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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Evening 7-13-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Evening 7-13-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sah AP Exclusive: Venezuela jails 3 Americans amid US outreach By JOSHUA GOODMAN

In this photo provided by the Kenemore family, Jerrel Kenemore stands at a Colombian checkpoint in the middle of the Simon Bolivar international bridge connecting San Antonio del Tachira, Venezuela with Villa del Rosario, Colombia, the second week of March 2022. Kenemore, from the Dallas area, is one of at least three American citizens who were quietly arrested in 2022 allegedly trying to enter Venezuela illegally and are being held at a maximum security prison facing long sentences, The Associated Press has learned. (Kenemore family via AP)

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Evening 7-13-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sah   AP Exclusive: Venezuela jails 3 Americans amid US outreach By JOSHUA GOODMAN yesterday https://apnews.com/article/venezuela-american-prisoners-jailed-3a3db814884bd4bcc6666596a5389759

In this photo provided by the Kenemore family, Jerrel Kenemore stands at a Colombian checkpoint in the middle of the Simon Bolivar international bridge connecting San Antonio del Tachira, Venezuela with Villa del Rosario, Colombia, the second week of March 2022. Kenemore, from the Dallas area, is one of at least three American citizens who were quietly arrested in 2022 allegedly trying to enter Venezuela illegally and are being held at a maximum security prison facing long sentences, The Associated Press has learned. (Kenemore family via AP)

In this photo provided by the Kenemore family, Jerrel Kenemore stands at a Colombian checkpoint in the middle of the Simon Bolivar international bridge connecting San Antonio del Tachira, Venezuela with Villa del Rosario, Colombia, the second week of March 2022. Kenemore, from the Dallas area, is one of at least three American citizens who were quietly arrested in 2022 allegedly trying to enter Venezuela illegally and are being held at a maximum security prison facing long sentences, The Associated Press has learned. (Kenemore family via AP)

CLEVELAND (AP) — Three Americans were quietly jailed in Venezuela earlier this year for allegedly trying to enter the country illegally and now face long prison sentences in the politically turbulent nation.

Two of the men — a lawyer from California and a computer programmer from Texas — were arrested in late March, just days after President Nicolás Maduro’s socialist government freed two other Americans.

Dave   Feel sorry fer that Basketball player being jailed in Russia fer smuggling drugs?

Dave  many other nations would execute them

Sah   The Venezuela currency will go no where until this is resolved. They just released two Americans before this happened. Coming into the country with no visa you can spend years in jail there.

Dave   Sah dont get caught with a Bible in Saudi Arabia

Sah   Sanctions there will remain. They like to stir. Biden would like to release some sanctions for their oil to be back on market because of Russia which was going to happen but now this just put a damper in everything.

Sah   @Dave what happens with a bible?

butterfly   The Director-General of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, warned that the global economic landscape has grown bleaker, and may deteriorate further due to the war in Ukraine and the rapid inflation it caused.

"The International Monetary Fund expects a further deterioration in global growth in 2022 and 2023," Georgieva said in a blog published ahead of the meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Bali.

She added, "The outlook for the global economy has worsened a lot since last April, and it cannot rule out the possibility of a "global recession" next year, in light of the huge risks that exist."

And she indicated: "In the coming weeks, the Fund will reduce its forecast for a 3.6% growth in the global economy for the third time this year," noting: "The Fund's economists are still preparing the final new ratios."

The International Monetary Fund is expected to publish its updated forecasts for 2022 and 2023 in late July, after it reduced its forecast by nearly 1% last April. https://www.ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=987394

Dave   Could mean the AXE Man in the square on Fridays

Dave   Today, Christians are permitted to bring bibles into Saudi Arabia without fearing confiscation as long as they are for personal use and not for distribution. However, public worship, preaching Christianity, and evangelistic activities promoting any other religion other than Islam are strictly prohibited.

Dave   30 yrs ago.......Toast!

Dave   Liberalism moving forward in Saudi!

Dave   Read Maliki may be back in force....HMMM

Dave   LAST POINT......Compared to the transitions in our long history in the Middle East, we in Iraq have achieved a lot in a relatively short period of time.   seems they be going backwards......

Sah   Barzani: Baghdad did not send the region's dues, amounting to 200 billion dinars

Baghdad / Obelisk: The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, said, 07/13/2022, that the Iraqi government did not send the region's dues, while indicating that it is continuing to seek to resolve outstanding problems with the federal government.

In a speech marking the three-year anniversary of the formation of the ninth cabinet, Barzani stated that the federal government did not send out of the amount allocated to complete the financing of salaries, which amounted to 200 billion dinars, except for a few months, and there was a persistent effort externally and internally to impede the work of the Kurdistan government, but the latter managed It has largely overcome these crises, through its plans, government program and reforms.

He added: As part of our policy aimed at resolving outstanding problems and preserving our constitutional rights and entitlements, we have done our best to solve problems with the central government, and the regional government delegation has always visited Baghdad in pursuit of dialogue and a solution under the constitution, and our efforts are still continuing.


Dave   200 billion dinars,.......that would build 1 small bridge

Sah   Kurdistan just doesn't get it. They have to give The National Oil company 250,000 barrels a day as agreed to get their money from the budget. In fact according to the Federal Court they have to hand it all over as it belongs to the Iraq people.

Dave   More about art140...disputed territories?

Sah   @ Dave It is once a month and is for salaries. They don't send oil so they do not get it. Every time they say they will they barter and get paid but then do not produce the oil.

Dave   TRue that the Kurds are not budging an inch......want that 17% not 12% offered from Baghdad

Sah   Article 140 is going to be modified. Kurds wanted the oil in the disputed areas. They can not get it . It belongs to the Iraqi people. In the disputed territory most do not want Kurdistan to run their affairs or local governments.

Dave   Sah because Maliki Arabitized the region...

Dave   recollect those days.......?   on the brink of war

Sah   All oil contracts have been canceled. They have to turn all oil over to National Oil Company in order to get part of the budget. It is illegal for them to sell it.

Dave   Kurds skim....Baghdad withholds.....fer yrs and trs

Sah   Remember when Abadi drove them back to their Kurdistan and out of Kirkuk and part of Basra. Kurds fought to free them of ISIS and then took over running them. They felt because they drove ISIS out they could now have reign over them and their oil. Wrong Abadi's military drove them back to Kurdistan. Kirkuk and Basra has some of the largest deposits of oil. Kurds feel they diserved it for clearing ISIS. Abadi said when you drive ISIS out you do not get to keep the land and people.

Sah   Federal Court just let Kurdistan know that Iraqi and all its people own all oil together and that the Kurdistan Oil and Gas Law they voted on in Kurdistan is illegal.

Dave   \Kurdistan Semi Autionomous......disputed nations included

butterfly   A thread if you are interested: COVID Update: a new highly mutated variant nicknamed Centaurus (BA2.75) is emerging around the world.

Even as BA.5 makes its mark in the US, Centatus has 11 unique mutations from BA.5. This gives a strong clue for what the future holds. 1/ https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1547295279807729664

Dave   butterfly Yeah....time fer a new vaccine!

Sah   locator map  United States   Case Details

The average number of new cases in the United States reached 129,858 yesterday, a 11 percent increase from the day before. Since January 2020, at least 1 in 4 people who live in the United States have been infected, and at least 1 in 326 people have died.

Maps for the United States


Cases 183,322 129,858 39 +19% 88,800,868

Deaths 522 396 0.12 +5% 1,018,360

Hospitalized 39,179 38,517 12 +18%

The New York Times   www.nytimes.com

Dave   Yes USA leads the World on those per capita numbers...

Dave   guessing Canada's per capita ratio more like 1 in 1400 ish?

Sah   1st numbers are cases 183,322 Deaths 522 Hospitalized 39,179 for yesterday. 2nd number are average per last week 19 percent increase in confirmed cases and 5 percent in deaths since last week.

Dave   numbers going up here too

Sheila   US Oil and Gas Association president: We're looking at a global recession coming

35,910 views Jul 13, 2022 -- U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart on gas prices dropping amid record-high inflation and oil production in the U.S. -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii67Gr7Js08

butterfly   Egypt: The price of gasoline has increased by 788% and diesel by 559% since 2014 .... Gasoline and diesel (diesel) prices in Egypt recorded the highest rates of increase in the country's history, with the imposition of the sixth consecutive increase in fuel prices , on Wednesday, as the price of 80-octane gasoline rose by a record rate of 788 %, since President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi took office in 2014, and gasoline 92 octane 400%, gasoline 95 octane 84%, and diesel 559%.

The fuel increases during the years of Sisi's rule reflected his economic policies towards the poor and the marginalized, given that the higher increases, in order, affected gasoline (80 octane), known as “ the poor 's gasoline” in Egypt, and diesel used in heavy transport, mass transit vehicles , andelectricity generation in remote areas. , as well as in construction and agricultural works, in return for a limited increase in gasoline (95 octane) for luxury cars .

The price of a liter of gasoline (80 octane) increased from 0.9 pounds to 1.6 pounds in 2014, then to 2.35 pounds in 2016, 3.65 pounds in 2017, 5.5 pounds in 2018, and 6.75 pounds in 2019, up to 8 pounds in 2022 .

As for a liter of diesel, its price rose from 1.1 pounds to 1.6 pounds in 2014, then to 2.35 pounds in 2016, 3.65 pounds in 2017, 5.5 pounds in 2018, 6.75 pounds in 2019, and finally to 7.25 pounds.

The price of a liter of gasoline (92 octane), the most common in Egypt, increased from 1.85 pounds to 2.6 pounds in 2014, then to 3.5 pounds in 2016, 5 pounds in 2017, 6.75 pounds in 2018, 8 pounds in 2019, and 8.25 pounds. in 2020, and 9.25 pounds in 2022.

butterfly   The price of gasoline (95 octane) rose from 5.85 pounds to 6.25 pounds in 2014, then to 6.6 pounds in 2017, 7.75 pounds in 2018, 9.25 pounds in 2019, 9.25 pounds in 2020, and 10.75 pounds in 2022.

Egypt also raised the price of small cylinders for liquid gas (butane gas) for domestic purposes (12.5 kilograms capacity), from 8 pounds in 2014 to 75 pounds today, an increase of 837%, on the pretext of high gas prices like other petroleum products in international markets.

In January 2019, Egypt formed a technical committee to follow up the automatic pricing mechanism for petroleum products every 3 months, comprising representatives from the Ministries of Petroleum and Finance, and the General Petroleum Corporation. The following year, the House of Representatives approved a government bill to impose a fixed fee of 0.3 pounds on each liter of gasoline sold in the local market, and 0.25 pounds on each liter of diesel.

Under the weight of the crisis economic conditions, and El-Sisi's expansion in borrowing from abroad to establish “cosmetic” projects such as the new administrative capital, Egypt borrowed about $20.2 billion from the International Monetary Fund over a period of 5 years, subject to the latter's requirements regarding exchange rate liberalization, reducing subsidies, and raising the prices of fuel and electricity, and the imposition of more taxes and customs duties, which led to the deterioration of the living conditions of the vast majority of Egyptians. LINK


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 7-13-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 7-13-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly The price of Brent crude was at $99.10, down from $105.0 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $95.41, down from $101.7. https://nrttv.com/en/detail6/3939

butterfly How long is Eid Holiday in Iraq? three days

Eid al-Adha concludes the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Eid al-Adha lasts for three days and commemorates Ibrahim's (Abraham) willingness to obey God by sacrificing his son.

butterfly yes they are in holiday.......in case anyone was wondering

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday Afternoon 7-13-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   The price of Brent crude was at $99.10, down from $105.0 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $95.41, down from $101.7. https://nrttv.com/en/detail6/3939

butterfly   How long is Eid Holiday in Iraq?   three days

Eid al-Adha concludes the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Eid al-Adha lasts for three days and commemorates Ibrahim's (Abraham) willingness to obey God by sacrificing his son.

butterfly   yes they are in holiday.......in case anyone was wondering

butterfly   After slashing four zeros, Iran releases new banknotes 2022-07-13 08:10

Shafaq News/ The media office of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, distanced himself from an audio recording in which Al-Maliki attacked leaders and political forces, most notably the leader Muqtada al-Sadr.   Al-Maliki's media office confirmed the audio recording is "fabricated."

The Office confirmed that "what was published is synthesized voice of Al-Maliki through Deepfake technology."


butterfly   One game for every 1.000 children.. Two-thirds of Diyala’s residents spend Eid in shrines and cemeteries ........... 2022-07-13 03:19

Shafaq News / The majority of the people in Diyala governorate choose to spend their holidays in cemeteries and religious shrines because the region lacks conventional tourist attractions.

"The ramifications of the security situation and the conflicts of sectarian politicians have disrupted urban projects, especially tourism, from Baquba to the provincial center to all administrative units except Khanaqin, which is characterized by special nature and circumstances," civil activist Murad al-Azzawi told Shafaq News agency.

He continued, "More than 70% of Diyala's residents spend holidays in religious shrines and cemeteries, while the wealthy and those with above-average incomes travel to Kurdistan or neighboring countries, while the poor and low-income classes remain entrapped in shrines and cemeteries, praying for better living conditions.

"The majority of parks in Diyala are simple and primitive compared to those in other governorates," said Maher al-Saadi, a contractor who works on simple parks, attributing this to "the dominance of political actors and implementers in tourism development projects, limiting them to projects and games that provide significant financial returns."

"The standard of parks in Diyala is one game for every 1,000 children, according to semi-official statistics of activists and human rights organizations," al-Saadi told Shafaq News agency, noting that, "most administrative units lack the required tourist facilities, except Baquba, which contains two parks between the two bridges and the Furusiya (equestrian) club, despite their need for further reconstruction and development with the rising population expansion."

butterfly   "The cemetery is witnessing a lot of visitors during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adhha, visiting their buried loved ones and family who fell as a result of terrorist incidents in Diyala," said Ahmed Ihsan, a street vendor at Baquba's largest cemetery, al-Sharif Cemetery.

"Families prioritize visiting cemeteries on the first day of Eid in Baquba and several other areas of Diyala, followed by visiting the few nearby tourist attractions, and finally visiting religious shrines," said Ihsan.

Limiting holidays in Diyala to shrines is both happy and sad, according to Ahmed Arkan al-Rubaie, information officer for the Special Secretariat for Religious Shrines in Diyala.

"The joyful aspect is participating in worship at temples and shrines and observing the urban renewal of all the religious landmarks. On the other hand, despite Diyala's significance as a small Iraq with a diverse population and a rich historical and cultural heritage, the sad part is the absence of entertainment venues and parks."

He also outlined the plan for religious shrines during Eid al-Adha by extending the working staff from 8 to midnight in coordination with the centers and security services, adding that roaming religious parks ends at 8:30 p.m. in all administrative units except for religious shrines in Baquba, where families throng until midnight.

Due to power struggles, corruption, and unstable security since the overthrow of the previous regime, the tourism sector in Diyala Governorate has been steadily declining, and there are significantly fewer parks there than in Baghdad, the Kurdistan Region, and other governorates.


Sheila   Article: 'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia - Google, Twitter and Facebook workers who helped make technology so addictive are disconnecting themselves from the internet. Paul Lewis reports on the Silicon Valley refuseniks alarmed by a race for human attention by Paul Lewis in San Francisco -- https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/05/smartphone-addiction-silicon-valley-dystopia

sheila   THIS IS MORE CONCERNING TO ME THAN J/6 HEARINGS... WHAT ABOUT THIS SITUATION? -- Tuesday, June 30, 20222 -- US livestock producers now just days away from running out of animal feed due to supply chain disruptions. Rail bottlenecks in the U.S. are not improving, and in some cases, growing more severe.

Feed users in California and the Southwest are having issues sourcing grain, with some reporting they are paying $3 over the CBOT price to secure grain by truck. Not only are feed users on the brink of running out of grain, but there are also concerns the rail issues could grow worse during harvest this fall. -- https://www.agweb.com/news/business/taxes-and-finance/livestock-producers-report-being-just-days-away-running-out-feed

Sah   The article butterfly posted of deleting four zeros in Iran is an interesting article to read. This is what is a lop. It talks about Zim and Lire. 2022-07-13 05:10

Shafaq News/ Iran launched a re-denominated currency on Wednesday, knocking four zeroes off banknotes but keeping their value unchanged.

The newly released notes of 1,000 and 2,000 tomans are the equivalent of a note of 10,000,000 and 20,000,000 old tomans, respectively.

Authorities say the change will make it easier to carry cash and use it for payments.

Besieged by runaway prices and food shortages, primarily as a result of the sanctions imposed by the United States, Iranian lawmakers have decided to give the Islamic republic’s currency a new lease of life - or so it seems.

In May earlier this year, the Iranian parliament has agreed to cross four zeros out from the banknotes, making it easier for people to transact without wasting time calculating the price of eggs or chicken, which can run into tens of thousands of rials.

Over the next two to five years, Iranian rials will be taken out of circulation and replaced with the toman - one toman will be equal to 10,000 rials.

High inflation, a years-long headache for Iranians, has eroded the value of the rial. It costs more than 150,000 rials to buy one US dollar in the open market while the official exchange rate is pegged at 42,000 rials to one US dollar.

Iranians have long abandoned calculating prices in rials in their everyday affairs. Instead, a customer or trader might use the rial as a currency but quote prices in tomans with one toman equal to 10 rials at the moment.

Although confusing to an outsider, the system helps locals to avoid calculations in the millions and billions.

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has further discouraged the use of cash as people avoid handling banknotes.

The Iranian government had been considering replacing currency notes, something known as a redenomination, since 2016.

Sah   The replacement of the currency notes won’t have a significant impact on Iran’s inflation rate of 40 percent, which is the result of US-led economic isolation and a sharp drop in the price of oil. Iran derives most of its export revenue from oil and gas sales.

A currency's value depends on a host of factors including the monetary policy, balance of trade and investor perception.

With the Islamic republic embroiled in regional conflicts that stretch from Yemen to Syria, and the European Union (EU) struggling to make good on its promise to circumvent US sanctions on trade, Tehran is likely to continue wading through economic troubles in the near term.

Knocking off zeros from the currency is especially cosmetic in the face of high employment and difficulties that businesses and households face in finding imported goods like medicines.

In the last few decades, a number of countries have reverted to redenomination to fight runaway inflation without any significant impact on the overall economic situation - except for a few exceptions.

Zimbabwe is a classic case of what happens when the government lops off zeroes from banknotes without addressing underlying economic issues.

In 2009, the country struck off 12 zeros from the Zimbabwean dollar after a bout of hyperinflation that hit 79 billion percent with prices doubling every 24 hours. The highest denomination note was 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars - and that wasn’t enough to buy a loaf of bread.

Harare’s economic woes persist as the inflation rate remains higher than 670 percent.

Argentina, Brazil and Nigeria are among others who have resorted to redenomination largely in the wake of runaway inflation.

After years of struggling with high inflation, Turkey removed zeros from the lira notes in 2005 but that move followed aggressive economic and social reforms.

Sah   After facing a financial crisis in the early 2000s, Ankara liberalised the market, privatised loss-making state-run companies, and removed capital controls, making it easier for foreign investment to come in.

It fixed the banking system and improved ties with its European neighbours and brought inflation down to a 30-year low.

All of this made it easier for then prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to strike off zeros from banknotes. shafaq.com/en/Economy/After-slashing-four-zeros-Iran-releases-new-banknotes

Sah   If you have Iranian Rial you have 2 to 5 years to turn it in.

Dave   Sah Iraq suffering with High inflation?

butterfly   Sah well I'm glad someone is reading ....... yes that is good information.

Dave   butterfly A lop????lol

Dave   CBI has managed to double their reserves in less than a yr

butterfly   Dave well ** people are reading.....sorry lol

butterfly   All I can say at this time is........things are falling into place........been a damn long time. Now we wait for more info to be put out there.

Sah   Usually when there is a lop it is because of high inflation over two digits. Iraq has kept inflation down and is still under two digits.

Sah   If Iraq were to lop right now it would send them into two digits. Until they get back to one digit they will not be able to float their currency and make it.

Dave  Sah doing better than most other nations

Dave   at 1/14 of a cent.......deleting 3 zeros with no change in rate would be inflationary

Dave   a nickle.......would be okay with me

Sah  Iraq is subsidizing their gas and some basic food prices to keep their inflation down. US is now at 9.1 percent but dollar is strong at 1.06 to $1.

Dave   butterfly things are falling into place......Maliki jump off a bridge?

Zig   Dave : Me too!!....a nickel and bye bye....lol

butterfly   Dave Maliki wants the pm so bad

Dave   immunity.....   postpone and dfelay

butterfly   There is a very long article that it will be to long to post here

Dave   why i b e here now

Dave   Iraq has so much more than their uber Wealthy neighbours.....and have squat

Dave    other than rich politicians

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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Evening 7-7-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Evening 7-7-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Dave butterfly You Posted an art that Halliburton and Schlumberger pulled out of Kurdistan again after just re entering bc Kurds and Baghdad have no agreement

Dave Ergo no verifiable assay of the oil fields in the region....just the guesstimates from decades ago….They know sweet crude just oozes from the ground….unlike USA....LOTS of oil....just hard and expensive to get to

Dave Could anybody tell me how Iraq could delete 3 zeros and have no rate change when 1 dinar worth but 1/14 of a cent...they talk about Iraq's Chunky money currently...delete 3 zeros no rate change just got 1000 times chunkier....? Please inform me should i have missed yet another boat

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Evening 7-7-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Dave   butterfly You Posted an art that Halliburton and Schlumberger pulled out of Kurdistan again after just re entering bc Kurds and Baghdad have no agreement

Dave   Ergo no verifiable assay of the oil fields in the region....just the guesstimates from decades ago….They know sweet crude just oozes from the ground….unlike USA....LOTS of oil....just hard and expensive to get to

Dave   Could anybody tell me how Iraq could delete 3 zeros and have no rate change when 1 dinar worth but 1/14 of a cent...they talk about Iraq's Chunky money currently...delete 3 zeros no rate change just got 1000 times chunkier....? Please inform me should i have missed yet another boat

Sah   @ Dave If we are talking about a lop of three zeros. Lets say 25,000 dinar note equals $20. Then if there is a lop of three zeros the 25,000 note is now 25 dinars and is worth $20.

Dave   Sah fils....

Sah   Floating it would be more stable for their economy with a gradual increase.

Dave   100 dinar note worth 6 cents......costs that much to print almost

Sah   I wish the would do a managed float where they can raise their currency everyday by 3 percent if it continues to go up otherwise 3 percent down for the day. If they do this and their currency goes up 10 percent they are only allowed to take the 3 percent at the end of the day. If it continued to show high spikes they could free float it as long as it doesn't devalue and has a steady increase.

Dave   Sah CBI said NO to free float ....  too much volatility

Sah   They need to start with a managed float. Free floating is dangerous. Egypt did that to try to gain value and their currency ended up loosing half it's value in a couple days. They have to be really sure of it's currency to go up before a free float otherwise they can destroy the value of it's currency.

Dave   Sah agreed   Egypt has sand ......lil oil

Sah   If a country deletes their zeros it causes inflation to double digits and takes time to come back down. If a country is not in single digit inflation their currency will be stuck for a long time. If inflation in a country is in double digits you can kiss it goodbye from increasing value.

Dave   Iraq had minted 50 dinar coins never went into circ.........

Dave   25 k notes worth 20 dinar.......10 k note worth 7 dinar.....talk of the smaller notes.....how does one make change after a purchase

Sah   It has take Vietnam 30 years to move out of double digit inflation. The went into single digit about 7 years ago and are now finally under 5 percent. They are ready for something. Iraq is in single digit right now also. If they keep the currency within a spread of 2 percent over 90 days they qualify for a manged float, I hears six months for a free float. I like the idea that they reinstate their value from when they were devalue during their wars. There are pros and cons on this one. IMF said you can not increase your value unless economically you can keep it stable. If their currency goes too high and they can't keep it steady it could crash their economy.

Dave   Vietnam...plenty of rice...what is a barrel of that worth

Sah   Iraq has smaller notes they will introduce when they are needed as the dinar increases in value.

Dave  pepsi in iraq still 1220 dinar   wheel barrows in iraq fer how long   not sure if imf allows nations to flip flop from managed to free floats

Sah   Vietnam has diamonds and gold. 6 years ago while they were building a new industrial park they dug into the next parcel of 210 acres. A gold mine 5 feet wide runs thru the property. They dug out a huge whole around it and had specialist take a look. In the dirt they dug out were diamonds, barrels of them. They sold these at auction that summer for major bucks. The government owned the land so they got rid of most their debt. Amazing. The started vo-tec schools in electronics for the new industry. Samsong was first and Apple was second. They now have dozens of these businesses there and the schools provided their employees.

Sah   210 is 10 acres

Sah   What came out of Vietnam was in a 12 foot square hole 10 feet deep. They were borrowing money from IMF to build these industrial parks. They built the rest with the first pile they dug out. Haven't got to the gold yet in the ground. Good for value for currency to go up. Reserves are everything.

Dave   Sah have no dong .....no idea   iraq doubled their reserves in a yr

Sah   I have five currencies I bought over time. I studied them and threw out thirty others.

Dave   30 ouch  go zim....

Sah   A lot of research.

Dave   Sanctions killed IQD

Sah   One lost half it's value a year ago. They are on manged float and got the half they lost and are starting to move ahead.

Dave   IRAQ potentially richest nation in the world

Sah   Countries were devalued because they were in wars and they devalued their currencies so they could not buy as many weapons and made it better for them to loose the war.

Dave   if they could get their Shia together\  Iraq Iran 7 yr war.....Gulf war ..lSIS war.....Maliki-et-al......still at war

Sah   My friends were buying on reserve when I first heard of this. I just bought some out right to sit on and see what happens. I also bought some stocks in oil fields and PPP in hospitals and some utilities. Some pay dividends which is great. A little bit of everything a long they way. I always budgeted and invested some.

Dave   have stocks in big oil......doing very well  loosing at the pumps.....but still ahead

Sah   If Malaki gets in, it will not be good. Sadr has final approval and he will not approve him. That is why they redrew.

Sah   My oil stocks are doing well right now and are with major players so that helps when some others are down.

Dave   Sah awaiting a coup.......

Sah   From whom?

Dave  SADR et al

Dave   Maliki going no where unless in chains

Sah  If they vote Maliki in and don't get an approval from Sadr, he will call the people to protest and it will be a big mess. I do not think they will do it.

Dave   betcha?

Professor dinard   Dave your borders are open again. The truckers pretty much won

Dave   yeah dropped that vax thing soon after

Dave   OUR truckers could not enter the USA.....should have protesdted in Washington not here....Trucker leaders in jail here

Professor dinard   Convoys work people

Dave  gotta getb to werk

Dave   laterz

Sah  later @Dave


Sah   @Butterfly Nice article. I can't remember in what Iraqi paper that I read that Sadr has final approval on who is PM. I read it some where over the last 48 hours. Any idea where the article is?

Sah  The State of Law coalition confirmed, on Tuesday, that the coalition will not vote to pass the 2022 budget except by a decision to lower the dollar exchange rate and return it to what it was previously.

The leader of the coalition, Haider al-Lami, said in an interview with the National News Center that “Al-Maliki’s coalition categorically refused to raise the exchange rate of the dollar and keep the price as it was previously, or raise it to a maximum of 125,000 thousand Iraqi dinars for the 100 US dollars. But we were surprised by a great rejection,” noting that “the only person affected by this rise is the Iraqi people

Sah   He added, "Iraq today exports more than four million barrels, and the price of one barrel reaches more than $100, but so far we see the dollar exchange rate is very high."

The leader of the State of Law explained that "the coalition will not proceed with passing the Federal Budget Law for 2022 inside the parliament, except by a decision to lower the dollar exchange rate and return it to what it was previously in order to serve the interests of the Iraqi people

butterfly   7 Jul 22, 05:41 PMSah   The State of Law coalition confirmed, on Tuesday, that the coalition will not vote to pass the 2022 budget except by a decision to lower the dollar exchange rate and return it to what it was previously.........I remember that.

butterfly   www.nnciraq-com.translate.goog/139150/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sah   Thursday, July 7 2022 9:39 PM   National News Center/ Baghdad

The head of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, independent MP Muhammad Anouz, confirmed today, Thursday, the division of independents into three types, considering that the withdrawal of the Sadrist movement's leader Muqtada al-Sadr from parliament complicated the political scene.

The head of the Legal Committee said in a televised interview, followed by the National News Center, that "the independents must have new and different programs from the previous sessions.

He added that "the independents were divided into three types, some of them sided with the coordination framework, some sided with the Sadrist movement, and there were those who stayed with the opposition," noting that "the parliamentary system in its essence is a party and political system, but the individual law gave an opportunity for the independents to enter parliament. and the development of an effective political representative system

Sah   Anouz explained, "presenting an independent candidate for the position of prime minister is an absolute impossibility," noting that "independents may participate in the government, but none of them will be a candidate for the prime minister's post."


The head of the Parliamentary Legal Committee stressed that “political action is not like “boiling eggs,” but there must be a clear political program, and if the independent does not achieve a new program that meets the aspirations of those who gave him his vote, he will fail

Sah   He pointed out that "the political bazaar has been open since 2003 and has not been closed until now, and the independents are included in it, and the winner is the one who remained on his position and did not go to temptations," noting that "the obstacle that stands in the way of forming the government is the lack of confidence between the political parties."

Anouz pointed out that "Al-Sadr's withdrawal from Parliament complicated the political scene a lot and the situation became almost cloudy," stressing that "there is no clear vision for the coordination framework regarding their candidate for the position of prime minister, as there is more than one candidate for the position www./nnciraq-com.translate.goog/139568/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sah   After talking about Al-Maliki's nomination to head the government .. Al-Amiri sets a triple condition and threatens to join Al-Sadr shafaq www.-com.translate.goog/ar/سیاسة/بعد-الحديث-عن-ترشيح-المالكي-لر-اسة-الحكومة-العامري-يضع-شرطا-ثلاثيا-ويهدد-بالانضمام-للصدر?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=

Sah   Shafaq News/ A source in the Al-Fateh Alliance led by Hadi al-Amiri revealed this evening, Tuesday, that the latter will not participate in the new government unless a president is chosen for it who is accepted by the Kurds, Sunnis and the Sadrist movement, threatening to withdraw from the political process and join the camp of the movement's leader Muqtada al-Sadr.

This comes in conjunction with the confirmation of a source in the coordination framework, that the name of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, will be presented as a candidate for the position of prime minister during the next meeting of the framework and the forces allied with it.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "The Secretary-General of the Badr Organization, the leader of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri informed the leadership of the coordination framework that he may not participate in forming the new government if the mechanism and specifications of the candidate for the position of Prime Minister are not agreed upon."

And he indicated that "the Badr parliamentary bloc informed the framework leadership that one of the conditions that must be met by the coordination framework candidate for the position of prime minister, is that he be accepted by the Sunni and Kurdish political blocs, especially the Sadrist movement, despite their withdrawal from the political process

Sah   The source added, "The Badr bloc, which has 16 deputies out of 34 in the Al-Fateh Alliance, may join the Sadrist movement and withdraw from the political process if the General Authority for the Coordination Framework does not agree on the personality of the prime minister."

Earlier today, a source in the coordination framework told Shafak News Agency, "It is hoped that the leaders of the coordination framework will hold an important meeting in the coming days to discuss a number of files, including naming candidates for the presidency of the next government, where (Al-Maliki) will be presented as an official candidate. For the position within the corridors of the framework, in addition to submitting other names from the same Shiite alliance, and thus the leader of the state of law officially enters the list of competition for the government, and that objections to the latter are almost non-existent now.

He pointed out that "the meeting to be held will include registering the names and signatures of the deputies who are part of the framework to form the largest parliamentary bloc to ensure the holding of a parliamentary session with a full quorum after the end of the Eid al-Adha holiday to announce the largest bloc, in addition to electing the President of the Republic, where the matter was discussed with the Kurdish leaders to resolve their candidate for the presidency." .

Since the Sadrist bloc’s representatives submitted their resignations from the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the withdrawal of the Sadrist movement’s leader Muqtada al-Sadr from the political process, the coordinating framework has addressed the task of forming the new government and entered into internal negotiations and dialogues with other political forces, but until now it has not been officially announced that understandings have been reached between the two parties. The blocs lead to the formation of the government



butterfly LINK

Sah   Thanks

Butterfly   Inscrutable Ambitions: Sadr’s Exit From Iraq’s Parliament Strengthens Rivals ...... 2022-07-07 14:08

Shafaq News/ On June 23, 64 new members of parliament took their oaths, replacing most of the 73 members whom Shia populist leader Muqtada al-Sadr called on to resign from the Iraqi Parliament earlier in the month. The unprecedented, but swift, move could upset the electoral map in favor of Sadr’s rival – the Coordination Framework.

The withdrawal came after the Sadr-led National Salvation Coalition, which included the Kurdistan Democratic Party (led by Masoud Barzani) and Sunni Sovereignty bloc (led by Speaker of the Parliament Mohammed Halbousi and businessman Khamis al-Khanjar), over the course of many months, failed to form a majoritarian government.

The mass resignation was followed by a June 15 meeting between the resigning members of parliament and Sadr. Sadr reiterated that he decided to withdraw from the political process because he did not want to participate in a government in which “corrupters” (implying the Coordination Framework) take part. Sadr vowed, “If the corrupt participate in the upcoming elections, I will not participate in them,” referencing future elections.

But he also did not rule out a return, emphasizing the divine role in changing his mind regarding participation in future elections. Therefore, he asked his supporters who resigned to stay together and be ready, a statement that could foreshadow Sadr’s next move in the Iraqi political landscape. But Sadr’s withdrawal could end up being a huge political miscalculation locking in a loss for Sadr and his Kurdish and Sunni allies that only strengthens his rivals’ position to form the next government.

butterfly   Militia groups associated with political forces that eventually came together in the Coordination Framework have used violence to break up demonstrations over the last three years, killing 600 protesters and wounding thousands of others.

With oil hovering around $100 per barrel, if the Coordination Framework forms the next government, as seems more and more likely with Sadr’s withdrawal, it will have greater resources to extend the state’s financial benefits to disgruntled people as appeasement and more power and leverage over the state institutions to control the protests.

In the meantime, Sadr could end up kept away from the pie of the government, where, traditionally, leaders in political parties controlling the government have been able to distribute economic and political benefits to their supporters through a sophisticated network of patronage.

Despite his anti-corruption rhetoric, also sprinkled with skepticism about his Shia rivals’ calls for a government of national unity and preservation of the post-2003 sectarian-based Muhasasa political compact, Sadr has operated within and benefitted politically and economically from the ethno-sectarian political system established after the U.S.-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein’s Baathist government.

In successive governments since, close associates of Sadr have taken important ministerial portfolios, which has helped consolidate and sustain his patronage network and increase his political influence. Should he remain outside of the government, social programs Sadr has established in impoverished Shia-dominated areas of Iraq – and his powerful patronage networks – will suffer.

butterfly   Political deadlock has been common in Iraq since 2003. In 2010, it took 289 days to negotiate a new government under Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at the outset of his second term. This time, the process has stalled over the inability to elect a new president, an important constitutional step to pave the way for government formation negotiations.

Sadr had initial success in February with the election of the speaker of parliament, Mohammed Halbousi. However, the intra-Kurdish rivalry over the presidency between the Kurdistan Democratic Party, an ally of Sadr, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which has sided with the Coordination Framework, prevented Sadr from forming the majoritarian government he sought once the scope of his October 2021 electoral victory became clear to him.

Sadr did try to rally other members of parliament, including independents, at least four times in a bid to meet the quorum to break the political gridlock. Sadr’s unrealistic and inflexible “all-or-nothing” approach to negotiations likely contributed to the collapse of the political process. He sought to sideline his Shia rivals and refused to embrace the independent members of parliament who were a product of anti-government protests that began in October 2019. Like Sadr, the independents also ran on a reformist and anti-corruption platform, but he failed to find common cause with them and convince them to join his coalition – possibly because they remembered Sadrist forces played a key role in undermining and suppressing the protest movement – or at least to attend the parliament session to meet quorum for a vote on the president. Instead, Sadr set inflexible terms for the independent members of parliament.

butterfly   For example, on May 5, Sadr called on them to form an alliance with at least 40 members of parliament within 15 days to seek to form the government with his support. If Sadr had chosen a more constructive and engaging method to communicate and negotiate with these members of parliament, he perhaps could have succeeded at least in overcoming the quorum issue, which has prevented the formation of his majoritarian government.

There are also inherent tensions between Sadr’s quest for increasing his political relevance and power and what seems to be his aspiration to become a prominent Shia marja, in the future. As a religious leader, Sadr seemingly feels a moral responsibility to use his religious credentials to remain a political force in Iraq, but he also understands that politics, with its inherent negotiations and compromises, could undermine his religious credibility not just in Iraq but in the broader Shia community in the region and beyond, where current leader Sistani as well as previous religious leaders from Najaf have been extremely influential.

His recent political moves seem to indicate his longer-term religious aspirations have defined and constrained his political moves and the zone of negotiations with his rivals. In the last eight months, he has avoided damaging his religious brand in his efforts to form a majoritarian government.

As such, Sadr’s aspirations as a religious figure seem to have superseded his short-term political goals. Accordingly, Sadr might have calculated that with his withdrawal he can bolster both his political and religious credentials in the long term as a figure who refuses to ally with people whom he thinks are responsible for the country’s political, economic, and security crises.

Trouble for Former Sadr Allies

butterfly   Since Sadr seems to have given primacy to his over-the-horizon religious goals, political alliances with the mercurial Shia leader have become unpredictable and impractical, damaging the fortunes of his former allies. The Sadr exit put an end to the Homeland Salvation Coalition – Sadr’s alliance with the KDP and the Halbousi-led Sunni Sovereignty bloc, which are paying dearly now for having relied on Sadr to deliver political results for them in the next government.

The KDP, which had eyed the Iraqi presidency, believed that Sadr would deliver that to them in the same way he delivered the speaker of parliament to the Sunnis. Now, the possibility of a KDP candidate winning the presidency has become quite remote, while Halbousi has seemed to recognize the new reality by playing along with his former rival – the Coordination Framework.

The KDP and the Sunnis appear to have adjusted their postures to deal with the Coordination Framework and took part in the session in which the new members of parliament took their oaths. The KDP has also reshuffled its negotiation team in Baghdad, with Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein and former Minister of Housing and Reconstruction Bangin Rekani taking over, and has expressed readiness to hold talks with the Coordination Framework. Rekani said that his party was present in the Iraqi political arena for negotiations and did not pose threats to anyone. Rekani’s statement, attempting to highlight the KDP’s pragmatism, also signaled its precarious position and its scramble for political traction with now-empowered Maliki-led rivals in Baghdad it previously considered as subdued.

butterfly   For his part, Halbousi also has concerns, even if they are not immediate. For months, the Coordination Framework has worked with and courted Halbousi’s Sunni rivals. For example, the Coordination Framework used allies in the current government to have terrorism charges against powerful Dulaim tribe chief Ali Hatam Suleiman suddenly dropped, paving the way for him to return to Iraq.

Former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, wielding accusations of collaboration with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, forced Suleiman to flee Iraq in 2014. So, Halbousi will likely be under more pressure to negotiate with the Coordination Framework to form the next government quickly as he may not remain speaker if there is a snap election or if Coordination Framework negotiations with the Sunnis head in unpredictable directions. The Sunni front could become more fragmented with the participation of Suleiman, who could chip away at the number of seats Halbousi’s party currently holds.

Coordination Framework Moves

butterfly   After Sadr’s withdrawal, the Coordination Framework held a meeting noting that it would respect Sadr’s decision while reaffirming its efforts to form a broad-based government through the inclusion of other parties to “fulfill the aspirations of our people in security, stability and a good life and strengthening Iraq’s role and position in the region and the world.” On June 22, the Coordination Framework’s legislative efforts helped replace most of the members of parliament who had resigned with candidates who had come in second in their districts in the October 2021 parliamentary elections.

There are still nine vacant seats because some of those candidates did not show up to take their oaths, seemingly as they were ideologically and politically close to Sadr. Therefore, those who came in third could take the oath in the next session in July. But at this stage, the Fatah Coalition, led by Popular Mobilization Forces commander Hadi al-Amiri, has increased its seats from 17 to 29, Maliki’s State of Law Party went from 33 to 37, and the National Power of the State bloc, led by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Wisdom Movement leader Ammar al-Hakim, has increased its seats from 4 to 11.

Accordingly, the Coordination Framework has become the biggest parliamentary bloc with 130 members of parliament, although inside that alliance, strong second-place showings seem to have strengthened the hand of some of Maliki’s Shia rivals at his expense. But the final numbers have yet to be certified by the Parliament. The increased number of seats will give the Coordination Framework a stronger mandate to form the next government. Thus, the government formation process momentum could pick up unless thwarted by internal conflict within the Coordination Framework regarding who might lead the next government as prime minister, which is, predictably, already causing heightened tensions.

butterfly   Maliki reportedly seeks a third term as prime minister; however, there is no consensus within the Coordination Framework. Such reports triggered Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, who has been largely silent regarding political developments in Iraq for the last two years, to express concerns about the possibility of Maliki’s candidacy.

Sistani representative Ahmed al-Safi warned that the marjiyya, or religious establishment, is still not happy with those who “caused the loss of one-third of Iraq to the hands of the terrorist organization ISIS and those who led the country to this blockage.” Although Safi did not mention Maliki by name, his references described the former prime minister, whose tenure was marked by Iraq’s decent into sectarian conflict, instability, and the fall of Mosul in 2014.

This lack of support by Iraq’s supreme religious authority is good news for the KDP, which has been anti-Maliki for his breach of agreements with the Kurds and withholding funds allocated in the federal budget from the Kurdistan Regional Government, and for the Sunnis as well, who suffered most during Maliki’s terms due to his sectarian policies, which are thought to have helped facilitate the rise of ISIL in 2013.

According to some media reports, KDP leader Masoud Barzani informed the Coordination Framework that he would only negotiate if Maliki is out of the picture for the role of prime minister. Should the Coordination Framework nominate Maliki, the KDP and Halbousi’s Sunni forces could boycott the political process in Baghdad continuing to prolong the government formation process.

butterfly   Sadr’s exit from the political process appears to be a grave political miscalculation that will play into the hands of his rivals to form the next government. But that does not mean an easy path forward on government formation, as many internal and external factors still hold the political process hostage. If formed, the new government will likely reflect not just the ethno-sectarian features of the past, but also deep partisanship, which will negatively affect governance and risk greater corruption, which, taken together with a potential decline in oil prices, could worsen service delivery and living conditions for Iraqis.

Sadr’s options will be limited, and his maneuverability, if not well calculated and defined, could severely increase divisions and heighten instability. Having given up his movement’s seats in Parliament, it is not clear how Sadr could reverse course in the foreseeable future. What is certain is that, if he remains out of politics, his movement will be deprived of the financial benefits of the state, which could weaken his popular social programs in the poor Shia neighborhoods that make up the majority of Sadr’s most fervent supporters. As a result, this could weaken Sadr’s popular base, especially among the younger generation in future elections.

Source: The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington https://shafaq.com/en/Report/Inscrutable-Ambitions-Sadr-s-Exit-From-Iraq-s-Parliament-Strengthens-Rivals

butterfly   Sorry that was a long one that was just posted.

Sah   The Federal Court decides to continue Barham Salih as President of the Republic. 16:16

Shafaq News/ The Federal Supreme Court of Iraq decided on Sunday that the current President of the Republic, Barham Salih, will continue his duties until a new president is elected.

And the court confirmed in a document obtained by Shafak News Agency, that "the President of the Republic continues to exercise his duties until the election of a new President of the Republic of Iraq, despite the expiry of his term at the end of the session of the House of Representatives," explaining that "the decision was issued by agreement, definitively and binding on all authorities based on the provisions of Articles (93 / second and 94). ) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005.

On February 8, the outgoing President of the Republic, Barham Salih, submitted an inquiry to the Federal Supreme Court regarding the constitutional vacuum that occurred after the parliament failed to choose a new president for Iraq.

An informed source told Shafaq News Agency, "Saleh's address to the Federal Court regarding the (constitutional vacuum), came after attempts to take over the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, the duties of the presidency, under the pretext of this void, and the end of Saleh's role, after entering this void

Sah   He added, "Saleh sent this inquiry in order to cut off the path for Al-Halbousi to take over the presidency of the republic during the next stage temporarily, in addition to his current position as the presidency of the Iraqi parliament. www.shafaq-com.translate.goog/ar/سیاسة/المحكمة-الاتحادية-تقرر-استمرار-برهم-صالح-ر-يسا-للجمهورية?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sah   An Iraqi politician names the party that "will lead the overthrow of the regime in Iraq" 16:33

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi politician Laith Shubar said on Wednesday that the UN Security Council will lead a plan for "regime change in Iraq", which politician Faiq Sheikh Ali spoke about, causing a lot of controversy.

Shuber said during the program "The Decision for You", which is broadcast on the "Dijla TV" channel, that "the information presented by Faeq Sheikh Ali is correct, and we have information about the initiation of it for months."

He added that the UN Security Council will lead the scheme that Faik Sheikh Ali talked about.

And the Iraqi politician, Faiq Sheikh Ali, said yesterday, Tuesday, that the existing political system in Iraq will be overthrown through an "international team" he described as great, and through a force that he said is "destroying."

Sheikh Ali said to the "The Decision for You" program broadcast by "Dijla TV", which was reviewed by Shafak News Agency, "My appearance on the program will be the last meeting until the year 2024, which will be the maximum date to eliminate the entire political system

Sah   He said that he had previously warned against the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, and today he is repeating his warning of that.

Sheikh Ali was asked about the party that will lead the process of overthrowing the regime, and he said, “I will not disclose this, and the political forces do not know about it, as I have reservations about the way in which the current regime will fall, but there is a great international team that is planning now and will end everything through a striking and destructive force to come. Corrupt politicians will not be spared."

He pointed out that "the next regime will be very strong and fierce, and I do not want to say that it is a dictatorial regime."

A hadith continued, "The coming regime is a stormy regime that will not be merciful at all, and it will not stand in the way of any force in the world, and there are no Baath men in it or any claim to adhere to the rule from among the Shiites."

Regarding the role of the religious authority, Sheikh Ali said, "It should not enter the political process and its role will return to its previous era after the change

Sah  With regard to the fate of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, Sheikh Ali said, "There are two opinions: either he should include him in what will happen to others, or he should isolate himself and go to study in Qom."

He said, "Iran will not be able to interfere with the change that will happen, for the coming power will outweigh it, and it will outweigh any power in the world," noting that Iran "has taken a greater role and is weaker than we imagine," citing, for example, the Iraq-Iran war, which he said, "Saddam Hussein ended Iran and show it its true size."

He added, "Iran is not a superpower in the region, and it has expanded in the region because of the silence of countries."

Sheikh Ali also noted, "The two real sacrifices must prepare for the next stage, and they will have a role in the next state, and the next regime may not be parliamentary, but rather will be civilian and not military."

Regarding Turkey, he said that it will also not interfere, but will release water to Iraq for its reconstruction and construction.

Sheikh Ali attacked Al-Kazemi's role in the regional mediation between Iran and the Gulf, and said that he "turned into a postman for his own interests, dwarfing the role of Iraq and transforming it

Sah   Regarding the situation of the Kurdistan Region, Sheikh Ali said that the exit of oil companies from the Kurdistan Region is a lesson for the forces in the region, carried out by the forces that will lead the change.

He continued, "The Kurdistan Region has to adapt to the coming change."

"The next system will be national, not divided into components," he said. www./shafaq-com.translate.goog/ar/سیاسة/سياسي-عراقي-يسمي-الجهة-التي-ستقود-سقاط-النظام-في-العراق?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Sheila   butterfly anything good happening?

butterfly   sheila I gave the hint earlier in the day.

Sheila   butterfly guess I missed it

butterfly   I will be heading out tomorrow to my nephew's guest house for a couple of days.

Sheila   butterfly have great weekend

butterfly   sheila bonds

Sheila butterfly cool, wait and see on that one

butterfly   1:01...............no waiting.   Done!

Sheila   Repost per butterfly: bond holders have been paid..........that is all you are going to get. Don't ask any questions bc you are lucky you got that much.

Sheila   butterfly thank you darling

Sah   Negotiations for choosing the two presidencies postponed until after Eid, and the oil dispute puts pressure on the Kurdish axis. Erbil - Baghdad - Abdul Hussein Ghazal

The political forces postponed their negotiations until after the Eid regarding the new Iraqi government and the appointment of the two presidencies, as it seemed New differences surround the path between Erbil and Baghdad in this regard. Where On Wednesday, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq condemned the “unfair pressure” that it considered the Federal Oil Ministry It is practicing it against it, days after a judicial decision that invalidated the contracts of oil companies with the region that enjoys subjectively.

Informed sources expected that the oil dispute would be an obstacle to the political rapprochement of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with the framework The Shiite coordination after he left the alliance with Al-Sadr, who resigned from the entire political process.

On Monday, a commercial court in Baghdad, following a lawsuit filed by the Iraqi Oil Ministry, annulled contracts signed between the Iraqi government. Territory and Canadian, British, American and Norwegian companies.

This decision is a new chapter in the conflict between the region and Baghdad over how to manage the oil file. And last February, the Federal Supreme Court obligated the region to hand over all the oil produced on its territory to the government Federal, granting it the right to review all oil contracts in the region and thus invalidate them

Sah   Baghdad has since been trying to implement this decision, which is opposed by the Kurdistan region, which wants to maintain independence in the Gaza Strip energy

During a meeting on Wednesday, the Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers reviewed “the constitutional, judicial and legal steps related to the Kurdistan Regional Government.” against the unjust and unconstitutional pressures exerted by the Iraqi Federal Oil Ministry,” according to a statement. The statement added that the council stressed “not to waive the constitutional rights and entitlements of the people of the Kurdistan region.” in any way.”

A senior official in the oil sector in Baghdad told AFP that the canceled contracts are for Western Zagros Canada , DNO of Norway , HKN Energy , which is also located in Texas, and Genel, which has a presence in the stock exchange in London.

The source, who preferred not to be identified, explained that “the Commercial Court invalidates all contracts concluded that the It does not comply with the decision of the Federal Court.

He pointed out that the government had filed lawsuits against seven companies in total, operating in the Kurdistan region, as well as by right The current and former Minister of Natural Resources in the region, in the context of this file

Sah   In this context, Schlumberger , Baker Hughes and Halliburton announced that they will not provide On new projects in the Kurdistan region in compliance with the decision of the Federal Court,” according to a statement by the Iraqi Oil Ministry on Monday .

The statement added that the companies "are now in the process of liquidating and closing existing tenders and contracts."

For its part, the region demands to negotiate a solution with the federal government regarding this file and has filed two lawsuits One of them is against the oil minister.

Iraq has enormous oil resources, representing 90 % of its revenues, but the oil file often constitutes a source Because of the tension between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government, in June, Iraq exported more than 101 million barrels of oil, with revenues amounting to 11.5 billion dollars, according to preliminary government figures .

The Kurdistan region produces more than 400,000 barrels per day. www.-azzaman-com.translate.goog/ترحيل-مفاوضات-اختيار-الرئاستين-الى-ما/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

Eyeguy1   :Patience:

Sheila   Interesting viewpoint by Steve Forbes: This could be one of the most significant decisions in Supreme Court history 63,365 views Jul 7, 2022 Forbes reacts to President Biden's Green New Deal policies being curbed by the Supreme Court's recent ruling on 'Kudlow.' -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK11o25wf9o


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 7-7-22

..Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 7-7-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly I have a question for NORV .........how can you say there is not ever going to be an RV?

Zig NORV : Are you 100% sure??

NORV butterfly because there is 103 trillion dinar in circulation!

Butterfly NORV well so far I've seen nothing from you to verify that.

NORV butterfly ur the news hound

butterfly NORV avoid the question I see


NORV when they lowered the exchange rate from 1170 to 1460 the money supply significantly increased

butterfly 103 trillion dinar in circulation! NORV where do you get these numbers?

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 7-7-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   I have a question for NORV .........how can you say there is not ever going to be an RV?

Zig   NORV : Are you 100% sure??

NORV   butterfly because there is 103 trillion dinar in circulation!

Butterfly   NORV well so far I've seen nothing from you to verify that.

NORV   butterfly ur the news hound

butterfly   NORV avoid the question I see


NORV   when they lowered the exchange rate from 1170 to 1460 the money supply significantly increased

butterfly   103 trillion dinar in circulation! NORV where do you get these numbers?

NORV   go to the CBI site and look

Dave   butterfly do your own research!

NORV   read the published news

Zig   butterfly : Their act is worn out  :Laughing:

butterfly   I have my own news that I can not release, but I will say, all will be vey very happy.

butterfly   Zig I know that is why I confront them.

Zig   butterfly : Tell me this instant!  :Pillowfight:

Dave   CBI could be sitting on aton of Dinar.....and not recirculating it or shredding it

Zig   Dave : True

butterfly   We hear/read/listen to what is out there. So my question is to all these news hounds, how the Iraq working with NO government officials?

butterfly   Dave BINGO

Dave   Zig WE KNOW squat.....

NORV   here is one article...

During this stage, the value of the Iraqi dinar was devalued at the end of 2020 by approximately 23% From its value against the US dollar, the exchange rate of one dollar reached 1450 Iraqi dinars when buying it, 1460 Iraqi dinars when selling it from the foreign currency window to banks and financial institutions, and 1470 for sale to individuals and institutions.

NORV   It is very likely that the demand for foreign currencies, especially the dollar, will raise its value in the market more than It is now, and this is what is called replacing the currency or dollarization and getting rid of the local currency. Therefore, options have appeared to solve the problem of inflationary pressures, the most important of which is returning to the project of deleting zeros, as many other countries have worked Such as Germany, Turkey, Argentina, Russia, Poland, Venezuela, Iran and others.

butterfly   Derek Chauvin is getting his sentencing right now, so I will distracted until the verdict comes down.

NORV   Currency restructuring project (raising zeros) ... Justifications and requirements

There are many opinions in favor and opposition to the process of raising zeros in most countries of the world in which the process took place and depending on the circumstances of each country. In Iraq, it may be required, as Article 31 of the Law of the Central Bank of Iraq No. 56 of 2004 states in its seventh section, which relates to the Iraqi currency:

Dave   Germany 1930s....

NORV   (The dinar is the national currency unit of Iraq), but in fact there is currently no monetary unit for circulation in the amount of one dinar , The second justification is the continuous rise in the amount of the issued currency, as the monetary mass, which is mostly the currency of circulation, inflated significantly until it reached 103.4 trillion dinars, after it was less than 8 trillion in 2004.

NORV   103.4 trillion dinars

Dave   that is what Turkey did.......could not sell enough dinars....the type we eat

NORV   http://www.baytalhikma.iq/News_Details.php?ID=1467   

NORV   They either going to replace the dinar with new dinar (without zeros) LOP  or do what the IMF ask and float it over time -- RV is a "guru term"  nonsense

Dave   where is my wheel barrow  1200 dinars fer that coke   thats not inflationary....lol

NORV   Not if they do a replacement LOP Dave

Dave   dinars would cost more to print ....than they are worth

Zig   Dave : Jeez....again with the coke....maybe change it to pepsi?   :Laughing:

NORV   Dave the idea of large amounts of cash is rediculous. There is no exchange so its relative  -  same amount of currency as other countries..just Iraq has 3 zeros

Dave   wheel barrows or wallets to pay fer that pepsi?

NORV   Dave you dont get it

Dave   teach me

NORV   nope  not my job

Dave   eggactly

NORV   but there are many reports and articles that you can read and learn

Dave   eggsactly   just read from BBI

NORV   butterfly it is also a fact that Iraq's total net worth including oil and all minerals in the ground is about $16 trillion dollars.

Dave   they handle monetary policy or some economist that wishes to remain anonymous

Dave   oops cbi

NORV   Dave Well dave, the info I have uncovered so far is much more accurate than any crap you believe

Dave   CBI RESTORE the Purchasing Power of the IQD

NORV   as Johnny depp says...Truth!

NORV   Dave They can do that with a currency exchange LOP

Dave   NORV wheel barrows fer IRAQ then

Zig   :wheel: Happy Dave ?? lol

Dave   1/2 tons to purchase groceries at Costco

Zig   I may change your name to STINKER butterfly for withholding information.....lol

Dave   butterfly Sign that NDA?

Zig   Dave : I think our Dinar may outlive us all   :Sob:   possible

NORV   My belief is they will float the dinar. They are spending to much time trying to create a market economy

Dave   Maliki back in?

Zig   NORV : When?????

Dave   My belief..... I believe in CBI over Kap any Day....

NORV   Zig when will it float?

Zig   NORV : Yeah....when?

NORV   Dave what does the CBI say dave?

Dave   14 yrs same convo......please pay attention  CBI or your Beliefs...Hmmmm

NORV   Zig when they have a gov. pass 100 stalled laws and get investors to create momentum in a market economy. no momentum no float

Zig   NORV : Oh is that all??....lol.... :Headbang:

NORV   Zig yup..years off

Sheila   butterfly soon? how soon? very soon. hoping, praying.

Dave   Zig CBI stated dates and rates???????

Zig   98 year old @Zig collapses at bank waiting in line to exchange his Dinar.....lol

Dave  NORV your crystal ball werks much better than mine

NORV   the IMF told them to create the conditions to float in 2013 and still little has been accomplished so would guess at least another 10+ years

NORV   Zig nobody will ever be going to a bank to exchange   not how it will work

Dave   NORV according to Kap

NORV   banks are not going to exchange dinar

Zig  Dave : Use mine...  :Crystal ball:

NORV   to volatile, unstable emerging market

Zig   NORV : They would if internationally recognized and traded  banks dont like risk

Dave   Zig what does yours prophesize?

NORV   Zig it international now

NORV no idea

Dave   yes take yours to any forex exchange......lol

NORV   but i would guess open a trading account with currency broker

Dave   Wowsers IQD now globally traded ....missed that boat

NORV  no way to know until the dinar actually has some value

Sheila   @Zig -- it must be close to happening now. @NORV is making his rounds, denigrating, discouraging, playing the Debbie Downer part... Where will he be posting next? lol lol

NORV   yea it happening with 103 trillion dinar in circulation.    woohoo

Zig   sheila : He's really not that bad....lol

NORV  that 8 times America's debt!

Dave   Zig the Dude knows everything more than CBI

NORV   foolish to think Iraq would ever RV

Zig  Dave : Maybe....lol

NORV   no dave, I just read   facts dont lie   truth wins

Zig   NORV : How about to half a penny??.....lol

Dave   ever Read CBI......think NOT!

NORV  Dave do you?

Dave  take a nickle when CBI ready

NORV   last I checked on CBI website they stated 100 trillion dinar

Zig   I would seriously take 1 cent

Dave  no foreign investment laws passed yet either

NORV   think you should stop insulting the truth teller and start reading

NORV  over 100 laws stalled

Dave  Zig 1 cent still an RV

Zig   1 cent and get the ** out of this community....lol

NORV  nobody investing in iraq with no laws

Dave   now you get it part of that picture

NORV   https://www.alsumaria.tv/news/%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%88/424715/%D8%AA%D8%A3%D8%AE%D8%B1-%D9%88%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%84-%D8%A3%D9%83%D8%AB%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%86-100-%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%88%D9%86-%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AE%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%B1%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86   

NORV   that article 10 days old   Delayed and disrupted... More than 100 laws are parked in Parliament   lol   you will still be here in 10 years

NORV   Saleh explained that Iraq, which is the ninth country in the world in terms of natural resources buried underground, and those resources are estimated at 15-16 trillion dollars, whether in oil, phosphates, sulfur, silicon and other important ores,

NORV   https://almasalah.com/ar/News/188259/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%82-%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%B9-%D8%A8%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AB%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B7%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D8%AD%D8%AC%D9%85-16-%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%86-%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%B1

NORV   those resources are estimated at 15-16 trillion dollars

Dave   NORV yes from assays performed from 30 yrs ago

NORV   How you going to RV when ur country is only worth $16 trillion dollars?

NORV   Dave on give it a boost to 20 trillion dollars ...still no RV

Dave   NORV last time assays performed on their resources kap?

NORV   Dave dave, even if saleh was 100% wrong that only 32 trillion dollars. Lol still no RV your dreaming and you wont give it up

Dave   Sclumberger Halliburton done SQUAT in Iraq fer decades

NORV   funny how you have an answer for everything  but the truth is in the documents

Dave   yah worked in that industry  NORV from which decade?

NORV   Dave call saleh and tell him he wrong and you right!

Dave   NORV no assays in Iraq fer decades

butterfly   James Caan passed away at age 82 yrs old

NORV  that with a worth of 16 trillion dollars and 103 trillion dinar in circulation they going to RV lol   they either going to LOP   or follow the IMF recommendations    float!

NORV   off to lunch

Dave   telling me SChlumbeger halliburton doing Assays in Iraq recently......?

NORV   see ya

Dave   NORV yes out to LUNCH!

butterfly   BREAKING: Father of the July 4th shooter who helped his son obtain the gun he used for his mass shooting says he doesn't "regret" signing the consent form and insists his son's previous suicidal run-in with police was just a "child's outburst." https://twitter.com/OccupyDemocrats/status/1545092119584395264  

butterfly   Derek Chauvin sentenced to 21 years on federal charges for violating George Floyd's civil rights https://abcnews.go.com/US/derek-chauvin-sentenced-federal-charges-violating-george-floyds/story?id=86366456


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-24-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-24-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sparky ... as I stated previously, an "rv " can take many shapes and forms ..... that'll be a present ..

Sheila 06/24/2022 YouTube and Telegram Live Call Just an Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8tsiJifT3s

NORV sheila there is no RV. Get it through your head there is over 103 trillion dinar in circulation!

Sparky NORV ... hey Kap, what's the crack ?

sheila awe, you've come in tonight, doing that sweet talking again.

Sparky ... USA controls Iraq, and we print money 24/7 ...... full faith and confidence ...... absolutely nothing would surprise me ... lol ...... could go to $40 bucks a pop ...... or, not ...

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-24-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sparky   ... as I stated previously, an "rv " can take many shapes and forms ..... that'll be a present ..

Sheila   06/24/2022 YouTube and Telegram Live Call Just an Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8tsiJifT3s

NORV   sheila there is no RV. Get it through your head there is over 103 trillion dinar in circulation!

Sparky   NORV ... hey Kap, what's the crack ?

sheila   awe, you've come in tonight, doing that sweet talking again.

Sparky   ... USA controls Iraq, and we print money 24/7 ...... full faith and confidence ...... absolutely nothing would surprise me ... lol ...... could go to $40 bucks a pop ...... or, not ...

sheila   latest intel says start @ 3.20+ float up to 17... that would be something

NORV   Sparky not with 103 trillion dinar in circulation!

Sah   @NORV and who made you God?

Sparky   ... Sah ... they must like it there ... patience ...

NORV  Everyone wants to see Iraq delete the zeros...well if they go forward with that it is a nutral event currency exchange

NORV   https://www.pukmedia.com/AR/details/?Jimare=160032

NORV   Sah truth sucks

Sparky   NORV ... and will be a slow rise, that's ok for me ...

NORV   foolish

NORV  Sparky slow rise over the next 5-10 years may happen

Sparky  NORV ... cool ...

NORV  but many in iraq are calling for a currency exchange

NORV  which is being taught through symposiums to citizens

Sah   @NORV it is like a dark cloud of negative. I am good with a slow rise, if there is a surprise then God bless me.

NORV  we may get that surprise...a LOP

Sparky  ... cool ... just do something ...

NORV  the longer they wait the better for us

Sah   A lop and then a raise. I would take that.

NORV  that implies they are going to gradually raise it based on the economic growth

Sparky   ... yes ...

NORV   Sah if you only want to make 50% on your money your better off at the casino

NORV  in fact the article i posted above states we will lose money

Sah  If Kurdistan hands over Iraqi oil and they get more water from Turkey, then we will see a gain. Selling lots of salt right now.

NORV  nothing is going to happen until they pass 100 stalled economic laws

NORV   which could take years in itself

Sah   @Norv I paid off my car playing poker at Casino one night.

NORV   Sah sounds like your lucky

Sparky   ... no luck in poker ...

Sparky  ... have to know how to play ...

NORV   I feel bad for Sheila and others that sit by the edge of their bed waiting for a fake RV

NORV   never happen

NORV   Hopefully they follow the IMF

Sah   I invested money every direction I could, even when I did not have much and that worked out well. I closed my business when Covid hit. I sold online instead. I survive. I like to have hope that luck will strike with my currency. Iyt was bought and paid for a long time ago. Just enough to have fun and dream.

NORV   Direct from IMF...

NORV   “14. The de facto fixed exchange rate has served Iraq well. The authorities agreed that a stable nominal exchange rate provides a valuable anchor for inflation expectations in an uncertain environment, and intend to continue implementing this policy for the foreseeable future. In the medium term, staff encouraged the authorities to consider creating the conditions which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy. Such flexibility could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the nominal exchange rate, triggered by strong oil revenues and the Balassa-Samuelson effect, to accommodate a possible real exchange rate appreciation while keeping domestic inflation low.”

Sparky   Sah ... don't bet in IQD to save you ...

NORV  staff encouraged the authorities to consider creating the conditions which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy.

NORV  Such flexibility could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the nominal exchange rate,

NORV   That our best hope

Sparky   ... world works mysteriously ...

Sparky   ... God ...

NORV   Monetary policy is not random

Sparky  ... opportunity at every horizon ...

NORV   Or arbitrary

NORV   Minister of finance said today that Iraq would join the WTO over the next decades!

Sah   I follow the IMF and governments and CBI's before I ever invested. I bought 5 currencies and have doubled my money on one. Gambling is good. A little here and there is fun. You hope you win and dream about a lot.

NORV   referring earlier in the article to next 25 years.

Sparky   ... maybe the IQD is not our huckleberry ...

NORV   http://www.mof.gov.iq/Pages/MOFBannerHeadlineDetail.aspx?BannerNewsID=1135

Sparky   ... maybe it is ...

NORV   I might make a few buck before im 80

Sah   I am invested in PPP for hospitals and emergency room supplies and oil. A little gamble four years back and hope for some and wish for a lot.

Sparky   ... winner, winner, chicken diner ...

NORV   dopey Biden just forgave another 45,000 student loans

Sparky   ... healthcare through the roof ...

NORV   free money for all    :$$$:

NORV   Crash is coming next 13 months or less

Sah   This currency gives me hope and dreams of q multi million dollar pad. Never had a lot but a little investing over years pays off. Who are you to say this every time some one posts? I hope it reinstates and you eat every word.

NORV   Sah reinstates? That nonsense..the dinar is already instated  guru bs

NORV   Sah I study facts. Not guru made up lies that people

Sah   @Norv, I thought you left?  You jumped head, line and sinker when I said reinstates.

Sparky   Sah ... Kap is cool ...... who knows, he makes a real good argument ...

Sah   I was into economics in college. I read this thing from front and back and up side down before I invested. I think there is money to be made. It is just how much?

Sparky   Sah ... agree bro, me too .... they let lots of dinar fly recently ...... and, super duper corrupt ...

Sah  I like being involved in this. I have made some good friends a long the way. Studied a bunch of countries and became more wordly.

Sparky  ... same ...

Sah  They are cleaning it up in their country gradually. Abadi has been leading an investigation team now for a few years and has got billions back for country and prosecuted corrupt. Maliki is on that list of corrupt. He tries to stay in office so Abadi doesn't get him. So is the clash with Sadr. He wants Maliki out of the government.

Sah   Maliki has too much money and doesn't want to loose his state property mansion he lives in.

Sparky   ... I don't like the Sadr folks resigning ...... million man army ? ...

Sah  The Iraqi people there follow Sadr. He can stir a protest with a major amount that will follow. If he doesn't like who they appoint he can totally disrupt the country with protests. They want his approval before they name the new prime minister, so Maliki can just forget about it.

Sah   He doesn't want a corrupt prime minister running the country.

Sparky   ... Sadr is Iranian influenced ...

Sparky   ... Sistani ...

Sah   is religion

Sparky   ... yup, sunni shiite ... kurds ...

Sah   It is a mess over there and the poor people suffer. No government, no budget to feed the poor.

Sparky   ... how mohammed went to the promised land ...77 virgins .... radical islam ..... destroy the infidels ..

Sah   A government that doesn't want to revalue their currency because they don't want any poor people or other religions getting rich.

Sparky   Sah ... Iran ...

Sah   I have friends from college there. What a rough time in the 70's, let alone now. Very radical Islam. My friends were protesting and got thrown in underground jail and had to pay some one to get out and flee the country. Bad stuff.

Sparky   ... heard of Maliki's underground prisons ... lot;s of opponents there ... imu ... or, were .... no food and a dirt floor, 4x6 .... we'll see how it plays out .... water will be their nemisis ... imo ...... certainly not counting on IQD ...

Sparky   ... thousands of ways to make USD ...

Sah   A lot of service men have IQD that were over there. I hope it does something.

Sparky   ... gonna take a minute ... imo ...... let's see what Sadr does ...

Sah   I had a nice chat, catch you another time.

Zig  :Garfield: To everyone reading this....Well I saw that @NORV visited last evening....always a "pleasure"

:eyeroll: In case you don't know he is the inimitable and well-known (infamous?) @Kaperoni who has been around this community for a long time....Want more of him?

:Grief: No! @Zig.....lol....Check out his tweets at https://twitter.com/kaperoni It's been "interesting" in here lately....heated....try to stay cool, calm, and take care of yourselves!....and as always have  a  :Nice day:


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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Evening 6-12-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Evening 6-12-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sergio Just a FYI The IQD rate back in 2004 or so was 10000.00 Dinar was worth in US dollars about 5.00 Today 6.81

UNEEK It’s interesting how money is accepted as an inevitable force in our lives, -- How does something with no intrinsic value become the universal determinant of value? And what are the implications this has on human behavior as a whole?

Discussions of money usually come with the implicit understanding that money is valuable, so they revolve around how one could accumulate more of it, or why it introduces all kinds of strange behaviors. But in this post, we’re going to take one step back and actually look at the concept of money itself: why we need it to represent value, how it impacts our goals, and how it reconstructs our idea of individuality.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Evening 6-12-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sergio   Just a FYI The IQD rate back in 2004 or so was 10000.00 Dinar was worth in US dollars about 5.00 Today 6.81

UNEEK   It’s interesting how money is accepted as an inevitable force in our lives, -- How does something with no intrinsic value become the universal determinant of value? And what are the implications this has on human behavior as a whole?

Discussions of money usually come with the implicit understanding that money is valuable, so they revolve around how one could accumulate more of it, or why it introduces all kinds of strange behaviors. But in this post, we’re going to take one step back and actually look at the concept of money itself: why we need it to represent value, how it impacts our goals, and how it reconstructs our idea of individuality.

UNEEK    Money’s greatest achievement is its ability to standardize value across otherwise incomparable realities. For example, there’s no way I could tell you how many clocks I’d give for your car, or how many clocks I’d give for your house. But communicate those objects of desire through the language of money, and I’ll be able to calculate some relationship between the two.

UNEEK   This ability to create value relationships between every object or service is what allowed money to build a web through every corner of life. Before money, goods stood on their own because they were simply bartered for another object of desire. But after money, the value of goods were always calculated based on a third-party: some currency that was agreed upon by all the members of that society.

The question here then becomes: how was that currency determined?

UNEEK   In money’s early history, it needed to have some sort of value inherent in it for people to trust it as an intermediary.

Its first iteration appeared in Sumer around 3,000 BC, where it manifested in the form of barley grains, which were measured in units called the sila (about 0.25 gallons). Despite the fact that they were quite burdensome to carry around, they were accepted as a form of money because they had intrinsic biological value: they could be eaten, which made it a legitimate currency.

UNEEK   To read more: https://moretothat.com/how-money-forever-changed-us/

Sheila   Sah How long did you say you were in this speculation?

Sah   @Sheila In the Sierra Mountains in California. Have to move this year, too much snow. I have been in this for about 15 years. It started with Dinar and then I bought four more currencies over the years. I have enjoyed doing the research. It made me more worldly.

Sah   I was an economics and accounting major in college till I switched to design school. I have enjoyed digging into each country I researched.

Sheila   Sah 12 plus years... same here. started with dinar, then dong, zim, bolivar. have no extra funds. holding steady.

Sheila   Sah Me, business, management, computer degrees. Forgotten so much in these retirement years.

Sah   @Sheila What is with the bolivar?

Sah   I have Dinar, Dong, Indonesia Rupiah.

sheila    Sah I started buying it because no one else was buying. Venezuela was our biggest supplier of oil, even over ME countries. And their precious metals, rare earth minerals (REM), coffee, etc. Very rich country ready to come back on world stage with new banking system.

sheila   Sah Started buying over 2 years ago. 1M was about 1 per note. Now those are selling for 8-20 per note?

sheila   1 dollar

Sah   I hears that because of Russia and other countries boycotting them that they need oil. US is discussing with other countries about lifting some of the sanctions on Venezuela so they can sell and export their oil. That would be good for the bolivar. They have had such high inflation in their country that this would help bring it down.

Sheila   Sah Exactly. Basic economics. Supply and Demand.

Sah   Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pressed Congress to approve $80 billion in funding for the Internal Revenue Service to assist the agency in reducing a huge backlog of tax returns and enable it to go after $600 billion in unpaid tax bills."The IRS is under siege. It is suffering from huge underinvestment,” Yellen explained to a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the Treasury’s budget request for fiscal 2023.

Sah   Yellen announced that the agency was dealing with massive issues, including a “huge backlog” in working through tax returns, and lacked the personnel required to carry out complicated audits of higher-earning taxpayers.

As of May 27, the IRS had 10.2 million unprocessed individual returns, including 8.2 million paper returns waiting to be examined and processed, according to IRS.gov.

Sergio   Sah I do not belive her

Sah  No wonder I have not got my tax return yet.

Sergio   They want to hire more people to track anything under 400.00 being put into bank-accounts

Sergio   They want to go to a cashless society so no one can hide from taxes, thats why the push for direct deposits

Sah   Easier for them to go after the little people than to go after the wealthy. What do they track now $3000 deposits. Iraq is changing laws on real estate right now to end corruption. All sales money is to be transferred digitally to stop corruption and under reporting sales to avoid paying more taxes.

Sergio   In some places if you have more then 1 yard sale year they want you to report your earnings

sergio   Sah Yes the little guy can not afford a lawyer where the rich person can an fight and cost them money and time

Sah   If I sell something at garage sale, as long as it is less than I bought it for there is no tax unless I sell off business items.

Sah   I got audited once years ago. They owed me $45. I had found a couple receipts after I filed and threw them in with taxes. They haven't bothered me since.

NORV   Sah zThey could solve the problem if they would start the wells and pipelines in the US back up. Idiots!

Sah   I got audited at a business I was running for someone else. Pulled everything out they asked for. The owner said that the person doing his books and running his companies has everything documented and he passed. I got a raise.

Sah   @Norv All these oil wells that have been capped and not used should be operational and pumping what the US needs right now.

Sheila   Sah Wonder when the masses are going to wake up and realize the truth about the IRS?

NORV   Sah not because of the exchange rate. Its probably as a result of speculators wanting it and paying more. I had it back in 2008 for about .000048 sold it for almost double due to speculators on ebay paying more. But today, technically it is worth the same.

NORV   Sah of course. what the point of helping other countries when we dont help ourselves

Sheila   Sah Heard recently Louisiana is starting back pumping wells that Brandon told them to shut down.

Sah   I know when I was in my thirties and raising a child by myself and lived paycheck to pay check that they took a lot out of my check and I got hardly any back. Did not seam fair.

Sah   I hope they start pumping. I have some oil stocks that sat idle for a long time and are now going up and would like to see them go thru the roof.

NORV   Sah unlikely. he dont give a *

Sah   They are pumping but they are limiting right now the ones to be uncapped.

NORV   $10 gas coming soon  as my stock broker says...elections have consequences.

Sah   I have cars that get 45 to 50 miles to the gallon, but when I move those trucks get 4 to 6 miles to the gallon. Going to cost a fortune to move.

NORV   have fun sunday.. later

Sah   We need someone new that has good morals and a great economy. Good luck finding them this year in either party.

Sah   Senator Robert Casey, a Democrat, announced the IRS had all though stopped auditing tax returns of wealthy private business owners, who were eligible for a 20% tax write-off on their personaltaxes, while lower-earning recipients of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) were five times more likely to be audited.Yellen announced that those statistics were appalling, and underscored her concern regarding the estimated tax gap, which she stated was mostly because of wealthier taxpayers with opaque sources of income.

Sah   “The resources of the IRS have been cut to the point where they’ve largely cut back on the complicated audits, the ones that are harder, of high-income taxpayers,” Yellen explained to the committee. “The fact that such a large share goes to audit the EITC is very unfair.” pproving the Treasury’s budget request for $80 billion over 10 years, Yellen stated, would enable the IRS “to be able to ... make sure that people are paying the taxes that are due.

“It's very unfair to workers in lower-income households the way things work now,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Yellen conceded on Tuesday that inflation is at “unacceptable levels,” but she further sought to underscore that this is not a problem only for the United States.

Sah   Speaking during a Senate Finance Committee hearing, Yellen pointed to the Biden administration’s record-setting release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.influences. Given the global nature of these markets, it’s virtually impossible for us to insulate ourselves from shocks like the ones that are occurring in Russia that move global oil prices,” Yellen announced. She continued that it is critical that the United States become “more dependent on the wind and the sun that are not subject to geopolitical influences.”

Throughout her prepared comments, Yellen acknowledged that the United States faces “macroeconomic challenges, including unacceptable levels of inflation.”

Sheila   @TWW Wondering where you've been lately?

TWW   sheila At the capitol bizy. except on weekends...how r u doing??

Sheila   TWW living the dream, lol lol

TWW   sheila Again as well

Sheila   TWW seriously. happy to be here, waiting for the changes

TWW   sheila VES??

Sheila   TWW bolivar?

TWW   sheila yes

Sheila   TWW one of few to change

TWW   sheila Change??

Sheila   TWW revaluations

TWW   sheila yes indeed, we touched on ex on Friday closing

Sheila   TWW more good news. signs, signs, everywhere signs.

TWW   sheila ...do this, do that cant u read the signs...

Sheila   TWW we be on the right path

TWW   In my state we hav peep from 148 countries. Most state, cities, counties paperwork ayr in min of 58 languages. How will the ex work with so many here??

Sheila   TWW English

TWW   sheila oh sure

TWW  they arre not assimulating

TWW   Their curr'y is not even traceable

Sheila   TWW money will buy a lot of assimulating

TWW   sheila a problem we r working on for the con/con

Sheila   TWW con/con?

Sheila   TWW best question is When?

TWW   sheila yes con/con...I em it to u a few wks ago, not here

TWW   sheila 1.00 US Dollar =  5.2455501 Venezuelan Bolívares

Sheila   ‘Embarrassing omission’: General Motors’ electric vehicle mishap June 10, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPY3En10M6c

Sheila   Military Source for this video: "There was an unexpected 40% increase in 'all cause deaths' in 2021" Feb 2, 2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GXvV6Pybns

Sah   @Sheila Good article about where the electricity comes from to charge the cars. $50,000 for a car that actually is not green, and sometimes catches on fire and only goes 300 miles on a charge and then what, wait 6 hours for it to charge and also if everyone had electric cars half would not have batteries to run their cars because a shortage in materials. No thank you, I will wait for the nano battery, 9500 miles on one charge and under 10 minutes to recharge and not made of Lithium that will run out and have to throw battery away. Not very green at all.There is not enough electricity for this.

Sheila   Sah And... Household electrical is typically 100 amp. Charge stations draw 75 amps. Power grid not scaled for that kind of drag on the grid. I believe I read that information in a recent published article.

Sah   @Sheila I was doing research on the batteries on the cars because I say a guy blow up his Tesla on UTube that was a few years old. He said to replace the batteries and fix his car was over $20,000. Another guy said just the batteries for his were almost $6,000. We are going to end up with hardly any lithium on the planet and no way to recycle it. Bad stuff.

Sah   say saw

Sah   When I buy a car I always think about what it will cost to repair it. Usually the more expensive the car the more expensive the repair.

Sheila   Sah Exactly. Going to stick with solid built gas powered until technology proves itself. My rule of thumb - if Politicians are pushing something, then they have ulterior motives and not to be trusted. Follow the money.

Sheila   time to pray. time to sleep. good night all.

Sheila   In Midst of Energy Crisis, Mysterious Explosion in Texas Takes One of World's Largest Fuel Plants Offline

By Mike Landry June 10, 2022 at 1:12pm https://www.westernjournal.com/midst-energy-crisis-mysterious-explosion-texas-takes-one-worlds-largest-fuel-plants-offline/

Sheila June 12, 2022 - U.S. gas prices hit $5 per gallon for the first time today, setting the 31st record in 33 days amid surging inflation.


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Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8 Zig's Place Chat Room DINARRECAPS8

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-10-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-10-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rates was stable in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Friday (June 10) $100 was at 148.250 Iraqi dinars.

100 British pounds was at 185,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 156,750 IQD.

butterfly SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Friday (June 10) compared to the previous day. The price of Brent crude was at $123.2, down from $123.9 and the price of WTI crude was at $121.6, down from $122.3.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 6-10-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rates was stable in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Friday (June 10)    $100 was at 148.250 Iraqi dinars.

100 British pounds was at 185,000 Iraqi dinars, and 100 euros was at 156,750 IQD.

butterfly   SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were up on Friday (June 10) compared to the previous day.   The price of Brent crude was at $123.2, down from $123.9 and the price of WTI crude was at $121.6, down from $122.3.

butterfly   2022-06-10 03:57   Shafaq News/ Gold edged down on Friday and headed for a weekly fall, as Treasury yields rose, with investors awaiting key monthly U.S. inflation data that is due later in the day for cues on the future of monetary policy.


* Spot gold was down 0.1% at $1,846.22 per ounce, as of 0038 GMT, while U.S. gold futures eased 0.2% to $1,849.10.

* Gold prices have fallen about 0.2% so far this week.

* Benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury yields edged up, hurting demand for zero-yield gold. [US/]

* Economic data expected on Friday has market participants anxiously waiting for confirmation that decades-high inflation reached its summit in March and has commenced its long hike back down the mountain.

* The U.S. Federal Reserve will hike its key interest rate by 50 basis points in June and July, with rising chances of a similar move in September, according to a Reuters poll of economists who see no pause in rate rises until next year.

* Bullion is often seen as an inflation hedge, but the opportunity cost of holding it is higher when the Fed raises short-term interest rates to combat inflation.

* The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits increased to the highest level in nearly five months last week, but that likely does not mark a material shift in labour market conditions, which remain extremely tight.

* The European Central Bank ended a long-running stimulus scheme on Thursday and said it would deliver next month its first interest rate hike since 2011, followed by a potentially larger move in September.

* Spot silver dipped 0.1% to $21.65 per ounce, and platinum fell 0.5% to $966.13, while palladium rose 0.2% to $1,928.17. All are on course for weekly declines.   Source: Reuters

butterfly   2022-06-10 07:33   Shafaq News/ The Iraqi MP Mustafa Al-Arsan revealed parliamentary efforts to approve laws other than food security that serve Iraqi society, including the general amnesty law."

Al-Arsan, a deputy of Al-Siyada Alliance, told Shafaq News Agency, "The food security law is essential as it contributes to addressing several files, including electricity, compensation, and regional development.

"There are other laws that will be legislated soon, including the general amnesty law, which the Iraqi Parliament would amend for victims in Iraqi prisons.

Al-Arsan pointed out that today, the Parliament is the only legitimate body in the country since the government is a caretaker government.

On the outstanding issues, which residents of the liberated areas hope to address, including the file of the disappeared, mass graves, the displaced, and compensation, the deputy said, "the displaced are included in the Food Security Law, to address their situation in the camps inside Iraq, as well as the file of compensation for the liberated areas."

butterfly   2022-06-10 05:50  Shafaq News/ The CEO of Dana Gas expected that gas production would edge higher at the Khor Mor gas field in the Kurdistan Region next year.

In an interview with Mubasher.info, Patrick Allman-Ward said that the primary current objectives of Dana Gas are to regularize the financial dues received from Iraqi Kurdistan and Egypt and settle the unpaid payables.

He added that in the first half of 2023, the undergoing expansion at the Khor Mor gas field in Kurdistan would boost the company's production capacity by about 25%.

Allman-Ward pointed out that the current rise in oil prices is the main factor that will enhance Dana Gas's performance in the coming period.

Dana Gas is the Middle East's first and largest regional private sector natural gas company, established in December 2005 with a public listing on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX). It has exploration and production assets in Egypt, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), and the UAE.

Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum jointly operate the field on behalf of the consortium. The field supplies the natural gas it produces to power plants in the Bazian, Erbil, and Chemchemal areas. The field also has 1,000Mt/d of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and 15,000 barrels per day (bpd) of gas condensate.

The Khor Mor field expansion project is being developed with an investment of $700m. It expects to receive continuous investments with a projected expenditure of $4.3bn between 2018 and 2027

Zig   Doug_W : Have you ever heard @Sergio tell his story about hunting alligators for a living?

Zig   In case you haven't read @TWW's story about his experience with the Kuwaiti Dinar:

"I was learning to trade currencies in the 70's...I was working in Riyadh in 1989 for a developer, and Amed, my boss, was telling me of a 'rumor' that Kuwait was planning to 'adjust' their currency... Remember, Iraq was attacking Kuwait's oil wells... Well with the help of USA & international assistance, adjustments were about to take place... I never heard the RV by name, just an 'adjustment'... Their currency at that time was .05...

While there I bought quite a bit of their currency, quite a bit in Riyadh... I was back in Honolulu around March when my currency broker from the past called me at home, and mentioned that Kuwait's currency adjusted to a higher value, 3.47 USD... I called my bank, Bank of Hawaii, and they confirmed...

So I went with my bills and cashed them in... I had to show my passport with the date when I was in Egypt... it was my former boss in SA that called about their RI/adjustment then I went through his broker... It went from 0.05 to 3.47 USD... It was just an exchange, no tax. ... There is more to the story but this should give you enough to share at this point... It did happen no matter what the so-called Gurus are telling you."

Butterfly   The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makheef, was briefed today, Thursday, on the level of services at a number of private banks.

The media office of the bank stated in a statement, that "Makhif conducted a field visit this morning, accompanied by the team of the Central Bank's Control Department, which included a number of private banks, in which he inspected the progress of their work, and was briefed on the level of banking services they provide."

He added, "The governor met with the banks' departments during the visit, which came within the framework of the field follow-up to the reality of the work of Iraqi banks, and the development of their infrastructure, and for the purpose of closely examining the extent of their application of the instructions and decisions issued by the Central Bank."

The statement continued, "This comes within the efforts of the Central Bank and officials to raise the level of services provided by banks, and to advance the reality of the Iraqi banking sector to achieve more stability and growth in it."

butterfly   - The Ministry of Oil confirmed that fuel is available and there is no shortage of it, noting that due to the high air temperature, vehicle owners resort to preferring to refuel at night, which creates momentum at the stations.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil for Distribution Affairs, Hamid Younis, said in a statement that "fuel is available and there is no shortage of it, and due to the high weather, vehicle owners are resorting to preferring to supply from filling stations with fuel at night instead of during the day."

He added, "The ministry is keen to provide the owners of private generators with the prescribed quotas and increases," appealing to citizens not to believe the rumors spread by some paid agencies, which aim to confuse the general situation.

And regarding the ministry's procedures, he stated that "the fuel card system was implemented in Nineveh after an increase in Its share is three million liters of gasoline per day.

He explained that "the Oil Products Distribution Company has started implementing the fuel card experiment in Kirkuk governorate," noting that "the ministry aims to provide the citizens' needs of fuel for each governorate, and work not to transfer products to other governorates or to exceed their quotas."

Sergio   Hello all   I found one of my files

Sergio   Info that comes from a retired IMF and World bank person

Sergio   He stated the IMF only give loans to countries and the only organization that has control over a counties currency, increase or decrease in value, is the Central Bank of that country. No one else. He went on to give an example, China, that their currency is way under valued. This is due to all the exports and very little imports.

This is where they get their money and they can and do, keep the value low. I brought up Iraq and Iran. Too much unrest, corrupt politicians, and uncertainty in the region. The more a country holds US $'s the more their currency will be worth, the less they have the less it's worth.

He stated that Iraq does not need to increase the value of their currency due to all the oil they have. They don't need to increase the value of their money, they get their money from the oil. Not exports. He also stated if the Iraqis done away with the Prime Minister that the value would go down drastically due the civil war it would create in country. He stated it would be a very, very high risk venture with Iraqi currency.

butterfly   2022-06-10 07:31   Shafaq News / Iraq has defied political axioms, with disagreements between blocs and political forces delaying the formation of a new government to succeed Mustafa al-Kadhimi's two-year-old government, which fell out of power following the October 10, 2021 elections.

Observers say that the calculation procedure for the time spent under the caretaker government is part of unnecessary procrastination as the country faces a complex series of crises and challenges that necessitate a quick formation of the government, selection of the president, and revitalization of parliamentary work. That is the least Iraqis can hope for, regardless of whether they voted in the recent elections or not.

If the calculations are correct, Iraq will have surpassed 230 days since the closing of the ballot boxes on October 10. If, on November 30, 2021, 50 days after the elections, it had been more than 180 days since the High Electoral Commission announced the final results, after hundreds of appeals against preliminary results had been resolved and questionable votes had been manually recounted.

But it is well established that more than 230 days have passed since the polls closed, which means that the "record" of this political vacuum, which was recorded after the March 7, 2010 elections, led to the formation of Nouri al-Maliki's so-called "second government".

butterfly   According to observers, "breaking" that figure is not a cause for celebration because it is not about achieving a record success at the time of a project or plan, and what happened in 2010 is remembered as similar to the "record" set in the Netherlands, where the government was formed after a 271-days political impasse.

However, what happened politically in 2010 appears to be similar to what is happening now, given that those elections 12 years ago resulted in the formation of a new government for Nouri al-Maliki on December 22, which lasted until September 8, 2014.

At that time, Iyad Allawi's coalition won the highest seats, defeating its main opponent Nouri al-Maliki, who was later able, through regional maneuvers, compromises, an Iranian sponsorship, a U.S. approval, and difficult negotiations involving Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon, to include al-Maliki's allies to form the largest bloc in parliament, thus taking away the right to form a government again, which seems similar to the current political maneuvers and games.

While the rivalry between the "Iraqia" and "State of Law" blocs was intense, with the first winning the most votes, "Iraqia" said its victory gave it the right to form a government.

The "state of law" responded by emphasizing that the Federal Supreme Court issued a decision interpreted by the bloc as giving it the right to form, given that it is the largest Parliamentary bloc, and that is why the "State of Law" moved quickly to conclude special alliances with the Iraqi National Coalition."

As it stands, relations between Muqtada al-Sadr and Nouri al-Maliki are strained, and the fallout from al-Maliki's military operation against Sadrist militants known as the "Battle of Basra" in 2008 is still fresh in everyone's minds.

Muqtada al-Sadr also opposed al-Maliki's re-election to form a second government for eight months, until multifaceted regional mediation, particularly from Iran, resulting in a meeting in Qom in 2011 to reach a settlement,

butterfly  "They want to leave and hand over the country to the Iranians. We are a failed state now, an Iranian colony," the New Yorker newspaper quoted Allawi as saying at the time, expressing his displeasure at Washington's abandonment and withdrawal of support.

However, the relatively peaceful relations between al-Sadr and al-Maliki have not reached a point of harmony; and the Sadrists have moved more than once in corruption-related files and attempts to question al-Maliki within parliament.

Furthermore, when ISIS took over large swaths of Iraq in 2014, al-Sadr was one of the most vocal objectors to al-Maliki's mandate to form a third government.

Now, Iraqis are awaiting the results of the ongoing political maneuvers, especially between the "Coordination Framework" forces that include al-Maliki in their leadership, and the so-called "Trilateral Alliance" that includes al-Sadr.

Ironically, more than 230 days after the polls closed, Belgium still holds the "record" for the longest governmentless period of more than 500 days.

Therefore, millions of Iraqis have the right to wonder whether their fate will continue to be counted in record shameful numbers.    Exclusive to Shafaq News agency.

butterfly  2022-06-10 03:57   Shafaq News/ Gold edged down on Friday and headed for a weekly fall, as Treasury yields rose, with investors awaiting key monthly U.S. inflation data that is due later in the day for cues on the future of monetary policy.

Sheila   Stuck Here In The Middle With You by Steel Wheels - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln7Vn_WKkWU


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 6-9-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 6-9-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sah My gas this week is $6.69 for regular. Cheapest gas station to pay cash in town. Otherwise $6.79 at other stations. I won't by electric till nano battery comes out in car. It doesn't catch on fire and will go over 9,000 miles in one charge. I don't mind different people's view on politics as long as there is no name calling or mud slinging.

UNEEK Sah :Yes:

butterfly Sah I just bought some fuel and was shocked at the prices but I go to Circle K, whenever I can. Got mine for $5.05 today.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 6-9-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sah   My gas this week is $6.69 for regular. Cheapest gas station to pay cash in town. Otherwise $6.79 at other stations. I won't by electric till nano battery comes out in car. It doesn't catch on fire and will go over 9,000 miles in one charge. I don't mind different people's view on politics as long as there is no name calling or mud slinging.

UNEEK   Sah :Yes:

butterfly   Sah I just bought some fuel and was shocked at the prices but I go to Circle K, whenever I can. Got mine for $5.05 today.

butterfly   Weekly gas prices peaked at $4.11 during President George W. Bush’s time in office. Prices were also as low as $1.07 during his presidency.

The movement of gas prices doesn’t correlate with who’s in office. It’s determined by the balance of supply and demand, and influenced by the health of the economy and OPEC policies. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/25/facebook-posts/gas-prices-peaked-under-bush-they-dont-correlate-w/

Tebow   Electrical grid can't meet charging demands. It's not about green energy, it's about control. Energy to charge EVs comes from Coal/Gas powerplants. Which burn fossil fuels.

butterfly   That second paragraph says everything everyone needs to know. It is OPEC. They have said they will continue to raise the prices. I can't remember what year who was in office at that time, but it raised to $7.00 +

UNEEK   @Tebow I agree with that as well

butterfly   In Kentucky they closed the largest/biggest coal plant, sold all of their equipment.

UNEEK   butterfly wow

Tebow   Gas prices have doubled since Biden took office -The national average price of a gallon of gas has doubled since President Biden took office in January 2021 – a dubious milestone for the administration as it scrambles to tamp down inflation ahead of the upcoming midterm elections.

The national average hit a record $4.86 per gallon on Monday, according to AAA data. The staggering sum is more than twice as high as the average price on Jan. 20, 2021, when the national average cost of a gallon was $2.39.

The recent surge of gas prices has provided fresh fodder for Republicans and other critics who argue Biden’s energy policies have contributed to economic pain for ordinary Americans.

“Joe Biden’s war on American energy has forced families across the country to empty their wallets to fill their tanks. Unfortunately, Biden is doubling-down on his disastrous agenda because he’s not the one paying the price – the American people are,” Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.

UNEEK   you can have extra gas in hard times but you can't have a "reserve" of electricity when the power goes out

Tebow   It's Biden prices hikes on everything

UNEEK   well unless you have some solar generators i guess  or gas generators

Tebow   The national average hit a record $4.86 per gallon on Monday

butterfly  Several bus loads drove to Louisville to meet with him bc he was going to take away their pensions/healthcare. He said he would work on it. They fought tooth and nail, but lost a lot of it bc of him.

butterfly   Carbon dioxide levels are now 50% higher than during the pre-industrial era

CO2 has not been so high since before hominids walked upright – and are not dropping fast enough to avert catastrophe https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/06/carbon-dioxide-levels-increase-global-heating-study

Tebow   Gas Prices Soar to 11th Consecutive Record-Day High of $4.95 -

Tebow   Worried about CO2 just wait until next winter when people can't buy home heating oil. They'll start chopping down trees for firewood to stay warm during the winter........... CO2

butterfly   What are gas prices around the world?  For comparison, the average gas price in the U.S. is about $4.96 per gallon as of June 8, according to AAA.   WHAT WE FOUND

Hong Kong: $11.21.

Norway: $10.82.

Denmark: $10.32.

Sweden: $9.33.

Netherlands: $9.11.

Israel: $8.30.

Germany: $7.89.

France: $8.57.

butterfly   What state has highest gas prices?  California

Why is gas so expensive in California? California has by far the most expensive gasoline in the country for three reasons. First, the state has the second highest gas taxes in the US. California charges an extra 51 cents for every gallon of gasoline. May 24, 2022

butterfly   What country has the highest gas prices in the world?   Hong Kong

Residents of Hong Kong pay the highest international gas prices, with one gallon setting them back $10.97. Norway has the second-highest gas prices at $9.64 per gallon, followed by Denmark where gas costs an average $9.32 per gallon.

Sergio  Hello all  just doing a drive by

Doug_W   @Sergio @Sergio @Sergio

Sergio  Hey Doug  looks like things are still staying positive in here and that’s great.

Zig   @Sergio : Long time

Sergio   Zig Oh it’s not that long, only since 2011

Sergio   Here is something to ponder over. What if the Iraqi Dinar becomes worth more then the dollar on its own and the Dollar becomes what the Dinar worth is today? Why would you trade in your Dinars for the Us Dollar???? Lol Those who claim to be in the know, have know idea what is going on lol.

Sergio   I wonder if Kap can answer that?

Sergio   I bet none of those who claim to know about this forecast have even contemplated this.

Sergio   According to data presented by Finbold, the U.S. dollar has depreciated sixfold over the past 50 years. In 1972, the worth of one dollar was $1, but by 2022, the value of a dollar has dropped by an incredible 86%, to $0.14.

Zig  @Sergio : Oh you're still here?....lol...I am sure @Kap (@NORV) will answer you

Sergio   Zig Was waiting around for him but I have a meeting very soon so I might miss him

Sheila   Price of Gold today: https://www.marketwatch.com/ = 1850... So 1 divided by 1850, makes Dollar worth about 1 penny. Is this correct?

Sheila   Jim Willie posted today: Jim Willie Interveiws on US Debt, US Bonds, Nesara/Gesara and much more 6-9-2022 https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/jim-willie-interveiws-on-us-debt-us-bonds-nesaragesara-and-much-more-6-9-2022 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlSC9WxynF4

butterfly   Iraqi students take first places in Worldwide Mental Arithmetic Competition 2022 ............ Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – Iraqi school students took the first place in the Worldwide Mental Arithmetic Competition, World Association of Mental Arithmetic Schools (WAMAS-2022), held in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, from 1 to 2 June, 2022.

In addition to many Iraqi students wining in the competition, the Iraqi student Noor Al-Hussein Basem Muhammad from Najaf city won first place, and Nina Muhammad Khader from Kirkuk city won second place.

Around two thousand school students from Arab, African, Asian and European countries participated in the competition.

In the competition, students need to a solve large number of math problems in a period of time that does not exceed ten minutes. https://www.iraqinews.com/iraq/iraqi-students-take-first-places-in-worldwide-mental-arithmetic-competition-2022/

butterfly   baghdad-INA   Ministry of Finance and the World Bank agreed Tuesday on a roadmap for the tax system.

Media office of the Ministry of Finance stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “under the guidance and follow-up of the Minister of Finance, Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, and based on the agreement between the Iraqi Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, related to the aspect of improving the work of the tax system in Iraq, he expressed his willingness to provide the necessary support towards reforms of tax administration.

The statement added, "Support will be provided to help Iraq enhance the effectiveness of the General Tax Authority, with the support of the team funded by the Office of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the United Kingdom, which includes introducing good international practices and helping the authority to use modern technology."

The statement continued, "The agreed roadmap consists in conducting an assessment of the performance of the tax administration using international standard tools, and providing guidance on tax administration issues according to a reform program that relies in its work on the use of technology over the medium term from 3 to 5 years, as well as exercising an advisory and technical role by supporting the design of a technical procurement process.

The statement explained that "this agreement comes within the framework of the Ministry of Finance's endeavors aimed at raising the efficiency and performance of all its institutions, as part of a series of reform measures for financial institutions adopted by the ministry by introducing modern systems and keeping pace with current international standards and with the supervision and support of experts, specialists and leading organizations in this sector." https://ina.iq/eng/19919-finance-ministry-world-bank-agree-on-a-road-map-concerning-tax-system.html

NORV   @Sergio The dinar will never revalue, but if it floats as the IMF wants, it could eventually rise to a value greater than the dinar. That being said, the dinar value is based on the success and growth of Iraq's economy. Investors may be in for a surprise if and when that happens because they will have to watch it's value grow like any other currency that floats. That means creating an account with a broker or market maker within FOREX, depositing your dinars into some type of dinar denominated account and in essence become a currency trader determining when or how much you want to sell as the dinar rises. Time will tell.

NORV   There is also another alternative, not one we want to see....

NORV   Which is being taught through various symposiums in Iraq to citizens. Which is a currency exchange. They want to replace the dinar with a new dinar without the zeros. Meaning this is a LOP of sorts giving the new dinar value and the current dinar a fixed value. In that case, you will have to just sell it off.

NORV   If you want to read about the currency exchange here is a link...

NORV   https://www.pukmedia.com/AR/details/?Jimare=160032

NORV   Or you can read the professional documentation on the subject.

NORV   https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/216703

NORV  This is a really good symposium that discusses the dinar, the two options and why there could never be a significant RV with over 103 trillion dinar in circulation...

NORV   http://www.baytalhikma.iq/News_Details.php?ID=1467

Zig   You may not like what NORV has to say.....tough....lol....he is welcome here as is everyone else....I often don't like what he has to say either....lol

NORV   Anyone is welcome to think what they want, but these articles prove what is being discussed.

NORV   later zig. have a good day!   :Floating:

Zig   NORV : See ya....too bad @Sergio had nothing to say....oh well....

Sergio   Zig I just finished up with my meeting. The Iraqi Dinar has never been spot traded which is what banks or brokers use in making money on. They look at the market of currencies in which all currencies

Sergio   sorry hit the send button by accident

butterfly   European Union legislators intend, later this evening, Wednesday, to vote on the future of fuel-powered cars starting from 2035, according to the American "ABC News" channel.

She added, "The vote scheduled for the Council of the European Union later in Strasbourg, France, is part of the European Union bill to intensify the fight against global warming."

She explained that cars are responsible for about 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe responsible for climate change.

This vote would force automakers to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 100 percent in 2035, a move that would amount to that year's European Union ban on the sale of new petrol or diesel cars.

The auto industry and some political voices are urging a more gradual transition to all-electric fleets, with a 90% CO2 reduction in 2035 as a potential compromise.

” of cars in 2030 compared to 2021. https://www.ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=981200

Sergio   Iraqi currency now being a program rate which the IMF came up with so as to keep the Dinar from falling off the face of the earth and Iraq agreed with to take the route

Sergio   As I was told by the IMF which you know Zig that the central bank of every country sets their exchange rate.

Sergio   Also as to what’s put out in print is and always been a subject to what they want you to see or believe. Know one or group of people can predict what is going to happen. Just like when the USA defaulted on their debts many times in the past.

butterfly   @Sergio correct

Sergio   Government can decide to take away your money anytime they want.

Sergio   That happened in Greece when they went into the bank accounts of people and took half of what they saved and shot the middle finger to the people

Sergio   So to forecast what and will not happen, is being a tad foolish. What any country will and would not do is not something that can always be pinned pointed.

Sheila   @Sergio Believed that also happened in Cyprus.

Sergio   sheila Yup

Sheila   @Sergio And Myanmar or was that Bhutan?

Sergio   sheila Not sure

Sheila   @Sergio Never mind. I really don't know for sure.

Sergio   As far as all Currencies no one not even the central banks themselves really do not know what’s going to happen.

butterfly   Fitch Affirms Iraq's Region Trade Bank at 'CCC+'   Thu 09 Jun, 2022 - 5:58 AM ET https://www.fitchratings.com/research/banks/fitch-affirms-iraq-region-trade-bank-at-ccc-09-06-2022

Sergio   It could be that all Countries could be throwing the money out in the street because it will be worth nothing

Sergio  My advice is try to be happy with what you have right now because it could be all gone tomorrow!

Sergio   Kap I am not disagreeing with you other then know one knows what’s going to happen.

Sheila   Opinion Only: Entire supply chain system seems to be falling apart on Brandon's watch. Seems this process has been accelerated since Jan 20, 2020. And guess the Fed banks never expected this to be this fast. We all know we might not be able to recover. And now many realize they have been lied to. Believe these problems might get much worse before it's gets better. Can see how people are waking up by the primary elections being held this summer.

NORV   @Sergio You have to be careful with the term "program rate." The guru's like to misrepresent that as a preclude to some magical RV. That is not what it means. Yes, the IMF did work with the CBI to reduce the value several year ago ( I think 2015) as part of a reform package that included a new Stand By Agreement and assistance with managing the dinar. By no means does the term Program Rate mean anything other than assistance to manage monetary policy.

Sergio   A few of the peeps know I was talking to everyone in currencies. I even had the privilege of talking with David Briggs who was the head of Iraq security department at the UN also a person in the CBI still waiting lol

Sheila   @Sergio I am not aware of your contacts. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Sheila   @Sergio All I know yesterday it took 90 dollars to fill up. Just a year and half ago it took less than 40 dollars.

NORV   sheila Its going to get much worse.

Sheila   NORV Yes, that's what I said in my Opinion Only posted above.

Sergio   NORV When the war in Iraq was over the provision between the US and Iraq and the IMF came up with program rate also it was the USA that came up with the new Iraqi Dinar

NORV   For example, several banks around the world that depend on dollars to finance imports have declared bankruptcy, more to come.

Sergio   NORV If I can I’ll get my documents and post them in here along with email that where sent.

NORV   @Sergio That is not true. The dinar exchange rate at the time of the issuance was what they rate of the old Saddam dinar was at the time in 2003.

Sergio   NORV Hold on for a few

Sergio   L. Paul Bremer III, the American civil administrator in Iraq, announced Monday that authorities would print a new currency, in new denominations and without Hussein's portrait, to begin circulating Oct. 15.

NORV   I dont specifically recall the time period but the new dinar was issued at about 4500 dinars to $1. Shabibi reduced inflation over the next few years to get it about 1166 to $1

butterfly   inserting something here

butterfly   sandyf Sun 24 Jan 2016, 21:53   Encouraging article.


If companies are quoting for the repairs then it must be perceived that it is going to be safe enough to carry out the work.   Personally I cannot see any real change until Iraq has retaken total control of the country.

NORV   @Sergio I have read every document and been studying this full time since 2006

Butterfly   @Sergio I have a very long one that should be posted here from your old website. Should I or Should I not?

NORV   @Sergio I really don't have the time today to have a long conversation with you. But I would recommend reading the Article IV Consultation from the IMF from 2013. It best describes the directive from the IMF as to what will happen with the dinar. That is of course, if Iraq can find a way to diversify there economy.

Tebow   9 yrs ago    :HaHaHa:

Sergio   NORV All I can say it was Paul bremer ahead of the Provisional Authority who where telling iraq what to do with the currency

Sergio   NORV Long conversation not need.

Tebow   RV = :$$$: :$$$: :$$$: :$$$: :$$$:

Sergio   @Tebow lol I don’t need the RV to be rich.

Sergio   I did I’d the hard way. On my own!!

Sheila   @Sergio Well some of us have not been quite that fortunate. This is our path to follow the yellow brick road.

Tebow   @Sergio me either

Sheila @Sergio One day I will share what we spent our fortune on during these last 13 years.

Sergio   sheila let’s hope it happens for all who are invested in it.

Sheila   @Sergio ditto, amen


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Afternoon 5-27-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Afternoon 5-27-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig Posted by @Baxter in the other chat....I rarely post "Guru" stuff in here but you all are welcome to do so if you wish....good for a laugh at least....Is any of it true???..... :Don't know:

5-27-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We are now in an unprecedented period of excitement for the IQD reinstatement to happen. I am hearing nothing but good information from all the sources including the Central Bank of Iraq, the IMF and the U.S. Treasury. The initial rate on the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) is way up there to $6+. However...I can not clearly see that it would or even could come out that high. It will probably come out at about $4+. But please remember that the project to delete the zeros must happen just before or just after the reinstatement.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Afternoon 5-27-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Zig   Posted by @Baxter in the other chat....I rarely post "Guru" stuff in here but you all are welcome to do so if you wish....good for a laugh at least....Is any of it true???.....  :Don't know:

5-27-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We are now in an unprecedented period of excitement for the IQD reinstatement to happen. I am hearing nothing but good information from all the sources including the Central Bank of Iraq, the IMF and the U.S. Treasury. The initial rate on the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) is way up there to $6+. However...I can not clearly see that it would or even could come out that high. It will probably come out at about $4+. But please remember that the project to delete the zeros must happen just before or just after the reinstatement.

Butterfly   SULAIMANI — The US dollar to Iraqi dinar exchange rates was stable in the Kurdistan Region’s markets on Friday (May 27).   $100 was at 148,200 Iraqi dinars.

100 British pounds was at 180,000 Iraqi dinars, 1,000 IQD higher than the previous day, and 100 euros was at 156,750 IQD.

butterfly   SULAIMANI — Crude oil prices were mixed on Thursday (May 26) compared to the previous day.

The price of Brent crude was at $117.70, up from $114.4 the previous day, and the price of WTI crude was at $114.20, up from $110.8.

Zig   butterfly : The Goat says we be rich soon!!!.....  :Wheelbarrow:

butterfly   Zig What was the story about the goat. I remember it was going around several years back but can't remember all of the details.

Zig   I forget....maybe affiliated with Recaps??

butterfly  Their fake personas were exposed but people would not believe the info, so they eat up every word. We have experienced a lot of frauds throughout all of this, so you won't change their minds, I have found.

butterfly    They gave the information out there that they were from someone where else, but only down the road, etc etc.

Zig    Germany?

butterfly   I don't can't remember bc they have never meant anything to me. I stopped yeeaaarrrs ago with all of the gurus BS.

butterfly    Heard that there was a gofundme account set up yesterday for the four children left behind and set a request of $10K, that fund has gone over $100M as of this AM.

Tebow    Believe Goat also said she had info she could not post.  :HaHaHa:

Zig   I hate when someone writes that they have stuff they have been told not to share.....lol....

Zig   Not mentioning any names butterfly Oops.....lol

Tebow   Baby Formula Shortage Could Persist Until July: FDA Commissioner -Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf said the severe nationwide shortage of baby formula is expected to be eased within two months.

Testifying before a Senate hearing, Califf said that while he cannot give exact dates, his expectation is “that within two months we should be beyond normal and with a plethora” of formula supply.

“It’s going to be gradual improvement up to probably somewhere around two months until the shelves are replete again,” he told lawmakers at the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing on the baby formula shortage on Thursday.

“Due to all the measures being taken, the shortage is going to be getting better and better.”

Supply chain pressures and a shortage of workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic have been responsible for an ongoing baby formula shortage in the nation, but the supply became even more scarce after Abbott Nutrition in February recalled multiple baby formula products, including some Similac products, after four infants fell sick, two of whom died.

Abbott, which has the largest U.S. market share for infant formula, also temporarily shuttered its formula manufacturing plant in Sturgis, Michigan—where the recalled products were produced—over safety concerns, after an FDA investigation found unsanitary conditions there. The plant is one of three run by Abbott.

An investigation into suspected bacterial contamination at the facility failed to confirm a link to the recalled products, with the FDA saying the bacterial strains the infants fell sick to did not match the strains at the plant.

Abbott said the plant is due to resume production on June 4, but previously noted it would take six to eight weeks for the products to arrive in stores. The company said it would prioritize supplying its specialty formula EleCare on or about June 20. The formula would be provided to children in need for free.

Califf said that FDA inspe

Zig    We are all "actors" in these chats IMO....to some extent

Butterfly   How to protect yourself against monkeypox and what to do if you catch it https://shafaq.com/en/World/How-to-protect-yourself-against-monkeypox-and-what-to-do-if-you-catch-it

Butterfly 2022-05-26 07:03   Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $210 million in foreign currency (forex).

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $210,116,617. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that nine banks and 89 exchange companies cashed out $19,400 million. The remaining $190,716,617 went to boost funds in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 32 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly    Brent crude prices touch $120 a barrel ............... Oil prices rose to their highest level in two months, as Brent crude is heading towards achieving the largest weekly jump in a month and a half, supported by the possibility of the European Union imposing a ban on Russian oil and the upcoming summer driving season in the United States, and Brent crude futures settled at more than $119 a barrel.

Both benchmark contracts are heading to end the week on a high as the European Commission continues to seek the support of all 27 member states of the bloc for the proposed new sanctions against Russia, as Hungary constitutes a stumbling block.

Six sources in "OPEC Plus" told Reuters that the group is expected to abide by the oil production agreement that it approved last year during its meeting scheduled for June 2, with an increase in production targets in July by 432,000 barrels per day, which represents a rejection of Western calls. for faster increases in production in order to curb higher prices.

butterfly   CBI: Our atives pushed the country's economic wheel towards progress ..........

The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed, today, Friday, that its initiatives pushed the country's economic wheel towards progress.

A statement by the bank, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that “the Central Bank of Iraq participated today in the intellectual symposium on the development initiatives of the Central Bank of Iraq and their impact on bridging the government financing gap, which was organized by the Department of Economic Studies at Dar Al-Hikma on the sidelines of the Baghdad Exhibition.”

The statement added that "the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq attended the symposium, which witnessed a remarkable presence, stressing that" the Central Bank of Iraq has had a great and effective impact in advancing the country's reality since its establishment, especially in the transformations that the country has undergone during the past years, noting He pointed out that "the initiatives of the Central Bank of Iraq in various sectors pushed the country's economic wheel towards progress and created more job opportunities."

Butterfly   39 Million Plan to Travel Over Memorial Day https://www.ntd.com/39-million-plan-to-travel-over-memorial-day_785776.html

Butterfly Wisconsin School Goes Virtual After Multiple Bomb Threats, Memorial Day Parade Canceled ........ https://www.ntd.com/wisconsin-school-goes-virtual-after-multiple-bomb-threats-memorial-day-parade-canceled_785593.html

butterfly   The Central Bank reveals the size of Iraq's reserves of hard currency

Thursday 26 May 2022 19:37 The Central Bank of Iraq revealed, today, Thursday, the size of Iraq's reserves of foreign currency, noting to me that the Iraqi economic situation is very excellent compared to the countries of the region and neighboring countries.

The Director General of Investments in the Bank, Mazen Sabah Ahmed, said in a press statement that "Iraq's foreign currency reserves amounted to 74 billion dollars, distributed geographically between 8 to 9 major countries, with various forms and assets."

He added, "This relatively high level makes Iraq in a comfortable position in terms of the adequacy of the level of foreign reserves," reassuring "about the level of Iraq's foreign reserves."

He stressed that "the economic situation is very comfortable," calling on government agencies to take advantage of this financial abundance.

Ahmed explained that "the Iraqi economic situation is very excellent compared to the countries of the region and the neighborhood."

butterfly   "the economic situation is very comfortable,"

butterfly  15th November 2021    An Iraqi economist has said that re-valuing the Iraqi Dinar could be considered if certain conditions were met.    Dhurgham Mohamed Ali is quoted by Shafaq News as saying:

"The exchange rate of the dollar should be gradually reduced to 1,300 dinars [from the current 1,460 dinars] while keeping an eye on the cash transactions to preclude creating a black market, dollar smuggling, and tighten the control over imports.

"The outcomes of the devaluation were detrimental. The inflation rates grew, poverty rates soared, while development rates remained static and foreign currency smuggling exacerbated."

The change proposed would increase the value of the dinar by just over 12 percent.

More here. https://shafaq.com/en/Report/Demands-to-revaluate-the-dinar-the-government-responds

(Source: Shafaq News)

butterfly    Iraqi economy one of Middle East’s fastest growing ..... https://www.iraqinews.com/iraq/iraqi-economy-one-of-middle-easts-fastest-growing/

butterfly   Twitter shareholder lawsuit accuses Musk of ‘market manipulation’............. https://www.iraqinews.com/business/twitter-shareholder-lawsuit-accuses-musk-of-market-manipulation/

butterfly   Dispute over Iraqi Kurdistan's energy resources ramps up

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil has announced plans to establish a new oil company for the Kurdistan Region.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/05/dispute-over-iraqi-kurdistans-energy-resources-ramps#ixzz7UX1L8njT


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 5-26-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 5-26-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly 2022-05-26 07:03 Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $210 million in foreign currency (forex).

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $210,116,617. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar. Our correspondent explained that nine banks and 89 exchange companies cashed out $19,400 million. The remaining $190,716,617 went to boost funds in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 32 banks meeting those requests.

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Thursday Afternoon 5-26-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   2022-05-26 07:03   Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $210 million in foreign currency (forex).

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $210,116,617. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.  Our correspondent explained that nine banks and 89 exchange companies cashed out $19,400 million. The remaining $190,716,617 went to boost funds in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 32 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly   2022-05-26 06:27   Shafaq News/ Basra's heavy crude exported to Asia on Thursday inched up 1.77%, equivalent to $1.82, settling at $104.60 a barrel.

The Saudi Arab light crude rested at $111.53 a barrel, while UAE's Murban Mixture and the Algerian Saharan blend registered $111.56 and $117.74 a barrel, respectively.

A barrel of Bonny light (Nigeria) settled at $117.86, while Angola's Girasol registered $113.74.

butterfly   2022-05-26 05:52 Shafaq News/ Iraq is one of the leading countries in the Middle East in terms of economic development, caretaker Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi said on Thursday.

Speaking in the inauguration ceremonials of the National Strategy for Early Childhood Development 2022-2031, al-Kadhimi said, "this government took over amid tough and complicated conditions and had premeditated mission: holding a fair and impartial election. We took the initiative to create better economic and security conditions. We succeeded and pulled the government off the verge of collapse."

Al-Kadhimi said that Iraq's economy "has the fastest development rate. It is one of the leading countries in the Middle East in terms of economic development."

"We overcame many challenges with the capabilities under our disposal. Other challenges require more work and cooperation between the state departments, the political blocs, and the Iraqi community."

butterfly   The governors of the Iraqi and English Central Banks discussed monetary policy in facing economic challenges.

A statement by the Central Bank stated that "the Governor of the Central Bank, Mustafa Ghaleb Mokhief, met the Governor of the Bank of England, during his visit to London to participate in the Conference on Sustaining Economic Growth, which was held by the Iraqi-British Business Council."

"The two sides stressed the importance of central banks and monetary policy in facing economic challenges, ensuring macroeconomic stability and supporting economic growth," he added.

The Governor of the Bank of England welcomed the training of Central Bank of Iraq staff in various fields, stressing the "importance of developing banking relations between the two countries."

Zig   "Shafaq News/ Iraq is one of the leading countries in the Middle East in terms of economic development".........I like that....See butterfly? I actually do glance at some of the stuff you post....

butterfly   Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, confirmed today, Wednesday, the increase in cash reserves with the Central Bank to 90 billion dollars by the end of this year, while setting the ratios of commercial debts to Iraq.

Allawi told the official agency that "the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar led to the preservation of foreign currency reserves with the Central Bank of Iraq after the low and critical levels that reached in late 2020," noting that "the recovery in oil prices and wise financial management helped the reserves become $70 billion by April.

He added, "It is expected that the continued recovery of oil prices will increase these reserves to more than 90 billion dollars by the end of 2022, which is a record level for Iraq," noting that "the depreciation of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar in December 2020 contributed to the decline of Demand for the US dollar, while the current demand for the dollar is higher than the declines seen in 2020, it is much lower than the period before 2020.”

He pointed out that "the continuation of the Ministry of Finance's sales in US dollars reflects the increase in oil revenues, and the increase in the government's provision of goods and services to citizens," stressing that "the increase in the Ministry of Finance's sales of US dollars in return for the decrease in demand for the dollar will lead to an increase in foreign currency reserves with the Central Bank."

And on the commercial debt of Iraq, the Minister of Finance said, "The only real commercial debt of Iraq is two of three Eurobonds with an interest rate of 5.8% and 6.72%, while the third at an interest rate of 2.149%, which is guaranteed by the US government. He

butterfly   stressed that all other debts are on conditions Very easy,” noting that “the external debt does not include the debts of the former regime, which amounted to 57.8 trillion dinars, or the equivalent of 39.9 billion dollars, and it has been frozen since 2003 without interest or repayment as part of the Ministry of Finance’s work to reduce debt.”

And Allawi stated, "The ministry has reconfigured all local debts as follows: The balance of all local debts has medium or long-term terms, after the government agreed with the Central Bank and public banks in 2020 to convert all current treasury transfers (bonds) into loans for 10 years and for 20 years, With the payment of installments starting from March 2021 and an interest rate reduced to 2%, "while the total external and internal debts amount to more than 99 trillion dinars."

He continued that "the Council of Ministers agreed, in its session held on Tuesday, (April 5, 2022) to adopt a payment strategy. The internal public debt for the years (2022-2024), which was prepared by the Public Debt Department / Ministry of Finance within the draft federal general budget bill for the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year / 2022.

Allawi stressed that “inflation in Iraq is lower than that of the emerging economies and the group of countries .” Oil exporter.

Sah   @Butterfly When Iraq informed the IMF they wanted to increase the rate back to it was the year before when they devalued it. They said what Iraq did when they devalued it was not supposed to be done. Iraq two months ago wanted to raise their rate back to what it was and the IMF told them they can't just do it like they did before. So when we look at how the amount of dinar per dollar is gradually going down, are they on a managed flloat?

butterfly   Senators set to leave town for 10-day recess without action on gun violence crisis https://rawstory.com/senators-set-to-leave-town-for-10-day-recess-without-action-on-gun-violence-crisis/ this country is in crisis and you want to leave?

Sah   @Butterfly A managed float to get back to where they were before only now they have a better reserve.

butterfly   Sah I wished I could post the information I know, but was told not to post anything. I just know that people will be happy.

Dave   Sah 2 types of floats free and managed

Dave   Dave CBI suggested managed float yrs ago

Sah   @Dave Correct Free float is a lot of risk and can also devalue as well as revalue currency. Managed float. Each day currency can only go up or down I think it is still 3 percent. If it were to go up 10 percent it will normally can only go up 3 percent, same as if it were to go down 10 percent in one day it would reset to only 3 percent.

Dave   Sah yep   90 days....before any changes beyond that   3 % every 90 days

butterfly   My friend in CA said that her bank is already making changes.

Sah   @Dave My dong has almost tripled in value since I bought it.

Dave  slightly ahead with my dinar

butterfly   As I posted many weeks ago they have to conform to the Basel only two countries haven't yet.

Dave   butterfly butterfly butterfly

Dave   IRAQ is not fully in with the IMF

Dave   observation status only

Sah   @Dave Same with mine, Indonesia rupee dropped half in value since I bought from inflation getting too high in country but now it is back up to what it was before.

Sah   @Dave IMF and World Bank have many loans out to Iraq. Go to IMF.com and read about Iraq. They have been with IMF for a long time.

Dave   Once Iraq goes International with its currency we shall see

Dave   not art 8 yet

butterfly   The CBI is the boss as it is in every country

Dave   observation status not a full member of the IMF...Kap would AGREE!

Dave   butterfly CBI just needs to sign up then......

butterfly   Dave lol

Dave   aint ready yet

Sah   @Dave IMF can only give referral that they are ready. BIS is above IMF and they give the final nod and then the UN prints out the beginning and middle of the month if they revalue after being approved for International and a new rate.

butterfly   Sah bingo

Dave   CBI needs to join ...been given its blessing to do so    from the imf

Dave   IMF not holding IRAQ from doing so

butterfly   2022-05-26 10:48   Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange transactions against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) closed at a slightly lower rate in the markets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, today, Thursday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the USD closed at a rate of 148150 IQD to 100 in al-Kifah and al-Harithiya Central Exchanges.

The selling and buying rates of the USD in Baghdad's local markets stood at 148500 and 147500 IQD for 100 USD, respectively.

Dave  CBI yet to feel the social economic and political stability

Dave   Wow.....1 dinar on a buck.....LOL    pip    10 yrs to see a dime at that rate

butterfly   1 IQD = 0.0007 USD   1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007 Dollars   The IQDUSD rate as of 26 May 2022 at 10:41 PM

Dave   oop...10 dinar on a hundred

Sah   @Dave CBI has had to go thru lot of loops in order to qualify for loans and was held back because of the corruption and new laws that had to be made. Their problem when they got done with the laws, they did not implement them. They are now. Corrupt people are being arrested, The government is separate from CBI.

Dave   CBI calls the shots    no one else independent

Tebow   I've got some information I can't post.

butterfly   Q: What is 50 Iraqi Dinar in Dollars?  A: 50 Iraqi Dinar buys 0.035 Dollars at interbank exchange rates.

butterfly   https://www.exchangerates.org.uk/Iraqi-Dinar-to-Dollars-currency-conversion-page.html

Dave   Sah Foreign banking laws fer international investment have yet to pass

Sah   @Dave IMF calls the shots to be released to go international and they do different formulas to what amount that the think they can hold it's value. The IMF then hands the completed file to the BIS to review and approve.

Dave   50.00 Iraqi Dinar =  0.034 US Dollar

Dave   Sah heard CBI sets their rate

Sah   @butterfly When they devalued Iraqi Dinar during the war, they made a law that Dinar could not be used outside the country. They have to amend this law for it to go international. It was amended I think about two years ago but was not implemented. US made an agreement that US government and citizens could legal hold the currency until it revalued or reinstated.

Dave   Sah Ch7 sanctions...cant trade curreny

Dave   globally

Sah   @Dave correct you are getting it. IMF suggest what rate is best for country to CBI with in reason. They have to have reserves in bank and in ground to go higher, other wise they will float. If they reinstate they can go to the rate that was devalued and add inflation increase to it for new rate.

Dave   IQD deemed exotic currency

butterfly   Sah Dave something you might want to listen to and then draw your own conclusions. https://www.simonparkes.org/post/bonds-process-of-compliance-part-of-the-qfs it is 23.31 mins long

Dave   butterfly will do gotta go to work...laterz

Sah   @Butterfly Thanks I will listen to it tonight.

Dave   you too Sah


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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Afternoon 5-22-22

.Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Afternoon 5-22-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly Central Bank of Iraq increases Capital ............ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has reportedly announced an increase in its capital.

State-owned Iraqi News Agency (INA) said that the capital will be increased from 3 trillion dinars (approximately $2 billion) to 5 trillion dinars. It quotes the media office of CBI as saying that the increase was made using part of the profits achieved by CBI in 2021. (Source: INA)

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Afternoon 5-22-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Butterfly   Central Bank of Iraq increases Capital ............ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has reportedly announced an increase in its capital.

State-owned Iraqi News Agency (INA) said that the capital will be increased from 3 trillion dinars (approximately $2 billion) to 5 trillion dinars.  It quotes the media office of CBI as saying that the increase was made using part of the profits achieved by CBI in 2021.   (Source: INA)

butterfly  Canada Increases Support to Iraq ........ The Government of Canada has pledged an additional CAD 10 million (approximately US$ 7.8 million) to support the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Iraq as it works to accelerate stabilization efforts and boost sustainable livelihoods across western Anbar and Ninewa.

Canada's generous contribution will be channelled through UNDP's flagship programme, the Funding Facility for Stabilization (FFS), established in 2015 to fast-track stabilization efforts in areas liberated from Daesh. To date, Canada has provided over US$ 39.6 million, including supporting UNDP's COVID-19 response package to the Government of Iraq.

Focusing on young people and women, the funding will prioritize skills development and training, small grants for new enterprises and start-ups, and the rehabilitation of damaged houses to enable the safe and dignified return of hardest to return population groups.

With FFS transitioning in 2023, UNDP will also use the contribution to build the capacity of the Government of Iraq, allowing it to leverage existing structures and processes to ensure remaining needs are met quickly and to the highest standards.

"We are extremely grateful to the Government of Canada for this generous contribution which will safeguard the hard-won stabilization gains made since 2015. Our strong and continuous partnership will give women and young people greater financial independence by providing more jobs, more opportunities and practical skills training," says UNDP Resident Representative in Iraq, Zena Ali Ahmad.

butterfly  "The emphasis on building infrastructure and rebuilding homes that prioritize the needs of women and girls is equally important. Thanks to support from Canada and the international community, UNDP will continue to deliver at high speed, scale and quality," adds Ms Ali Ahmad.

"The Funding Facility for Stabilization continues to deliver projects that are critical to supporting the transitions between humanitarian, peace, and development efforts in Iraq," says the Canadian Ambassador to the Republic of Iraq, Gregory Galligan. "Canada's latest contribution reinforces our commitment to stabilizing areas liberated from Daesh, and ensuring that gender equality is a cornerstone of those efforts."

With the support of 30 partners and the Government of Iraq, the FFS has completed over 3,100 projects in areas liberated from Daesh. This has facilitated the dignified and safe return of over 4.8 million Iraqis to their communities of origin, where they hope to restart their lives.  (Source: UN)

butterfly  2022-05-22 06:37  Shafaq News/ A member of Al-Fatah's parliamentary bloc on Sunday said the emergency bill on food security and development was revoked for technical and legal Irregularities, reiterating its rejection of granting Mustafa al-Kadhimi's caretaker government the power to defer bills.

The head of the bloc, Abbas al-Zameli, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "we rejected the bill for legal and technical Irregularities... Even though we took part in the discussion of the final draft of the food security bill prior to its revocation."

"Of course, we do not oppose the food security bill. In fact, it passed the first reading in the parliament," he continued, "but we rejected its legislation under the current circumstances."

"A caretaker government cannot be awarded the powers to enact laws. We shall find a political solution for the ongoing stalemate."

"We will maintain patent channels with other lawmakers on the food security bill. Laws that have a financial aspect shall be handled properly," he concluded.

butterfly   2022-05-22 07:04  Shafaq News/ The Presidency of the Kurdistan region refuted media reports claiming that it asked for the United Nations Security Council's mediation to address the ongoing row between Baghdad and Erbil.

The media office of President Barzani dismissed these reports as "unfounded" and " fabricated", stressing that the region's presidency did not make such statements.

butterfly   2022-05-22 05:52  Shafaq News/ The President of the Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani, said that the main forces in Iraq has managed to reach a common ground to resolve the political deadlock in the country, ushering an end to the media row between the leading parties in the region.

Barzani's remarks came during a speech he delivered in the commissioning ceremony of the 16th class of cadets graduating from the third Military School in Qallacholan, al-Sulaymaniyah, earlier today, Sunday.

"We are still in contact with the parties in Iraq and the Kurdistan region to address the ongoing political impasse," the President said.

butterfly   2022-05-22 03:33  Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) slipped in the daily transactions at the official markets of Baghdad and Erbil on Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the Central al-Kifah and al-Harithiya exchanges are trading the USD at a rate of 148,150 IQD to 100, 50 IQD below Saturday.

Our correspondent said that the selling and buying rates of 100 USD in the local markets of the Iraqi capital rested at 148,750 and 147,750 IQD, respectively.

In the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, the selling and buying rates settled at 148,400 and 148,200 IQD to 100 USD.

Butterfly   IRAQI PRIME MINISTER ANNOUNCES DAY-OFF DUE TO ONCOMING DUST STORM ......... SULAIMANI — Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi issued an announcement on Sunday (May 22) that Monday will be a day off for employees at all directorates except for the health ministry and local security forces due to the weather conditions brought on by the dust storm in the country.

The Iraqi Minister of Education, Ali Hamid, also announced school examinations are postponed until Tuesday.

The spokesperson of the Iraqi Ministry of Transport and Communications said all flights on Sunday in Iraq were delayed to Monday because of the dust storm.

However, the manager of Sulaimani airport, Tahir Abdulla, said flights to the city have not been suspended, adding, "The weather in Kurdistan will decide whether or not to halt trips.”

Sulaimani’s Governor, Haval Abubakir, said local authorities will depend on the up-to-date weather conditions and stated that so far there was no need to suspend the workday.

The Sulaimani Director of Public Education, Raz Karim, also said Monday will be a normal school day and the day off announced by the federal government would not apply to the Kurdistan Region.

Amer Jabri, the spokesman of the Iraqi Meteorology and Seismology Directorate, told NRT on Saturday that another dust storm is expected to sweep through Iraq beginning on Sunday evening and lasting until the end of Tuesday.

butterfly   TRIAL OF EUROPEAN TOURISTS ACCUSED OF SMUGGLING IRAQI ANTIQUITIES POSTPONED ............. SULAIMANI — The trial of two foreign tourists charged with attempting to smuggle antiquities out of Iraq has been postponed at the request of the defendants’ lawyers, the Associated Press (AP) reported on Sunday (May 22).

Volker Waldman, a German citizen, and Jim Fitton, a geologist from the UK, are facing charges after pottery shards that Fitton collected at the ancient Sumerian site of Eridu were discovered in their luggage as they were leaving Baghdad in March.

Waldman and Fitton said they were not informed of the Iraqi law on smuggling antiquities, according to the AP, which noted the charge could technically result in the death penalty, although officials note this is highly unlikely.

Their trial was delayed at the request of Waldman’s lawyer, who filed a motion to allow more time to gather information on the fragments of pottery, which could be categorized as archaeological pieces, the AP stated.

Fitton’s family has issued a statement along with a petition on change.org calling for the UK Foreign Office to intervene in his case.

The family said in its statement that Fitton and other tourists, who were part of a tour group, were unaware the shards of pottery at the site of Eridu were considered valuable. They stated Fitton and others had been told by the group leader and a representative of the tourism ministry that the debris was not of historic value.

Wera Hobhouse, an MP from the British city of Bath, said in a Facebook post on May 4 that she has raised Fitton’s case in parliament and would "continue to pressure the Foreign Office to intervene.”

The tour group’s leader, Geoff Hann, died of a stroke at the age of 85 after he was prevented from leaving on a flight due to his poor health and taken to a hospital in Baghdad. Fitton’s family said he had been in increasingly poor health during their trip.

butterfly   Hann had led tour groups to Iraq for more than 40 years, including during the Iran-Iraq war, according to the National UAE.

butterfly   2022-05-22 13:52  Shafaq News / A reliable political source revealed to Shafaq News agency that the new Iranian ambassador to Baghdad, Mohammed al Sadiq, is leading an initiative to resolve the current political impasse in Iraq, instead of The commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, General Ismail Qaani.

The source said that the new ambassador has strong ties and is in contact with all Iraqi political parties.

In addition, the source added that Muqtada al-Sadr had preciously rejected Iranian initiatives to solve the crisis, which prompted Al Sadiq to meet other Iraqi political figures, especially allies of the Sadrist movement from the Kurdistan Democratic Party and al-Siyada coalition, according to the source.

butterfly 2022-05-22 13:29  Shafaq News/ Mustafa al-Kadhimi's caretaker government might be able to defer an emergency bill on food security and development amid talks about a consensus inside the parliament, a source revealed on Sunday.

"The government might be able to defer the bill if it obtains an official approval from the parliament," the source told Shafaq News Agency.

"The majority of the forces condones this step in order to facilitate the passing of the bills relevant to people's lives," the source continued, "the food security is not incompatible with the general budget law. It only expedites the necessary allocations to fund food, medicine, and energy requirements."

Legal expert Ali al-Tamimi suggested that "the parliament might grant the caretaker government the right to defer the general budget of 2022 exclusively, given it is relevant to the food security of the Iraqis; a top priority to any caretaker government."

"To grant the government such authorization, an absolute parliamentary majority (50%+1) is required. Of course, the authorization shall be exclusive to the general budget bill. Moreover, the new budget shall adopt the concluding accounts of the previous budget in accordance with the law of financial management and public debt No. 6 of 2019, Articles 62, 5, and 61 of the Constitution, 12 and 13 of the law of financial management and public debt No. 6 of 2019, and Articles 128 to 138 of the parliament's internal law."

butterfly   2022-05-22 11:22 Shafaq News/ The U.S. dollar (USD) exchange transactions against the Iraqi dinar (IQD) closed at a slightly lower rate in the markets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, today, Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the USD closed at a rate of 148050 IQD to 100 in al-Kifah and al-Harithiya Central Exchanges.

The selling and buying rates of the USD in Baghdad's local markets stood at 148500 and 147500 IQD for 100 USD, respectively.

butterfly   2022-05-22 10:16  Shafaq News/ The Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) traded equities valued at more than 10 billion last week.

A report of the market obtained by Shafaq News agency said, "51 publicly traded companies cast out of 38 enlisted companies. The equities of 33 companies were not put into trade due to supply-demand disparities. fourteen companies were delisted by the Iraqi Securities Commission for violating the disclosure regulations."

"5.895.797.000 equities were traded this session at a value of dinars via 3105 transactions. ISX60 index closed at 583.47," the report added.

It is noteworthy that Iraq Stock Exchange installed Central Depository and Electronic Trading Systems in 2009. It organizes five weekly sessions and lists 103 public companies from different economic sectors.

butterfly    INTERESTING.......2022-05-22 08:22  Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $197.8 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $205,400,248. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 13 banks and 141 exchange companies cashed out $19.650 million. The remaining $185,354,248 went to boost funds in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 32 banks meeting those requests.

Butterfly   The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has reportedly announced an increase in its capital.

State-owned Iraqi News Agency (INA) said that the capital will be increased from 3 trillion dinars (approximately $2 billion) to 5 trillion dinars.

It quotes the media office of CBI as saying that the increase was made using part of the profits achieved by CBI in 2021.

Butterfly 2022-05-22 10:16  Shafaq News/ The Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) traded equities valued at more than 10 billion last week.

A report of the market obtained by Shafaq News agency said, "51 publicly traded companies cast out of 38 enlisted companies. The equities of 33 companies were not put into trade due to supply-demand disparities. fourteen companies were delisted by the Iraqi Securities Commission for violating the disclosure regulations."

"5.895.797.000 equities were traded this session at a value of dinars via 3105 transactions. ISX60 index closed at 583.47," the report added.

It is noteworthy that Iraq Stock Exchange installed Central Depository and Electronic Trading Systems in 2009. It organizes five weekly sessions and lists 103 public companies from different economic sectors.

butterfly   2022-05-22 08:22  Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $197.8 million in foreign currency (forex) today, Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI foreign currency sales in today's auction amounted to $205,400,248. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to one dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 13 banks and 141 exchange companies cashed out $19.650 million. The remaining $185,354,248 went to boost funds in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 32 banks meeting those requests.

butterfly   2022-05-22 07:04   Shafaq News/ The Presidency of the Kurdistan region refuted media reports claiming that it asked for the United Nations Security Council's mediation to address the ongoing row between Baghdad and Erbil.

The media office of President Barzani dismissed these reports as "unfounded" and " fabricated", stressing that the region's presidency did not make such statements.

butterfly   Key Iraq irrigation reservoir close to drying out ......... https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2022/05/23/Key-Iraq-irrigation-reservoir-close-to-drying-out-

butterfly   Today, Sunday, the Vienna Health Authority confirmed the emergence of the first infection with monkeypox in Austria, after reporting a suspected case of this case.

The authority said on Twitter, "It was confirmed that a case was suspected of being infected with the smallpox virus," adding that "the tests confirmed that the patient was infected with the virus, and that given the symptoms that appeared on him, it is safe to assume that it was monkeypox."

The authority stated that the injured person was transferred to a hospital in the city, suffering from a fever and skin injuries.

butterfly   Today, Sunday, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced the suspension of official working hours in state institutions, tomorrow, Monday, due to bad weather.

And she said in a statement, received by the News Agency (Press) that the Prime Minister directed the suspension of official working hours in official institutions, tomorrow, Monday, with the exception of health, security and service departments, due to bad weather conditions, and the entry of a wave of severe dust storms to separate areas. from Iraq.


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