News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 4-11-2021

Fleming Late Saturday Night Update

Our military intel contact stated he  appreciated your update today; he said it was accurate accd to his info & his info matches the Admirals group people reporting launch Sun night 11 April, funds available to send payout notifications to groups Mon 12 April for payouts starting Tue 13 April;

His info matches on groups being vetted to the stop & arrest cabal connected groups and expected (if all goes as planned) to finish vetting the rest of the 10+ groups by tomorrow Sun 12 April for bonds to go live & T4B notifications to go out (again if all goes as planned) Mon 13 April for start Tue 13 April (he said, no guarantees, but that’s current expectation).

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   The 50,000 dinar note...this is the state of the art currency.  There are so many protective feature on this currency.  Not even the United States dollar comes close to it...if ever terrorist get ahold of this money boy will they be able to be found quickly...Why would the IMF go thought so much trouble with the CBI to create the state-of-the-art currency for a program rate?  Well they wouldn't...Why the change?  I think you know why...


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 11 April 2021

Compiled Sun. 11 April 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

On Sat. 10 April our Military Intel Contact said there were no guarantees, but if all went as planned they expected to finish vetting Cabal-connections to ten plus Groups so that funds could launch for payouts on Sun 11 April.

If so, Bonds would go live and Tier 4B notifications would go out on Mon 13 April, plus Tier 4B exchange/ redemption appointments would start on Tues. 13 April.

Read full post here:

The Atlantis Report:

The Truth About The Digital Dollar, Biometric Identity, Fedcoin , Digital Dictatorship & 5G

Premiered 24 minutes ago

The FED lies about inflation and will continue until it is so blatantly obvious that they cannot avoid the truth. Only then will they begrudgingly start to raise, but I expect them to be well behind the curve at that point.

The FED is sadistically and systematically destroying the middle and lower classes, rendering them into more riches for the wealthy.

Every single move from the FED is to juice asset prices. As if the disturbing bifurcation in wealth between the haves and have nots is not enough, they promise more of it. They are going to ignore asset price inflation. And if there’s even a hint of a price pullback, they will come with their printing press blazing.

Never mind the fact that regular people can no longer afford a roof over their heads. No, that subject is verboten among central bankers. The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.

All currencies are preparing for the new money. Cryptos are being allowed to grow for a reason. The Fed Just Revealed Its Plans For A Digital Dollar Replacement. Because they’re developing something called Fedcoin, which would be based on blockchain technology.

The idea that you can go into a store and anonymously purchase something with cash might soon be obsolete. Originally, the “Fedcoin” idea appeared to be a security enhancement to a century-old system used for clearing checks and cash transactions called Fedwire.

According to NASDAQ in 2017: This technology will bring Fedwire into the 21st Century. Tentatively called Fedcoin, this Federal Reserve cryptocurrency could replace the dollar as we know it.

Global Digital Totalitarianism is the only thing on the menu as the bankers switch from fake hyper printed banknotes to imaginary digital ether currencies.

For the full transcript go to



Iraqi News Sunday AM 4-11-21


Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Saturday PM 4-10-21