8 Key Signs of a Quiet Millionaire

8 Key Signs of a Quiet Millionaire, According to Rachel Cruze

Ashley Donohoe  Thu, March 13, 2025  GOBankingRates

When you think about millionaires, you might picture people who visibly show off their expensive things or who got rich by receiving an inheritance or making one lucky investment.

However, the National Study of Millionaires by Ramsey Solutions showed that millionaires more often built their wealth by more ordinary means, like stashing funds in a 401(k), and many didn’t even earn extremely high salaries. It can even be hard to tell who is rich sometimes.

recent YouTube video from financial expert Rachel Cruze looked at eight common signs that can help you identify “quiet” millionaires.

Not Living Paycheck to Paycheck

recent Pymnts Intelligence report found that 65% of respondents relied on their next paycheck. That number also included some Americans who lived paycheck to paycheck but didn’t necessarily struggle to pay their bills.

Quiet millionaires don’t share this problem. Cruze explained that such people thrive because they have a bigger margin thanks to budgeting and not spending excessively.

Not Worrying About Upcoming Expenses

Unlike those living paycheck to paycheck, quiet millionaires are less worried about becoming financially damaged if they face a big expense. They’ve already saved up the money.

“Having an emergency fund for upcoming expenses for the unexpected is key, but then also planning for upcoming expenses ahead of time, being proactive,” Cruze explained.

Investing Money Wisely

TO READ MORE:  https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/8-key-signs-quiet-millionaire-150135402.html


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