Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Saturday PM 4-10-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Saturday PM 4-10-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Butterfly   The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, received today, Saturday, a message from US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken after the third round of the strategic dialogue between the United States and Iraq.

In the message, Minister Blinken expressed his appreciation for the efforts and support of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and expressed his readiness to work to consolidate the partnership between the United States and the Kurdistan Region.

Sparky   butterfly ... Barham Saleh ?

Dave butterfly your holding out on us,,,,,,,,,,,should we start grinning yet?

butterfly  Sparky That makes me laugh. When I read these articles to my wheelchair bound veteran I always have to say.....I can't pronounce these foreign names so I insert a John Smith. LOL

Sparky butterfly ... apparently, I make you laugh ... and that's a good thing ...

butterfly This article reminds me of what OUR president wants to do, so we must be having some influence on them:............The consultant in the industrial development, industrial cities and investment, Amer Al-Jawahiri asserted that: Improving revenues ... an important step to cover the deficit and prepare to start major economic projects.

He told the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) that: The improvement of revenues, whether on a single resource or through other resources, will be a directive to stop resorting to new loans and seek to reconsider the completion of continuous loans as necessary.

Al-Jawahiri added: The government must invest improved revenues to cover the deficit and prepare to start major economic projects, provided that they are seriously implemented and benefit from their outputs as soon as possible.

Dave the good news that they now State names instead of who wishes not to be named

Butterfly  WOW just noticed this article that posted back in February. Sound familiar?..............Judicial Authority Report ... Concerned judges spoke thoroughly about how to legalize weapons in society, touching upon the most important provisions of the applicable weapons law, and while they referred to the mechanisms of possession of weapons, they affirmed the Iraqi legislator’s keenness to enact laws that regulate the process of possession of weapons and legal methods. To obtain licenses, download it instead of spreading it randomly.

and carrying cases of arms that Bashar Mohammed law to be licensed by the grave judge explains the first court of inquiry Rusafa that "Article V of the weapons Act , the types of licenses issued by the Ministry of Interior , which dealt with a permit possession and carrying of firearm And his habit or permit to possess or repair a firearm. Article 6 of the same law stipulates the conditions that must be met by the person applying to obtain one of those licenses. "

butterfly  Judge Jassam stated that "one of the directorates of the Ministry of Interior is responsible for issuing weapons of all kinds, and it is the Directorate of Identities and Permits that is related to the Office of the Minister of Interior," pointing out that "the mechanism for issuing the license begins with obtaining the approval of the minister exclusively and determining the type of license, and then referring the request to the directorate."

The aforementioned to complete the procedures for issuing it from a medical examination and sending the weapon to the Criminal Evidence Directorate to examine it and indicate its validity, then check the record of the weapon and indicate whether it belongs to one of the ministries of the state or the security services, then check the security information of the applicant for leave, as well as a statement of whether the applicant has been convicted or not yet Contact the Criminal Evidence Directorate, after which the license applicant is photographed and issued. "

Jassam said, "The Identity and Permission Directorate of the Ministry of Interior has organized a form for obtaining a permit to possess weapons, as it contains a field for the medical examination that is issued by a competent authority and is for examining the applicant for a weapon license, as the applicant is not granted a license until after the presentation to Medical Committee brought the support of the safety of his health, physical, mental or psychological and that the form includes the opinion of the Committee that he is fit or not fit.

" but he stopped the decision to consider the Supreme Judicial Council Deka actually tribal terrorists, pointing out that" this step has contributed to the reduction of This phenomenon, which has prevailed in society in recent times, contributes to the decrease in the phenomenon of the use of weapons in clan conflicts. "

Butterfly   and the proliferation of weapons significantly in the cities and villages, the judge believes that" this phenomenon threatens community security, especially with the frequent presence of weapons and use In tribal conflicts, this has led to a mass exodus from some areas that have witnessed the phenomenon of light and medium-sized conflicts. "

For his part, Jassim Muhammad Kazim, a judge of the Rusafa Investigation Court, talks about the first law enacted by the Iraqi legislator regarding the regulation and possession of weapons, and it was during the royal era when Law No. 47 of 1932 was issued, then a new formulation of the weapons system was carried out in 1979, and the law excluded some senior employees and notables.

Representatives and some government employees who have a duty to carry weapons, and the exception ends after the end of service, and the laws continued to be issued later until the law that is currently in force was enacted, namely the Weapons Law No. 51 of 2017 issued on 3/20/2017.

The review  Kazem reviews the articles of the Weapons Law, which defined in Article Five "types of weapons licenses, and divides them into five categories, including permission to carry and possess firearms and their ordnance, permit to repair weapons, and permission to open a shop to sell weapons."

butterfly  Regarding the categories covered by the issuance of weapons licenses, it is mentioned: “Officers and employees of the Internal Security Forces, security agencies, and state employees whose duties require this, and the personal protection of officials, university professors, doctors and media professionals from newspaper editors-in-chief, directors of satellite channels, lawyers, merchants, contractors, goldsmiths, licensed banking companies and tribal sheikhs with the support of From the Directorate of Tribal Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior and the workers in the offices of religious references and clerics with the support of the competent authorities, and the citizen who provides justified reasons and is required to be an Iraqi who has completed twenty-five years of age and to be of good conduct and not convicted of a felony or misdemeanor violating honor and not disabled He is qualified to bear arms or to practice selling arms. "

The judge concluded, saying, "The law stipulates in Article 24 the penalty for possessing and carrying weapons without a permit, with imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding one million dinars, and severing the penalty and making the act a felony after it was a misdemeanor, with the penalty of imprisonment for everyone who smuggled weapons. Or he made it, and it may be sentenced to death if it was aimed at spreading terrorism or disturbing public security. Therefore, we note that carrying and possessing weapons without a permit is considered a misdemeanor, unless the aim is to spread terrorism, then it is a felony. "

butterfly Kazem concluded that "Article 1 of the Weapons Law mentioned the types of firearms and includes pistol, automatic rifle and hunting rifle and does not include sports pistols that make a sound for launch, as well as antique, symbolic or commemorative weapons.

They are not covered by the law and do not need a license. Determine the type of weapon the competent technical authority, which is the Criminal Evidence Directorate in the Ministry of Interior, after sending the weapon for technical examination and determining the act, whether in violation of the law or not, as it is not a firearm and does not require a license to carry it and its possession to the investigative judge or the trial court after referring the case to it.

Butterfly  Things are starting to be a little scary. All what our president wants to do, so does Iraq.............Transport Minister Nasser Al-Shibli announced that tomorrow, Sunday, the foundation stone for infrastructure projects will be laid at Al-Faw Port.

During the inauguration of the road development project in the northern and southern commercial ports of Umm Qasr, Al-Shibli said, "The foundation stone will be laid for the implementation of the five contracts signed with the Korean Daewoo Company to complete the infrastructure projects for the large FAO project.

The Minister of Transport announced today," The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, will visit Basra will soon be laying the foundation stone for the projects of the large port of Al-Faw

Sheila   Nicks Intel Posting & Podbean: https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/04/10/04-10-2021-reminder-concerning-the-rv-gcr/ -- https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-x2r4p-1004dca

Dave   sheila would avoid that stuff

Sheila   Dave what stuff?


Sheila Dave What about "NICKS" is to be avoided?

Dave Safe link websites are going to the only way that you are going to get your own personal 800 numbers.

Sheila  Dave That's what Nicks Intel is saying. Are you in agreement with Nicks Intel?

Dave There will be some documents that you will be required to sign one of the documents will be an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) could be six months to five years depending on the amount of funds that you have received.

You will find out more after you get to the redemption center. At all times be very polite do not get angry or arrogant because you will not be able to exchange or redeem and you will not be able to go to another center.

Sheila Dave So I am to avoid NICKS, yet you are copy and pasting Nicks Intel directly into chat? Lolol

Sheila   butterfly Let's get this straight... if NICKS intel posting's are BS, then what is the truth or facts concerning Exchange process?

butterfly  Several years back I met with my local bank. We sat down and talked and they looked and there was nothing further to discuss only when something does happen with my dinar.

Dave   Redemption centers.....whats that?

Butterfly   sheila I was a step ahead of you by telling you I had talked with my bank.

Sheila  butterfly These are extraordinary times - politically and financially.

butterfly   When and if it does happen, we will set up an appointment, etc etc to come in and we will exchange your dinar. At that time they told me it would have to be sent to a bigger bank, etc etc

Dave NDAs now?

butterfly sheila Don't take this the wrong way, but I have done all of my things I need to have done and not one hitch.

butterfly   NO Dave for what?

Dave  butterfly exactly

Dave  800 numbers yet again.....

Sheila  Dave "Talk" or Actually "Done" with your bank? Talk is just talk.

butterfly   800 numbers for what...........every * bank has an 800 number even the one in this podunk town.

Dave  sheila MY bank said whats that stuff?

butterfly   sheila Sorry to disappoint you, and I don't mean to be harsh, but I personally know the gentleman that owns the bank. He had the employees that would take care of it in the meeting.

Dave   wont deal with exotic currencies ...

Sheila  butterfly Not disappointed. We won't know until this actually activates. Your truth is your truth.

butterfly I research things that I get involved with. I don't listen to people I don't know.

Sheila butterfly and all your sources are trusted and unimpeachable?

Dave   our banks will deal with any globally traded currency....

Butterfly   When my friend called and said we need to get involved in this investment. Ok ok, tell some more, so I got involved, listened to the calls read the BS..............then I said something ain't right here. Did the research and bam..........I was right. It will happen some day, maybe it will and then again maybe it won't. I don't spend money that I can't afford to lose, so here we are today thinking there is a possibility it is going to happen. To be very honest with you, I have not thought about the dinar in years until old Zig bugged me to join this chat and post articles.

Butterfly   I remember the excitement, anticipation, making my list of things I was going to do to help people, and wahla...........here we are again with the same "stuff" I heard when I got involved with this over 10 yrs ago.

Sandyf   @sheila sandyf Are we expecting something spectacular for Saturday’s Issue? The gazette is not issued in the way people claim. Last issue 4623 was issued 29th March and 4622 on 22nd March, Mondays? I have known 2/3 days between issues or 2/3 weeks, nearly 2 weeks since 29th March. The budget issue will be just that and it is not going to change anything in dinarland.

Sandyf   People should be careful what they wish for. "Egypt has floated its currency in a move that has reduced its value by almost 50% against the dollar." https://www.bbc.com/news/business-37857468

Sheila   @sandyf Yes, I am always expectant. lolol -- especially expectant this week. From what I am reading from all of those gurus generally dissed in this chat by many... April 14th is next Iraq Gazette issue and April 15th is when UN Operational Rates should be updated and posted: https://treasury.un.org/operationalrates/OperationalRates.php

Sheila   @sandyf That is what I have filtered, gleaned, expectant from all those "gurus"... not my original thinking. Above paragraph is my summary, which an Opinion, nothing less, nothing more than just that,,,Opinion.

Sah   All we have to do is wait till it is posted on https://treasury.un.org/operationalrates/OperationalRates.php. When it moves it will show up there or if it floats you can check the rate every 1st and 15th of the month for any movement.

Sah   Wednesdays and Saturdays they publish the laws. The President had the budget approved and set on his desk on Tuesday night along with amendments to Federal court laws and HCL signed by Kurds ready to sign and publish into law. When it didn't print Wednesday, I was hoping it would print on Saturday. It still is not in print yet. So I wait and wait some more.

Sheila   @Sah agree

Sah   Everything is starting to line up for once. National Army, Federal court law 23 amendments passed, HCL signed and agreed by Kurds for oil and salaries and what oil property they get and a little extra percentage to keep them in line. They also passed corruption laws that they were asked to implement by IMF. New budget that dates back to January 1st, which would have to be the rate till now of what it was, then it is possible to either reinstate their currency or float it.

Sah   Any change in value would be a good thing.

Sheila  Sah we agree on the 14th and 15th...

Sparky  ... cash is king ...

Sheila  Sah maybe they can publish Gazette as special issue by Iraqi govt, if they choose to coordinate with CBI? electronic first and then they can paper publish later?

Sah  Just maybe they may print and post at same time. UN ok's rates on 13th and then publishes on 15th.

Sheila   Sah anything is possible

Sah   The paper is only published on Wednesday and Saturday. There is no variance from that.

Sheila  Sah wondering

Sah  When it is published it then becomes law and then they can implement it.

Sheila  Sah hoping, praying

Sah  I hope so too. I think they are trying to retrieve over 140 billion from Switzerland accounts that have been frozen in 2003. I hope I don't have to wait for that first to come. They are pushing hard this past few months to get it released.

Sah   It sounds like they are going to start to release some of the funds, also there are other countries involved that are going to start to release soon.

Sah  The government mostly keeps their accounts in dinar. If they get some of this money, they will exchange for dinar and bank in government bank. If they were to re value with that money they could re build all of Iraq and every one would be rich.

Sheila  Sah that's new news for me. thanks!

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 4-11-2021


Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday AM 4-10-21