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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Afternoon   2-11-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Afternoon 2-11-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly The Kurdistan Democratic Party links its return to the conflict areas to forming the next government

2022-02-11 07:50 The Kurdistan Democratic Party links its return to the conflict areas to forming the next governmentShafaq News/ On Friday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Diyala – 15th place linked the implementation of its political return agreements to the conflict areas with the formation of the next government, while it refuted the existence of differences with the Patriotic Union regarding the political and security return of the Kurds in the coming periods.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Afternoon   2-11-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly   The Kurdistan Democratic Party links its return to the conflict areas to forming the next government

2022-02-11 07:50   The Kurdistan Democratic Party links its return to the conflict areas to forming the next governmentShafaq News/ On Friday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Diyala – 15th place linked the implementation of its political return agreements to the conflict areas with the formation of the next government, while it refuted the existence of differences with the Patriotic Union regarding the political and security return of the Kurds in the coming periods.

The party’s media official, Sherko Tawfiq, told Shafak News Agency, “The party hopes and is waiting for the formation of the next government to start implementing its agreed legitimate demands for the return of headquarters, political offices, powers and security and administrative positions as they were before the October 2017 events.”

Tawfiq added, “The delay in the political return of the Democratic Party and the return of the administrative and security powers and entitlements of the Kurds in the conflict areas is due to differences with the government and some political parties, and there are no differences regarding these demands with the Patriotic Union or other Kurdish parties.”

The Kurdish official refuted any negative effects or repercussions of the presidential crisis between Yekiti and Al-Party on the Kurdish political constants, noting that “the presidential crisis is subject to positive discussions between the two main parties to reach understandings and a solution that guarantees the public interest for all.”

butterfly   He pointed out that “the most prominent legitimate entitlements to be implemented in the conflict areas are the restoration of the security and administrative positions and powers of the Kurds, as they were before October 2017, the effective return of the Peshmerga and the implementation of the steps of Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution, in addition to the budget entitlements for the region.”

Tawfiq stressed the Kurds’ demands to adjust the salaries of the Peshmerga, similar to the salaries of the Ministry of Defense, noting that “there is a big difference between the salary of a soldier in the Ministry of Defense, which amounts to one million and 400 thousand dinars and more, compared to the salary of a Peshmerga affiliate of only 500 thousand dinars.”

Kurds in Diyala complain about demographic Arabization campaigns and security and administrative marginalization, which intensified and expanded after the events of October 16, 2017, during the Kurdistan independence referendum, which prompted the Kurdish political parties and forces to leave their headquarters for fear of targeting and liquidation.

The Kurdish parties complain about attempts to Arabize the disputed areas in programmed stages, the first of which is security and then political scaling, which leads to a clear emptying of the Kurdish component, and they consider it a renewal of the policies of the former regime.   shafaq.com

butterfly   The Iraqi presidency is awaiting the results of the Barzani-Talabani meeting

2-11-2022   The Iraqi presidency is awaiting the results of the Barzani-Talabani meetingThe Iraqis are the results of the meeting held in Erbil yesterday between the leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Bafel Talabani, regarding the candidate for the presidency.

Observers of Kurdish affairs described the meeting as a “last chance meeting” for many reasons, most notably the lack of agreement between the Kurds, since the results of the parliamentary elections, on a candidate for the post of President of the Republic in light of the chronic dispute over the sharing of positions between Baghdad and Erbil.

They had previously had a sharp disagreement during the 2018 elections when the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan nominated Barham Salih, the current president, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party nominated Fuad Hussein, the current foreign minister, for the position. But the victory was for Saleh and his party.

During the 2021 elections, the dispute between them recurred and they did not reach a compromise, as the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan re-nominated Barham Salih for a second term, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party nominated Hoshyar Zebari, the former foreign minister for the position.

While the two Kurdish parties have not yet agreed on a single candidate for the position, the chances of a settlement between them have begun to diminish unless a new position is issued through the meeting between Talabani and Barzani.

Because Hoshyar Zebari’s chances for the post have diminished, even if the Federal Court acquits him as a result of the possibility of the “Sadrists” hesitating in his election, the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s Secretary, Fadel Mirani, announced that his party has an alternative candidate, the current Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein. rawabetcenter.com

Butterfly   The Presidency Of The Republic Is The Key To The Political Process

02/11/2022 | 2:16 PM   \Article 67 of the Iraqi constitution described the president of the republic as the head of the state, meaning that he is the president of all of Iraq and not the head of a part of it.. and a symbol of the unity of the nation, meaning that he believes in the unity of Iraq’s land and people and does not work to separate any part of it.. represents the sovereignty of the country, i.e. represents the country’s sovereignty.

The Iraqi state is before the world.. and it ensures that the constitution is adhered to, i.e. that it is an example of commitment to the constitution and ensures compliance with it. its lands from any external aggression or occupation of any part of its lands..

This is how the Iraqi constitution described the president of the republic and this is how it should be.This does not mean that Article 67 of the Constitution has fallen from them and is no longer a condition for the Kurds to be the president of the republic..

The symbol of the nation’s unity must be from those who believe in the unity of Iraq, the land and the people, and this is a basic condition that cannot be tolerated, and the Kurdish who demands us to implement Article 140 From the constitution, we ask him to implement Article 67 and the rest of the articles of the constitution in letter and spirit..

butterfly   It is not intended here that everyone who participated in the referendum of the Kurdistan region in 2017, does not believe in the unity of Iraq. Most of those who participated in the referendum wanted to express the right of the principle of self-determination..

But the importance of The position of the President of the Republic comes from being the key to the entire political process. If the political process begins with the formation of the government, this government will not and will not be formed before the election of the President of the Republic, because the President of the Republic, according to Article (76 / first) of the Constitution, is the one who assigns the candidate of the most numerous bloc to form Council of Ministers ..

By virtue of this constitutional link between the election of the president and the formation of the Council of Ministers, this means that the agreement between the political blocs to nominate the prime minister must precede the election of the president, so as not to repeat the experience of 2014 when the elected president (Fouad Masum) repudiated the assignment of the candidate of the largest bloc and betrayed the agreement.

butterfly   The agreement concluded with Nuri al-Maliki and transgressed the constitution, or as the current president, Barham Salih, did when he violated the constitution by not appointing a deputy for him in contravention of Article (75 / first and second) of the constitution, which plunged him into the pit of perjury. dishonest and ready to betray the covenant, violate the constitution, and turn against it, without caring or batting an eyelid, and without anyone holding him accountable.

This necessitates the blocking third group (the coordination framework and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and those with them from the independents) to calculate this possibility and stipulate agreement on naming the prime minister and agreeing on it before going to the presidential election session, and documenting this agreement judicially and in front of public opinion and the Iraqi people..

Without this agreement, let everyone hit their head against the wall.. and the blocking third from now on must (hehe Maalik) according to the saying of Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, and there is no need anymore to beg for anyone to agree, and let the next approach be to agree on the presidency of the republic and the ministers before the session of electing the president of the republic is held

butterfly   ..And let the next approach be to agree on the presidency of the republic and the ministers before holding the session to elect the president of the republic.And let the next approach be to agree on the presidency of the republic and the ministers before holding the session to elect the president of the republic.   almaalomah.me

butterfly   Gaps between Iraq and Syria that ISIS exploits to return

JALULA (Iraq) - Nearly three years after the organization lost control of its last pockets, more than a dozen security officials, local leaders and residents say that its fighters have re-emerged as a source of mortal danger supported by the absence of central control in many areas.

The group no longer possesses the formidable strength it once enjoyed, but militant cells operating mostly independently of one another have remained across a strip of northern Iraq and northeastern Syria. And in recent months it has grown more daring to launch attacks.

Jabbar Yawar, a senior official in the Peshmerga forces in the autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq, says, “ISIS no longer has a force like it was in 2014. It does not have a strong joint leadership, nor is it able to control cities.” But he adds: “If there is no political stability, there is no economic stability. And if there is no economic stability, there is no security stability and ISIS is recovering.”

Some fear that this may already be happening. In late January, ISIS carried out its deadliest operation against the Iraqi army in years, killing 11 soldiers in a town near Jalula, according to security sources. On the same day, gunmen stormed a prison in Syria under the control of a Kurdish faction backed by the United States, in an attempt to free inmates loyal to it.

This was the largest attack launched by the organization since the collapse of the "caliphate state" it had declared in 2019. At least 200 prison inmates and militants were killed in this attack, and 40 Kurdish fighters, 77 prison guards and four civilians were killed.

Hussein Suleiman, a government employee in the Iraqi town of Sinjar, which was overrun by the organization in 2014 and killed thousands of members of the Yazidi sect, says:

butterfly   “After the attack on the prison in Syria, we became afraid of the return of ISIS.” He added, “ISIS came from Syria last time. Iraqi forces and Turkish forces were also here, but they fled.”

Officials and residents in northern Iraq and eastern Syria largely attributed what happened to competition between armed groups. When the Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian and American-led forces announced the defeat of ISIS, these forces turned on each other in confrontations across the region that the organization was ruling.

Now, Iranian-backed militias are attacking US forces, and Turkish forces are bombing separatist Kurdish militants. A conflict between Baghdad and the northern Kurdistan region also continues. These tensions undermine security and impartial governance, creating the kind of confusion from which ISIS used to profit.

For Youssef Ibrahim, this means passing through security checkpoints manned by Iraqi army soldiers and armed Shiite factions in order to reach his work in a town that until a few years ago was under the control of the Kurds. Local officials say that agricultural land in remote areas between each military site and another represents a hideout for ISIS militants.

Butterfly   Now, Ibrahim no longer travels at night on the roads around his hometown, Jalloula, in northeastern Iraq. He is afraid of finding himself in the midst of attacks by ISIS fighters. “The police and army don't come to our area very often now," says the 25-year-old Iraqi, who sells fish in a nearby market. And if they happen to come, the militants shoot them.”

The same thing is repeated across a corridor of about 644 kilometers in a mountainous and desert area extending from northern Iraq to Syria, which was dominated by the organization at one time. Towns like Jalula bear the effects of the fierce battles that took place about five years ago, including buildings reduced to piles of rubble or riddled with bullet holes. Its squares are filled with flags hoisted in honor of leaders from various armed factions who fell in battle.

Iraqi conflicts

The main conflict in some areas of Iraq in which the organization operates is between the government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan region, which has oil wealth, and has a strategic area that each of the two sides says belongs to it.

The worst militant attacks in Iraq in recent months have occurred in these areas. Dozens of soldiers, Kurdish fighters and residents were killed in the violence, which local officials attribute to militants loyal to the group.

Kurdish official Jabbar Yawar says the militants are using the no-man's-land between the security barriers of the Iraqi army, the Kurds and Shiite militias as a place to regroup. He adds: "In some areas, the distance between the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga is 40 km."

Colonel Muhammad al-Jubouri of Salah al-Din Operations Command said: "Up to this moment, 'ISIS' is still not in control (on the ground), but according to our intelligence, it is working within small groups of 10 to 15 elements to carry out quick and lightning operations and withdraw immediately."

butterfly   In a phone call to Reuters, he added that the organization's fighters are taking advantage of "the presence of some security gaps in the areas where the Iraqi forces are deployed as a result of the lack of well-fortified areas of concentration... ISIS is also active in areas between the Kurdish Peshmerga and the Iraqi army's control areas, located in an area called '" “Security neutrality” in which the forces of both sides are not allowed to enter.

In theory, Iran-allied state paramilitary forces operate in coordination with the Iraqi army, but some local officials say this is not always the case.

“The problem is that the local leaders from the army and the factions ... sometimes do not recognize the authority of the other,” said Ahmed Zarkoush, the mayor of Saadia in the disputed area. He added, "This means that the militants of the organization can operate in the loopholes."

Zarkoush lives outside the city he administers, and says he fears he will be assassinated by ISIS militants if he spends the night in the town.

Syria and the border

On the other side of the disputed corridor, some officials and analysts say that the militants of the organization in Syria are taking advantage of this confusion to operate in sparsely populated areas.

butterfly  "Combatants enter villages and towns at night and are free to work, raid places in search of food, terrorize merchants and extort taxes from local residents," said Charles Lister, a research fellow at the Middle East Institute. He adds, "They have many other local divisions to exploit for their advantage, whether they are ethnic, political or sectarian."

Syrian government forces and Iranian-backed factions control the lands west of the Euphrates River, and US-backed Kurdish forces are stationed east of the river, including the area where the prison attack took place.

The picture on the Iraqi side of the border is no less complicated; Soldiers and fighters allied with Iran, Turkey, Syria and the West control swathes of land with security barriers only a few dozen meters from each other.

Iran and its proxy militias are seeking to maintain control of the border crossings between Iraq and Syria, which are Tehran's gateway to Syria and Lebanon, according to Western and Iraqi officials.

American officials believe that these factions are responsible for attacking nearly 2,000 American soldiers stationed in Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS. Tehran has not commented on whether it was involved in the attacks.

While Turkey is carrying out drone strikes from bases in northern Iraq targeting Kurdish separatist militants operating on either side of the border.  tomorrow https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142231


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM   2-11-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM 2-11-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly The Iraqi presidency is awaiting the results of the Barzani-Talabani meeting

The Iraqis are the results of the meeting held in Erbil yesterday between the leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Bafel Talabani, regarding the candidate for the presidency. Observers of Kurdish affairs described the meeting as a "last chance meeting" for many reasons, most notably the lack of agreement between the Kurds, since the results of the parliamentary elections, on a candidate for the post of President of the Republic in light of the chronic dispute over the sharing of positions between Baghdad and Erbil.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM   2-11-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly    The Iraqi presidency is awaiting the results of the Barzani-Talabani meeting

The Iraqis are the results of the meeting held in Erbil yesterday between the leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Bafel Talabani, regarding the candidate for the presidency.  Observers of Kurdish affairs described the meeting as a "last chance meeting" for many reasons, most notably the lack of agreement between the Kurds, since the results of the parliamentary elections, on a candidate for the post of President of the Republic in light of the chronic dispute over the sharing of positions between Baghdad and Erbil.

They had previously had a sharp disagreement during the 2018 elections when the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan nominated Barham Salih, the current president, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party nominated Fuad Hussein, the current foreign minister, for the position. But the victory was for Saleh and his party. During the 2021 elections, the dispute between them recurred and they did not reach a compromise, as the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan re-nominated Barham Salih for a second term, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party nominated Hoshyar Zebari, the former foreign minister for the position.

While the two Kurdish parties have not yet agreed on a single candidate for the position, the chances of a settlement between them have begun to diminish unless a new position is issued through the meeting between Talabani and Barzani.

Because Hoshyar Zebari’s chances for the post have diminished, even if the Federal Court acquits him as a result of the possibility of the “Sadrists” hesitating in his election, the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s Secretary, Fadel Mirani, announced that his party has an alternative candidate, the current Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142216

butterfly   When the constitution and the law are just tools for political use in Iraq

Iraq has failed, at least since 1958 until this moment, to transform into a real state whose political class believes in the necessity of actual adherence to the constitution and the law as general rules regulating the authorities in the state, how they are formed and the nature of their competencies. The policy of justification has always been present to legitimize any violation of them, in the context of the complicity of the entire political class.

These violations could have been understood in the context of totalitarian regimes such as the ones that ruled Iraq after 1958, especially since this stage was defined by the so-called interim constitutions (1958, 1963, 1968 and 1970)! These “temporary” constitutions were nothing but a formality in order to confer a kind of legitimacy on the existing regime, which mostly came after military or paramilitary coups.

After 2003, the new regime in Iraq took different measures in terms of form rather than content, starting with the process of writing the permanent Iraqi constitution in 2005 and the referendum on it later.

The paradox here is that the lack of respect for the constitution and the violation of its articles continued even with a supposedly democratic regime; Referring to the temporary state administration law issued by the occupying power, and which entered into force on December 31, 2003, we find that Article 60 stipulated that “the National Assembly shall write a draft of the permanent constitution for Iraq” and the law set, therefore, a deadline of August 15 2005.

butterfly   The National Assembly itself failed to comply with the time set for writing the constitution, and this deadline was extended twice in another violation of the Interim State Administration Law, and the draft was not approved until August 28, two weeks after the deadline, and without a vote!

Once again, the agreement, far from the constitutional texts, was the master of the situation! The date was set for mid-October 2005 to put the draft to a public referendum. Indeed, the National Assembly printed 5 million copies of the draft constitution and distributed it to citizens, prior to the public referendum, to surprise everyone with amendments to the draft constitution that took place on October 12, i.e.

Only three days before the date of the general referendum, and whoever reviews the draft constitution that was published in the official Al-Sabah newspaper on September 15, 2005, the version that was distributed to the people, and the last version of the Iraqi constitution as it is today, will find that the amendments are not insignificant, It has been done on the draft, whether in the texts of the articles themselves, or in the number of articles of the constitution in general! This means that the people have read a version other than the version that voted on!

The Federal Supreme Court, which is supposed to be the arbiter and reference for stopping constitutional violations, has always been a party to the political context that legitimizes these violations.

butterfly   The House of Representatives, which was elected on December 15, 2005 after the adoption of the permanent constitution, has failed to implement its provisions since its early days! Article 142/ first stipulates the formation of a committee whose mission is to recommend the necessary amendments that can be made to the constitution “within a period not exceeding four months” and submit them to the House of Representatives for a vote, and we are still after more than 16 years waiting for that!

The paradox here is that the Federal Court had decided that the articles contained in Article 126 of constitutional amendments could not be approved, except after implementing the provisions of Article 142, and this means that an article was added at the last moment to the constitution in order to expedite the constitutional amendments (and this article was originally developed to convince the Sunnis / The Islamic Party by voting yes on the constitution) and that this “added” article has practically disrupted other articles that were present in the original draft that allow for constitutional amendments with simpler conditions than those that came in Article 142!

butterfly   This was also repeated with Article 140 of the Constitution, which set December 31, 2007 as a deadline for implementing “normalization, census and referendum” in Kirkuk and the disputed areas to determine the will of their citizens, which has not happened until now!

The most dangerous point here is that the Federal Supreme Court, which is supposed to be a ruling and reference in relation to stopping constitutional violations, has always been a party to the political context that legitimizes these violations, and the review of the decisions of this court clearly reveals this fact, which explains the contradictory decisions issued by these Court, also explains other problematic decisions.

Therefore, in the context of these systematic violations of the constitution and the law in Iraq, the objection to the “fraud” carried out by the presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives with regard to the Law of Provisions for the Election of the President of the Republic No. 8 of 2012, by reopening the nomination for this position without legal justification, seems mere.

A theoretical luxury” no more, as will appear to object to the Speaker of the House of Representatives’ demand from the current day caretaker / caretaker government (according to the Iraqi constitution, the government is a daily caretaker government in the event of the parliament’s dissolution) to submit the draft federal budget law for 2022 in an explicit violation of the provisions The internal system of the Council of Ministers that does not allow the government to do so, this objection will seem mere “dogmatism” from “naive” people who believe in the supremacy of the constitution and place it above personal interests, power relations and the logic of deals!

butterfly   In short, no one in Iraq respects the constitution or the law, neither the state authorities, nor the political class, nor the society itself, so there was a strange smoothness in the process of systematically violating the constitution, law, regulations and instructions, and it became clear that the “violators” themselves no longer care. Originally, with any objection directed to them, because they know perfectly well that there is collective complicity that allows them to do so, and makes them completely reassured that no matter what they violate, they will remain safe from any accountability! https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142213

butterfly   Assassinations between Saraya al-Salam and Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq threaten a Shiite-Shiite fight in Iraq Maysan (Iraq) - Maysan province in southern Iraq is witnessing mutual assassinations between the Peace Brigades of the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr, and the Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq faction led by Qais Khazali, on the impact of an intense political conflict between Shiite forces affiliated with the so-called coordination framework and the Sadrist movement over forming a new government. .

Al-Sadr sent a delegation Thursday to Maysan Governorate, after a tumultuous night that his supporters lived through following the assassination of the leader in Saraya Al-Salam, Karar Aborgev, after he was shot by unknown assailants, when he was in his car with his wife. .

Supporters of the Sadrist movement accused the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq militia of being behind the assassination of Aborgev, vowing to respond.

Muqtada al-Sadr: There are those who want to ignite the Shiite-Shiite war

Al-Sadr said in a statement on Thursday that he had sent a delegation of three Shiite clerics with the aim of "calming down the strife that politics has fueled between the brothers in the movement and the Asa'ib." He added that "there are those who want to ignite the Shiite-Shiite war and threaten civil peace," without naming specific parties, while calling on the two parties to cooperate with the delegation "and stave off sedition."

The assassination of the leader of Saraya al-Salam came after the killing of an officer in the Ministry of Interior, Hussam al-Alaywi, during the past week, at the hands of unknown assailants. Husam Al-Alawi is the brother of Wissam Al-Alawi, a leader in the Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq movement, who was also killed in October 2019 in Maysan.

butterfly   And the leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq had previously vowed to avenge Aliawi if the Sadrist movement did not take a firm position regarding the accountability of those involved in the assassination, in a direct accusation to the movement of the involvement of its affiliates in the operation.

The history of the differences between the two factions dates back to many years since Qais Khazali split from the Sadrist movement and established Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq in 2006, a faction close to Iran.

Observers believe that the deepening political crisis in Iraq has contributed to fueling tension between the two parties, which may lead to a Shiite-Shiite war if it is not contained.

The "Al-Fatah" coalition, the political umbrella of the militias loyal to Iran, warned Thursday of the outbreak of internal fighting between Shiite forces in Iraq.

The leader of the coalition, Hadi al-Amiri, said in a statement, "The bloody incidents that Maysan is witnessing is a matter of concern, and we have previously warned of cases of escalation in which the cycle of mutual violence may expand to take a dangerous turn that is difficult to put an end to."

butterfly   Al-Amiri called on the Sadrist movement and Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq to “exercise the highest levels of restraint,” without explicitly referring to their responsibility for the recent violence. And he warned that "blood brings nothing but blood, and that the local fighting, which the enemies spent billions on for its success, may be offered to them free of charge, on a plate of gold."

He appealed to the security services "to take their desired role with all seriousness and competence in order to establish security, impose law and restore the prestige of the state."

The recent incidents prompted Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to visit the province on Wednesday, and to take a decision before that to form an army operations command to control security in it.

On the same day, the leader of the Sadrist movement said in a statement that part of the violence in Maysan was caused by differences between his movement and Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, without providing details.

Hadi Al-Amiri: The cycle of violence may widen to a dangerous turn that will be difficult to put an end to

The Shiite forces, most of which have armed arms, differ over the selection of a prime minister for the next government and how to form it, following the results of the parliamentary elections that took place on the tenth of last October.

The Sadrist movement, which won 73 seats (out of 329), seeks to form a national majority government, unlike Shiite forces demanding a consensual government in which all political forces in Parliament participate.

butterfly   On Thursday, the coordination framework put forward a political initiative to resolve the crisis, based on dialogue between all the winning blocs in the elections to form a parliamentary coalition that would nominate the next prime minister and form the government.

The framework said in a statement, “We extend our hands to the forces concerned with forming the most numerous parliamentary bloc (which will be tasked with forming the government), and we specifically mention the brothers in the Sadrist movement, to sit down and debate about forming the most numerous bloc in a new way to serve the country and the largest national component (the Shiites), and we move away from the logic of quotas and division of spoils.”

The framework stressed the need for “the most numerous parliamentary bloc to agree on the criteria for selecting a strong and efficient prime minister, and the specifications for forming the government cabinet in accordance with standards of integrity and efficiency.”

Observers question Al-Sadr's acceptance of the initiative, which aims to preserve the chances of the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, to participate in power.

Al-Sadr vetoes al-Maliki's participation in the next government, considering that he is one of the sides of the corruption system that has harmed Iraq, while observers believe that the position of the leader of the State of Law coalition is not without political backgrounds and personal motives. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142225

butterfly   2022-02-11 03:09  Shafaq News / Oil prices eased on Friday as hot U.S. inflation fanned worries about aggressive interest rate hikes and investors await the outcome of U.S.-Iran talks that could lead to increased global crude supply.

Brent crude futures fell 58 cents, or 0.6%, to $90.83 a barrel at 0730 GMT, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude declined 45 cents, or 0.5%, to $89.43 a barrel.

The benchmark oil prices are also in line for their first weekly decline after seven consecutive weekly gains, though both contracts had earlier climbed to a seven-year high.

"Yesterday's inflation number likely puts more pressure on the U.S. Fed to act more aggressively with rate hikes. This expectation is weighing on oil and the broader commodities complex somewhat," said Warren Patterson, ING's head of commodities research.

"In addition, Iranian nuclear talks appear to be progressing, which is another factor holding prices back."

Tight supply was seen in U.S. crude oil stockpiles (USOILC=ECI), which unexpectedly fell 4.8 million barrels in the week to Feb. 4 to 410.4 million barrels as overall refined product demand reached an all-time record, said the Energy Information Administration. This compares with an analyst forecast of a 369,000-barrel rise.

Meanwhile, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said that world oil demand might rise even more steeply this year. The group forecast a gain of 4.15 million barrels per day (bpd) this year, as the global economy posts a strong recovery from the pandemic.   Source: Reuters

butterfly   OPEC sees upside to 2022 oil demand forecast on strong pandemic recovery 2022-02-10 10:43

Shafaq News / OPEC said on Thursday world oil demand might rise even more steeply this year as the global economy posts a strong recovery from the pandemic, a development that would underpin prices already at a seven-year high.

Tight oil supply has also given impetus to booming energy markets, and the report from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries also showed the group undershot a pledged oil-output rise in January under its pact with allies.

In the report, OPEC said it expected world oil demand to rise by 4.15 million barrels per day (bpd) this year, unchanged from its forecast last month, following a steep rise of 5.7 million bpd in 2021.

"Upside potential to the forecast prevails, based on an ongoing observed strong economic recovery with the GDP already reaching pre-pandemic levels," the OPEC report said in a commentary on the 2022 demand outlook.

"As most world economies are expected to grow stronger, the near-term prospects for world oil demand are certainly on the bright side," OPEC said in a separate comment on 2022 demand.

World consumption is expected to surpass the 100 million bpd mark in the third quarter, in line with last month's forecast. On an annual basis according to OPEC, the world last used more than 100 million bpd of oil in 2019.   Source: Reuters

Sheila   Year of the Tiger - Go Bengals -- maybe good omen

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM   2-10-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM 2-10-22

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Butterfly Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies

Last update: February 10, 2022, 13:51:11 ET https://www.imf.org/external/np/fin/data/rms_rep.aspx

Sheila butterfly Don't they update on 1st and 15th each month?

butterfly sheila I don't have that answer.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday PM   2-10-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies 

Last update: February 10, 2022, 13:51:11 ET  https://www.imf.org/external/np/fin/data/rms_rep.aspx

Sheila   butterfly Don't they update on 1st and 15th each month?

butterfly   sheila I don't have that answer.

butterfly   https://www.imf.org/external/np/fin/data/rms_mth.aspx?SelectDate=2022-02-28&reportType=CVSDR

Dave   butterfly IMF seems to have forgotten to list the IQD in your above post?

butterfly   Dave LOL you saw that also LOL

butterfly   https://www.wxyz.com/news/day-four-ambassador-bridge-remains-closed-on-canadian-side-windsor-mayor-looking-for-solution

butterfly    Ambassador Bridge blockade day 4: Whitmer calls on Canada to reopen the bridge

Dave  butterfly HEHE.....

butterfly https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/09/politics/fact-check-canadian-convoy-protest-ottawa/index.html Fact check: Debunking false claims about the Canadian convoy protests

Dave    Trucker Protest off to DC......

Butterfly   A Deputy From Al-Maliki’s Coalition Accuses Barzani Of Participating In An International Project Against Iraq

2022/02/10 | 5:39 PM\   State of Law Representative Aref Abdul Jalil accused, on Thursday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by Masoud Barzani, of implementing a dangerous project involving the United States of America, Britain and the Gulf states directed against Iraq and its people.

Abdul Jalil told the agency, “The Information”, that “Iraq is exposed to a major international project in which America participates and is run by Britain, which has the most dangerous intelligence in the world, in addition to the Gulf states and Israel.”

He explained that “at the top of the list of the internal bodies responsible for implementing this grand scheme on Iraq is the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by Massoud Barzani, to achieve his own ambitions.”

He pointed out that “the project began since the demonstrations began, changing the electoral law, changing the electoral commission’s staff, and linking the counting and sorting machines for election results to external servers, leading to the exit of election results, which are dominated by unfairness and fraud.”

He added, “The last episode of this dangerous series is represented in the formation of the Iraqi government and the sharpening of the political differences between the Shiite blocs and the attempt to split it into two halves, which is implemented by the agendas of internal Iraqi parties.”

Abdul Jalil stressed, “The presence of national political forces and patriots and the blood of the martyrs that fell victim to this malicious game on the country will fail the project of dividing and fragmenting Iraq and achieving their personal interests inside the country.” Done/25 SR   almaalomah.me

butterfly   A lot of nastiness going around. They need to get their act together bc each day that goes by, their country is going into the dumpster.

butterfly  The federal government sets the date for the lawsuit against Zebari’s acceptance of the presidency

2022-02-10 07:45    The federal government sets the date for the lawsuit against Zebaris acceptance of the presidencyShafaq News/ The Federal Supreme Court announced, on Wednesday, the date of the lawsuit against Hoshyar Zebari’s acceptance of the post of President of the Republic.

A brief statement of the Federal Court received by Shafaq News said, “The Federal Supreme Court has set next Sunday as a date for pleading in the lawsuit filed against accepting the candidacy of Hoshyar Zebari, numbered (17 federal).”

On Sunday (February 6), the Federal Supreme Court issued a state order to stop Hoshyar Zebari’s candidacy for the post of President of the Republic of Iraq.

In its decision, which was reviewed by Shafak News Agency, the court said that Representatives Ali Turki Jassoum, Dylan Ghafoor Saleh, Karwan Ali Yaroes and Karim Shakur Muhammad demanded the issuance of a loyalty order against Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi, against the background of his announcement of a list of candidates for the position of President of the Republic. Iraq, including Hoshyar Zebari.

She pointed out that the deputies submitted to the court a case in which they found that the procedures of the House of Representatives regarding the acceptance of the candidate Hoshyar Zebari “contravene the provisions of the Constitution and represent a serious violation of the texts contained in it, because the references to him do not meet the conditions.”

And indicated that the representatives demanded to stop the procedures for Zebari’s candidacy for the presidency of the republic until the action related to him is decided, noting that she had issued a state order to stop the procedures for the nomination of Zebari for the presidency.   shafaq.com

butterfly   OMG............... A brief statement of the Federal Court received by Shafaq News said, “The Federal Supreme Court has set next Sunday as a date for pleading in the lawsuit filed against accepting the candidacy of Hoshyar Zebari, numbered (17 federal).”

Dave   No trial against Zebari.... no crime?

Dave  seems reasonable........

Dave   innocent until proven guilty

Dave   They must have the GOPs play book?

Dave   GOP using our Truckers play book in the USA now

Dave   Freedoms must mean more than a contagious disease.....

Dave   In Canada Provinces be dropping mandates......Except fer healthcare workers though.....

Dave   Come March all healthcare workers must be vaxed, all other mandates will be dropped by then....

Dave  Heathcare worker Protest......shutting down hospitals and clinics......?

Sheila   Quote of the Day: “In my many years, I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.” – John Adams

Dave   Only to satisfy that 10%.......Democracy.........

Dave   sheila A congress is a group of salamanders, ravens or crows.

Sheila   Dave Just watched this video: "This is going to backfire on Trudeau" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybFimnl1HPk

Dave   fer that 10% yes

Dave  sheila DO try watching CTV our real news channel

Sheila   sheila Ben Shapiro is an interesting guy.

Sheila   oops -- that was to you Dave

Dave   WOW......WHAT BS..........ALL PROPRAGANDA sheila


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday AM   2-10-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday AM 2-10-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly Economist: The Government Has The Ability To Reduce The Price Of The Dollar

Economic Last Update 02/10/2022 | 1:03 PM Economic expert Kovind Sherwani affirmed on Thursday that the government has the ability to reduce the price of the dollar and return it to its previous price.

Sherwani said in a statement to "Al-Maalouma", "The government has the ability to reduce the price of the dollar after the rise in the price of oil and its crossing of the barrier of $90 per barrel."

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday AM   2-10-22

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Butterfly   Economist: The Government Has The Ability To Reduce The Price Of The Dollar

Economic Last Update 02/10/2022 | 1:03 PM  Economic expert Kovind Sherwani affirmed on Thursday that the government has the ability to reduce the price of the dollar and return it to its previous price.

Sherwani said in a statement to "Al-Maalouma", "The government has the ability to reduce the price of the dollar after the rise in the price of oil and its crossing of the barrier of $90 per barrel."

He added that "the price of the dollar affected the increase in unemployment and poverty rates, and the actual need to raise it has ended, in light of the rise in the price of oil to figures that are the first of its kind."

And it affected the price of the dollar on the rise in poverty and unemployment rates, in light of the weak purchasing power and the increase in prices in the market. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/10/581551/

butterfly   Former Deputy: The 2022 Budget Will Be Semi-Annual

Economic Last Update 02/10/2022 | 10:10 AM  The former decision of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, Ahmed Al-Saffar, suggested, on Thursday, resorting to approving a semi-annual budget due to the delay in forming the new government, while warning of the negative effects of this.

Al-Saffar said in an interview seen by "The Information", that "the ministerial curriculum and the government program are translated through the draft budget, which expresses the government's financial and economic policy, and since the current government is a caretaker government and does not have the right to present draft laws, including the budget, so it is supposed to be done." Forming the new government so that we can talk about the budget.”

He suggested that “it would take at least two months to form the government, in addition to two more months to complete the draft budget or make an amendment to the same current budget, so according to our expectations if there is a semi-annual budget.”

With regard to the economic and financial implications of not approving the 2022 budget, Al-Saffar indicated that “the effects will be very bad. During the current year, there was no budget and there has been a change in oil prices to more than $90, which means that half of the oil revenues are in excess of The plan is in the 21 budget at a price of 45 dollars per barrel, and this is a waste of public money, not benefiting from it and freezing it, especially since the current government does not have the right to make investments or contracts, but merely conduct business, and only the operational budget will be implemented.”

butterfly   He suggested “putting the achieved financial abundance in a fund that will be used in the next budget, where the focus is on the investment side with more than 50% of the total coming budget,” explaining that “the issue of appointments and job grades will remain pending until the new budget law is legislated.” https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/10/581507/

butterfly   A Deputy From Al-Maliki's Coalition Accuses Barzani Of Participating In An International Project Against Iraq

Politician  2022/02/10 | 5:39 PM   State of Law Representative Aref Abdul Jalil accused, on Thursday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by Masoud Barzani, of implementing a dangerous project involving the United States of America, Britain and the Gulf states directed against Iraq and its people.

Abdul Jalil told the agency, "The Information", that "Iraq is exposed to a major international project in which America participates and is run by Britain, which has the most dangerous intelligence in the world, in addition to the Gulf states and Israel."

He explained that "at the top of the list of the internal bodies responsible for implementing this grand scheme on Iraq is the Kurdistan Democratic Party headed by Massoud Barzani, to achieve his own ambitions."

He pointed out that "the project began since the demonstrations began, changing the electoral law, changing the electoral commission's staff, and linking the counting and sorting machines for election results to external servers, leading to the exit of election results, which are dominated by unfairness and fraud."

He added, "The last episode of this dangerous series is represented in the formation of the Iraqi government and the sharpening of the political differences between the Shiite blocs and the attempt to split it into two halves, which is implemented by the agendas of internal Iraqi parties."

Abdul Jalil stressed, "The presence of national political forces and patriots and the blood of the martyrs that fell victim to this malicious game on the country will fail the project of dividing and fragmenting Iraq and achieving their personal interests inside the country." https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/10/581624/

butterfly   Deputy: The Speaker Of Parliament Does Not Have The Right To Issue Any Decision Without The Vote Of The Majority Of The Parliament

Politician Last Update 02/10/2022 | 4:28 PM   On Thursday, Representative Muhammad Al-Shammari considered the decision of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Presidency to reopen the nomination for the position of President of the Republic as a violation of the constitution and the system of the House of Representatives, stressing that the decisions issued by the House must receive a majority vote.

Al-Shammari said in a statement to "The Information", that "the decision issued by Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi and the Presidency of the House of Representatives regarding reopening the door for nomination for a specified period is in violation of Article 72 of the Constitution and the House of Representatives system."

He added that "the Presidency does not have the right to issue decisions without submitting them to a vote in the House of Representatives, and a simple majority is obtained," noting that "the decision to reopen the door for nomination is political and in the interest of the Democratic Party in particular."

And the legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, confirmed to / the information / earlier, and added that Al-Halbousi’s decision to reopen the door for candidacy for the presidency of the republic is overshadowed by the administrative aspects more than the constitutional and he jumped on the constitution and it is subject to appeal before the Federal Court. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/10/581612/


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM   2-9-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 2-9-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly A deputy asks the Central Bank for a detailed table that includes a statement for the account of the Iraqi-Chinese agreement (document) Economie- 09-02-2022 - Representative Mustafa Sanad asked the Central Bank for a detailed schedule that includes a statement for the Iraqi-Chinese agreement.

The document indicated that "the statement includes the balance, entries and monthly withdrawals in dollars, and clarification of the reasons for withdrawal." https://www.dijlah.tv/index.php?page=article&id=298936

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM   2-9-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   A deputy asks the Central Bank for a detailed table that includes a statement for the account of the Iraqi-Chinese agreement (document) Economie- 09-02-2022 - Representative Mustafa Sanad asked the Central Bank for a detailed schedule that includes a statement for the Iraqi-Chinese agreement.

The document indicated that "the statement includes the balance, entries and monthly withdrawals in dollars, and clarification of the reasons for withdrawal." https://www.dijlah.tv/index.php?page=article&id=298936

butterfly  Deputy: The One Who Changed The Election Results Is Now Working To Divide The Shiite Decision

02/09/2022 | 5:02 PM   Member of Parliament Rafik Hashem confirmed, on Wednesday, that the political forces that worked to change the results of the recent elections are working to divide the Shiite blocs and increase the differences between them.

Hashem told the “Information” agency, that “the current political situation that the country has reached is dominated by differences and conflicts between the various political forces of all Iraqi components as a result of the elections that took place last year, which is dominated by great uncertainty.”

He added, “Political parties have worked to change the results in a certain direction so that there is a party in whose hand the political decision is in hand and an attempt to divide the Shiite house and divide it into two halves,” noting that “the current situation that Iraq is going through is the most difficult since the beginning of the new democratic situation.”

The deputy explained that “the parties that worked to change the election results are working today to change the political equation by working to increase differences and destroy harmony and consensus between the Shiite forces that can form the three presidencies.”   almaalomah.me

butterfly   Close to him: Al-Sadr is ready to postpone the majority government for years, provided that Al-Maliki does not participate in it

2022-02-09 03:11   Close to him - Al-Sadr is ready to postpone the majority government for years provided that Al-Maliki does not participate in itShafaq News/ A close associate of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, revealed on Wednesday that the decision to exclude the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki in the new government, “will not be retracted” regardless of Iranian pressures.

Al-Sadr seeks to form a national majority government by excluding some forces from it, led by the State of Law coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, unlike the rest of the Shiite forces within the coordination framework that demand a consensual government in which all political forces in Parliament participate, similar to previous sessions.

Al-Sadr blames Al-Maliki, who headed the government for two consecutive terms (2006-2014), for rampant corruption and acts of violence, in addition to the ISIS invasion of a third of Iraq in the summer of 2014.

A close associate of al-Sadr told Shafaq News Agency, “The leader of the Sadrist movement is ready to postpone his own project to form a majority government, which he is working on with the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the Sovereignty Alliance and other independent deputies for another four years, provided that the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, is involved in the government.” This decision is completely irreversible.”

butterfly   And he indicated that “political and Iranian pressures are being exerted on al-Sadr, in order to abandon the majority government and form a government in which all Shiite political forces participate, including al-Maliki and his coalition, but this is what al-Sadr rejects.” Al-Hanana in this, as Al-Sadr confirmed that he is ready to go to the opposition, in exchange for not forming any government other than the government of the majority.”

Yesterday, Tuesday, an informed political source revealed to Shafaq News Agency the content of the meeting that brought together Muqtada al-Sadr with the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ismail Qaani, in Al-Hanana in Najaf.

He said that Qaani handed al-Sadr a message from Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, in which he stressed the need to unify the Shiite political house with all its forces, and stress the sanctity of dismantling this house, under any circumstances.

The source added, that al-Sadr informed Qaani, by conveying a message to Khamenei that he is proceeding with the majority government project, with the participation of parties from the coordination framework, not the entire framework, and specifically the rejection of the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, who Khamenei confirms on his participation or not the framework will go with the government. new”.

After his meeting with Qaani, al-Sadr confirmed his adherence to the formation of a majority government through a tweet in which he wrote, “No Eastern, not Western… a national majority government.”

The Sadrist bloc topped the October 10 elections, with 73 seats, followed by the Progress Alliance with 37, the State of Law coalition with 33, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 31.   shafaq.com

Dave   butterfly "government of the majority.” or a government of more of Maliki....?

Dave   With only 35 Shia/SLC seats of 329........figure something may be wrong with their math?

Dave   oops 33

butterfly   Dave Should be interesting on how it all turns out. 


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM   2-9-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM 2-9-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly Iraq Lost 700 Million Dollars In Just 9 Months Due To The Import Of This Substance

Economic Last Update 02/09/2022 | 3:45 PM Economist Manar Al-Obaidi revealed, on Wednesday, that Iraq lost 700 million dollars in 9 months due to subsidizing improved gasoline. Al-Obaidi said, in a Facebook post seen by / the information /, that “Iraq’s loss from importing improved gasoline and selling it at a subsidized price amounted to 700 million dollars for the first nine months of the previous year 2021, which is equivalent to a trillion Iraqi dinars.”

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM   2-9-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly  Iraq Lost 700 Million Dollars In Just 9 Months Due To The Import Of This Substance

Economic   Last Update 02/09/2022 | 3:45 PM   Economist Manar Al-Obaidi revealed, on Wednesday, that Iraq lost 700 million dollars in 9 months due to subsidizing improved gasoline.  Al-Obaidi said, in a Facebook post seen by / the information /, that “Iraq’s loss from importing improved gasoline and selling it at a subsidized price amounted to 700 million dollars for the first nine months of the previous year 2021, which is equivalent to a trillion Iraqi dinars.”

He added, "Iraq imported, during the first nine months of the year, 2.5 million tons of gasoline, worth 1.7 billion US dollars, which means that the average price per ton is 685 dollars, which means that the average price of one liter is up to 1000 dinars."

He explained that "improved gasoline is sold at a price of 650 Iraqi dinars per liter, meaning that Iraq loses almost every liter of improved gasoline it sells, up to 350 Iraqi dinars, with a subsidy of 35% of the value of the improved gasoline, and this is what exposed Iraq to a loss of more than 700 million dollars, which is equivalent to Almost 1 trillion Iraqi dinars.

Al-Obaidi expected that “Iraq’s loss of gasoline for the previous year will be about 1.2 billion US dollars, equivalent to 1.75 trillion Iraqi dinars as a result of the rise in oil prices,” noting that “the state subsidizes improved gasoline by 35% of the price at which we buy and does not subsidize foodstuffs.” essential for the poor.

He pointed out that "1.75 trillion dinars can be purchased with 21 thousand tons of wheat and more than 500 housing units can be built, and giant refining stations can be built to dispense with imported gasoline. However, the state supports the price of improved gasoline."

He considered that "the policy of subsidizing oil products is not understood and exposed Iraq to great losses. However, there are no real and realistic solutions to this issue." https://almaalomah.me/20

butterfly   Economist: We Are Continuing To Invest Associated Gas, And We May Be One Of Its Exporters To The World

Economic Last Update 02/09/2022 | 9:11 AM  The economic expert, Dr. Safwan Qusay, confirmed that Iraq will continue to invest associated gas in the coming period, pointing out that the world is moving towards this fuel and Iraq may be one of the exporters at a time when Europe is experiencing tensions that have caused a gas crisis.

Qusay told Al-Maalouma, "Iraq owns associated gas and can be an outlet for additional revenues, and Iraq is continuing to conclude contracts, invest associated gas and stop burning it."

He added, "The Ministry of Oil has announced that the year 2025 will be the year to stop burning gas, as it will be invested in electricity consumption and operating power plants instead of the import on which Iraq depends greatly."

And he indicated that "accompanied gas can be exported to the world, especially since its prices are rising at the present time, and therefore there is a large market for it, and the tensions in Europe have caused the scarcity of this fuel exported by Russia in addition to Algeria, raising the prices of crude oil." https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/09/581298/

butterfly   The United States Records The Largest Trade Deficit In Its History

Economic  Last Update 02/08/2022 | 6:45 PM  The United States recorded the largest trade deficit ever in its history during 2021, driven by continued strong consumer appetite for imported goods, which exacerbated the gap between import and export.

The Commerce Department said, on Tuesday, that the deficit in trade in goods and services for the month of December grew 1.8 percent to a seasonally adjusted $80.7 billion, just below the record deficit of $80.8 billion in September, according to the Wall Street Journal. “.

The trade deficit for the whole of 2021 increased by 27 percent to $859.1 billion, which is greater than the previous record of $763.53 billion in 2006, and the largest ever since trade balance data began to be monitored.

This sharp increase in the trade deficit comes as the US economy continues to recover strongly from the recession caused by the pandemic during 2020.

American consumers spent heavily on imported goods such as computers, gaming machines and furniture, as government stimulus money poured into their accounts, while they were less willing to travel and eat out for health reasons.

Strong demand for capital goods from companies, as well as rising energy and food prices, have also increased US import bills.

The International Monetary Fund estimates that the US economy grew by 5.6% in 2021, faster than most advanced economies whose average growth rate was 5%.

Imports in December rose 1.6 percent to $308.9 billion, faster than exports, which grew 1.5 percent to $228.1 billion. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/08/581240/

butterfly   Al-Party Prepared The Alternative.. Al-Maliki: Most Of The Indicators Confirm The Court's Rejection Of Zebari's Nomination

Politician  Last Update 02/09/2022 | 1:02 PM  The representative of the State of Law coalition, Dergham Al-Maliki, confirmed, on Wednesday, that most indicators and leaks indicate that the Federal Court will accept the lawsuit filed against the Democratic Party candidate, Hoshyar Zebari for the post of President of the Republic, and his candidacy will be rejected, indicating that Al-Party has prepared the alternative after he was ascertained. That the decision of the Federal Court will go to accept the case.

Al-Maliki said in a statement to “Information” that “the Federal Court will resolve the case against the nomination of Al-Barti’s candidate for the position of President Hoshyar tomorrow Thursday,” noting that “most indicators and leaks confirm that the Federal Court will accept the case and Zebari’s nomination will be rejected.”

He added that "Al-Party has prepared the alternative after he was convinced that the decision of the Federal Court will go to accept the case," noting that "the political leaks confirm the presentation of the President of the Region, Nechirvan Barzani, as an alternative to Zebari, and thus we may enter into another crisis related to the constitutionality of reopening the candidacy door that he announced." Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi.”

And the representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, had confirmed in a previous statement that the Federal Court would say its final word regarding reopening the door for candidacy again for the position of President of the Republic, pointing out that Parliament had not previously witnessed such a scenario as it is going through now regarding the constitutional timings to run for the presidency. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/09/581339/

butterfly   Iraq: Al-Sadr clings to the majority government after Qaani meeting

Yesterday, Tuesday, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, received the commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Ismail Qaani, in Al-Hanana in Najaf Governorate.

Al-Sadr’s private office said in a Facebook post: “His Eminence the Leader, Muqtada Al-Sadr, receives Hajj Ismail Qaani in Al-Hanana,” without giving further details.

Subsequently, Al-Sadr wrote on “Twitter” after a meeting with Qaani his famous sentence, “Neither Eastern nor Western,” accompanied by his tweet with the hashtag, a national majority government.

And the "NRT" website quoted a political source as saying that Qaani held intensive meetings in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, in order to resolve the political crisis, which concerns the formation of the new government.

In parallel, the Presidency of the House of Representatives announced in a press statement yesterday, “The door for nomination for the position of President of the Republic has been opened, starting from Wednesday (today) and for a period of (3) days.”

And yesterday, Tuesday, Barham Salih’s 4-year term of office ended, and accordingly, Salih asked the Federal Supreme Court to interpret Article 72 of the Constitution, to enable him to continue his work, and to spare the country from entering a presidential vacuum.

In addition, the leader of the "Sovereignty" coalition, Mishaan al-Jubouri, said that his alliance supports Mustafa Al-Kazemi as prime minister if he is assigned by the largest bloc to form the government. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142129

butterfly   Farman’s Khamenei forces Sadr’s opponents to hold together

Informed sources revealed to Asharq Al-Awsat that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei had entered the line of crisis between Muqtada al-Sadr and his opponents within the Shiite “coordination framework,” forcing the latter’s forces to cohesion and preventing the joining of some of its parties, especially the leader of the Fatah Alliance Hadi al-Amiri, to the leader of the Sadrist movement in his project. To form a national majority government.

And at the end of last month, it was reported that the leaders of the “framework” wrote a letter that the leader of the “state of law” coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, ensured to send it to Khamenei, but sources confirmed to “Al-Sharq al-Awsat” that they “did not agree to send it,” but that al-Maliki “leaked it from behind.” their backs, knowing that the answer would eliminate any chance of an alliance between the Sadrists and (Al-Fateh).”

The content of the message was “Khamenei’s question about the possibility of an alliance of parties within (the framework) with al-Sadr, regardless of the positions of others on it” before it is too late.

And because everyone was aware that the answer would be a refusal, they decided to wait and not send it because they knew the nature of the answer. According to the sources, al-Maliki took advantage of this opportunity, and re-established the framework's cohesion with a "firman" from Tehran.

butterfly   The exchange of direct messages between the framework and Khamenei reflects the nature of the role played by the commander of the Iranian "Quds Force", Ismail Qaani, in Iraq. In contrast to General Qassem Soleimani, Qaani looks like a “postman” between Erbil, Baghdad and Najaf. Yesterday, al-Sadr met him at his headquarters in Hananah, and he tweeted after the meeting: “Neither Eastern nor Western… a national majority government,” which observers considered an indication of the failure of The Iranian general is making a breakthrough.

In addition, the presidency of the Iraqi parliament announced yesterday the opening of the nomination door again for the position of President of the Republic, starting today, Wednesday, for a period of 3 days, amid political and legal controversy, regarding Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi assuming for a month the position of President of the Republic from the current president, Barham Salih, on the pretext that there is a constitutional vacuum due to the lack of election A new president despite the expiry of the constitutional deadline. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142137



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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM   2-8-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM 2-8-22

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butterfly A parliamentarian talks about the priority of the next government's work

Policy 2022-02-07 | 11:18 A parliamentarian talks about the priority of the next government's work

Representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Hassan Al-Shammari, confirmed today, Monday, that there are many priorities that the next government should focus on.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Tuesday AM   2-8-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly  A parliamentarian talks about the priority of the next government's work

Policy  2022-02-07 | 11:18   A parliamentarian talks about the priority of the next government's work

Representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Hassan Al-Shammari, confirmed today, Monday, that there are many priorities that the next government should focus on.

Al-Shammari said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "Participation in the recent elections was very weak, which is evidence of the Iraqi people's discontent with the political class. In the event of failure in the current parliamentary session, participation in the upcoming elections may not exceed ten percent."

Al-Shammari added, "There is weakness in the government side in terms of the economy, as the government resorted to lowering the value of the dinar against the dollar by 22% to fill the corresponding deficit, but in fact, the damage to the citizen has reached fifty percent, which has caused an increase in the burdens of the simple citizen, especially The poor and middle classes," noting that "these measures weakened confidence in the government, and there was a clear confusion in the market, and the prices of some commodities doubled."

And he continued, "The other matter is related to the federal budget that it approved of 129 billion dollars, but at the end of the fiscal year, what was spent did not exceed 79 billion, and therefore we find no justification for weakening the citizen's budget and reducing the value of the source of his purchasing income to bridge a deficit in the end that was not spent by the government, and there was plenty.

Cash led to an increase in the cash stock at the expense of the citizen,” stressing “the importance of the government’s attention to the citizen, that the purchasing value of the dinar be restored, and that important projects that ensure moving the wheel of society in many fields are activated.” https://www.alsumaria.tv/news

butterfly   Find out the dollar exchange rates for today

Economie   2022-02-07 | 02:02  The dollar exchange rates witnessed stability in the local markets.

And the selling prices of the dollar recorded today, Monday, 148,000 dinars per 100 dollars, while the purchase prices of the dollar recorded 147.750 dinars per 100 dollars.   https://www.alsumaria.tv/news/

Butterfly  The largest Iraqi Sunni alliance supports Al-Kazemi to head the next government

BAGHDAD - The announcement by the Iraqi Sunni "sovereignty" coalition on Tuesday of its support for Mustafa Al-Kazemi assuming the presidency of the next government bears positive signs that the current prime minister enjoys great confidence and that he is on an open path towards renewing his term.

Mishaan al-Jubouri, a deputy in the Iraqi parliament for the "Sovereignty" coalition, said in a tweet on Twitter on Tuesday, "I and a number of deputies of the Sovereignty Alliance, along with the leader of the coalition, Khamis al-Khanjar, received Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazemi" in Baghdad.

He added, "I can confirm that the Sovereignty Alliance will support Al-Kazemi's assumption of a second term if he is assigned by the Sadrist movement's bloc to form the new government."

The Sovereignty Alliance, led by Khamis al-Khanjar, is the largest coalition of Sunni political forces in the Iraqi parliament and occupies 71 out of 329 seats.

On Monday, the leaders of the "Sovereignty" coalition held a meeting with the Iraqi Prime Minister, to discuss several issues, including the challenges facing the liberated provinces in particular, and Iraq in general, and ways to address security breaches, the latest of which was what happened in Anbar. According to a statement by the coalition.

butterfly  Al-Khanjar said after the meeting in a tweet on Twitter that the discussion also included "and to the same degree stopping political targets that converge with terrorism in the same bad goals." In reference to the recent bombings of the headquarters of Sunni and Kurdish parties and their personalities.

Al-Kazemi has ample chances of winning the prime ministership again, in light of the support he also enjoys from the Sadrist movement.

Iraqi political circles say that Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr sees Al-Kazemi as the most capable figure to lead a "national majority" government that he seeks to form with the Sunni and Kurdish blocs.

Last January, Al-Kazemi visited Najaf to see the reality of services in the governorate, located southwest of the capital, Baghdad, which is the stronghold of the Sadrist movement.

During his visit to Najaf, which included a hot meeting with Al-Sadr, Al-Kazemi took a set of decisions and measures related to the administration of the province, including personal supervision by him after the resignation of Governor Louay Al-Yasiri under pressure from the leader of the Sadrist movement. This resignation was met with the objections of the forces loyal to Iran, led by the State of Law coalition.

butterfly  Al-Kazemi has recently been carrying out an active campaign to improve his image, by announcing a number of development projects, and launching a campaign of dismissals of governors and senior officials, around whom suspicions of corruption are raised, or some of them are involved in suppressing protests, as is the case with the governor of Dhi Qar.

Observers of the Iraqi affairs believe that the recent measures taken by Al-Kazemi, which are in the context of beating at the hands of the corrupt, are consistent with what the Sadrist movement and its leader have repeatedly announced that confronting corruption will be at the forefront of the reform project that he intends to implement after forming a national majority government.

The position of prime minister is occupied by the Shiites in Iraq according to a political custom followed since 2006, while the Sunnis hold the presidency of the parliament, and the Kurds the presidency.

It is expected that the next prime minister will be named by the "Sadr bloc" led by Muqtada al-Sadr, as it led the elections with 73 seats.

And in May 2020, Parliament granted confidence to the Al-Kazemi government after widespread popular protests toppled the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi.

butterfly    On Monday, Parliament failed to elect a new president as a result of the boycott of the session by the majority of political blocs, amid disagreements over the candidates, which hinders efforts to form the next government.

The Iraqi constitution stipulates that the elected president of the republic must assign the candidate of the “largest parliamentary bloc” to form the government.

The Sadrist bloc topped the elections held on October 10, followed by the Progress Alliance with 37 seats, the State of Law coalition with 33, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 31.

The country is experiencing a political crisis due to differences between the "Sadr bloc" and other Shiite forces allied within the "coordinating framework" regarding the formation of the government, and differences prevail among the Kurds over the presidential candidate.

Al-Sadr seeks to form a national majority government by excluding some forces from it, led by the “State of Law” coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, unlike the rest of the Shiite forces within the “coordinating framework” that demand a consensual government in which all political forces in Parliament participate, similar to previous sessions. . https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142104

Butterfly    Iraq Is Preparing To Hold An Exhibition "ATEX" For Digital Transformation

Economic Last Update 02/08/2022 | 12:03 PM  The Ministry of Communications is preparing to hold an exhibition (ATEX) on digital transformation of e-government next Thursday on the grounds of the Baghdad International Fair with wide international and Arab participation.

The Director of Relations and Media at the General Company for Communications and Informatics at the ministry, Natiq Ahmed Ibrahim, said in a statement seen by "The Information", that "the exhibition continues until the 18th of this month, and comes within the government's directions for digital transformation of state institutions and the promotion of the use of modern technology in this regard," noting that “The exhibition is the first of its kind in the country and is being held within its first session.

There are invitations to the ministries of communications in the Arab countries, and it is hoped that it will witness a good international presence.”

Ibrahim added that “the exhibition will be held under the slogan (Iraq is moving towards digital transformation and the accelerated adoption of the future of artificial intelligence, as it will witness the participation of more than 10 government institutions, more than 100 companies affiliated with the private sector and some international companies), noting that “the exhibition will shed light on the main trends.”

And updates in the field of information and communication technology around the world, in addition to introducing the country’s e-government services and future projects in this field.”

butterfly   He pointed out that “focusing on the most important sectors that have been affected by the digital revolution, such as health, tourism, banking, finance, mining and education. It also includes holding workshops and specialized lectures, signing a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding with the ministries of communications in the participating Arab countries, and there will be a marketing aspect of e-government services and encouragement of transformation.” Digital in various fields and sectors and the exchange of expertise and experiences between various institutions and companies using technologies and innovations, as well as attracting technical investments from inside and outside the country. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/08/581075/

Sparky   ... " digital revolution " ... hat's a good one ... lolol .... same 'ol ** ...

Sparky  ... anything to keep all the profits from oil to themselves, from the citizens ... all **.

Sparky   ... the entire world went digital two decades ago ...... re-hashed rhetoric ...

Sparky  ... most companies have pulled out of that corrupt, kick back for a contract disaster of a " Country

Sparky   ... Goldman Sachs controls Iraq, as they do the USA ..... and the live Koch brother ...

Sparky   ... coke brothers ... devils disciples to be sure ...

butterfly  On hold on the phone and I will add the Koch Bros control the R Party. They even admitted it in an article.

Sparky   butterfly ... you know what's up ... and I appreciate you ...

butterfly   Sorry for the long article.

Dave   Whats the sense in have Huge Militaries........Quilting Bees???

Dave  NATOs expansion not aggressive?

butterfly  The Election Of The Three Presidencies And The Absurdity Of Holding The Elections.

02/08/2022 | 3:16 PM   The Election Of The Three Presidencies And The Absurdity Of Holding The ElectionsHadi Khairy Al-Karini

In Iraq, the elections have no meaning, there is no language that governs but the language of weapons, and the thug who has arms is not subject to the constitution and the law takes twice as much as he deserves and can overthrow the government even if he has one deputy..

The text of the constitution and the law Any party that has an armed faction is not entitled to run for office or participate in the elections. In reality, any party that does not have an armed faction will not get a seat in the House of Representatives…

What happened in the last election cycle?

It was proven by the Federal Court that the elections were rigged and in violation of the law, but it rejected the case because it was not within its jurisdiction and not to repeat the matter, i.e. not to use the electronic or automatic counting device because the Commission was unable to control it because it is controlled by a country that loves Iraq very much and seeks to destroy it with everything it has and with the complicity of the Sunni Arabs, the Kurds and part of The Shiite component does not benefit from humiliation or blame because they are supported by the occupier and any objector has a tail and must receive blame and betrayal with the silence of the people of solution and contract in this country.

Of course, there are keys that were impossible for any mess in Iraq, and they reached it and began to play openly in the Iraqi situation during the day, and the matter reached the exclusion of all Shiites from the administration of the state and with a regional intervention!

As follows:

Sunni Arab representatives were gathered in Turkey, the Emirates, and Jordan, and they imposed on them that the former Speaker of the House of Representatives be himself.

In addition, the voting session in the House of Representatives cost $90 million during the day, openly and shamelessly, and the payment was made in cash!

The question is who paid this amount?

Representatives representing the black Tishreen who burned the green and dry for the sake of (we want a homeland), and all of them slaying uprooting and corruption, voted for the same people who burned Iraq in order to expel them with Emirati funding, the Mossad administration and the supervision of the American embassy!

Why was that done?

And if you wonder, I see you forever

In addition, there is a recommendation from the Kurdish leadership to unite the ranks of the Sunni Arabs, to disperse the matter of the largest component, to confiscate it, and to prevent it from participating in the administration of the state.

They started step by step except for counterfeiting!

The Shiites and the law acquiesced to forgery!

Then sabotaging the first session and expelling the Shiites from the parliament base by creating chaos and representation that was fabricated and deceived the Shiite component. Its hero, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, who claimed that he had been beaten, then retreated and said fatigue and tiredness and appeared smiling and justified it to ward off sedition

butterfly  The recommended was elected regionally, and this is not reaping, but statements made by the leader, Mishaan al-Jubouri, without any embarrassment.

Then we moved to electing the President of the Republic, and if a minister argued for his corruption, even the Kurds voted for his dismissal, then said his dismissal is political, and then wanted to pass it by half plus one. Were it not for the Federal Court, after it saw that things, if they continued like this, there would be no meaning for their survival.

She said the constitution says two-thirds, and this contains a constitutional text that does not require diligence, and the jurisprudential rule says there is no diligence in exchange for the text!

They forced the court to strive for the existence of a text. If they recognized a law, a constitution, or a custom, they would not have resorted to the court for that!

Then it appeared that the hot candidate was accused before the judiciary, and he was brought in and rejected, forcing the court to strive again in front of a legal and constitutional text that is one of the conditions of the President of the Republic of good conduct and not to be accused of corruption!

And the House of Representatives considered it fulfilling the conditions, in violation of the constitutional and legal rules.

Iraq is doomed to follow the wisdom of the corrupt, and this is a perjury in Yemen. The House of Representatives must be dissolved, and we demand the coordination framework to file a lawsuit against the House of Representatives for perjuring it in Yemen and passing it is required to the judiciary, although the matter is settled in favor of those who passed it, but the law must be used, perhaps one day we will reach that the law and the constitution Is the faisal and not the weapon?

Sparky   Dave ... Putin has Ukraine flanked ... N,E, and S ...

butterfly   Barham has his space in front of him and the coordinating framework should not renew the confidence in him because he betrayed them and they are the ones who brought him to the presidency. It is only true that they are the mother of the boy, and if they repeat, he will betray them again and again because he does not respect the principle of my separation and he did not apologize and never said I am an Iraqi, he was more severe than the Mossad on the Shiites!

Then the boycott maneuver began, and the Shiites noticed this maneuver and began to deal well and decided not to attend if the quorum and understanding of a national figure to be the President of the Republic was not achieved!

They did not obey the deception that they are the most affected by the continuation of the constitutional vacuum due to the continuation of the three presidencies that destroyed the Shiites and tried to exclude them from running the state with all they had!

The continuation of the situation and the constitutional vacuum will lead to the reversal of the Shiites’ exclusion and the failure of the plan to exclude them. If the situation continues as it is, resort to the street to say its word and not be afraid, because those in charge of the matter now have tasted the people’s woe from starvation, marginalization, and tampering with state resources and destructive agreements.

For every modern incident, we must be patient. Al-Matoulah, non-compliance, and lack of trust in all partners, and everyone, I mean, those who allied themselves and produced the situation now.   almaalomah.me

Dave   https://www.rferl.org/a/nato-expansion-russia-mislead/31263602.html

Sparky   ... nothing out of Putin's playbook ...

Dave   NATO had a treaty of non expansion with Russia

Sparky   ... staged ** is what led him to power ...

Dave    Whats a treaty then?

Sparky  ... meaningless to Putin ...

Dave   Meaningless to Nato you mean

Sparky   ... NATO best be aware, and be willing to fight ...

Sparky  ... I have a feeling this is going to get ugly, real fast ...

butterfly   NATO partner countries are:

Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Georgia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyz Republic, Malta, The Republic of Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Dave   What of North Korea?

Sparky   ... 82nd already there ...

Sparky   ... those boyz don't play ...

butterfly   How many countries are in NATO 2022?

Of the 30 member countries, two are located in North America (Canada and the United States), 28 are in Europe, one of which (Turkey) is in both Europe and Asia.

Sparky   ... let God figure it out ...

butterfly   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_NATO


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday AM   2-7-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday AM 2-7-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly The Iraqi parliament convenes to elect the president of the republic amid a wide boycott

The Iraqi Council of Representatives is set to meet today, Monday, to elect a President of the Republic, but the vote is threatened with cancellation or postponement as a result of a series of positions issued by parliamentary blocs and representatives who announced a boycott of the session. These positions were preceded by the announcement of the Iraqi judiciary to suspend the candidacy of one of the most prominent candidates for the presidency, Hoshyar Zebari, as a result of suspicions of corruption.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday AM   2-7-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   The Iraqi parliament convenes to elect the president of the republic amid a wide boycott

The Iraqi Council of Representatives is set to meet today, Monday, to elect a President of the Republic, but the vote is threatened with cancellation or postponement as a result of a series of positions issued by parliamentary blocs and representatives who announced a boycott of the session.  These positions were preceded by the announcement of the Iraqi judiciary to suspend the candidacy of one of the most prominent candidates for the presidency, Hoshyar Zebari, as a result of suspicions of corruption.

Officially, it was decided to hold the session at noon. However, after a large number of deputies announced their boycott of the session, the quorum may not be present for the House of Representatives to convene (two-thirds out of 329 members). The Sadrist movement's bloc of 73 deputies announced a boycott of the session since Saturday.

And based on a lawsuit submitted by four deputies, the Iraqi Federal Court, which is the highest judicial body in the country, decided on Sunday, "to temporarily suspend the procedures for electing Hoshyar Zebari until he resolves a lawsuit filed against him related to accusations of corruption against him."

butterfly   The plaintiffs considered that Zebari, one of the most prominent Kurdish political figures in Iraq during the era after the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003, does not meet the constitutional conditions for assuming the position of President of the Republic, including being “of good reputation and integrity,” according to a copy of the case text and the court’s decision, which They were published by the official Iraqi News Agency.

They listed supporting reasons, including Parliament's decision to withdraw confidence from Zebari in 2016 when he was Minister of Finance, on the background of "accusations related to financial and administrative corruption." The lawsuit also touched on at least two other cases with which the 68-year-old former minister is associated, particularly during his tenure at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The plaintiffs talked about the existence of "another case" against the background of Zebari's "abuse of his influence and authority by spending huge sums of money on a property that does not belong to the state." The chest block was supporting Zebari. And announced her boycott of the session before the court's decision. The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, is presented as the spearhead against corruption in Iraq, and there is no doubt that the suspicions about Zebari would embarrass him. Al-Sadr called for consensus on a presidential candidate.

butterfly  Yesterday evening, Sunday, the "Sovereignty Alliance", which includes 51 deputies, led by Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi, an ally of the Sadrist movement, revealed its boycott of the session.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc to which Zebari belongs, consisting of 31 deputies, announced its boycott "for the requirements of the public interest and with the aim of completing the consultations."

These rapid developments reflect the severity of the political differences that Iraq has witnessed since the legislative elections that were held nearly four months ago, and ended with a major victory for the Sadrist movement and a retreat for the pro-Iranian blocs.

Since the country's first multiple elections in 2005 and organized after the Iraqi invasion that led to the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, the position of President of the Republic has traditionally been held by the Kurds, while the Shiites hold the prime ministership, and the Sunnis hold the parliament.

About 25 candidates are competing for the presidency of the Iraqi republic, and it was believed that the competition would actually be limited to Zebari and the current president, Barham Salih. Saleh belongs to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which in practice shares influence in the autonomous Kurdistan region.

The President of the Republic must, within the 15 days following his election, choose a prime minister whose name is due to the largest coalition under the parliament. Usually, the appointment of the prime minister occurs by consensus among the major political forces.

 But so far, these forces have not been able to form an alliance or agree on the name of a candidate to head the government, a position that practically holds the executive authority, succeeding its current incumbent, Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

butterfly   Upon his nomination, the Prime Minister has a month to compose it. However, the path of the political steps seems complicated even before it is started. Muqtada al-Sadr asserts that he has a sufficient majority in Parliament to proceed with the formation of a "national majority government", hoping thus to disengage from the tradition of consensus that often obstructs the decision-making mechanism.

However, this means that it puts outside its calculations significant forces in the political arena, especially the “coordinating framework” that includes the Fatah coalition representing the Popular Mobilization Forces (mostly made up of armed factions loyal to Iran), which won 17 seats in the elections, and the “State of Law” coalition headed by a president Former Minister Nuri al-Maliki (33 seats), and other Shiite parties.

The coordinating framework, in turn, confirms that it has the majority in the House of Representatives. Iraqi political analyst Hamza Haddad told Agence France-Presse: "No one knows who is in the opposition, everyone knows how to share shares," speaking of the possibility of forming an "expanded coalition."

The political tug of war is accompanied by violent acts from time to time, many of which have targeted American interests. In late January, three rockets landed near al-Halbousi's home. The authorities also announced in November that Al-Kazemi had survived an assassination attempt https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142034

butterfly  The future of the reference in Iraq: Who will succeed Al-Sistani?

Observers that Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the supreme reference for Shiites in Iraq (born in 1930) has reached an advanced age, is suffering from old age diseases, and the possibility of his death has become expected.

Therefore, several parties raised the issue of the succession of al-Sistani for research and discussion, and wrote studies and put forward expectations about the identity of the jurist who will succeed Al-Sistani is in a position surrounded by a lot of ambiguity and ambiguous powers and responsibilities.

In a report published by the American “Al-Monitor” website, on Thursday, December 2, 2021, it was stated that the sudden death of the Shiite religious authority, Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, who was the most likely candidate to succeed Al-Sistani, prompted the religious scholars in the Najaf seminary to seriously consider the stage "After Sistani".

In its report, the website clarified that this situation prompted Sheikh Muhammad Baqir al-Irwani to open an official office for him in Najaf, as it seems that he is preparing himself to be a supreme authority after the death of al-Sistani. The report also indicated that the opening of the office constitutes an important step in declaring the position of religious authority. Al-Irwani teaches one of the largest seminaries, at the highest level of religious studies.

butterfly   The position of the supreme Shiite marja’ is, in fact, a position that has almost gelatinous powers, or is not clearly defined in the shadow of the Iraqi Najaf seminary, which distinguished itself from its peer and competitor, the Iranian seminary of Qom, as it became known that the Najaf seminary does not operate according to the principle of Wilayat al-Faqih.

Rather, it believes in what is known as the state of the nation, and the great jurists of Najaf are still far from interfering in political conflicts, and they are trying to play only guiding roles, while the institution of the Guardian Jurist in Iran plays the central role in a system closer to theocratic dictatorship, where the Wali al-Faqih holds most of the powers in the Islamic Republic , assisted by a group of councils.

Sayyid Ali al-Sistani remained a reference that avoided getting into the quagmire of dangerous politics in a country with a strict totalitarian regime like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Al-Sistani is a difficult figure in the Iraqi equation under the American occupation, and then during the era of the nascent state that followed the transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqis.

The role of Al-Sistani’s authority emerged when he demanded the American occupation forces and the United Nations mission to set a timetable for transferring power to the Iraqis as soon as possible, and insisted on forming an Iraqi committee to write the new constitution, and put it to a vote, and this is what actually happened despite all the problems that resulted from this urgent step.

He also played important roles in suppressing sectarian strife, calming the dirty war that erupted after the bombing of the Al-Askari shrine in Samarra, as well as confronting the terrorist organization ISIS by issuing a fatwa for sufficient jihad. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/142031

butterfly  Iraqi parliament indefinitely adjourns president election 2022-02-07 07:50

Shafaq News/ Iraq's legislative body on Monday indefinitely postponed a scheduled vote for the republic's president after most major political blocs boycotted the session.

The sweeping no-show deepens a political crisis in the war-scarred country which, almost four months after a general election, still has not chosen a new prime minister.

The assembly vote had been set for noon for the head of state -- a post with a four-year mandate held by convention by a member of Iraq's Kurdish minority, and currently occupied by Barham Saleh.

But a series of boycott calls had made it highly unlikely the 329-seat parliament in Baghdad's high-security Green Zone would be able to clinch the necessary two-thirds quorum.

Then, on Monday afternoon, with only 58 MPs, a source told Shafaq News Agency that "there will be no vote to elect the president".

The turmoil comes after October polls were marred by record-low turnout, post-election threats and violence, and a delay of several months until final results were confirmed.

Intense negotiations among political groups since then have failed to form a majority parliamentary coalition to name a new prime minister to succeed Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

The largest parliamentary bloc to emerge from the vote, led by powerful Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and holding 73 seats, was first to announce a boycott, on Saturday.

butterfly   It was followed on Sunday by the 51-member al-Siyada (Sovereignty) Coalition. The 31-seat Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) then announced it would also stay away, in order to "continue consultations and dialogue between political blocs".

The Coordination Framework, a consortium of Iraqi Shiite political forces opposing the October 10 election results, also said the session should not take place, citing the recent political turmoil.

The process toward a presidential vote had been further plunged into disarray when Iraq's Supreme Court on Sunday suspended the candidacy of Saleh's key challenger, Hoshyar Zebari, 68.

The court cited corruption charges against Zebari, a former foreign minister from the KDP; allegations he denies.

Incumbent Salih, the other frontrunner out of some 25 candidates, represents the KDP's main rival in the Kurdistan Region, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

Monday's postponement exacerbates Iraq's political troubles because it is the task of the president, within 15 days of being elected, to formally name a prime minister from the largest bloc in parliament. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Iraqi-parliament-indefinitely-adjourns-president-election

butterfly   CBI sells +204$ million in the currency auction today 2022-02-07 06:44

Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $204 million in foreign currency today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction amounted to $204,493,943, 8.51% above Sunday's $188,251,676. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to every dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 21 banks and 206 exchange companies cashed out $56,920,000, while the remaining $147,573,943 went to boost funds abroad as credit and non-cash transactions, with 27 banks meeting those demands. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/CBI-sells-204-million-in-the-currency-auction-today

butterfly  Dollar exchange rates in Iraq 2022-02-07 02:42

Shafaq News / The dollar exchange rates stabilized in the Iraqi market today, Monday (February 07, 2022).

• The Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 147,900 dinars for $ 100.

• The Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,900 dinars for 100 dollars.

In Baghdad  

Selling prices in the banking stores in the local markets

•Sale price: 148,500 dinars for $ 100   •Purchase price: 147,500 dinars for $ 100

In Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region

Selling prices in the banking stores in the local markets

•Sale price: 148,050 dinars for $ 100   •Purchase price: 147,950 dinars for $ 100


butterfly   Iraq's foreign currency reserves inch up to $64 billion 2022-02-07 06:52

Shafaq News/ Iraq's foreign currency reserves have risen to $64 billion, Iraqi Central Bank deputy Governor Ihsan Shemran said on Monday.

"Iraq's reserves, which includes the cash of the dollar, the euro, sterling, and other foreign currencies, in addition to the gold reserves amounted to more than 64 billion dollars." The Deputy Governor told Shafaq News Agency.

Shemran added that "Iraq's gold reserves reached 96 tons, recording the 38th place globally."

On January 19, the Central Bank of Iraq announced that the total foreign currency reserves increased significantly at the end of 2021 due to the diversified investments and management following monetary policy based on best international practices free from risks. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Iraq-s-foreign-currency-reserves-inch-up-to-64-billion

Butterfly   Al-Zayadi: The Framework Is Determined To Reduce The Price Of The Dollar

02/06/2022 | 10:08 A   The representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, confirmed, on Sunday, that the coordination framework is determined to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar in the event that he participates in the political process, pointing out that reducing the price will be one of the conditions for voting on the Prime Minister for the next government.

Al-Ziyadi told Al-Maalouma, “The coordination framework rejected the rise in the dollar exchange rate against the dinar when voting on the 2021 budget, as this caused great damage to various segments of the people.”

He added, “Whoever was the reason for passing the budget at the current dollar price, today enjoys the majority in Parliament, and it is hoped that the course will be corrected by decreasing the exchange rate.”

And Al-Zayadi, “The coordination framework, and if it is part of the political process, it will set a condition when voting on the prime minister, as the candidate will not pass without obtaining a word from him to reduce the exchange rate, but by going to the opposition, then he cannot set the conditions but demand adjusting the price.    almaalomah.me

butterfly   Iraqi Dinar/US Dollar auction results for Monday 2-7-2022 executed today 2-6-2022

25k Iraqi Dinar notesThe results of the foreign currency sale window Monday 7/2/2022

Announcement No. (4583)

Sale date – Monday 7/2/2022   the details   the amount

Total sales for the purposes of strengthening balances abroad (remittances, credits)  147,573,943

Total cash sale  56,920,000    total total sales  204,493,943

Note that:  The selling price of the amounts transferred to bank accounts abroad is ( 1460 ) dinars per dollar.

The cash sale price is ( 1460 ) dinars per dollar.   cbi.iq/currency_auction/view/1210


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday AM   2-6-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday AM 2-6-22

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butterfly Al-Zayadi: The Framework Is Determined To Reduce The Price Of The Dollar

Economic Last Update 02/06/2022 | 10:08 AM The representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, confirmed, on Sunday, that the coordination framework is determined to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar in the event that he participates in the political process, pointing out that reducing the price will be one of the conditions for voting on the Prime Minister for the next government.

Al-Ziyadi told Al-Maalouma, "The coordination framework rejected the rise in the dollar exchange rate against the dinar when voting on the 2021 budget, as this caused great damage to various segments of the people."

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday AM   2-6-22

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butterfly   Al-Zayadi: The Framework Is Determined To Reduce The Price Of The Dollar

Economic Last Update 02/06/2022 | 10:08 AM  The representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, confirmed, on Sunday, that the coordination framework is determined to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar in the event that he participates in the political process, pointing out that reducing the price will be one of the conditions for voting on the Prime Minister for the next government.

Al-Ziyadi told Al-Maalouma, "The coordination framework rejected the rise in the dollar exchange rate against the dinar when voting on the 2021 budget, as this caused great damage to various segments of the people."

He added, "Whoever was the reason for passing the budget at the current dollar price, today enjoys the majority in Parliament, and it is hoped that the course will be corrected by decreasing the exchange rate."

And Al-Zayadi, "The coordination framework, and if it is part of the political process, it will set a condition when voting on the prime minister, as the candidate will not pass without obtaining a word from him to reduce the exchange rate, but by going to the opposition, then he cannot set the conditions but demand adjusting the price. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/06/580684/

butterfly   Iraq Without Projects In 2022” .. A Statement By The Ministry Of Planning Regarding The Current Year's Budget

ECONOMIC 02/05/2022 | The Ministry of Planning announced, on Saturday, that projects will not be included in the current year’s 2022 budget, while confirming its work to complete the projects that continue to work.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Planning, Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi, told the Iraqi News Agency, and it followed him (the information), that "the ministry did not include new projects in the 2022 budget, and there are ongoing projects within the investment plan and the regional development plan."

He added, "There are quite a few projects that are ongoing and are currently being worked on according to the funds allocated in the 2021 budget, and work continues in the current year until they are completed according to the timelines allocated to each project, whether implemented by ministries or local governments in the governorates."

He continued, "As for the suspended projects, there is work to resume them by solving the problems that led to their suspension and restarting them." https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/05/580622/

butterfly   Politicians Criticize The Government's "Scramble" To Connect The Electricity With Saudi Arabia

ECONOMIC 2022/02/06 | 8:54 AM   Political parties, in addition to specialists in the energy file, criticized the government’s position regarding the electrical connection with Saudi Arabia, stressing that this approach will not solve the crisis at a time when the defect in the electricity crisis has been diagnosed.

The former deputy of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Karim Al-Muhammadawi, told Al-Maalouma, "There are external interventions in the Iraqi energy file in order to achieve American goals, the latest of which is the electrical connection with Saudi Arabia, which is a political project that does not serve Iraq's interest, as it is better to invest money to establish new stations."

On the other hand, the specialist in energy affairs, former MP Abbas Yaber, explained to Al-Maalouma, "Iraq does not need to import energy, as it has stations that are supposed to produce 31,000 megawatts, but the problem that prevents this is the inability to The distribution system will secure this energy as well as the problems in the network.”

On the other hand, the representative of the State of Law coalition, Aref Abdel Jalil, stated to “The Information” that “the government’s going to the electrical connection with Saudi Arabia will not achieve any benefit or economic return for Iraq, in addition to the fact that the imported energy will constitute only 1 percent of the country’s need, as It will cost Iraq a lot of money.”

In a related development, a member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Uday Al-Khadran, told Al-Maalouma that "Iraq will lose 12 billion dollars as a result of the electrical connection with the Saudi side, while Iraq will not need such an amount if it produces the energy it needs on its territory." https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/06/580670/

butterfly  The Federal Court Issues A State Decision To Stop Zebari's Candidacy For The Post Of President Of The Republic

Politician Last Update 02/06/2022 | 3:19 PM  On Sunday, the Federal Court decided to stop the procedures for electing Hoshyar Zebari for the presidency of the republic.

And the court stated, in a brief statement, that "the Federal Supreme Court issued a state order to stop the procedures for the nomination of Hoshyar Mahmoud Muhammad Zebari for the position of President of the Republic."

She explained that the suspension is "until the decision of the call numbered 17/Federal/2022."

The nomination of Hoshyar Zebari for the position of President of the Republic sparked a wave of popular and political anger because of his involvement in corruption charges. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/06/580785/

butterfly   Has al-Sadr reached a synthesis to lead Iraq after the elections?

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, confused the political scene in Iraq, hours after he called his bloc not to vote for Masoud Barzani's candidate for the presidency, and at a time when the three leading figures in Iraq, President Barham Salih, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, and Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi appeared together on an occasion that suggested that they were the group that Sadr's opinion settled on it to lead a post-election Iraq.

The three leaders called on Saturday to overcome political differences and expedite the formation of a capable Iraqi government that is not subject to external pressures and is not subject to tutelage from anyone.

Barham Salih: We need a serious review of our overall political situation and the establishment of a new political contract

butterfly   In words during a celebration commemorating the killing of Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim in 2003, they unanimously agreed on the need to work to protect the interests of the people, renounce political differences and achieve security and stability.

It was clear that the three words carried the same orientation that al-Sadr held and expressed on more than one occasion regarding the focus on the future and overcoming conflicts, and the formation of an Iraqi government that is not subject to any external pressures.

"We have to put the interests of our people at the forefront and provide everything it deserves at all levels," Al-Kazemi said.

He added that "political differences should not reach the foundations of state-building. There are international bets on the failure of democracy in Iraq, which will remain the safest way to coexistence because the Iraqi people are loyal to everyone who serves them."

For his part, Barham Salih called for "working to build an Iraq that Iraqis deserve in terms of services, security and stability, and that we stand today in front of the aspirations of a people that has long suffered from crises and disasters of wars, tyranny and terrorism, and the time has come to overcome them through good governance."

“We need a serious review of our overall political situation and the establishment of a new political contract, and we must support the democratic option in choosing the president of the republic,” Saleh said, stressing the need to “form a government that achieves the national ambition and aspirations of the people, a capable Iraqi government that is not subject to external pressures and is not subject to tutelage from anyone.” .

In parallel, Al-Halbousi stressed that "compliance is not in Iraq's interest, nor is there a return to previous failures, and we seek to have a circulation of power without threat, and that the Iraqi parliament today is more capable of achieving urgent requirements."

butterfly   The rhetoric calling for overcoming the post-election partisan accounts, which casts a shadow over the atmosphere of government formation and the selection of the new president, coincided with the Sadrist bloc's decision to boycott the parliament session devoted to choosing the country's president, and to freeze government formation negotiations with the political blocs until further notice.

This came in a press conference held by Hassan Al-Adhari, head of the "Sadr bloc" in Parliament, which topped the recent parliamentary elections, at the Parliament headquarters in the capital, Baghdad.

Iraqi sources told "Al-Arab" that the Sadrist bloc's decision to boycott Monday's session to elect the president of the republic, as well as freeze negotiations with all blocs, is due to the fact that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, was not satisfied with the course of the consultations taking place regarding reaching a consensus candidate for the presidency, especially the position His Kurdish allies in the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Massoud Barzani.

butterfly   The sources added that al-Sadr showed in a tweet to him on Friday that he was against the position of the Kurdistan Democratic Party regarding the nomination of Hoshyar Zebari, and in light of Barzani's adherence to his position, al-Sadr's decision on Saturday was to stop all consultations and boycott the electoral session, in a move that confirms that he adheres to his stubbornness in categorically opposing Zebari's position. Waving to veto all understandings that were made about the government.

And if Al-Sadr’s comment on Friday was decisive in the matter of not accepting the nomination of Hoshyar Zebari, but he does not want to appear who supports the nominations of the coordination framework as well, and that the absence of the Sadrist bloc from the session will avoid embarrassment by voting for the same candidate, i.e. the outgoing president Barham Salih, who Al-Sadr sees as the closest person To his options in the war on corruption, supported by the coordination framework, defiance in Zebari.

Muhammad Al-Halbousi: We seek to have a transfer of power without threat

Iraqi observers say that Al-Sadr's problem with the Kurdistan Democratic Party and its leader Barzani is not only related to the issue of Zebari's nomination, but Barzani opened channels of communication with the coordination framework under Iranian sponsorship, and that the focus of the initiative he presented a few days ago is based on making the framework part of the government consensus, which Al-Sadr rejects as long as Nouri al-Maliki was part of it.

butterfly   Zebari's involvement in corruption has angered part of the public in recent days, causing embarrassment to Muqtada al-Sadr, who presents himself as an anti-corruption.

Muqtada al-Sadr wrote on Twitter on Friday, "If the candidate of the Democratic Party allied to the presidency of the republic does not meet the conditions, I call on the reform representatives not to vote for him."

A deputy from the Sadrist bloc, who preferred not to reveal his identity, told AFP that "the decision to withdraw is directed at the Kurds, and in particular the Democratic Party, in order to agree on one Kurdish candidate for the post of President of the Republic."

He added that Zebari "did not enjoy national and popular consensus in light of political and popular objections to it."

Parliament dismissed Zebari in 2016 after corruption scandals and suspicions of embezzlement of public funds were exposed.

Zebari confirmed in an interview on Friday that "no conviction was issued (against him) in the Iraqi judiciary," stressing that "the issue of accusing him of corruption and withdrawing confidence from him as Minister of Finance was politicized."

The charges against him included spending $1.8 million on tickets for his bodyguards https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/141999

butterfly   The leader of the Sadrist movement "kills the match" to win the "final"

As usual, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, returns to his tactic, which has repeatedly succeeded in diverting the course of suffocating crises. Withdrawal and freezing leave others, adversaries and allies, forced to wait immobile. In the complex of forming the government and electing the new president of the republic, he leaves the negotiations, monopolizing the maneuvering cards for himself.

The head of the Sadrist bloc in Parliament, Hassan Al-Adari, surprised everyone by announcing yesterday, Saturday, the freezing of government negotiations, and not attending the parliament session, tomorrow, Monday, “on the orders of Al-Sadr.” During the past hours, everyone engaged in complex and unknown calculations about the constitutional timing of the government formation path, and the fate of the existing alliances between the majority and its opponents.

Before al-Sadr's latest position, the atmosphere was filled with frightening expectations of what the majority government project would lead to. Some of the signals that the Sadrists said they had received over the past few days allude to “burning everything and everything,” before al-Sadr succeeds in what he wants.

Al-Sadr chose the controversy of competition between Barham, Saleh, and Hoshyar Zebari for the position of President of the Republic, a prelude to his recent retirement. There is a political ploy directed at the coordinating framework forces, and at the same time an explicit message to the Kurdish ally to extinguish the president’s crisis or postpone it until a different political circumstance, but Al-Sadr’s last move, in general, is a maneuver similar to its predecessors when he decided to withdraw from the electoral race, to kill the “match” against his opponents.

butterfly   Al-Sadr's "volatility", as Iraqi analysts like to describe it, is today among his options for implementing his project, which he describes as "reformist", and it is also a realistic response to the political impasse and the lack of quick solutions to the crisis. Well-informed sources say that al-Sadr informed his guests in al-Hananah, Nechirvan Barzani, Muhammad al-Halbousi and Khamis al-Khanjar, of his plan to “disrupt the negotiations to win them,” and force the “coordinating framework” to accept al-Sadr’s conditions, and in this sense he wants to proceed with his project without modifications imposed by others, or leaving the government to those Wants.

But al-Sadr chose a withdrawal that would not only upset the frameworks’ plans, but would also involve everyone in unprecedented options, including harassment of legal timings, starting with choosing the president of the republic and assigning the largest bloc’s candidate to the prime minister. This will be the first time that the country will witness an indefinite vacuum, which is not addressed by the Iraqi constitution. Al-Sadr may have chosen this high level of "harassment" of the regime to stifle his opponents.

Al-Sadr robbed the “blocking third” card from the forces of the coordination framework. It does not make sense anymore, after they spent the past days gathering enough representatives to stop the presidential election session. An informed political source says that the parties to the framework held a meeting on Saturday afternoon to discuss new options after Al-Sadr's recent position. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/141993

butterfly   SFC decision suspended the Presidential election session, legal expert says 2022-02-06 08:36

Shafaq News / Legal expert, Ali al-Tamimi, said the recent decision of the Federal Supreme Court did not only suspend Hoshyar Zabari's candidacy, but also all the Parliament's measures to hold the Presidential election session.

Al-Tamimi said that the session is now suspended until further notice, indicating that it will only be held after the Federal Court finalizes the complaints against Zebari's candidacy.

Earlier today, the Supreme Federal Court suspended the candidacy of Hoshyar Zebari. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/SFC-decision-suspended-the-Presidential-election-session-legal-expert-says

butterfly   Iraq in talks with China to acquire FD-2000B air defense missile systems- Report 2022-02-06 09:23

Shafaq News / The bilateral relations between China and Iraq have seen smooth development since the two countries established diplomatic relations on August 25th, 1958. During the Gulf Crisis in 1990, China stopped economic, trade and military exchanges with Iraq according to relevant UN resolutions. After the Gulf War, China implemented some trade exchanges with Iraq under the Oil-for-Food plan.

In the year 2012, Iraq became the 4th largest Arabic trade partner of China. The bilateral trade volume reached 17.569 billion US Dollars, with a year-on-year growth of 23.13%. China imported 15.68 million tons of crude oil from Iraq, with a year-on-year growth of 13.87%.

Citing information published by the Chinese Press News Agency XINHUANET, in August 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping said, China attaches great importance to developing relations with Iraq, and stands ready to promote their strategic partnership for greater development.

China would like to support Iraq's efforts to defend its national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, fight against terrorism and safeguard its national security and stability.

According to the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) arms trade database, in 2015-2016 China has delivered 12 CH-4 armed UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and 100 FT-9 guided bombs to Iraq.

The FD-2000 is the export variant of the HQ-9 a long-range semi-active radar homing (SARH) surface-to-air defense missile (SAM) system developed by the Chinese defense industry. The missile is capable of intercepting precision-guided weapons as well as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), helicopters, and fighter aircraft.

The missile of the FD-2000 is armed with a 180 kg warhead, has a maximum speed of Mach 4.2. and has a maximum range of 125 km up to an altitude of 27 km. The FD-2000B is an improved version that has a maximum firing range of 300 km and is equipped with a passive infrared seeker.

Source: Army Recognition https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Iraq-in-talks-with-China-to-acquire-FD-2000B-air-defense-missile-systems--Report

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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday AM  2-5-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday AM 2-5-22

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butterfly Al-Sadr freezes negotiations to form the Iraqi government Baghdad - The Sadrist movement announced on Saturday the freezing of negotiations to form a government with the political blocs and a boycott of the Iraqi parliament session dedicated to choosing a president for the republic to succeed Barham Salih.

The Sadrists' move comes amid a stifling political crisis in Iraq due to deep differences between Shiite forces over the formation of the next government.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday AM  2-5-22

Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

butterfly   Al-Sadr freezes negotiations to form the Iraqi government   Baghdad - The Sadrist movement announced on Saturday the freezing of negotiations to form a government with the political blocs and a boycott of the Iraqi parliament session dedicated to choosing a president for the republic to succeed Barham Salih.

The Sadrists' move comes amid a stifling political crisis in Iraq due to deep differences between Shiite forces over the formation of the next government.

On Saturday, the Presidents of the Republic, the Government and Parliament urged the winning political forces in the recent parliamentary elections to overcome their differences and move forward in forming the next government.

"We decided to freeze negotiations with the political blocs regarding the formation of the next government until further notice," the head of the "Sadr bloc" in Parliament, Hassan al-Adari, said in a press conference.

He added that members of the Sadrist bloc should not attend the parliament session to choose the president of the republic scheduled for Monday, with the exception of the first deputy speaker of parliament, Hakim al-Zamili.

butterfly   The Iraqi parliament is scheduled to hold a special session on Monday to elect a new president from among 25 candidates, most notably the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) candidate President Saleh and the Kurdistan Democratic Party candidate Hoshyar Zebari.

The Sadrist bloc topped the October 10 elections, with 73 seats, followed by the Progress Alliance with 37, the State of Law coalition with 33, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 31.

The cleric Muqtada al-Sadr seeks to form a national majority government, unlike the rest of the Shiite forces within the "coordination framework", which calls for a consensual government in which all political forces in Parliament participate, similar to previous sessions.

On Friday, al-Sadr called on his political alliance in parliament not to vote for Zebari if he did not meet the conditions.

Al-Sadr added in a tweet, "We are advocates of reform, not advocates of authority and rule," days after Parliament scrutinized the resumes of candidates for the presidency and gave the green light to 25 candidates to compete for the position, including Zebari.

For his part, Zebari said in an interview broadcast on state television (Al-Iraqiya) on Friday that his candidacy for the post of President of the Republic "is definitive and we are going with it until the end." He added that "the vote needs two-thirds of the members of  Parliament, and we have a mobilization to get the sufficient number of votes."

He also said, "Our insistence on the position of the President of the Republic is an electoral entitlement, not a national one, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan took its chance in the presidency for 17 continuous years."

The National Union Party has maintained the position of president since 2006, while the Democratic Party's share during the last period was one of the sovereign ministries, either finance or foreign affairs.

Al-Sadr has repeatedly expressed his willingness to enter into an alliance with the rest of the Shiite forces within the "coordinating framework", with the exception of the leader of the "State of Law" coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, which is rejected by the "coordinating framework" forces.

Al-Sadr blames Al-Maliki, who headed the government for two consecutive terms (2006-2014), for “the rampant corruption and acts of violence” in the country, in addition to the ISIS invasion of a third of Iraq in the summer of 2014. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/141962

butterfly   Al-Sadr resolves his issue with Barzani and calls for the exclusion of Zebari

The leader of the movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called on his deputies in the Iraqi parliament on Friday not to elect the Kurdistan Democratic Party candidate, Hoshyar Zebari, if he did not meet the conditions for candidacy for the presidency of the republic for the next four years, in a move that observers said means that al-Sadr has made up his mind and is calling on the Sadrists to exclude Zebari.

Iraqi political sources said that al-Sadr's words are a clear message before Monday, the date of the election of the new Iraqi president, to the effect that he has made up his mind for the benefit of the outgoing president, Barham Salih, considering that the tweet in which al-Sadr's words came is tantamount to a clearing of responsibility towards ally Massoud Barzani, head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and before The Iraqis, so as not to say that al-Sadr did not adhere to the alliance that was formed a few days ago and led to the election of a speaker to parliament.

Al-Sadr's reference means that Barzani should instruct his uncle and his candidate for the Iraqi presidency, Zebari, to withdraw in order to save the face of the Kurdish leader.

The sources indicated that the leader of the Sadrist movement gave a clear signal to the representatives of his bloc and to the representatives who believe in reform and support the war on corruption by not electing Barzani because of the suspicions surrounding him of corruption, which contradicts al-Sadr’s desire that the next stage be the stage of confronting corruption on a large scale.

It is unreasonable for this battle to be waged with a president accused of corruption, and that even if he is innocent, the Iraqis will doubt al-Sadr’s efforts and plans and will not believe him or cooperate with him, a matter that may affect his credibility with his supporters.

butterfly   Al-Sadr said in a tweet to him on his personal account on Twitter, "If the candidate of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the ally - but never - for the presidency of the republic does not meet the conditions, then I call on the reform representatives not to vote for him." "We are advocates of reform, not advocates of authority and rule," he added. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/141955

butterfly   Who is the next president?!  2022-02-05 ......... Qassem Al-Gharawi || Writer / Political Analyst The decision of the Federal Supreme Court came in what the tripartite alliance did not desire, as the court issued its decisive decision in the interpretation of Article 70 / first of the Iraqi constitution regarding the achievement of the quorum for the session of electing the President of the Republic. And it announced that the quorum for the presidential election session is achieved by the presence of two-thirds of the total number of members of the House of Representatives.

And two-thirds means 221 at a time when the previous interpretation of the court was the absolute majority for the President of the Republic to obtain confidence, i.e. 165 and the decision of the Federal Court did not resolve the largest bloc in favor of the Sadrist movement or the coordinating framework.

The largest bloc in the first session of Parliament after choosing the Speaker and his two deputies this first. Secondly, the court, by approving a quorum, achieves two-thirds of the total number of parliament to vote on the president of the republic.

Consensus in the state administration to pass the President of the Republic and agreement with the Sadrist movement to choose the Prime Minister. It is not possible to vote on the President of the Republic unless there is agreement on the Prime Minister, who will be assigned by the President of the Republic after his election.

I think that the issue has become more complicated, even though the decisions of the Federal Court put points on the letters, which is a last chance to find a way out of the closed ends of the understandings, especially between the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement to form the largest bloc and agree on the prime minister.

butterfly   Another point of contention arises between the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of the competition between Zebari and Saleh, although the tripartite alliance allows Zebari to rise to the presidency, but the suspicions that accompanied him and the resubmission of corruption files to the court will leave a knot in addition to the tweet of Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr not to nominate Zebari if corruption files are proven against him The National Union is closer to the coordinating framework in attitudes towards the Triple Alliance and the nomination of presidency. Maybe Zebari, maybe Saleh, and maybe a third figure. The important thing is what the parties agree upon through negotiations that will take time before the next parliament session. https://burathanews.com/arabic/articles/407054

butterfly   Forming New Iraqi Govt "will be Complicated" 5th February 2022 By Abbas Kadhim, for the Atlantic Council. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

Iraq is forming a new government. But getting there will be complicated.

Whatever the outcome of the ongoing negotiations, the prospects of the next government will depend on the conditions of intra-Shia relations.

Click here to read the full report. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/iraq-is-forming-a-new-government-but-getting-there-will-be-complicated/

butterfly   Is 'unfreezing' of Iranian funds in Iraq 'positive signal' 4th February 2022 in Iraq Banking & Finance News, Politics, Security

From Amwaj Media. Any opinions expressed are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

Is 'unfreezing' of Iranian funds in Iraq 'positive signal' from Biden?

A prominent Iranian news agency says funds that have been frozen in Iraq due to US sanctions are now available for food and medicine imports.

However, the report has been disputed by a member of the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce.

The full report can be viewed here (registration required). https://amwaj.media/media-monitor/us-sending-positive-signal-with-release-of-iranian-funds-in-iraq

butterfly   @Dave: ....................... Canada national news   Last night

Convoy of truckers protesting vaccine mandates continues in Canada

A “Freedom Convoy” of truckers and other protesters has continued to gather in Ottawa and around Canada to express their discontent over vaccine mandates and the federal government. On Friday, crowdfunding platform GoFundMe announced “no further funds will be directly distributed to the Freedom Convoy organizers” after receiving police reports of violence and other unlawful activity from the demonstration.

The number of protesters in Canada’s capital has diminished significantly since the weekend, The Washington Post reports. The protest, which originally started as a protest against a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for cross-border drivers, has since developed into a demonstration against the Trudeau government and its policies, according to Reuters.   Photo via @ReutersPolitics

butterfly   What you need to know

- Trudeau says he's not "intimidated" by protesters and will not meet with trucker convoy organizers

- Police in Canada have opened “several criminal investigations” into the sweeping protests

- Truckers in Alberta blocked US-Canada border crossings on Saturday and continued to do so through at least Friday

- Crowdfunding platform GoFundMe announced no further funds will be directly distributed to the organizers due to violations of the Terms of Service

Sheila   One more time:

Profound Distinctions Between Intelligence and Wisdom

This is so so good ... I had never known these profound distinctions between *Intelligence* and *Wisdom* ...

1. Intelligence leads to arguments. Wisdom leads to settlements.

2. Intelligence is power of will. Wisdom is power OVER will.

3. Intelligence is heat, it burns. Wisdom is warmth, it comforts.

4. Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge, it tires the seeker. Wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker.

5. Intelligence is holding on. Wisdom is letting go.

6. Intelligence leads you. Wisdom guides you.

7. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows that there is still something to learn.

8. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point. A wise man knows there really is no point.

9. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice. A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered.

10. An intelligent man understands what is being said. A wise man understands what is left unsaid.

11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something. A wise man speaks when he has something to say.

12. An intelligent man sees everything as relative. A wise man sees everything as related.

13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow. A wise man navigates the mass flow.

14. An intelligent man preaches. A wise man reaches.

Intelligence is good but wisdom achieves better results.


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday  2-4-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday 2-4-22

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Xyz Central Bank: No change in the dollar exchange rate

2022/02/03 08:39 Baghdad / Obelisk: The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ammar Hamad Khalaf, confirmed, Thursday, February 3, 2022, that there is no change in the dollar exchange rate, indicating that monetary policy is exclusively his competence. Khalaf said in a statement followed by the obelisk, that “the rise in oil prices led to an increase in foreign reserves, and a significant growth of foreign currency was recorded last year 2021, and this year is unprecedented compared to previous years.”

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday  2-4-22

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Xyz   Central Bank: No change in the dollar exchange rate

2022/02/03 08:39   Baghdad / Obelisk: The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ammar Hamad Khalaf, confirmed, Thursday, February 3, 2022, that there is no change in the dollar exchange rate, indicating that monetary policy is exclusively his competence.   Khalaf said in a statement followed by the obelisk, that “the rise in oil prices led to an increase in foreign reserves, and a significant growth of foreign currency was recorded last year 2021, and this year is unprecedented compared to previous years.”

He pointed out that “the growth was achieved thanks to the bank’s various investments and its management in accordance with the monetary policy based on the best international practices away from risks, revealing the close proximity to granting very soft loans to all citizens in order to provide decent housing for all https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/2022/02/03/central-bank-no-change-in-the-dollar-exchange-rate/

butterfly   Shocking information.. The demonstrations against Zebari paid the price and cost the union 100,000 dollars

2022-02-04 07:47   Shocking information.. The demonstrations against Zebari paid the price and cost the union 100000 dollarsShafaq News/ An informed political source revealed, on Friday, that the demonstrations that took place in Baghdad against the candidacy of Hoshyar Zebari for the position of President of the Republic were paid and cost the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan tens of thousands of dollars.

During the past few days, Baghdad witnessed a gathering of a number of individuals in areas close to the Green Zone in the center of the Iraqi capital carrying banners expressing their rejection of Zebari assuming the presidency.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, that “the demonstrations that took place in Baghdad against Zebari’s candidacy were paid for by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.”

The source explained that “three demonstrations that took place for this purpose cost the union about 100,000 dollars, which were distributed to the participants.”

It seems that the National Union is trying to distort Zebari’s image to increase the chances of its candidate, current President Barham Salih, to take office for a second presidential term.

And last week, the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Shwan Muhammad Taha, told Shafaq News Agency, “These demonstrations are not popular, but there are political parties standing behind them,” noting that “the elements of these demonstrations are from the brigades of the Presidency of the Republic, and we know them well, and they are motivated Who drives them and who pays them?

The Iraqi parliament is scheduled to hold a special session next week to choose a new president from among 25 candidates, most notably Zebari and Saleh.   shafaq.com

butterfly   Al-Saadi: The Framework Is Able To Thwart The Passing Of Zebari As A Candidate For The Presidency

02/04/2022 | 10:20 AM   Political analyst Muhammad Karim al-Saadi said that the coordinating framework can disrupt the passage of Hoshyar Zebari as a candidate for the presidency, pointing out that the framework and those with him constitute more than a third of the number of parliament seats.

Al-Saadi told, “Information”, that “Zebari, and if the allied political blocs want to pass it during the session of the seventh of next February, they must secure two-thirds of the parliament’s votes for him.”

He added that “the coordination framework has more than 85 seats in addition to the National Union and some Kurdish blocs opposed to the Democratic Party, as well as other parties and independent representatives, where they can constitute 40 percent of the total votes of the Council.”

And he indicated that “the coordinating framework and those with him can obstruct Zebari’s passage as a candidate for the presidency, although they do not constitute the majority that the President of the Republic needs in Parliament, but they have a pressure paper that obstructs Zebari’s passage to the position and Barham Salih may obtain it in the event of understandings with some Sunnis and deputies.” thoracic mass. almaalomah.me

butterfly   Al-Moussawi: The Division Between The Framework And The Current Will Give America An Opportunity To Divide Iraq

02/04/2022 | 10:48 AM   The representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ahmed Al-Moussawi, criticized the division between the coordination framework and the Sadrist bloc, pointing out that America is looking for such a division in order to consolidate its presence inside Iraq.

Al-Moussawi told Al-Maalouma, “America has always sought to make Iraq disintegrated with the aim of consolidating its presence on its lands, as what happened and what might happen in the coming days confuse the security situation and target some institutions. It is nothing but a scheme intended to pressure the political forces to accept the matter.” The reality regarding the American stay in Iraq.”

He added that “the political parties are facing a great challenge, especially the Shiite component, as its parties are still suffering from a great division due to the political situation.”

And he indicated that “the coordination framework and the Sadrist bloc must be well aware that the conspiracy is very large, and targets the unity of the country, which requires the two parties to sit at one table and unify positions.” finished 25    almaalomah.me

butterfly   Black Gold Continues To Rise, And A Barrel Of “Brent” Rises Above $ 93

Economic Last Update 02/04/2022 | 3:53 PM   Oil prices continue to rise today, Friday, as the barrel of “Brent” blend rose during trading above the level of 93 dollars, for the first time since October 2014.

By 15:08 Moscow time, US West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose 2.19% to $92.25 a barrel.

While Brent crude futures rose 1.93% to $93.02 a barrel, according to Bloomberg website data. https://almaalomah.me/2022/02/04/580381/

butterfly   Analysts: Oil will reach $100 with strong demand and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis

Analysts expected this week that crude oil prices will exceed $100 per barrel; Given the strength of global demand, they cited a possible war between Russia and Ukraine as one of their main concerns for markets in 2022, according to Reuters news agency.

Three analysts told the “Reuters Global Markets Forum” that oil prices will rise if global supplies are disrupted, as well as with the recovery in demand due to the escalation of natural gas prices in Europe and Asia, in addition to the resumption of activities after the closures imposed to limit the spread of the “Covid-19” pandemic. ».

"The biggest geopolitical risk is Ukraine," said John Vail, chief global strategist at Nikko Asset Management in Tokyo. The trend is looking good overall for commodities.”

Brent crude rose 55 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $91.67 a barrel by 0807 GMT, after rising by $1.16, yesterday (Thursday). https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/141930

Butterfly   It took two hours.. Details of the process of liquidating the leader of the "ISIS" organization

Internationals   2022-02-04 | 13:59  It took two hours.. Details of the process of liquidating the leader of the "ISIS" organization

The "Washington Post" newspaper said that the special operation carried out in northwestern Syria, which led to the liquidation of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurashi, took two hours, but planning continued for months.

By December, when it became clear that the United States had located the ISIS leader, a group of military leaders arrived in the operations room to explain to President Joe Biden how to eliminate the terrorist target in northwest Syria. But it became clear in a report. Also the complexity of the matter, with the potential for civilian casualties, casualties from US forces and other grave risks.

And she noted that "the process of give and take between Biden and his military leaders continued for weeks, about whether, when and how exactly, the leader of ISIS could be pursued."

Senior administration officials said it all culminated Tuesday morning in the Oval Office, where Biden met with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and General Mark Millie, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, authorized the first major counterterrorism operation, a raid not unlike that Which He opposed it more than a decade ago, andWhichIt resulted in the killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. https://www.alsumaria.tv/news

butterfly   The Iraqi Banks Association signs a memorandum of understanding with its Egyptian counterpart

Economie   2022-02-03 | 13:00   Today, Thursday, the Iraqi Private Banks Association signed a memorandum of understanding with the Federation of Egyptian Banks in Cairo to develop banking relations between Iraq and Egypt.

The Association said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, "The Association of Iraqi Private Banks signed a memorandum of understanding with the Union of Banks.EgyptIn the presence of Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghalib And Central Bank of Egypt Governor Tarek Amer This is to establish an effective partnership between the banking sector in the two countries at various banking levels.

And she added, "The head of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, Wadih Al-Handal, signed the memorandum, in addition to the head of a bank union. "Egypt Mohamed Mahmoud El-Etrabi   The President of the Association of Private Banks confirmed, "We are pleased with the close cooperation with the Association of Banks Egypt, which includes in its membership all banks operating in Egypt Which contributes to strengthening relationships and partnerships with banks Egypt  He explained that "the Iraqi banking sector is making great strides towards leadership, thanks to the policy of the Central Bank, which now requires openness to all banks in Arab and foreign countries." https://www.alsumaria.tv/news

Dave   butterfly Yawn...news should get more interesting Sunday........i hope.....

Sheila   Encouraging words today: Nick's Update, Friday, February 4, 2022 -- https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2022/02/04/02-04-2022-update/

butterfly   17 billion shares traded during 5 sessions of the Iraq Stock Exchange ...................... The Iraqi Stock Exchange organized during the first week of February 2022 five trading sessions from Sunday, 01/30/2022 to Thursday, 02/03/2022.

A statement to the market said: "During the five sessions, more than (17) billion shares were traded, with a value of more than (18) billion dinars."

He added: "The trading index in the market closed for the first session of the week at (573.90) points, while the index closed at the end of the week at (579.18) points, achieving an increase of (0.91%) from its closing at the beginning of the session.

He indicated that more than (2100) were executed. A contract of sale and purchase on the shares of companies listed in the market. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/

butterfly   The Association of Private Banks and the Federation of Egyptian Banks sign a memorandum of understanding to develop Egyptian relations between the two countries ................. The Association of Iraqi Private Banks and the Federation of Egyptian Banks signed, in Cairo, a memorandum of understanding to develop banking relations between Iraq and Egypt.

A press release of the Association said, "The Association of Iraqi Private Banks signed today, Thursday, a memorandum of understanding with the Federation of Egyptian Banks, in the presence of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb, and the Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt, Tariq Amer, to establish an effective partnership between the banking sector in the two countries at various banking levels."

According to the statement, the head of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, Wadih Al-Handal, signed the memorandum, in addition to the head of the Federation of Egyptian Banks, Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Etrebi.

The head of the Association of Private Banks said, "We are pleased with the close cooperation with the Federation of Egyptian Banks, which includes in its membership all banks operating in Egypt, which contributes to strengthening relations and partnership with Egyptian banks," explaining that "the Iraqi banking sector is making great strides towards leadership, thanks to the bank's policy The central bank, which now requires openness to all banks in Arab and foreign countries.

butterfly   Wadih Al-Handal noted that the memorandum of understanding will also focus on establishing joint training programs that include qualifying banking cadres in the two countries, as well as establishing partnerships between Iraqi and Egyptian banks.

On the other hand, the head of the Federation of Egyptian Banks, Mohamed El-Etreby, expressed his happiness at signing the memorandum of understanding with the Association of Iraqi Private Banks.

Al-Etrebi said that the memorandum aims to achieve fruitful cooperation between the two parties in the field of exchanging experiences and knowledge and strengthening banking cooperation in all areas related to digital transformation, governance and banking legislation. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/


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