Chair of the Federal Reserve, and Henry Wallich, an international affairs expert, weighed in on the matter, revealing the U.S.’s determination to prevent gold from reclaiming its position as the centerpiece of the global financial system.

Henry Wallich expressed his view that the European proposal would result in putting gold back into the system at a higher price, saying, “I think probably I do. The question is: Suppose they go ahead on their own anyway. What then?”

Kissinger echoed the U.S. opposition, stating, “My instinct is to oppose it. What’s your view, Ken?” to which Ken Rush, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of the United States from 1972 to 1973, replied, “Well, I think probably I do. The question is: Suppose they go ahead on their own anyway. What then?”

The U.S. feared that Europe’s control over a large portion of the world’s gold reserves would give them leverage over international monetary matters. William Simon, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury from 1974 to 1977, argued, “If they have the reserve-creating instrument, by having the largest amount of gold and the ability to change its price periodically, they have a position relative to ours of considerable power.”

In the face of Europe’s determination to challenge the dollar hegemony and promote an equitable monetary system, the U.S. remained steadfast in its opposition to any move that would reestablish gold’s prominence. The battle for control over the global financial order continued, with the outcome having far-reaching implications for the stability and power dynamics of the world economy. The struggle between Europe and the United States was far from over, and the path to a new monetary system based on gold would prove to be an intricate and contentious journey.


Contributing Articles:

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Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D The FedNow Rollout and Its Implications for a US $CBDC


The FedNow Rollout and Its Implications for a US $CBDC

On July 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In CBDCs and Digital Finance, RV/GCR Articles

The future of the U.S. Dollar is likely being reshaped through FedNow, an innovative payment system operating on a Unified Digital Ledger. As this brand new digital Payment Service gains momentum, questions arise about its potential as a foundation for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) for the United States.


The FedNow Rollout and Its Implications for a US $CBDC

On July 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In CBDCs and Digital Finance, RV/GCR Articles

The future of the U.S. Dollar is likely being reshaped through FedNow, an innovative payment system operating on a Unified Digital Ledger. As this brand new digital Payment Service gains momentum, questions arise about its potential as a foundation for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) for the United States.

Here I discuss the convergence of FedNow and the prospects of a U.S. Dollar CBDC, where the boundaries between traditional and digital currencies blur. Will this transformative leap forward lead to enhanced financial efficiency, or is it a stepping stone towards a new era of surveillance and control? We should all understand the pivotal role of FedNow in shaping the future of the U.S. Dollar and the potential implications for our monetary landscape.

On July 20th, 2023, the Federal Reserve launched FedNow, a new money transfer system, with 35 participating banks across the country. JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo are among the early adopters, but notable exclusions are Citigroup and Bank of America. The U.S. Treasury has also signed up for FedNow. To use the service, both the sending and receiving banks must be part of the system. A total of 353 banks and credit unions have signed up for the Real-Time Payments (RTP) service and both the sending and receiving banks need to be signed up for the system to use FedNow. All participating banks and financial institutions will use the ISO 20022 messaging standard to communicate payment information among each other.

FedNow Payment System Supports the CBDC Agenda

The launch of FedNow, a payment gateway by the Federal Reserve, raises concerns about the infrastructure for rolling out Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Early adopters, including diverse financial institutions, processors, and the U.S. Treasury, have expressed their intent to useFedNow.

The gradual adoption of FedNow could lead to increased pressure and dependence on the system, resembling a government strategy. The FedNow Service aims to provide nationwide instant payment services, allowing businesses and eventually individuals to send and receive payments at any time.

While FedNow itself is not a CBDC, its existence raises concerns about the platform’s potential use for implementing CBDCs and its impact on personal freedom.

To transition to a digital currency, a national financial infrastructure must link accounts from all banks. The system must be fast and convenient to encourage user adoption and overcome skepticism. Efforts will be made to incentivize voluntary adoption, offering generous deals and convenient features. Once the system is established and functioning smoothly, the central bank may devalue physical cash, encouraging people to trade it for digital currency.

Will CBDCs Become Reality?

CBDCs will operate on a digital unified ledger, which is a centralized system that records and verifies transactions. This ledger, often referred to as a blockchain or digital ledger technology, serves as a secure and transparent database that tracks the issuance, transfer, and ownership of digital currency units.

With CBDCs running on a digital unified ledger, central banks have real-time visibility into transactions, enabling efficient monitoring and regulation. This technology ensures the integrity and traceability of transactions while potentially streamlining processes and reducing costs associated with traditional financial systems.

The worry arises when digital currency becomes the sole option, raising concerns about control and limitations. A digital currency could enable controls like automatic taxation and restrictions on purchases, easily implemented electronically.

Justification for Implementation? The BIS and IMF suggest that transitioning to an electronic money standard could lead to lower inflation and the ability to manage the economy effectively.

However, CBDCs do not address the underlying debt collapse of our current fiat monetary system. Any digital currency not backed by gold and other tangible assets are still fiat currencies in repackaged form. This “same currency in a new dress” won’t prevent the federal government from bankruptcy when its unsustainable debt system comes crashing down.

Only Our GCR can clean the slate and bring economic fairness, balance and prosperity to a world of out-of-control Elitists and Banksters.

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Awake-In-3D Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D Dinar Recaps 20

Note From Awake-in-3D 7-21-2023


Across GCR Land, there are many content and information providers. There exists a healthy spectrum of broad thoughts and opinions serving a community of free thinkers. 

While there is seldom complete agreement between content providers, I firmly believe that the one thing we all can certainly agree on is that plagiarism is wrong and should not be supported or condoned. 

I am asking your kind assistance in this matter. Would you please consider posting this Public Notice to confront this issue?

Many of my readership have brought multiple articles to my attention that have been modified, published and claimed as a third-party as their own original content. I’m specifically referring to American Media Group (AMG-NEWS). 


Across GCR Land, there are many content and information providers. There exists a healthy spectrum of broad thoughts and opinions serving a community of free thinkers. 

While there is seldom complete agreement between content providers, I firmly believe that the one thing we all can certainly agree on is that plagiarism is wrong and should not be supported or condoned. 

I am asking your kind assistance in this matter. Would you please consider posting this Public Notice to confront this issue?

Many of my readership have brought multiple articles to my attention that have been modified, published and claimed as a third-party as their own original content. I’m specifically referring to American Media Group (AMG-NEWS). 

I use a specific example in the link below. 

I’ll leave this up to you. If you decide not to post my Public Notice, I would understand. Yet it is my desire to show that this is not an acceptable practice within our special GCR community. 

Many Blessings,


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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: FedNow, Unified Ledgers, Asset Tokenization and CBDCs: A Hidden Agenda of Total Control?


FedNow, Unified Ledgers, Asset Tokenization and CBDCs: A Hidden Agenda of Total Control?

On July 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In CBDCs and Digital Finance

Current plans for Digital Unified Ledgers and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could create a system of unprecedented power and control, tokenizing all assets and properties, and imposing surveillance reminiscent of Orwell’s “1984.” While the focus on CBDCs captures the public’s attention, the real global agenda might be quietly implementing a Unified Ledger network on a large-scale. This article explores the potential implications, the risks of centralized real-time control, and the need for vigilance in safeguarding personal freedoms and financial autonomy.


FedNow, Unified Ledgers, Asset Tokenization and CBDCs: A Hidden Agenda of Total Control?

On July 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In CBDCs and Digital Finance

Current plans for Digital Unified Ledgers and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could create a system of unprecedented power and control, tokenizing all assets and properties, and imposing surveillance reminiscent of Orwell’s “1984.” While the focus on CBDCs captures the public’s attention, the real global agenda might be quietly implementing a Unified Ledger network on a large-scale. This article explores the potential implications, the risks of centralized real-time control, and the need for vigilance in safeguarding personal freedoms and financial autonomy.

Author’s Note: In exploring the topic of blockchain centralized (unified) ledgers and their potential implications, it is important to approach the topic with a balanced perspective. I want to clarify that my intention is not to come across as an alarmist or spread undue fear. Rather, my goal is to convey information that requires careful monitoring and conscious awareness.

Indeed, these digital tokens and networks are merely tools, and like any tool, their impact depends on the hands that control them. The concept of a unified ledger offers undeniable conveniences and efficiencies, potentially streamlining various transactions and processes. However, it also raises questions about the concentration of power and control, which necessitates a thoughtful and vigilant approach.

As we explore the possibilities of such systems, it becomes apparent that the key lies in striking a careful balance between convenience and the preservation of personal freedoms and privacy. Transparency, accountability, and safeguards against potential misuse must be established to ensure that these systems are used for the greater good rather than malevolent purposes.

Engaging in due diligence and staying informed about the developments in this area is essential. By keeping a close eye on how these technologies are implemented and regulated, we can help shape a future that harnesses their potential while safeguarding the rights and liberties of individuals.

It is essential to remain vigilant and responsible stewards of these tools. With a conscious and balanced approach, we can collectively steer these advancements in a positive direction, fostering a world where innovation coexists harmoniously with personal freedoms and privacy.

By the end of this article, you will understand:

  • The Global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the associated unified ledger system

  • Potential unknown consequences of the CBDC system

  • Surveillance implications and social credit scoring

  • Advantages and disadvantages of the unified ledger system

  • Challenges in opposing the implementation of the unified ledger

While the focus on CBDCs captures the public’s attention, the real global agenda might be quietly implementing a Unified Ledger network on a large-scale.

Now that the new FedNow Instant Payment Service is coming online, it is the first Federal Financial Product that used a purely digital Unified Ledger. After reading the recent release from the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) about their plan for a Global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), I couldn’t help but feel alarmed by the potential implications. This article outlines the details of this agenda, why it may concern you, and what actions we can take to push back against it. I’ll explain what this CBDC is, its mechanism, and how it could profoundly impact our lives.

Understanding the Unified Ledger and CBDCs

What is a blockchain centralized (unified) ledger? In simple terms, it is like a giant digital database or platform that keeps a record of all kinds of assets and transactions. Imagine it as a massive, secure book that stores information about everything you own and do, but in a digital form.

In this ledger, instead of just having one copy owned by a single organization, it is controlled and managed by a group of powerful entities, like governments or big companies. This group works together to make decisions about the rules and data stored in the ledger.

The interesting thing about this ledger is that it represents real-world items, like money, properties, or even personal information, as digital tokens. Each token is like a unique digital representation of something you own or have, and it comes with specific rules attached to it.

This unified ledger system allows for quick and convenient transactions between these digital tokens. For example, if you want to buy a house in another country, you could do it almost instantly with just a few clicks, without all the usual paperwork and bank processes.

Imagine a world where everything you own, from dollars in your bank account to your home and car, becomes tokenized on this unified ledger.

However, the downside is that because this ledger is controlled by a group of powerful entities, they have a lot of say in how things work. They can decide the rules that apply to your assets, which might affect your financial well-being and privacy. It’s like a powerful group of people playing a video game with all our possessions and making decisions that impact our lives.

So, while a blockchain centralized (unified) ledger can bring convenience and efficiency, it also raises questions about control, surveillance, and the potential impact on our fundamental rights and freedoms.

The Global CBDC, as described by the BIS, is a unified ledger featuring a tokenized and programmable platform. This might sound complex, but it’s crucial to understand its implications. In simple terms, it’s like turning real-world assets and private properties into digital tokens represented on a single database.

Imagine a world where everything you own, from dollars in your bank account to your houses and cars, becomes tokenized on this unified ledger. Tokenizing means creating a digital representation of an asset, along with specific rules attached to it, determining its use and ownership.

Control and Surveillance in the Hands of Elites

These rules and data are decided and controlled by global elites, like Klaus Schwab, and central planners. The information gathered from real-world transactions and activities is fed into the tokens on the platform.

This unified ledger is like a massive video game, where all these tokenized assets and properties exist. Just like trading items in a game, these assets can be exchanged instantly. However, what is happening today is not in a video game. What makes this alarming is the actions being taken have very real-world and legal implications.

The implications of this CBDC/Unified Ledger construct are concerning. Your ownership and control over your assets and property could be at the mercy of central planners and elites. They would dictate the rules, which might impact your financial well-being, privacy, and even basic rights.

The Threat of Surveillance and Social Scoring

This CBDC extends the surveillance of Big Brother, reminiscent of George Orwell’s “1984.” Creditworthiness would no longer depend on your financial merit but your narrative, political affiliations, and connections. Crony capitalism and favoritism could take over, leading to unfair advantages for certain groups while disadvantaging others.

There are numerous potential unknown consequences of such a system. For instance, social scores or climate scores might be assigned, affecting various aspects of life beyond financial transactions.

The Temptation of Convenience

Amidst all the concerns, the Global CBDC does offer some undeniable conveniences. Transactions would be lightning-fast, extremely cheap, and incredibly convenient. An example given is purchasing property in a foreign country, which could be done instantly with a click of a button, eliminating the hassles of paperwork and bank procedures.

The Global Central Bank Digital Currency is a powerful and transformative concept that could reshape the world as we know it. While it offers the allure of convenience, the potential implications for personal freedom, privacy, and financial autonomy are concerning. As individuals, we must be vigilant, informed, and engaged in pushing back against any system that compromises our fundamental rights and freedoms.

Examples of CBDCs Enforcing Control and Compliance on a Unified Ledger

  1. Social Credit Scores: The implementation of social credit scores could determine an individual’s access to financial services and opportunities within the unified ledger system. Those with lower social credit scores might face restricted access or higher transaction fees, limiting their financial freedom.

  2. Climate Scoring: To enforce environmental compliance, a climate scoring system could be integrated into the unified ledger, rewarding eco-friendly behaviors and penalizing those deemed harmful to the environment. This could affect an individual’s access to loans, investments, and even travel options.

  3. Taxation and Asset Seizure: The unified ledger allows for real-time tracking of financial activities. Governments could implement automated tax collection based on transaction data, potentially leading to unjust asset seizure or loss of funds due to minor errors.

  4. Geopolitical Influence: Countries with significant control over the unified ledger’s central infrastructure could exert substantial geopolitical influence. They might impose sanctions on specific individuals or nations by restricting their access to the ledger system.

Resistance and Pushing Back has Challenges – Yet Not Futile

Pushing back against the implementation of a blockchain centralized (unified) ledger and its associated systems presents significant challenges that require careful consideration. One of the primary obstacles is the centralized control spread across multiple entities and jurisdictions. Unlike decentralized systems where no single authority holds absolute power, a unified ledger’s governance structure places decision-making in the hands of a select few. This concentration of power makes it difficult for individuals or societies to identify specific entities to oppose effectively.

The allure of convenience and efficiency offered by the unified ledger system may overshadow concerns about potential control and surveillance. As individuals become accustomed to seamless and lightning-fast transactions, they may be more inclined to accept a loss of privacy and freedom in exchange for the ease of use. This gradual acceptance can create a situation where individuals become increasingly dependent on the system, making it challenging to resist further encroachments on personal liberties.

Additionally, the gradual implementation of a unified ledger might not be presented as a centralized digital currency system initially. Instead, it could be introduced as a more efficient and secure banking and payment system, concealing its true nature and implications. By the time individuals become fully aware of the scope of its control and surveillance, they may already be deeply integrated into the system, making it harder to opt-out or resist.

The influence of powerful stakeholders, such as governments and large corporations, cannot be underestimated. These entities have the resources and influence to shape public perception and regulatory policies, potentially limiting the ability of dissenting voices to be heard effectively.

To address these challenges, awareness and education become crucial. Promoting a deeper understanding of the implications of a unified ledger system and its potential impact on personal freedoms and privacy can empower individuals to make informed decisions and advocate for responsible and transparent implementation. Engaging in open and inclusive discussions about the risks and benefits of these systems is vital in creating a more balanced and equitable future for such technologies.

Overall, pushing back against the implementation of a blockchain centralized (unified) ledger requires a concerted effort from informed and vigilant individuals, regulatory bodies, and civil society. By fostering transparency, safeguarding individual rights, and advocating for responsible governance, we can ensure that technological advancements serve humanity’s greater good without compromising our fundamental liberties.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D:  RFK Jr. Wants to Back the Dollar with Hard Assets – A GCR/NESARA White Hat?


RFK Jr. Wants to Back the Dollar with Hard Assets – A GCR/NESARA White Hat?

On July 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

In a groundbreaking announcement that has sent shockwaves through the financial world, RFK Jr. has revealed his bold plan to support returning the US Dollar to an asset-backed currency. Drawing inspiration from his late uncle, President John F. Kennedy, RFK Jr. envisions a future where hard assets, including Bitcoin, gold, silver, and platinum, will back a portion of the country’s debt obligations.

This visionary move aims to rein in inflation, restore strength to the dollar, and challenge the corrupt fiat currency system controlled by “Banksters” and Global Elitists. Additionally, Kennedy has promised to exempt Bitcoin-to-dollar conversions from capital gains taxes, fostering innovation, ensuring privacy, and encouraging domestic investment. Is RFK Jr. the champion who will lead the charge towards a Global Currency Reset (GCR) when the time comes?


RFK Jr. Wants to Back the Dollar with Hard Assets – A GCR/NESARA White Hat?

On July 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

In a groundbreaking announcement that has sent shockwaves through the financial world, RFK Jr. has revealed his bold plan to support returning the US Dollar to an asset-backed currency. Drawing inspiration from his late uncle, President John F. Kennedy, RFK Jr. envisions a future where hard assets, including Bitcoin, gold, silver, and platinum, will back a portion of the country’s debt obligations.

This visionary move aims to rein in inflation, restore strength to the dollar, and challenge the corrupt fiat currency system controlled by “Banksters” and Global Elitists. Additionally, Kennedy has promised to exempt Bitcoin-to-dollar conversions from capital gains taxes, fostering innovation, ensuring privacy, and encouraging domestic investment. Is RFK Jr. the champion who will lead the charge towards a Global Currency Reset (GCR) when the time comes?

The Importance of Hard Currency and Lessons from History

“My uncle, President Kennedy, when he was in office, understood the importance of hard currency and the dangers of having pure fiat currency with no other option,” asserted RFK Jr. In drawing parallels with his uncle’s legacy, he recognized that fiat currency, detached from any tangible backing, can lead to disastrous consequences. Historically, unbacked paper currencies have been used to fund wars without requiring the approval of citizens or specific government taxation. The ease with which governments can print money to finance conflicts and quietly tax the public through inflation has perpetuated a cycle of economic imbalance and wealth disparity.

JFK Jr.’s Proposal: A Hard Asset-Backed Dollar

In a bold and strategic move, RFK Jr. proposes to start small, with perhaps 1% of issued Treasury bills backed by hard assets like gold, silver, platinum, and Bitcoin. This allocation would be increased annually based on the outcomes of the initial phase. The intention behind this visionary policy is to strengthen the US dollar by tethering it to finite assets with intrinsic value, like Bitcoin, which holds a reputation for absolute scarcity and sound monetary principles. The idea is to restore confidence in the dollar and usher in a new era of financial stability, peace, and prosperity.

Bitcoin as a Catalyst for Change

RFK Jr.’s enthusiasm for Bitcoin extends beyond its role as a hard asset for backing the dollar. He envisions Bitcoin as an instrument for change and progress, defending its right to self-custody, the freedom to run nodes at home, and advocating for industry-neutral regulation of energy. By exempting Bitcoin-to-dollar conversions from capital gains taxes, RFK Jr. aims to incentivize investments and technological ventures within the United States. Furthermore, he believes that such a policy will safeguard citizens’ privacy and obstruct governments from weaponizing currency against free speech, a core objective close to his heart.

Challenging the Current Regulatory Landscape

In opposition to the prevailing regulatory environment, RFK Jr. adamantly declares that Bitcoin is not a security and should not be treated as one. He promises to end the Biden administration’s policies that resemble Choke Point 2.0, which punishes banks dealing with Bitcoin. By taking this stance, RFK Jr. aims to create a supportive atmosphere for the adoption and development of Bitcoin and blockchain technologies in the United States.

Facing the Debt Crisis: The Road to Fiscal Stability

RFK Jr.’s visionary proposals come at a crucial time in American history. With the national debt steadily growing at 6.5% over the past decade, the need for comprehensive fiscal strategies is more urgent than ever. His plan to acquire hard assets like Bitcoin and precious metals offers an insurance policy against mounting debt and potential economic crises. This forward-looking approach seeks to secure the nation’s fiscal future and attract intellectual capital to US shores.

The Paradigm Shift: Bitcoin as a Policy Tool

RFK Jr.’s unwavering support for Bitcoin marks a paradigm shift in the political landscape. Beyond being viewed solely as an asset, he recognizes Bitcoin’s potential as a powerful policy tool. By backing the dollar with Bitcoin and other hard assets, RFK Jr. aims to challenge the current fiat currency system controlled by corrupt “Banksters” and Global Elitists. His proposal seeks to provide a strong foundation for the US dollar, ensuring its stability and credibility in the global financial market.

What it Means

RFK Jr.’s visionary plan to back the US dollar with hard assets like Bitcoin reflects a deep understanding of the pitfalls of a fiat currency system. Inspired by his uncle’s legacy, RFK Jr. aims to restore strength to the dollar, rein in inflation, and promote American financial stability, peace, and prosperity. By fostering Bitcoin adoption and encouraging domestic investment, he envisions a future where the US leads in technological advancements and intellectual capital. As the world faces economic uncertainties, RFK Jr.’s proposals provide a beacon of hope, offering a way to navigate the challenges of a debt-ridden financial system and champion a sustainable and prosperous future for the nation. The question remains: Will RFK Jr. be ready to lead the charge when the time for the Global Currency Reset arrives? Only time will tell.

Ai3D Website:
Ai3D on Telegram: GCR_RealTimeNews
Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D:  Mind-blowing US Debt Growth Statistic

Awake-In-3D:  Mind-blowing US Debt Growth Statistic

On July 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles


The latest financial crisis started in September 2019 when the US banking system came under serious pressure and the Fed injected major liquidity into the near bankrupt system. Since that time, total US debt has increased by $21 trillion.

Let’s put this into perspective. It took the US 221 years to go from Zero debt in 1776 to $21 trillion in 1997 and just in the last 4 years, debt has gone up by that same $21 trillion.

Awake-In-3D:  Mind-blowing US Debt Growth Statistic

On July 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles


The latest financial crisis started in September 2019 when the US banking system came under serious pressure and the Fed injected major liquidity into the near bankrupt system. Since that time, total US debt has increased by $21 trillion.

Let’s put this into perspective. It took the US 221 years to go from Zero debt in 1776 to $21 trillion in 1997 and just in the last 4 years, debt has gone up by that same $21 trillion.

Whether this cycle is the end of a 100, 300 or 2000 year era, only future historians will know the answer to.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: PAPSS Payment System and AfreximBank Paving Way to Pan-African De-Dollarized Sovereignty


PAPSS Payment System and AfreximBank Paving Way to Pan-African De-Dollarized Sovereignty

On July 19, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

In a transformative effort, Africa’s financial landscape is undergoing a revolutionary shift, spearheaded by the African Import-Export Bank (AfreximBank) and its groundbreaking Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS). This visionary initiative is rapidly propelling the entire African continent away from its historical reliance on US dollars and towards a future where local African currencies take center stage in intra-continental payments and capital investments.


PAPSS Payment System and AfreximBank Paving Way to Pan-African De-Dollarized Sovereignty

On July 19, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

In a transformative effort, Africa’s financial landscape is undergoing a revolutionary shift, spearheaded by the African Import-Export Bank (AfreximBank) and its groundbreaking Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS). This visionary initiative is rapidly propelling the entire African continent away from its historical reliance on US dollars and towards a future where local African currencies take center stage in intra-continental payments and capital investments.

More than just a financial system upgrade, PAPSS and AfreximBank are playing a crucial role in aligning Africa with the ambitious plans of the BRICS Alliance. The BRICS nations are determined to create a massive global trading block that operates independently of the Western Financial System and Monetary Institutions, thereby unlocking Africa’s vast economic potential and fostering genuine financial sovereignty.

With Africa losing an estimated $5 billion annually due to the absence of an intra-African payment system, the need for change has become undeniable. Fragmented payment systems and multiple currencies have hindered cross-border trade within the continent, leaving businesses facing considerable currency exchange challenges and lengthy payment processing times. However, AfreximBank’s PAPSS is a game-changer that seeks to eradicate these obstacles, empowering African nations to conduct instant and secure cross-border transactions in local currencies.

As the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement opens up unprecedented opportunities for intra-African trade, the timing of PAPSS’s arrival could not be more opportune. By providing a reliable and cost-effective platform for intra-continental payments, PAPSS is set to fuel economic growth, bolster regional cooperation, and create new avenues for prosperity throughout Africa.

From promoting financial inclusion and empowering small and medium size businesses, to reducing sovereign debts and driving economic growth, the transformative impact of AfreximBank and PAPSS sets the stage for Africa’s financial renaissance on the global stage.

As Africa moves steadily towards becoming an economic powerhouse with the backing of the BRICS alliance, the future holds immense promise for a continent that is finally stepping out from the shadows of foreign currency dominance and embracing its own financial destiny.

Africa’s Intra-African Trade: Challenges and Opportunities

In recent years, the potential for intra-African trade has become a topic of intense discussion among policymakers, economists, and businesses across the continent. Africa is a vast and resource-rich continent with diverse economies, yet its trade with other African countries has been hindered by various challenges, including fragmented payment systems and the reliance on foreign currencies. As a result, the continent has been losing an estimated $5 billion annually, making intra-African trade complex and time-consuming.

The Absence of a Unified Payment System

The lack of a unified payment system has been a significant obstacle to intra-African trade. Africa currently boasts around 42 currencies, each with its own regulatory framework and exchange rates, making cross-border transactions cumbersome and expensive. Business transactions often require conversion from one currency to another, resulting in unnecessary costs and delays.

The Role of AfreximBank: Driving Financial Sovereignty

Recognizing the urgency and importance of addressing these challenges, the African Import-Export Bank (AfreximBank) has taken a pioneering role in reshaping Africa’s financial landscape. Established in 1993, AfreximBank has steadily grown its presence in 52 member countries and has been instrumental in supporting trade finance activities across the continent. Its mission of stimulating African trade and development has driven its commitment to promoting a single payment infrastructure for the continent.

Introducing the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS)

AfreximBank’s vision culminated in the development and commercial launch of the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS). PAPSS is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enabling instant and secure cross-border payments in local African currencies, thereby reducing reliance on foreign currencies like the US dollar and Euro.

Yes, PAPSS uses the ISO20022 “messaging” standard for inter-bank transfer notifications.

Empowering Businesses with PAPSS

PAPSS provides a real-time payment infrastructure that connects Africa’s central banks, commercial banks, payment service providers, and fintech companies as participants. This revolutionary system allows for immediate validation, compliance checks, and near-instant payment processing within 120 seconds. With PAPSS, businesses can conduct cross-border transactions efficiently, securely, and at a reduced cost.

PAPSS and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

PAPSS could not have come at a more opportune time. With the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, which aims to create a single market for goods and services across the continent, the demand for seamless cross-border transactions is set to skyrocket. PAPSS is poised to play a vital role in facilitating the expected surge in intra-African trade and promoting economic growth.

Driving Financial Inclusion and Empowerment

Beyond enhancing intra-African trade, PAPSS also has significant implications for financial inclusion. As cross-border payments become more accessible, businesses of all sizes can participate in regional and continental trade, stimulating economic growth and job creation. Moreover, PAPSS fosters economic empowerment by reducing transaction costs and improving financial efficiency, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Africa’s Financial Renaissance Begins

Africa’s financial system is on the cusp of a transformative shift, one that will see it moving away from reliance on foreign currencies and embracing the power of its local currencies. AfreximBank’s Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS) is a critical step towards achieving this financial sovereignty, unlocking the continent’s vast economic potential, and driving intra-continental trade.

As businesses, governments, and individuals embrace this new era of financial empowerment, Africa’s financial renaissance will become a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity for all.

Ai3D Website:
Ai3D on Telegram: GCR_RealTimeNews
Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Checkmate (Part 3) – A Currency Duel to Avert a Real War


Checkmate (Part 3) – A Currency Duel to Avert a Real War

On July 19, 2023  By Awake-In-3D

In  RV/GCR Articles

Continued from the Checkmate Series Part 1 and Part 2

In this final article of my three-part Checkmate series, I examine the key players on the chessboard, their roles and motivations, and the significant economic consequences that the Western fiat system players will face if the new Eastern Alliances establish and launch a gold-backed currency. My conclusion is that dueling financial system currency systems is a far more acceptable and stable solution that would likely prevent a actual, real kinetic war. Leading to Our GCR.


Checkmate (Part 3) – A Currency Duel to Avert a Real War

On July 19, 2023  By Awake-In-3D

In  RV/GCR Articles

Continued from the Checkmate Series Part 1 and Part 2

In this final article of my three-part Checkmate series, I examine the key players on the chessboard, their roles and motivations, and the significant economic consequences that the Western fiat system players will face if the new Eastern Alliances establish and launch a gold-backed currency. My conclusion is that dueling financial system currency systems is a far more acceptable and stable solution that would likely prevent a actual, real kinetic war. Leading to Our GCR.

China’s Role as the “Tactical” Game Player

As tensions escalate, China remains strategically prepared to join the financial war. China has been cautious in destabilizing the dollar to protect its export interests, but now it recognizes the threat to emerging economies, particularly those in Africa and Latin America. Embracing a gold-backed currency and a preemptive attack on the dollar would align with China’s motivations to safeguard its economic interests.

As the BRICS nations lay the groundwork for a gold-backed trade currency that challenges the dominance of the dollar, China’s strategic response becomes crucial in this unfolding global economic transformation.

 In this article, we explore how China has carefully assessed the economic consequences of the proposed gold-backed currency and its potential impact on the US dollar. Drawing from the analysis of General Qiao Liang, a high-ranking figure in China’s military intelligence, we uncover China’s motivations and strategies to preemptively counter the perceived threats against emerging economies. With China ready to mount an attack on the dollar by embracing a gold standard, the balance of power in the global financial landscape may soon experience a seismic shift.

Assessing the Threat

China has long been threatened by the US over access to markets, but with the advent of the BRICS gold-backed currency proposal, the stakes have been raised. However, China appears to have anticipated potential economic consequences and evaluated the experiences of nations like Russia during periods of sanctions. General Qiao Liang’s analysis sheds light on the US’s previous actions with respect to foreign national debts, indicating a pattern of weakening and destabilizing economies through strategic manipulation of interest rates.

A Target on Dollar-Indebted Nations

While China itself does not rely on borrowing dollars, it recognizes that the real threat lies in the impact on dollar-indebted nations that participate in trade with China. The US’s likely strategy of raising interest rates even after taming inflation could aim to bring these nations back under American control. This poses a significant challenge for emerging economies in Africa, Latin America, and other regions that have received substantial Chinese investment.

The Preemptive Attack on the Dollar

To address this potential threat, China has devised a preemptive attack on the dollar by exposing its weakness as a fiat currency. With the power to do so since the Lehman crisis, China and Russia now have the means to challenge the dollar’s status quo. As they plan a return to the gold standard for trade and their own currencies, the BRICS nations seek to counter the US’s strategy of “harvesting” assets in foreign countries.

The Role of the New Development Bank

The New Development Bank, headquartered in Shanghai, is poised to play a pivotal role in China’s response. Offering credit in yuan or the new BRICS currency at lower interest rates, the bank can help alleviate the strains imposed on BRICS members by rising US interest rates. This strategic move strengthens the BRICS’ position and enhances their ability to withstand potential sanctions.

China’s Motivation and Strategy

Understanding China’s motivations and strategies is vital to grasp the implications of this evolving economic landscape. While some may question General Qiao Liang’s analysis, it is evident that his views are ingrained in China’s government thinking. This positions China to join forces with Russia in a concerted attack on the dollar’s fiat nature and advocate for a return to a gold standard for trade, thereby challenging the existing global financial order.

As the BRICS nations lay the groundwork for a new gold-backed trade currency, China’s proactive response becomes a critical factor in the unfolding global economic transformation. By assessing potential threats and drawing insights from General Qiao Liang’s analysis, China is prepared to counter the US’s strategies aimed at emerging economies. Embracing a gold standard for trade and their currencies, China and Russia signal their readiness to challenge the dominance of the dollar and push for a more equitable and stable financial system. The stage is set for a momentous shift in the global economic landscape, with gold re-assuming its ancient role as a bedrock of value and stability in an ever-changing financial world.

Russia’s Role as the “Strategic” Game Player

The world stands at the precipice of a potential global conflict as tensions escalate between Russia, America, and their respective allies. While the focus has primarily been on military maneuvers and proxy wars, a new front is emerging – a financial war with far-reaching implications. In this article, we explore the origins of the current trade currency plans, which originated in Russia, and the role of China as events unfold. As NATO tightens its grip on Eastern Europe, Putin faces an intractable dilemma, with compromise seemingly impossible. To avert a catastrophic global conflict, Russia appears to prioritize undermining the dollar’s dominance, while China is ready to join in this strategic battle. A financial war may offer a way forward, but the consequences for the global economy remain uncertain.

The Genesis of the New Trade Currency Plan

The idea of a new trade currency with a gold-backed system originated in Russia, marking a shift in focus away from China. Until recently, China hesitated to destabilize the currencies of Western nations due to her significant export interests. However, escalating tensions over Taiwan, coupled with America’s plans to raise interest rates and bankrupt BRICS members, have led to a dramatic deterioration in Sino-US relations. The specter of direct conflict between Russia and America over Ukraine and China’s potential entanglement in a Taiwan conflict makes it imperative to avert World War 3.

NATO’s Determination and Russia’s Response

NATO, under the influence of the US, is determined to defeat Russia, remove Putin from power, and gain control of Russia’s vast natural resources. Proxy wars, such as the one in Ukraine, have so far failed to achieve NATO’s goals. As the theater of operational strategy shifts to Poland and the Baltics, the build-up of military personnel and missiles in the region becomes evident. Putin is unlikely to accept compromise, as it would require withdrawing missiles and American bases from Eastern and Central Europe, a non-negotiable condition for Russia’s security.

A Conundrum for the Biden Administration and America

For President Biden, backing down in Eastern Europe would carry severe political consequences, especially after the Afghanistan withdrawal. The influence of neo-conservatives in American policy-making adds further pressure to defeat Putin, expand US influence, and isolate China. Russia’s peace terms are unacceptable to America, leaving both sides at a standstill with potential dire consequences.

Undermining the Dollar’s Dominance

Given the impasse, Russia’s priority seems to be undermining the dollar’s dominance, presenting an economic front to counter America’s aggression. Attacking the dollar financially could weaken the alliance’s military capabilities and create divisions among its members. Additionally, a Russian attack on currencies’ credibility would benefit Russia’s financial position, which is already facing pressure.

The Uncertain Outcome

Engaging in a financial war offers a relatively discreet option, avoiding an official declaration of victory or the need for post-war reconciliation. While it remains unclear whether undermining the dollar would avert a nuclear conflict, it is evident that the world teeters dangerously close to the brink. The consequences for the global economy are uncertain, and the potential for price inflation and financial instability looms large.

As geopolitical tensions reach boiling point, the prospect of a financial war emerges as an alternative to direct conflict. Originating in Russia and embraced by China, this unconventional approach aims to undermine the dollar’s dominance and challenge America’s aggression indirectly. A delicate balance hangs in the air, and the global economy faces an uncertain future. Averting World War 3 requires careful navigation, with the financial landscape becoming an uncharted battleground in the struggle for power and control. The coming days will reveal whether a financial war can offer a reprieve or if the world inches ever closer to catastrophe.

Golden Stability: A New Currency System to Prevent Further Physical Conflict Escalation

Amidst escalating global tensions, the proposal for a new gold-backed trade currency gains momentum. Originating in Russia and designed to facilitate cross-border trade settlement, this currency aims to provide a stable, institutionally acceptable alternative to fiat currencies. With the groundwork laid by Sergei Glazyev, the currency could soon become a reality, pending approval in August. Let’s examine the key elements of this new currency and its potential impact on participating nations, focusing on long-term practicality and the preservation of economic stability. As the stage is set for a financial transformation, the focus shifts to gold as the foundation for a new era of secure and credible trade finance.

Building a Politically Acceptable, Inclusive and Peaceful Solution

The proposed trade currency is strategically designed to garner support from all involved nations and alliances serving as a practical solution for realizing the ambitions of the Russian-Chinese axis. By facilitating an Asian industrial revolution encompassing Africa and Latin America, free from external interference, the new, gold-backed currency aligns with the aspirations of all participating countries.

A Path to Non-Inflationary Economic Growth

The new trade currency aims to provide a foundation for trade finance and cross-border settlements based on sound money principles. By tying credit growth to economic activity and gold, the currency seeks to avoid inflationary consequences and maintain purchasing power. Gold’s role as a substitute will impart pricing certainty to trade and investment, leading to stable, low-interest rates and fostering economic development in emerging economies.

Potential for Greater Currency Stability

Participating nations may place greater emphasis on their own currencies’ stability, seeking a safe haven from the consequences of the dollar’s fiat nature. As the new currency gains acceptance, Russia may consider returning the ruble to its own gold standard, with China potentially following suit with the renminbi.

An Inherent Currency Resilience

Designed with a 40% gold backing, the new currency adheres to the principles set by Sir Isaac Newton, providing a metallic monetary standard. As confidence in the scheme grows, participating central banks may retain minimal gold reserves, swapping the balance for the new currency. This approach would bolster their balance sheet equity and add to the currency’s credibility.

The proposal for a new gold-backed trade currency heralds a potential financial transformation in cross-border trade and settlement. Designed to be politically acceptable and practical for participating nations, the currency promises a path to non-inflationary economic growth and greater currency stability. By placing gold at the heart of the financial system, this currency seeks to safeguard against the pitfalls of fiat currencies and usher in a new era of financial stability. As August approaches, the world awaits the outcome of this groundbreaking proposal and its potential to redefine global finance.

The Consequences for Western Fiat Currencies and Their Debt System

The historical relationship between money and gold has been undeniable, with gold serving as the anchor of value for centuries. However, the detachment of credit from gold in recent times has had profound consequences for the global financial system. Let’s examine the implications of reintroducing gold into currency systems, particularly in the context of a new BRICS gold-backed currency. As the Asian superpowers seek stability and independence from fiat currencies, a seismic shift in the global economic landscape is imminent. Yet what will be the potential effects on major currencies, economies, interest rates, as gold returns to its rightful place in the financial world?

The Historical Gold-Dollar Divergence

In the post-Bretton Woods era, fiat currencies have steadily lost value relative to gold, exemplified by the dollar’s 98% depreciation. The erosion of purchasing power has surpassed the 2% annual target set by official policies, underscoring the importance of gold as a stable medium of exchange. The potential introduction of a new gold-backed BRICS currency could accelerate the devaluation of fiat currencies, triggering a race for tangible assets and further undermining their credibility.

The Underappreciated Role of Gold in Financial Markets

Throughout history, gold’s role as money has been poorly understood in financial markets, leading to misguided assumptions about its true value. Despite being treated as a trading counter, gold’s return as the anchor for credit values among Asian hegemons will force a reassessment of its significance. The move towards a gold-backed currency will bring stability to export values and create a conducive environment for low-interest rates, benefiting the economies of participating nations.

Significant Implications for Western Fiat Currencies

The introduction of a BRICS gold-backed currency will have far-reaching consequences for western fiat currencies, including the dollar, euro, and pound.

  • The Dollar’s Predicament: The reliance on inward foreign investment has enabled the US to fund continuous trade deficits and government debt. However, a shift to a gold-backed currency could lead to central banks exchanging their dollar reserves for the new currency, triggering devaluation and foreign liquidation of Treasuries. Rising bond yields and funding costs for the government are inevitable, posing significant funding hurdles.

  • Eurozone Turmoil: A gold-backed BRICS currency may drive Germany towards sound money regimes, exacerbating economic and political divisions within the eurozone. The euro’s credibility, already strained, will face further challenges, leading to potential recapitalization needs for the ECB and national central banks.

  • The UK’s Dilemma: The UK, burdened with a debt trap similar to the US, also suffers from increasing taxes and limited gold reserves. As the international financial center, London will be at the epicenter of the fiat currency crisis, complicating any efforts to escape the fiat currency trap.

The Call for a Return to “Classical” Economics

The emergence of a gold-backed currency and its implications will expose the inadequacy of Keynesian (constant fiat currency creation out of thin air) macroeconomics, which has shaped policies during the fiat currency era. Western governments must embrace classical economic theories and adapt swiftly to the changing economic landscape. The combination of credit crunch from the bank credit cycle and deteriorating fiat currency purchasing power will lead to rising interest rates, challenging the traditional control exerted by central banks.

Wrap Up

The return of gold as a cornerstone of the global financial system signifies a momentous shift in the balance of economic power. The introduction of a BRICS gold-backed currency and potential adoption by Russia and China could lead to a cascading effect on fiat currencies worldwide. As investors seek tangible assets and foreign exchanges witness a weakening of major fiat currencies, The United States, Europe and other Western governments will be forced to reassess their debt-based economic and monetary policies.

This transition will require a departure from Keynesian economics and a return to classical, sound money principles, laying the groundwork for a resilient, fair and stable global financial economic landscape.

 This would be Our GCR.

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