Join the ‘Shakeup’ of the Sleeping Mob

Join the ‘Shakeup’ of the Sleeping Mob

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Freedom, Abundance and Prosperity is your Reward

 It Is Time To Stand And Shake Up Everyone

Globally, the financial system is an immense fraud that bankers have been getting away with for hundreds of years. Through this financial power, the Deep State elite has “bribed” governments, industry and media. The power of money, even if completely fake, gives them total control over the entire banking system and our society.

Join the ‘Shakeup’ of the Sleeping Mob

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Freedom, Abundance and Prosperity is your Reward

 It Is Time To Stand And Shake Up Everyone

Globally, the financial system is an immense fraud that bankers have been getting away with for hundreds of years. Through this financial power, the Deep State elite has “bribed” governments, industry and media. The power of money, even if completely fake, gives them total control over the entire banking system and our society.

Control over the creation and distribution of money, is the Deep State mafia’s true source of power on our planet. Bankers learnt early on that by applying the law of, ‘divide and rule’, they could easily fuel war, terror and suffering across the globe, which is a great way to multiply their money in the shortest period of time, i.e., by lending fake money to both warring parties, with revolving loans for rebuilding that which has been destroyed.

To secure debt repayment, ‘illegal’ tax laws were passed to force repayment. It is important to understand that Germany was completely overthrown because there was nothing left of it after WW1. This created a vacuum for the emergence of fascism, and, after reconstruction, succeeded by Nazism, with the aim of installing Hitler as a counterforce to their self-created Russian Bolshevism.

Eventually, Hitler became a problem for the Deep State, after he broke free and started acting in the interests of Germans and all other free people in the world by developing his own banking system, with no ties to the Rothschild system.

Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and favourable to the working class. This mandated the total destruction of Germany and the German people during WW2, because the Deep State could not tolerate the transition to an economic system independent of their debt usury.

Worthless Paper Money Does Not Create Wealth

Everyone should know this: it is impossible to create wealth for an entire country, or the entire world, just by printing pieces of worthless paper. But it works well for the world mafia and their banking cronies. People closest to the printing press use the money first, before it loses its value, due to intrinsic inflation, or government theft.

Here is understood, how market manipulation works, especially with regard to gold and silver prices.

The banks bet with large amounts of fake money, to push down silver and gold prices. If they lose the bet, they lose only the worthless fake money, but no money from the bank’s vaults. They are not betting to win money, but to manipulate prices lower.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:

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Economics, Final Wake Up Call DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Final Wake Up Call DINARRECAPS8

End Of Cycle Brings Economic Collapse FWC

End Of Cycle Brings Economic Collapse FWC

The Final Wake Up Call  By Peter B Meyer

Dominos Start To Fall

A “Too Big To Fail” Bank In Europe is literally on the brink of collapse. Do you remember when wealthy people all over the world would stash their money in Swiss banks because these were so strong and so private?  Well, the second largest bank in Switzerland is literally on the brink of collapse. As written earlier Credit Suisse is a prime candidate to be one of the next dominoes to fall. It has been on very shaky ground for a long time, and now the global banking panic has greatly accelerated the outflow of assets from the bank. So why should you care if it fails? Unlike Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, Credit Suisse is so critical to the worldwide banking system that it has officially been designated “as being systemically important by the international Financial Stability Board”.

End Of Cycle Brings Economic Collapse FWC

The Final Wake Up Call  By Peter B Meyer

Dominos Start To Fall

A “Too Big To Fail” Bank In Europe is literally on the brink of collapse. Do you remember when wealthy people all over the world would stash their money in Swiss banks because these were so strong and so private?  Well, the second largest bank in Switzerland is literally on the brink of collapse. As written earlier Credit Suisse is a prime candidate to be one of the next dominoes to fall. It has been on very shaky ground for a long time, and now the global banking panic has greatly accelerated the outflow of assets from the bank. So why should you care if it fails? Unlike Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, Credit Suisse is so critical to the worldwide banking system that it has officially been designated “as being systemically important by the international Financial Stability Board”.

Credit Suisse, the 167 year-old banking behemoth, is not a domino falling in reaction to bank failures in the U.S. Its troubles are of its own making, and have been cascading for over a decade. Still, its current dire predicament could hardly come at a worse time for the global financial system.

Wake up, read the headlines, see another bank panic…

Credit Suisse is one of just 30 global financial institutions designated as being systemically important by the international Financial Stability Board. In other words, it’s too big to fail.

The widespread panic that is witnessed is definitely not what the bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve were anticipating. Following the second largest bank collapse in U.S. history and the third largest bank collapse in U.S. history a few days layer, the Federal Reserve unveiled an unprecedented rescue plan that was supposed to end the banking panic.

Major Sovereign Debt Crisis

If you have not seen it yet, you can view the details on the official website of the Federal Reserve right here.  The most important part of the plan is the Fed’s decision to fully guarantee all of the deposits at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank.

The world is entering a major sovereign debt crisis and that’s going to turn many markets inside out and upside down.

Don’t expect any voluntarily rate hike this year. Instead, the next round of QE will start around the world in order to stabilise falling markets. The problem is that this time it will have minimal and only short-term effects. For the last years, investors around the world have ignored risk. That is why the coming panic will be so brutal.

When interest rates inevitably go up from these artificially suppressed levels, the bond and stock markets are going to collapse, and with it, the real estate market. Pension funds are going to be wiped out. This is a very bad situation; the world is itself digging in deeper and deeper.

The European Union will not survive. It will disintegrate. And right now, all of the powerful economic cycles will converge this year, forming the Super Cycle that will signal total collapse.

Governments are desperate; Spain has begun taxing bank deposits. You pay an income tax on your pay-check, and then pay another tax when you deposit it in the bank.

Happens really a financial crisis; as such huge sums of money are available to the élite banking bloodlines, why is crippling financial austerity being imposed by national governments on their populations?

And why are the elected politicians in the Western democracies keeping their mouth shut to keep their electorates in the dark about these vast hidden riches, while, at the same time, they are raising taxes and cutting public expenditure on services and infrastructure?

An enquiry must be made: Is there really a global banking crisis at all? Or is the “financial crisis” just a set-up media event to provide cover for massive élite theft?

In 2008 the world has experienced the hurricane going through the financial system, first entering and then crossing its eye in the centre of it, all went relatively quiet, and now we are leaving that eye at the other side, entering the trailing stream. This is going to be much severe, different and longer lasting than what was seen in 2008/9.

Most of the printed fiat money still is in de banking system, but not in the economy. Divided over the real estate, stock, bond and crypto markets, creating bubbles in all of those. The higher they go, the harder they fall.

Sadly, not many people are prepared when this next crisis hit. Keep an eye on Janet Yellen, she just poured lighter fluid on every small bank in America and don’t forget the EU.  Listen for serious trouble at “too big to fail” banks. The coming months are going to be extremely significant, and be wise to get ready out, while it still is possible.

“Everything is lining up to see the most massive shocks in the global economy and markets. This panic seemed to come out of nowhere as global bond markets see a massive selloff and stocks plunge.”

Banking Crisis Unfolding

The banking crisis that we see unfolding in the world is proof that more is coming our way. This March, three banks have collapsed in the span of one week.

It started at first with a California-based cryptocurrency-focused bank, Silvergate, which collapsed on March 8th, and then two days later Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) went down as well. It went down in the largest-ever bank run.

And that was the second biggest ever to fail in US history. And it was also the largest bank to crash since 2008.

Silicon Valley Bank had $209 billion in assets, compared to the largest-ever bank failure which was Washington Mutual, which had $307 billion in assets, and that was in 2008. Well in order to understand why they’re crashing, you have to compare it to what happened in 2008 and 2009.

This crash is much more serious. In 2008 and 2009, Washington Mutual collapsed because it was a crooked bank. It was writing fraudulent mortgages, junk loan mortgages. It should have been allowed to go under because of the fraud.

The basic subprime fraud and collapse was widespread fraud throughout the whole financial system. Citibank was one of the worst offenders.These were individual banks that could have been allowed to go under and the mortgages could have done what President Obama had promised to do.

The mortgages could have been written down to the realistic market values that would have cost about as much to service as paying your monthly rent. And you just would have got the crooks out of the system. To rob a bank is to own one, is often said, but true!.

Obama had promised to write down the loans, to keep the subprime mortgage people in their houses, but to write down the loans to the fair value they had to undo the fraud.

What happened instead was, as soon as he took office, he invited the bankers to the White House and said, “I’m the only guy standing between you and the mob with the pitchforks.”

He bailed out the banks and directed the Fed to undertake fifteen years of quantitative easing (QE). And what that was, was the Fed said, “Well the mortgages are worth less than —the value of the property doesn’t suffice to cover all of the bank deposits, because the banks have made bad mortgages.”

 “How do we save the banks that have misrepresented the value of what they have?”

They slashed interest rates to zero, and t spurred the largest asset-price inflation in history. Flooded the market with credit, instead of real estate prices going back to an affordable level, to make them even more unaffordable. Made the banks much richer. It also made the 1% in the financial sector much richer, and so on!

Of course this created inflation in stock prices, bond, real estate and crypto prices. Leaving out the bottom 90%.

As people may begin smelling one or more rotting fishes, they may cause a run on the banks which would be Step One to a full scale financial collapse. Credit Suisse (CS) is in deep trouble. As these lines are written Union Bank of Switzerland its largest bank, (UBS). is talking about takeover. CS for $3 Billion.

As part of the deal, the Swiss National Bank is offering a 100 billion-franc liquidity assistance to UBS while the government is granting a 9 billion-franc guarantee for potential losses from assets UBS is taking over, i.e., this is a taxpayer-backed bailout.

 This wipe out, actually a bail-in, is the biggest loss yet for Europe’s $275 billion AT1 market, far eclipsing the approximately €1.35 billion loss suffered by junior bondholders of Spanish lender Banco Popular SA back in 2017, when it was absorbed by Banco Santander SA to avoid a collapse.

 Urgent warning: “The game is over” prepare immediately!

Canadian Prepper Special Guest Lynette Zang

Precious Metals Are Your Safe Haven

This time precious metals and their stocks will not fall with the market. Instead, they substantially will move up. Gold and silver will protect investors from the massive wealth destruction that has been and still is going on. The financial system cannot survive the annihilation of asset markets and the implosion of debt, real estate and all is coming.

Everyone must getting out of electronic currencies and into precious metals. Adding silver and gold to your private safe depot is the only way to ensure that your currency will be accepted following the collapse.

The cabal has planned the IMF issued SDR-world currency that devalues existing fiat currencies with up to 90%. Imagine that you have to pay ten times more for everything, instead of €2 now, then €20 for a bread. Your € 200,000 mortgage would become a 2 million euro mortgage!

Keep Israel in focus in the coming time, because we could soon see some incredible events take place.  Rumours of an imminent war between Israel and Iran are starting to reach a crescendo, such a conflict could potentially erupt.

Look for an announcement about the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant.  Needless to say, such an announcement would be the greatest archaeological bombshell in history.  The current location of the Ark has been kept very quiet for a long time, but Israeli government is not going to be able to keep a lid on this indefinitely. And when the truth finally comes out, literally everything will change.

Wakeup and Shakeup. otherwise accept a premature death, or indefinite enslavement!

Creating money out of thin air is not a solution. Central banks are printing money like there is no tomorrow, while debts are piling up faster than ever and the economy is falling apart. Count on ‘sky-high’ inflation before the new QFS system is up and running.

This is the very essence of a sovereign debt crisis: Investors realise that not only the debt never will be repaid; these governments may fail to pay the interest due on the debt they already have.

The Khazarian Mafia pretending to be central bankers have to be brought to justice.

 “In criminal law it is a given that stolen assets need to be returned to their rightful owners. These owners are the average tax-paying citizens of the planet. Police and military agencies around the world have a duty to enforce the law and arrest criminals. Top central bankers are proven criminals. So, what are they waiting for?”

 The Final Card By Dr Carol Rosin

The Last card is the Alien card, to put up weapons in space, which is a lie from 1974 when Wernher von Braun told his many years confidential assistant Carol Rosin just before he died in 1977. An extended more detailed version, explaining how wars are created, and specifically the war on Saddam Hussein was prepared already 20 years in advance.

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When And How The Breakthrough Will Come

.When And How The Breakthrough Will Come

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Global Economy Is Bankrupt

People are impatient and their memory is pitifully short. Very few are able to take a long-term view of what is going on because everyone has become accustomed to “living in the now” and not focusing on what is to come.

The news channels are not screaming about a “stock market crash” or an “economic depression”, last October would have been the month that everything was going to happen. But that does not mean the economy is on the mend by any stretch of imagination.

When And How The Breakthrough Will Come

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Global Economy Is Bankrupt

People are impatient and their memory is pitifully short. Very few are able to take a long-term view of what is going on because everyone has become accustomed to “living in the now” and not focusing on what is to come.

The news channels are not screaming about a “stock market crash” or an “economic depression”, last October would have been the month that everything was going to happen. But that does not mean the economy is on the mend by any stretch of imagination.

HSBC bank owned by the Cabal; the largest in the western world, says a global recession has begun, and the pain we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg. So don’t think it’s time to relax, just get on with preparations.

The global economy is bankrupt in every aspect and region. Most of the nations are under pressure, while Portugal has recently become the most acute country.

The Portuguese Socialist Party, together with the communists, has formed a left-wing bloc and thus has the absolute majority in the country, which is not accepted by puppet president Aníbal Cacavo da Silva, who does not invite them to form a new government because they are against austerity, and the proposed wage moderation.

The Socialists also want Portugal’s debt to be written off by 50 per cent, and to leave the Euro currency union. The euro has already destroyed enough European countries by now.

Banks are in desolate status

Banks are in a desolate condition because interest rates had to remain zero per cent, otherwise every institution that holds derivatives is bankrupt, like Deutsche Bank for instance, which has around $100 trillion in derivatives that are on the verge of collapse, and they are not the only bank with such massive exposure.

Also JP Morgan, effectively all US TBTF banks collectively have as much as over $250 trillion in derivatives exposure. The actual exposure value for these banks is estimated to be around $500 trillion. If any of the counterparties go under, the bank total of $500 trillion, and the global total derivatives exposure of $1.500 trillion will cause unimaginable damage.

Today’s economy faces the deadly convergence of three critical factors as fallout from the largest debt bubble in history.

Caused by:

Disastrous experiment in globalisation

Massaging of statistical figures to the point where economic trends are completely obscured

Most important of all; the approach of overburdened by debt without any return in energy, other sectors, and derivatives, while Government Bonds are dumped by China, Russia, and numerous other countries.

Central Banking is a Scam

Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises described what is happening now as a “crack-up boom”.

Be aware that Austrian School of economics probably provides the best theory on how the world works. They, too, have reservations about manipulations to bring the natural workings of the economy back under “control” – in particular, they have reservations about central banks.

The fact that a one-time “Austrian” Alan Greenspan, who became the most celebrated central banker in history, only increases suspicions that he is believed to be the one who perfected central banking, because he understood what it actually is; namely, a scam.

The ‘crack-up’ phase

Von Mises explains that a “crack-up boom”; “is the first phase of the inflationary process, which can last for many years. While it lasts, the prices of many goods and services have not yet adjusted to the changed money quality ratio. There are many people in the country who are not yet aware of the fact that they are facing a price revolution that eventually results in the significant increase in prices, although the magnitude of this increase in different goods and services is not the same everywhere and alays.

People still believe that prices will fall one day. They wait for that day, limiting their purchases and increasing their investments and cash holdings. As long as such ideas are widespread within public opinion, it is not too late for the government to abandon its inflationary policies.

“But eventually when the masses wake up. Do they suddenly become aware of the fact that inflation is a deliberate theft policy, and continues endlessly. When the total collapse begins. Is that the crack-up boom”.

Everyone is concerned about the value of their money and wants to exchange it for ‘real’ goods, regardless whether they need them or not, regardless of how much money they have to pay for them. Within a very short time, a few weeks or even days, the means used as money will no longer be accepted as a medium of exchange. It becomes Toilet. paper. Nobody wants to get rid of anything for that anymore.

“A ‘crack-up boom’ is essentially a financial boom in reverse, lots of money coming accelerated into the system at once. People do not yet realise it is fake money, they cannot tell the difference. This money is hanging around in the financial sector and everyone in it is having a grandiose time.”

Then the economy is in the ‘crack-up’ phase. In which four things determine the way and manner in which the economy and markets will unfold.

First, it is observable that increasing desperation and extreme financial repression among central banks, which have cornered themselves with no way out making them lost and desperate.

Mises described the irrational phases of a classic inflationary cycle as follows:

In the begin, no one can tell the difference between a real dollar – one that was earned, saved, or invested, and then spent – and one that just came off the printing press. They think the new dollar is just as good as the old one. And then, prices go up – people don’t know why. Only later, they start realising it and hoarding – and then all hell breaks loose.

Second, increasing market disruption and volatility. During the last few months, the stock market behaved like a drunken sailor. But remember that it is just a bunch of robots and day traders mindlessly trading graphic strikers. It has nothing to do with incoming information from real-world data. One of these days, one of the central banks is going to falter. And then the market will go into a violent reset.

Third, look at the Baltic Dry index and it is clear that the economy is suffering from lagging demand for shipments and the over-fabrication of bulk carrier -capacity as a result of central bank-driven cheap money boom policies over the past 25 years. This will tear apart the financial system and the global economy in a way not seen or experienced before.

Demand lags dramatically behind ever-increasing debt. Which is the result of money printing by central banks, in unprecedented magnitude of monetary stimulus of about $60 trillion of new debt added against somewhere around $15 trillion dollars of GDP growth, or just only a quarter of this produced ‘extra’ growth. By comparison; in the 2008 crisis, total debt volume was 9 Trillion, now in 2022 it is 31 T dollars, a more than threefold increase!

Fourth, credit in the past 20 years, has increased 20 times. Nothing like this has happened before in history. The 25-year global central bank credit boom has caused massive overinvestment in oil exploration, mining, manufacturing, transportation, real estate and distribution capacity, etc., worldwide. But now that credit inflation has reached its very last limit, the ‘crack-up’ phase has arrived, the forces of global deflation will drive down the prices of goods and many consumer services.

Energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie said that an estimated $1.5 trillion of value in oil projects in North America failed to make money when oil was trading at $50 or less. Even after major cutbacks and today’s price increase, many US oil companies are struggling to pay their huge debts…

As the crisis continues, cash-money will be king. Cash will buy more everyday goods and services, and will more than dramatically price all types of financial and real estate assets.

It is difficult to predict what the consequences and cascading effects will be. But the extent of overinvestment and overcapacity in everything from shale oil exploration, to iron ore mines – dry bulk carriers – aluminium mills – steel mills – real estate projects and so on, is extremely large, something not seen before, the problems will get much worse before it gets better.

Finally, the big Ham question; When will the breakthrough start? As soon as the sleeping mob wakes up and revolts against the irreversible consequences of their poisonous injections, the deliberate theft through inflation by banks, the abuse of trust through lies and deceit by their own government, and all the other injustices that have been done.

In fact, we Lightworkers and Patriots have already won the battle against the Deep State Cabal on points. What is important; is that the entire world population stands behind this victory to prevent negative forces from coming back to planet earth sometime in the future to enslave and oppress the population again.

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The End of a Long 3D Cycle

.The End of a Long 3D Cycle

Is it Value or Price? Global Financial Armageddon - The Final Wake Up Call – Peter B Meyer

Everything looks perfectly normal; your neighbours are still living in their priceless big houses, driving the kids to and from school in brand new luxury cars, leaving no one thinking about an imminent economic collapse.

However, the truth is that most of these houses and cars are largely financed with ‘debt money’, and that will break down the moment the economy hits the wall. All the figures are absolutely alarming indicating that the global economy is well on track for the biggest global financial Armageddon.

The End of a Long 3D Cycle

Is it Value or Price?  Global Financial Armageddon - The Final Wake Up Call – Peter B Meyer

Everything looks perfectly normal; your neighbours are still living in their priceless big houses, driving the kids to and from school in brand new luxury cars, leaving no one thinking about an imminent economic collapse.

However, the truth is that most of these houses and cars are largely financed with ‘debt money’, and that will break down the moment the economy hits the wall. All the figures are absolutely alarming indicating that the global economy is well on track for the biggest global financial Armageddon.

People are impatient and their memory is pitifully short. Very few are able to apply a long-term view of what is going on. Everyone has become accustomed to “living in the now” and not focusing on what is coming their way.

The headlines do not scream about a “stock market crash” or an “economic depression”, October would have been the month when everything was going to happen. But that does not mean the economy is on the mend by any stretch of imagination.

The HSBC bank owned by the Global Mafia; the largest in the western world, says the global depression has begun, and the pain we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg. So don’t think it’s time to relax, just get on with all the preparations.

The global economy is bankrupt on every aspect and in every region. Most of the EU is figuratively underwater, while Portugal has become the latest acute country. Socialists want Portugal’s debt to be written off by 50 per cent, and to leave the EU currency union. The euro has already destroyed enough European countries by now.

The banks are in a desolate mess, interest rates must remain at zero per cent or else every institution that holds derivatives will be bankrupt, like Deutsche Bank, for example, which holds several hundred trillions in derivatives that are about to blow up. They are not the only bank with such massive exposure. So does JP Morgan, effectively the US TBTF banks collectively have as much as $500 trillion in derivatives exposure.

The actual exposure value for these banks is estimated to be around double. If any of the counterparties go under, the bank total will be $500 trillion or more, and the global total derivatives exposure of $2.5 trillion that will cause irreparable losses.

Today’s economy is facing a deadly convergence of three critical factors due to the fallout of the largest debt bubble in history. Caused by:

Disastrous experiments with globalisation

Massaging statistical figures to the point where economic trends are completely obscured

Most important of all, the approach of overloading debt with no return, in energy and other sectors and derivatives, while US Government Bonds are being dumped by China, Russia, and numerous other countries.

If, the crisis begins, cash-money will be king. It will buy more of everyday goods and services. All types of financial and real estate assets will collapse in price.

It is difficult to predict what the cascading effects will be. But the extent of overinvestment and overcapacity in everything from real estate to oil exploration, iron ore mines – dry bulk carriers – aluminium plants – steel mills – cruise ships – and so on, is so great, something not seen before, the problems will have to get worse before the Deep State cabal admits its demise.

Humanity on Earth has now reached the end of the long 3D cycle of experiences in duality. We are on the 4D bridge between the third and fifth dimensional worlds. It is on this bridge that everything will be revealed.

Our returning extraterrestrial correspondent Vital Frosi below reports to humanity about the transition from the old 3D to the new 5D World. And asks;

Is it Value or Price?


The time of revelations has come. Nothing will be hidden anymore, neither from our eyes, nor from our conscience. We are in the final phase of the Transition, precisely the phase that precedes the greatest Event, the phase that will sever the threads that still connect us to the World of the Third Dimension.

All the systems known to humanity will be reset, to trigger the start-up of the new systems. The expectation of the embodied soul is now great. Even though human consciousness cannot yet grasp the grandeur of such events, the soul in its highest version clearly sees a glimpse of what is to come.

With each passing day, more and more consciences that were shrouded in veils of oblivion begin to expand their understanding, giving each incarnate the chance to awaken from the long dark night of illusion.

What you didn’t understand a year ago now seems so familiar! Subjects you were not interested in before now begin to become clear. What first seemed like fiction now seems an acceptable reality. And everything that seemed real now seems like an illusion.

Yes, you are awakening! The high-frequency energy now coming to earth is causing such possibilities. All those who are awakening will now have an favourable time to open their eyes for good. There will be no more illusions for this part of humanity.

We have said so many times that the Planetary Transition is in its final moments. At least 1/3 of the incarnated will be able to ascend in this current incarnation.

Remember also that this is the last chance, as there will be no other incarnations in duality on planet Earth.

There has been enough time for all souls to prepare. Hundreds and even over a thousand previous incarnations most incarnates have already had. No one will be able to say that he has not had time to learn what duality means. Everyone has gone through all the possible and imaginary polarities of this School of Souls.

Time is fast running out now! What used to take centuries can now take only a few months. It is time for all of us! Wake up! Don’t sleep anymore! The hour is still early, and many may not realise that time is running out. The Portals of Ascension are already open. You have to pass through them to reach the New Earth. When the bell rings, they will close for those left behind and nothing more can be done for them.

There is no lack of messages and messengers bringing the Good News. There was no lack of opportunities to redeem oneself from evil deeds. There was no lack of signs coming from everywhere and from on high. But it was always said that there had to be ears to hear and eyes to see. To understand the purpose for each of us incarnated here on earth. Everyone had been warned! Insistently warned!

Now the wheat has been separated from the chaff. Now everyone knows the difference between value and price. Value and price are very different things. Many incarnates attached more importance to ethical and moral values, and qualities overcome by hard trials. While others adapted because of the price of every act or action.

A man who has value has gained wealth in heaven. In contrast, one who has set a price for every deed or action has conquered goods that will no longer exist, because they are impermanent. They are now of no value to him. On the contrary, what had a price will have to be redeemed, as all debts must be paid.

Many choose to sell themselves to gain worldly benefits. These have a price. Others prefer to build a life based on the smoothness of every action, always respecting everything and everyone and living their days in their most perfect awareness of ethics and responsibility. These are people who have value.

This value can be used as a bargaining chip when it is time to pass through the Ascension Gate. The price is the contribution to be paid before passing through the gates. So, now you are beginning to understand these differences better. Price is the amount to be paid, and that has no other perspective. Value, on the other hand, is what it is really worth, and no money in the world can buy that.

Many incarnations allow themselves to be bought, and that comes with a price tag. They spend the resources they have accumulated on worldly things, because what is easily earned is easily consumed. Like commodities, it is traded.

Remember the parable of the merchants in the temple. These will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, that is; they will not experience the ascension that leads to the New Earth.

Those who honoured moral values, on the other hand, deserve the right to inherit the New Earth. And that is priceless! There is nothing in the world that can buy such a precious possession of such value.

“Do not create a fortune on earth at the expense of the riches of heaven.”

This message sums up everything in today’s text. Many let themselves be sold for a trifle. In times of elections, we still see those who have a price. Interests are sold or bought by those who have no value. They trade their souls in the Holy Temple. They lend themselves to the interests of a few at the expense of many.

Have you ever done a calculation of those who sell themselves for $100,000? They are the ones who do not value themselves. They sell themselves for so little! Even this applies to those who sell themselves for millions. They do not know that this is the price they will have to pay multiplied by all the harm they have done to other people, for the ransom will be the sum of all the suffering caused by their greedy act.

Perhaps it is time for each person to evaluate their situation. Do you have value or only a price?

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


More revelations are to follow. Remain alert for this …

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Beware, everything is about to change

Big changes on your beautiful planet Earth

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How the Deep State Cabal is Destroying Itself

.How the Deep State Cabal is Destroying Itself

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer 9-9-22

Extremely Unstable Situation

The strategy is; the Deep State destroys itself. It is a longer road to liberation from centuries of oppression and manipulation, but it is the most successful approach.

The world is financially, economically and morally bankrupt, but through manipulation and deceit the people are led to believe that all is well. It is absolutely absurd that all paper assets are at their highs, while wealth-protecting assets such as Gold and Silver are totally wrecked in price. The elite and the media continue to deceive the people about the state of the world.

The European Union will not survive. It will disintegrate. And at that point, all the potent economic cycles will come together in short order to form a Super Cycle that will herald the collapse of the European Union.

How the Deep State Cabal is Destroying Itself

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer 9-9-22

Extremely Unstable Situation

The strategy is; the Deep State destroys itself. It is a longer road to liberation from centuries of oppression and manipulation, but it is the most successful approach.

The world is financially, economically and morally bankrupt, but through manipulation and deceit the people are led to believe that all is well. It is absolutely absurd that all paper assets are at their highs, while wealth-protecting assets such as Gold and Silver are totally wrecked in price. The elite and the media continue to deceive the people about the state of the world.

The European Union will not survive. It will disintegrate. And at that point, all the potent economic cycles will come together in short order to form a Super Cycle that will herald the collapse of the European Union.

Inflationary pressures still grip the economy. The economy is balancing on the critical edge between destructive deflation and runaway inflation. Prices can fall or rise rapidly and unexpectedly, in one direction or the other. The display of relative price stability is a consequence of the simultaneous occurrence of deflation and inflation, but it is far from price stability. In fact, the situation is extremely volatile.

During the last 12 years there has been deflation because the world is in a depression, but central banks cannot tolerate deflation, so they have to cause inflation. That is why the over-printing of money goes on for so long. The pressure is from two sides, namely; deflation against inflation – depression against money printing – one pushing against the other. Deflation and inflation are both fighting on the edge. In the end, one side wins, but the battle can go on for some time until one side has exhausted the other.

The next shoe to drop will be deflation, as it is back in the economy and will wipe out all the carefully arranged central planning, with its attendant market manipulation, of the past 14 years.

Falling Asset Prices

The world has been in a depression since 2008, which is clearly deflationary. In a depression, debtors sell assets to get money to pay off debts. This depresses asset prices. Falling asset prices, in turn, put other investors in trouble, so even more assets are sold. So it continues in a downward price spiral.

Printing money is logically inflationary. If more money chases a certain amount of goods and services, prices of goods and services tend to rise.

If central banks stop causing inflation, deflation will soon engulf the economy. If central banks do not give up and keep printing money to stop deflation, they will end up with more inflation than they want.

Clear signs indicate that a destructive deflationary impulse has been unleashed. The relatively low commodity prices confirm this conclusion.

Central bankers worldwide are confronted with policy constraints – including extremely low interest rates.

Creating money out of thin air is no solution. Central banks are printing money like there is no tomorrow, while debts are piling up faster than ever and knocking the economy out of kilter.

This scenario is the essence of a sovereign debt crisis; investors realise that not only will the debt never be repaid; governments will also be unable to pay the interest due on the debt they already have.

When bond buying slows or stops, government bond prices fall. Interest rates rise, making it even harder for governments to pay the interest on the money they owe. Resulting in a flood of defaults….

Making Money On The Backs Of The People

The money-changers had already discovered long ago, around 1000 BC, that control over the money not only gave them influence over the possessions of the people, but also over the government of the people.

They learned to steal money on the backs of the people, through sanctions introduced by instructed governments. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? How did they manage to keep their power over the people for so long?

With their printed money without value, they bribed governments, state officials, doctors, lawyers, judges, police, etc. and created agencies to support their evil behaviour. Such as the CDC, NIH, FDA, OSHA, WHO, Freemasons, and all Secret Societies, among others.

Public Universities and schools were also taken over by the influx of satanic authority. They manoeuvred their Deep State players into key roles, in Schools, Universities, Medicine, Science, etc.,

Licensing strengthened their power, while all efforts were aimed at destroying the natural healing health industry.

They bought up multinational blue chip companies and other health care organisations to put doctors of death and genocides in hospitals.

Wiser as a result of the Nuremberg trials of WW2, patient “signed consent contracts” were introduced. That is key to their success.

When you go to the hospital, you must first sign a contract that allows them to experiment on you with lethal treatments, operations, and poison pills. They harvest organs, steal stem cells, kidnap children, baby kidnap, harvest DNA cells and much more.

Control Over Humanity

They have gained control over humanity through the process of easy money, versus scarce money cycles. By, first lending money easily, and then as the amount of money in circulation increases, turning off the tap again, i.e. making it harder to borrow money. So when the money changers were satisfied that enough suckers had taken the plunge, the trap snaps shut.

Suddenly the money supply becomes limited. Loans then become difficult or impossible to take out, with the result that the money in circulation diminishes. The end result is that a percentage of borrowers are unable to repay their loans and, unable to take out new loans, they go bankrupt and are forced to sell their assets to lenders for next to nothing. This trick is still being used to sabotage the world’s financial well-being.

Now is the chance to break this sinister game of deception. The great mind behind this game is Satan. The people must unite and abandon the sinking ship of state en masse.

The huge world debt of about $500 trillion has been created deliberately. If this debt existed between the people, it could theoretically be settled by cancelling the debt of one against the other. But that is not the case this debt is not owed between people – that is, between one person and another vice versa, but to all but 6 of the 198 central banks owned by the Rothschilds, who created the money out of thin air. Logically, there is no obligation to repay debts; the losers are those who bought them as assets.

The Illuminati deliberately managed to keep people ignorant of this simple fact, so that no one took any action against this injustice, thus increasing the power of this belief, which eventually resulted in the reintroduction of global slavery.

The elite and the media continue to deceive the people about the state of the world. It is now made to believe that all problems have been solved and with them the impending disaster within the EU.

Now that knowledge has been gained about our past and the situation in which we have been manipulated, waking up en masse and fighting for our freedom is the only correct response. Freedom must be fought for by ourselves from below, not from above. All of us together must reject our governments and rulers. They are the hired Deep State puppets to oppress us.

Remember: we have only one chance to defeat these criminal rulers, and that is now! This liberation process must be fought by ourselves, otherwise freedom has no value and will not last!

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The Next Wave of Awakening  Video

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Real Estate Shake Out

.Real Estate Shake Out

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Global Paralysis

Lies, counterfeit money, corruption, greed and human folly; the scale of these folies is enormous; big enough to cripple the financial well-being and financial stability of nations worldwide. It is becoming particularly unpleasant for the big banks. Bank share prices are showing a clear downward trend, especially for European banks. Many banks are awash with unsecured loans that can never be repaid and must be written off as losses. With economies around the world noticeably weakened, the tide is inevitably turning against the establishment and the despair of the cabal is growing. This makes the financial cabal structure more vulnerable by the day.

Real Estate Shake Out

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Global Paralysis

Lies, counterfeit money, corruption, greed and human folly; the scale of these folies is enormous; big enough to cripple the financial well-being and financial stability of nations worldwide. It is becoming particularly unpleasant for the big banks. Bank share prices are showing a clear downward trend, especially for European banks. Many banks are awash with unsecured loans that can never be repaid and must be written off as losses. With economies around the world noticeably weakened, the tide is inevitably turning against the establishment and the despair of the cabal is growing. This makes the financial cabal structure more vulnerable by the day.

People go to bed on Friday and on Monday morning, if the markets do not open, until they do, that is the reset, or the beginning of it. This is finally the moment the awakened have been waiting for. Read on to the end of this article to understand what is to come.

Final Chapter

The world is about to see the final chapter of the biggest real estate shake out in human history. One of the classic rules of bubbles is that they usually deflate to at least the level at which they started – and often a little lower.

That means that “house prices should fall 80% to 95% from their current highs. House prices may fall back to 1950 levels. As a result, 80% of houses would end up in negative equity territory. The number of defaults and foreclosures will increase.

These economic components together form the perfect storm that is raging through today’s economy.

The last of the greatest generation of spenders in history – the prosperous baby boomers – are leaving their best spending years behind. Deflation will increasingly become the dominant trend as the economy slows and debts rise.

The consequences of these events lead to one thing: a severe tightening of credit – and write-offs of tens of trillions in loans and receivables. That means less money in the system – less spending – less demand – falling prices – and ultimately: Depression and deflation.

This is reality of the cabal economy and the most likely path it will follow, based on historical and empirical research.

People all over the world have taken it for granted that money is a worthless piece of paper, an absolutely insane collective delusion forced upon them to believe.

Intrinsic Value

Hundreds of years ago, travellers accepted banknotes called traveller’s cheques because they believed that the banks issuing them had a good reputation. Once these cheques were presented at a local bank, they would receive the notes back in the local currency, with no central authority to authenticate them. But today, people do not think this way. They believe that a government is needed to ensure the value of money.

But real money is based on natural characteristics, such as intrinsic value, durability, divisibility, uniformity, portability, scarcity and public acceptance. These characteristics are essential for a medium of exchange to function as an honest standard of payment, which is not the case with currencies issued by central banks.

Once established, Rothschild money changers transferred the valuable energy of labour from the people to themselves.

Money, created out of nothing and backed by debt, cannot and does not buy valuables, it is a fraud. As long as the illusion exists that “debt money” has value, and the sheep continue to consent to this illusion by participating in it, they will not be freed from their debt slavery.

When people wake up and realise that most banks are not only bankrupt but also corrupt, they will switch en masse to gold as a means of payment, just as they have done before for centuries.

Money Backed By Debt Is A Crime Against Humanity

In today’s society, people all over the world have taken for granted that ‘paper’ is money, but this is a nonsensical collective illusion that everyone was forced to believe. People thought that a government was needed to ensure the value of money.

Real money is based on natural properties, such as being intrinsically valuable, durable, divisible, uniform, portable, scarce and universally accepted. These properties are essential for a fair exchange standard to become universally accepted. This is not the case with currencies issued by Central Banks.

Unlike central bank issued currency, gold has always been valuable; today’s debt money is someone else’s burden, backed by unreliable promises that ultimately cannot be kept. Money is the opposite of debt and therefore money cannot be secured by debt. In other words, it is a crime against humanity.

Invented by Mayer Amschel Rothschild and built on the fact that money is a flow of energy known as currency, generated from the combination of raw materials, goods, services, and labour of the people.

Thus Rothschild gained a monopoly over all energy flows on planet Earth. A globally supported slave labour system based on debt money issued by their own central banks, infiltrated into every government and country.

The flow of money designed to return to them provides a rock-solid opportunity for complete financial and economic control.

By controlling the money supply and bribing governments, they have made their worthless debt money equal in value to the people’s energy money! A fraud of shameless proportions.

Money created out of nothing backed by debt should not buy valuables, because it is fraud. But, as long as people are under the illusion that “debt money” has value, and the sheep accept this illusion, peoples will not be freed from their debt bondage.

Hyper-Liquidity Becomes Hyperinflation

It is time to pay attention to what governments are doing, and take action accordingly by buying as much gold and silver as possible.

The problem with government debts growing fast and huge is that when the time comes, the Central Banks will have to raise interest rates, and will be very reluctant to do so, which then accelerates inflation.

So far, the excesses of money printing have been eliminated in the housing market, cryptos and stock prices, but it will not stay that way.

So the next stage in Hyperliquidity will be Hyperinflation due to the increased velocity of money in circulation. In a crisis of confidence in money. like the dollar, euro or yen, etc., is what causes hyperinflation, originated out of pure currency manipulation.

Consumer purchases have fallen sharply, which means that not all the new money is in circulation yet. Some has been used to pay off debts or is being saved, because nobody is investing.

Sooner or later this money will have to come back into circulation, and this will herald a period of hyperinflation, which means: too much money for fewer goods.

The Deep State Establishment is afraid of the movements and actions of the people, such as; ‘Stop the Fed’, and in fact; end all central banks. And that is exactly what is about to happen. Caused, by the banking system itself.

The moment this happens, the new QFS money system will be introduced, controlled by the people. The patriot policy is; to let the enemy destroy itself and that is now happening in real time, before our eyes. To be on the safe side; Stock up on water, food and necessities for the duration of a few weeks.

Awakening comes with a price. It may have been difficult and painful to get through the various stages of awakening, and especially to convince others. It is a challenge but opening the eyes and minds of the sheep, is even harder.

It is a struggle against time and injustice. The sheep are tossed to and fro without any idea of what is really happening, but they are eager to get in line for their free toxic Covid injection, which has predestined two-thirds of the population for an early departure from planet Earth.

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Final Wake Up Call, Misc. DINARRECAPS8 Final Wake Up Call, Misc. DINARRECAPS8

Most Prominent News Story in History

Most Prominent News Story in History

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Disclosure is Light and Change

The story of what will happen in 2022 and beyond will be the most prominent news story in human history on planet Earth. The Global Mafia raiders with their criminal deception of debt covered banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terror attacks, downing of passenger planes, and religious deception, are disintegrating.

Centuries of elite-led misinformation will soon come to an end. Disclosure means light and change for the healing of humanity and planet Earth.

Most Prominent News Story in History

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Disclosure is Light and Change

The story of what will happen in 2022 and beyond will be the most prominent news story in human history on planet Earth. The Global Mafia raiders with their criminal deception of debt covered banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terror attacks, downing of passenger planes, and religious deception, are disintegrating.

Centuries of elite-led misinformation will soon come to an end. Disclosure means light and change for the healing of humanity and planet Earth.

The bulk of the profound changes will be revealed in an avalanche of startling news-shocks, simultaneously from multiple sources. And that will be the beginning of a new era in human history on planet Earth. People will witness major changes, since Atlantis sank some 12,000 years ago.

Shocking truths are revealed

Hundreds of thousands of Extraordinary Deaths are recorded every week. People were instructed to stay home to protect the healthcare system. But while they were doing so, hospitals were in fact celebrating holidays, supported by official data. People were advised to take the Covid-19 injection. But now that they have done so, the healthcare system is on the verge of collapse. Ambulance waiting times have never been so long.

The number of emergency calls for people in cardiac arrest has never been so high. The number of people dying has never been so great, with hundreds of thousands more dying each week around the world.

Official government reports prove beyond doubt that this is all due to Covid-19 vaccines. Covid vaccination increases the risk of myocarditis by a shocking 13,200%.

Myocarditis is a condition that causes inflammation of the heart muscle and reduces the ability of the heart to pump blood, and can cause rapid or abnormal heart rhythms. Eventually, myocarditis weakens the heart so that the rest of the body does not get enough blood. Clots can then form in the heart, leading to a stroke or heart attack. Other complications of this disease are sudden cardiac death.

There is no mild version of myocarditis, it is very serious because of the inability of the heart muscle to regenerate. Once the damage is done, the clock cannot be turned back.

Soon, with less fear than ever before in the history of mankind, inside and outside people in government positions, will tell the truth with more energy and clarity. And their words will be heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of Khazarian oppression.

Many things will become unobstructed, show the world in a different light, reveal the truths of how humanity has been deceived. Many historical facts will be scrutinised to find the real truth.

Stopping the “global warming hoax” or “climate change charades” for deliberate environmental destruction, ending poverty, wars, eliminating disease and restoring planet Earth for total health. Understanding deliberate bio-terrorism, such as food poisoning, GMO, chemtrails, etc., used by government agencies to reduce world population.

The End of Private Central Banking

The global financial system is collapsing, currencies are falling and markets are decoupling. In due course the whole system will collapse. This is the secret being revealed to the public. Later, there will be a public explanation of why the Fed and Central Banks should not be in charge of the financial system, which is no longer a secret for regular FWC readers.

The world economy is imploding and can no longer sustain itself. The new QFS system will be introduced, designed to allow the new world economy to flow seamlessly into the unique quantum financial system.

The Money Revaluation is set to begin at the right time, these changes are the start of the QFS. The new quantum financial system – QFS – is already integrated and ready to replace the current monetary fiat system. Many anchors have already switched from the old SWIFT system to the new CIPS money transfer system.

Once this revaluation begins, all countries will start reissuing new gold/asset-backed currencies based on the new quantum financial system (QFS). These changes are expected to happen simultaneously. A whole series of dominoes will tumble, mass arrests will come into the open. GESARA will be launched. The Truth is going to set us free!

Already 20 years ago, a global effort was launched to set up a new financial system, called the ‘global reset’, in which sovereign wealth-based currencies for global exchange replace the unjustified power of the ‘Deep State’ banksters. Because they have been continuously fomenting wars on the planet. This change is now certain and being realised.

The step to end the dominance of the dollar was taken more than a decade ago from Asia, where the largest amount of hard assets are located that have formed the backbone of the global financial system from the very beginning. That was agreed upon and signed as the basis of the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944. But, was deliberately never realised.

The initiative to end the dominance of the dollar gained traction when Russia joined in the creation of the BRICS alliance: The rest is history, and has been outlined before in various articles on FWC sites.

Existing Debt Zero and Void

Once central banks disappear, the first thing that becomes known is that their debt claims are null and void. When auditors check the books of the central banks, they discover that the banks have not been honest with the people, and that the debt and everything they have done is completely against their charter, making everything null and void. It is clear that what is happening now indicates that this is how it is going to turn out.

In a last-ditch effort, the central banks are raising interest rates, which will cause the system to collapse permanently, taking on the blame themselves, as was intended.

The housing market will collapse, the car industry will have a very hard time, people will no longer be able to get a loan easily, everything will start to collapse.

The present economy is not a people’s economy, it is the economy of the Deep State central banks. The patriots are using the economy of the central banks with their fake money, to create the new infrastructure that they are going to use against them. That is what is happening right now.

The economy has two faces, the manipulated economy that has been going on for a long time, more than one hundred and twenty years, and the people’s economy. The popular economy is the real economy, that is what people feel every day. That is the money you have in your bank account, the job you have, whether you have enough money to pay the rent, the mortgage, or to buy a house, a car or whatever.

When people’s houses go up in market price, they feel great. Everything is going their way. They still have a job, but they feel better because their property is going up in value.

This is the concept that the central bankers use against us. Some people have the advantage of benefiting from the created inflation, but others have lost a lot through this same process.

The banksters use this manipulation to psychologically convince people that the economy is doing well. Even the stock market is raised so that people think that the economy is flourishing.

Every human being has a will of his own and can decide for himself what is good or bad. Use your will and wake up to stop the cabal oppression, or change its course! Humanity in numbers is many times greater than politics, so we must prevail.

Pass this message on to all your contacts with the motivation to read it, and to forward it to their contacts in the same way.

Take the same attitude, as what the Russian President Putin says about the Rothschilds banksters;

“They don’t own the world, they don’t have Carte Blanche to do what they do. If we don’t deal with them, other problems will come. We will not be intimidated by them.”

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The dark forces are losing their power over humanity

That reveals itself behind the scenes 

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Economics, Final Wake Up Call, Misc. DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Final Wake Up Call, Misc. DINARRECAPS8

Incredible Revelation About Our History

.Incredible Revelation About Our History

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Shocking Truths Will Be Revealed

The story of what is about to happen will become the biggest news story ever in the history of mankind on planet Earth. The Global mafia with their criminal deception of debt-banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terror attacks, downing of passenger planes, religious deception, are just some aspects.

Centuries of elite-led misinformation is revealed. Suppressed technologies such as Free Energy; Frequency Healing; and many other life enhancing technologies suppressed for years are becoming available.

Incredible Revelation About Our History

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Shocking Truths Will Be Revealed

The story of what is about to happen will become the biggest news story ever in the history of mankind on planet Earth. The Global mafia with their criminal deception of debt-banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terror attacks, downing of passenger planes, religious deception, are just some aspects.

Centuries of elite-led misinformation is revealed. Suppressed technologies such as Free Energy; Frequency Healing; and many other life enhancing technologies suppressed for years are becoming available.

The bulk of the changes will be revealed simultaneously from multiple sources, but will nonetheless cause an avalanche of unexpected news shocks. And this will be the beginning of a new era in human history, which we will witness; it is the first major change on our planet since Atlantis disappeared more than tens of thousands of years ago.

People, inside and outside governments, will soon begin to speak the truth without fear, more than ever before. And their words will be heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of oppressors. Many aspects will become unobstructed, to see the world in the light of reality about which they have been misled. Humanity in numbers is greater than politics, and will prevail.

Many historical facts will be scrutinised to find the real truth. For example, how tsunamis, strange weather conditions and earthquakes in Japan, Central America and Haiti were deliberately caused by secret government agencies. With HAARP-weather manipulated higher temperatures being observed everywhere and for longer periods of time, to deliberately make people with weak immune systems die as part of Agenda 2030.

Meanwhile, Spain has admitted to spraying deadly chemtrails as part of this secret UN programme, which began in March 2020 simultaneously with the Covid-19 Lockdown.

The fate of thousands of missing children worldwide will also be revealed. And, how and why diseases such as Cancer, Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, H5N1, Zika,  and Morgellons have been deliberately created. Ending the “global warming hoax” or “climate change charades” in favour of deliberate environmental destruction, poverty, war, elimination of disease, and restoring planet Earth to healthy living.

Revelations concerning deliberate bio-terrorism through food poisoning, GMO, chemtrails, etc. by government agencies with the aim of reducing the world’s population.

The 188-nation BRICS alliance, led by China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, will become central in facilitating truthful news flows necessary for the introduction of the new asset-backed QFS money system.

Emergence of crowd-sourced news media. Accelerated leakage of witness and whistle-blower stories. Advanced effective High Tech tools, will drive science, banking, security and cultural development.


To continue reading, please go to the original article here:

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Economics, Final Wake Up Call DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Final Wake Up Call DINARRECAPS8

Collapse Of The Dollar Reserve Currency

..Collapse Of The Dollar Reserve Currency

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Large-scale Population Reduction

Money creation through debt issuance must remain in balance with economic growth. As debt increases, more growth is needed, and if this growth falters, so does the entire money system unless the excess debt is removed.

In other words, the debt is now over-designed so that the global financial fiat money system is going under. Eventually this system will be replaced by the QFS.

The question now is; Will the collapse of the US dollar come before this happens, because the Deep State is trying to force this by all means to replace the system on their own terms?

Collapse Of The Dollar Reserve Currency

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Large-scale Population Reduction

Money creation through debt issuance must remain in balance with economic growth. As debt increases, more growth is needed, and if this growth falters, so does the entire money system unless the excess debt is removed.

In other words, the debt is now over-designed so that the global financial fiat money system is going under. Eventually this system will be replaced by the QFS.

The question now is; Will the collapse of the US dollar come before this happens, because the Deep State is trying to force this by all means to replace the system on their own terms?

History shows that it will be a narrow escape. Since 2008, the money system appears to have been predestined on this course. But, it will soon go under, in the same way that every other fiat currency money system in history has fallen by self-destruction.

An imminent collapse is being planned by the Deep State with the aim of creating total destruction, chaos and disorder, as large-scale population reduction is the motive.

The criminal government officials think they can hiding underground in hidden shelters, which have now been destroyed. The result is; that worldwide the financial cabal money system is eliminated and replaced, but now by the people controlled QFS system- instead of the cabal planned SDR fiat currency money system, managed by the IMF.

The world is now still in the cabal’s usual ‘Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS)’ phase of crises and disasters that allows them to increase their control over us.

In this scenario, the existing infrastructure of funding from top to bottom is completely destroyed through manipulation by the media, academia, and the local public school system. They have been working intensively for years to realise this plan. After it turned out that a WW3 was not possible, the COVID pandemic was launched earlier as a substitute, to be completed in a Hillary Clinton administration.

Regardless of what people think about the creation of Agenda 2030, it is wise to take the time to read the Protocols of Zion. Don’t just read them, study them. They explain exactly what is happening in the world now and why.

Only once there is a chance to totally destroy the Deep State. Studying the protocols reveals that each agenda item has been skilfully executed over many generations and comes from the top of the cabal pyramid. Their knowledge of human weaknesses and the power of lies and deception seems to be unrivalled. Thus, their plan for the destruction of humanity and all control infrastructure systems offers them the opportunity to start again.

Do not worry, the Patriots and Lightworkers are now firmly in control of the situation.

Collapse of the dollar reserve currency

The collapse of the dollar reserve currency has been expected for many years since the 2007/8 crisis and was planned to tighten the Deep State grip over the masses, without major loss of infrastructure.

But, once all Central Banks are eliminated, physical gold-backed QFS currencies will be implemented locally, via people controlled QFS system, replacing all existing Rothschild Central Banks money systems.

After, elimination of all central banks (CB), the TBTF – Too Big To Fail banks are dismantled and converted into smaller local bank locations to serve the public only. Crypto holders who think they have made a good investment will be disappointed!

Meanwhile, many lives are being destroyed by unnecessary Covid injections and by fraud at all levels. It is the last breath of the cabal in the dying fiat currency system.

Crypto Mania

The world is subject to a new “Mass Madness” or madness of the crowd. The current “Mass Madness” of our world, in the 21st century, is – without a doubt – its fascination with Bitcoin and fellow “cryptocurrencies”.

It is utterly pointless to argue with those who are subject to the delusion because it is an impenetrable delusion.

A large part of our world, especially in “more developed countries”, is under the spell of this madness, due to the publicity it has received via the Internet.

Bitcoin and others are true technological wonders, there is no doubt about that. Among other things, because of their security, confidentiality, ubiquity at any time, wherever the Internet is available.

Bitcoin c.s. have caused mind-boggling phenomena never before manifested among mankind. This stems from the fact that Bitcoin c.s. is not related to anything tangible, yet it is instantly accessible in the world on the Internet. Bitcoin c.s. is psychologically related to magic, which gained a large following in bygone times.

While belief in Bitcoin is a positive hope for the safe possession of personal wealth, associated with excessive growth, belief in witchcraft supports fear and repulsion. But in essence, these are “popular delusions”.

Bitcoin raises hopes of monetary security and the desire for rapid growth in personal monetary fortune. While witchcraft inspires fear of evil spirits. Both Bitcoin and Witchcraft have no relationship to personal merit or personal failings; by which is meant that with Bitcoin you can imagine yourself rich without having done a single bit of productive work or created a productive idea. Whereas with fear of witchcraft you can harbour unfounded fears without any reality.

However what Crypto investors don’t understand; these currencies are initiated by central banks as an overflow outlet for their excess of necessary money printing, similar to the asset and real estate markets. The increase in paper value is fantom imagination.

To put Bitcoin c.s. in the context of “Popular Delusions” and “mass idiocy”, the whole madness is based on greed, or money mania. Some historical examples support this thesis. Such as; the South Sea Bubble, Tulip Mania, Soothsaying, Influence of politics and religion, Crusades, etc.

During the tulip mania in the 17th century, one bulb could buy a mansion on the Keijzergracht in Amsterdam!

In today’s 21st Century, humanity has been subjected to the greatest “Folk Madness” ever recorded in thousands of years of cultural history.

Bitcoin c.s. have placed a monetary value on the possession of electronic digits – so that possession protects the owner of a Bitcoin, or a tiny fraction of a Bitcoin, from theft.

A Bitcoin worth $50,000 is yours, yours alone, and cannot be stolen from you. And your Bitcoin could be worth a lot more in the near future. What is against that?

The big question, which is never talked about; is “What is Bitcoin worth?”

Let’s say a Bitcoin is quoted at US$50,000. A large sum.

But objectivity demands, “Define a US dollar, or any other currency that currently exists in the world.”

The correct answer is: “A US Dollar is an electronic figure, created in the USA, by an institution called the “Federal Reserve Bank of the USA.” – All other currencies are created in the same way, by Central Banks of the respective country.

All the “money” in the world today, is nothing more than electronic digits!

This looks like fraud!

The fact that millions of others do value an electronic cipher and are willing to give up Dollars – which are themselves only electronic ciphers – does not inspire one to “own” such an impertinence as a Digital Crypto currency.

What happens to the thousands of dollars that one Bitcoin is supposed to be worth the day the Federal Reserve “goes bankrupt” and ceases to exist?

Furthermore, if the dollar collapses, which it certainly will, all the other currencies in the world that are denominated in Bitcoin will also be worth nothing, because the dollar is the reserve currency for all the other currencies except the now gold-backed Russian Ruble and the Chinese Yuan.

One day, a book will be published on this subject; titled The Crypto Mania in analogy to the Tulip Mania!

FWC does not want to profit from the ignorance of the masses and therefore gives the most valuable advice to all crypto owners for free; Sell your cryptos NOW, enjoy your profit or limit your loss to buy gold and silver coins or bars to live happily ever after.

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Economics, Misc., Final Wake Up Call DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Misc., Final Wake Up Call DINARRECAPS8

The Biggest Gold Robbery In History

.The Biggest Gold Robbery In History

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

How to End the Tyranny

Chiasso is a municipality in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland. It is located on the border with Italy.

It started one day in August 2009 in Chiasso 40 KM north of Milan:

“At the Italian-Swiss border crossing – bonds worth 134.5 billion were seized from two Japanese nationals. These included 249 US Federal Reserve bonds worth $500 million each, plus ten Kennedy bonds and other US government securities worth $1 billion each. What caught the attention of the police officers were the one billion dollar notes. Such large denominations are not available on the regular financial and banking markets. Only nation states deal in such amounts of money.”

Since this bizarre event, the story has only continued in the form of an extensive amount of “inside information”. To make a long story shorter; here is a brief resumé.

The Biggest Gold Robbery In History

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

How to End the Tyranny

Chiasso is a municipality in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland. It is located on the border with Italy.

It started one day in August 2009 in Chiasso 40 KM north of Milan:

“At the Italian-Swiss border crossing – bonds worth 134.5 billion were seized from two Japanese nationals. These included 249 US Federal Reserve bonds worth $500 million each, plus ten Kennedy bonds and other US government securities worth $1 billion each. What caught the attention of the police officers were the one billion dollar notes. Such large denominations are not available on the regular financial and banking markets. Only nation states deal in such amounts of money.”

Since this bizarre event, the story has only continued in the form of an extensive amount of “inside information”. To make a long story shorter; here is a brief resumé.

The Japanese were released shortly afterwards and never prosecuted. It later emerged that this was a trap to enable a lawsuit to be filed against the Federal Reserve. On November 23, 2011, an extensive 111-page legal complaint was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. “This complaint has now become an evidentiary public case, as the sequel explains.”

Court reporter Dan McCue began asking the same questions you might now think. He was the first mainstream journalist to report on this story in Courthouse News Service (information since removed), which is a national news service for lawyers and the news media. McCue personally is not necessarily convinced; the article is titled “Bizarre Claim for $1 Trillion” (content removed)-but given that this is a real case, is this certainly interested enough to write about.

“An American expat in Bulgaria, Neil Keenan, claims that the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of International Treasury Control and the Italian government colluded with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.

The 111-page federal indictment covers a range of entities common to conspiracy theorists, including the Vatican Illuminati, Jesuits, Freemasons, the “Trillenium Tripartite Pact Gold Commission,” and the US Federal Reserve.

The White Dragon Family

Plaintiff Neil Keenan alleges that in 2009, financial instruments – including US Federal Reserve Notes worth $124.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of $19 billion, and one US “Kennedy” bond with a face value of $1 billion – were entrusted to him by an entity called the “White Dragon Family,” which is a group of several wealthy and anonymous Asian families.

“The White Dragon family refrains from public view and knowledge, but acts, according to information and belief, for the good and better benefit of the world in constant high-level coordination with global financial organizations, in particular, the Federal Reserve System,” Keenan claims.

In the course of its existence over the last several centuries, the Dragon family has amassed great wealth by having provided (against collateral) the Federal Reserve Bank and the United States Government with assets in gold and silver through certain accounts held in Switzerland, for which it has received understanding in the form of a variety of Notes, Bonds and Certificates as described above; which are an obligation of the Federal Reserve System.

Keenan says that with the interest accrued, the instruments are now worth more than $1 trillion. He says the family appointed him as principal in an effort to select certain registered and authorized Private Placement Investment Programs (PPPs) for the benefit of unspecified global humanitarian efforts.

In his remarkable lawsuit, Keenan alleges that many years ago the US government received vast amounts of money – delivered in gold and other precious metals – from the White Dragon Family, and that the money was placed in the Federal Reserve System for the benefit and support of the dollar, “which was to become, and currently remains, the world’s reserve currency.”…. Keenan alleges that the Dragon Family entrusted him with billions of dollars in bonds which were stolen when two Japanese agents tried to cross the border at Chiasso, in a suitcase.

The Defendants Involved

[Keenan] alleges that as the conspiracy unfolded, several senior officials repeatedly offered him bribes in the order of $100 million, to “release” the instruments without disclosing their theft to the Dragon family, and to allow the instruments to be converted into a so-called UN “Sovereign Programme”, entirely under the auspices, protection and umbrella of the sovereign immunity enjoyed by the defendants.

Other defendants include UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Giancarlo Bruno, who is designated as the World Economic Forum’s head of banking, Italian Ambassador to the UN Cesare Maria Ragaflini, Ray C. Dam, Chairman of the Office of International Treasury Control, and David A. Sale, Deputy Chief of the OITC Cabinet Council.

Keenan is demanding the return of the stolen instruments, punitive damages and court costs on multiple claims of fraud, breach of contract and violation of international law. If interested, visit Courthouse News Service, (link removed) to read the rest of the case as summarized by McCue.

“On information and belief, these bonds [held by the Dragon Family] have values ranging in the many thousands of trillions of US dollars, a relatively small portion of which is involved in the claims giving rise to this action.

Each of these currencies, like the DFFI [Dragon Family Financial Instruments] involved in this action, was and remains properly registered within the Federal Reserve System – and are directly verifiable by the Federal Reserve through its efficient verification system and screening process.”

It’s mind-boggling, thousands of trillions of dollars, isn’t it? As mentioned in the intro, the Dragon family wanted these bonds stolen, to qualify the lawsuit. These bonds represented only a small percentage of the total assets… all clandestinely registered with the Federal Reserve and the Bank of International Settlements!

The theft of the bonds was a well-crafted sting operation that brought this story into the open – now a huge international alliance of 117 countries has a legal way to end the financial tyranny of the Old World Order better known as the Deep State cabal that is planning to implement the New World Order – NWO.

Incredible though it may seem, this whole story is true. Absolutely true!

To this day, this is the biggest real problem for the Federal Reserve and the Deep State power elites. On the other hand, this is the very best news for all humanity of the world. The documents very clearly refer to a group of Western elites, who planned to start World War III and reduce the world’s population by 90%, in order to realize their NWO.

The Asian secret society was fully aware of the plan for World War III that the cabal wanted to start, and they did their utmost to stop it. The Asian secret society includes Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan and Korea. In fact, it goes directly to the group of 77 non-aligned nations.

Eighty-Five Per Cent Of The World’s Gold Ended Up In Asia

The Dragon family is an ancient group of families whose connections go far beyond temporary political structures, a society of various dynastic families and clan groups based on family ties. Unlike in the West, where the various groups, make things more confusing, as all call themselves the Illuminati.

Eighty-five per cent of the world’s gold has ended up in Asia, accumulated over the past two to three thousand years. A follow-up essay will explain this amazing piece of history, about which little has been published so far.

The Second World War was about the grab for this gold. The Western power elites wanted to own and control all the gold in the world. So they planned to take all the gold out of private hands and make it their property.

In 1934, US President Roosevelt banned the private ownership of gold, supposedly because of the Great Depression and the need to save the economy by pooling everyone’s gold in the Federal Reserve. That was a blatant lie. The Jews did not want to give up their gold. That was one of the reasons they were rounded up and sent to concentration camps.

The Bretton Woods Agreement

The Fed took the gold out of the vaults in each bank; they looted the private vaults to remove the gold in private hands. Most of the gold was withdrawn from the market by 1944. Until the Bretton Woods agreement was made to set up the gold-backed international monetary system. After the cabal had confiscated almost all the gold.

Most of the gold not owned by Western powers was taken off the market. It was blacklisted, or hidden in caves, or buried in sunken ships at the bottom of the ocean. This gold did not count towards the coins created worldwide. It was withdrawn from the market as a provision for security and control.

Britain, France and the United States created the Bretton-Woods Agreement for global control on the basis of a 50-year mandate, before WW2 ended, after which the power elite decided to end WW2.

It was assumed that the elite would develop and modernize the planet as agreed upon. Once, everything back to normal, President Roosevelt was assassinated by poisoning on behalf of a fascist coup. He knew too much and was a liability to the elite. Instead of developing the planet, the cabal and the military-industrial complex wanted a cold war between the Soviet Union and the West to continue their secret agenda.

In 1955, 77 countries, including China, Indonesia, Yugoslavia and India, opposed the Bretton-Wood agreement, saying it was an unwise plan. This group had the historic rights to most of Asia’s wealth. In fact, most Asian countries were members of the group of non-aligned nations, they wanted to modernise Asia and Africa; to finance this they pooled their wealth.

The President of Indonesia, Soekarno, had a strong blood relation with the Dragon families. In 1950, he was designated the signatory of all this money that belonged to the royal Dragon families in the Far East.

When the Cuban Missile Crisis came, and the world almost went into a total nuclear war, a businessman named Benjamin Freedman told what was really going on behind the Cuban Missile Crisis. He said that they wanted to create this war so that they could take over the planet. There is enough evidence for this.

Kennedy and many other leading figures in the US condemned the plan and said loudly, “OK, this is crazy. We don’t want any more of this secret society madness.” So Kennedy agreed to work with the non-aligned countries to end the Cold War, and to fund developments in Africa and Asia. And, to keep the folks in the military-industrial complex happy, Kennedy promised to send a man to the moon with NASA.

Kennedy sourced gold from Indonesia, and issued US Treasury notes and bonds controlled by the US Treasury, not the Federal Reserve Board.

Kennedy signed this bill just days before he was assassinated. It stopped the US Treasury from selling its silver to private individuals, and gave the President the right to issue silver-backed currency – without Federal Reserve approval.

The Federal Reserve might have deliberately bought up all the Treasury’s silver so that it could eventually print as much money as they wanted – without having to back it up with hard assets like gold and silver.

By stopping the flow of this precious metal from the Treasury through his Executive Order 11110.  In effect, this order gave the president the ability to issue silver-backed dollars.

The Treasury Secretary was deprived of the authority to issue silver bonds. Kennedy did this because the Federal Reserve controlled the Treasury Secretary.

Kennedy believed that silver-backed dollars could curb the inflation caused by the Federal Reserve’s “bubble money”.

Why President Kennedy was Killed in 1963

Executive Order 11110 was only the first visible stage of Kennedy ‘s plan to defeat the Federal Reserve and eventually use Asian gold as collateral for an entirely new financial system.

The power elite killed Kennedy and drove Sukarno from power. Unfortunately, the Asian groups at that time did not have the military strength to fight back. They went underground and after Sukarno’s death, his nephew was appointed to administer the rights, in order to complete the ongoing trial. And to prove that the cabal had falsified the original rights in order to sabotage currency issue against gold cover in 1968.

The Asian groups went underground, probably unaware at the time that Henry Kissinger, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Bushes, had forged the rights to use the money to create US Dollars.

Indeed, in 1968, US Dollars were backed by 85% Asian gold from World Gold Reserve, owned by the Asians. Counterfeit, without any legal documentation!!!

The reason why the effort has been made to present this whole story in a concise format, is because this is the only way to fight the FED, by widely providing as many people as possible with this knowledge, and make them aware of this biggest gold robbery in history.

Wake up, reread this summary carefully and spread the message far and wide.

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Economics, Final Wake Up Call, Misc. DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Final Wake Up Call, Misc. DINARRECAPS8

Global Crisis On Verge Breaking Out

.Global Crisis On Verge Breaking Out

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Bubbles Always Burst

Debt has grown, due to massive deficit spending programmes that have destroyed all financial obligations. So there is no other way out of this misery than to abolish all paper currency!

People need to know that the game is rigged; the Central Banks are deliberately ruining faith and trust in their currencies. That means the end of the global financial system.

Until people wake up and recognise what is happening, the world will never be able to end this ridiculous game. Mr. Market is having his say. He always does. Underneath the fake market, created by artificial intervention, lies a market of real buyers and real sellers.

Global Crisis On Verge Breaking Out

The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer

Bubbles Always Burst

Debt has grown, due to massive deficit spending programmes that have destroyed all financial obligations. So there is no other way out of this misery than to abolish all paper currency!

People need to know that the game is rigged; the Central Banks are deliberately ruining faith and trust in their currencies. That means the end of the global financial system.

Until people wake up and recognise what is happening, the world will never be able to end this ridiculous game. Mr. Market is having his say. He always does. Underneath the fake market, created by artificial intervention, lies a market of real buyers and real sellers.

At some point, supply exceeds demand. Then the smartest businessmen get worried. They quietly make their way to the exit. Then the next smartest ones notice that the geniuses have left – and they too start heading for the exit. Then the short sellers come. Prices fall. And soon the market is in free fall.

It happens all the time. Bubbles burst without question. It happened with the dotcoms, with housing, with subprime mortgage companies, with oil and with the oil debts. We are now in what appears to be the last gasp. It may go on for a while … even go a little further. Often a boom of this magnitude needs an all-consuming, last-stage, a ‘super-duper‘ before it explodes!

How Can Less Earned Money Pay For More Debt Repayment?

It is a guess – just a guess – that another big shock may follow before the final peak of the equity bubble is reached. – Expect a frightening fall – a quick response from the Central Banks – and then the great race to ruin will have begun, i.e. entered its ‘Final Lone Round’.

Without more real income growth, the huge debt cannot be paid off. So, in the end, everything will go down. How can less money earned produce more money to pay the debt that should have led to higher incomes?

You can ask the same question of the folks who bought $500 billions of subprime debt from the energy sector, or those who bought €1 trillion of European peripheral government debt. Or “investors” in $4 trillion of emerging market debt? The answer is the same everywhere: they can’t do it!

Almost every developed economy has followed the same path from debt to more debt.

“The developed world added $50 trillion to its debt burden in the first eight years of the 21st century. As a result, the debt-to-GDP ratio has risen from 260% to 390%.”

Households have tried to shake off the burden of debt. But government and businesses have borrowed more than ever. Now the debt-to-GDP ratio is 415%, adding another $15 trillion. Logic, mathematics and experience tell us that too much debt – not supported by higher real incomes – will collapse on the heads of the people below. When? That is the only question that cannot be answered now.

But here is an overview of what to expect in the coming months, as a result of the above facts:

** The stock market will fall sharply and may eventually reach 3,300 – 3,800 before another prolonged bull market begins.

** Unemployment will rise to 15% or more as the labour pool continues to shrink and companies prefer people with experience, not newcomers.

** House prices will fall again, by as much as 50%…. the so-called “recovery” will abate faster than expected as mortgage rates rise and the wrong set of investors – also known as speculators – lose interest in the market.

** With continuing demographic decline, economic problems and crisis, many states and municipalities will be short of income, especially at lower levels.

** Faced with huge revenue shortfalls, government deficits are going up.

** The crisis in Europe is only getting worse as the housing bubble bursts, more banks are collapsing in every Member State of the European Union, which are also sliding over the demographic cliff and declining rapidly, with Germany the biggest surprise.

** Despite the lessons learned in 2008, mortgage companies and financial institutions have started offering low-interest promotional loans with no repayment obligation, riskier investments, which will lead directly to a new and final financial crisis, this time without a bailout.

Research suggests that the effects of these events will reach a climax quite soon. Before that happens, “the market will tend to rise. Many investors will make the mistake of thinking that the recession is over – that markets will be buzzing with life again.

Boom Economies Produce Excesses

All boom economies have produced excesses, whether it is excessive spending and debt by homeowners caused by the misguided belief that house prices will go up forever – developers building too much, hiring too many people with the belief that their market will continue to grow forever – “or twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings making two, three and ten million dollars a year moving money on Wall Street”.

The bigger the boom, the bigger the excesses, and the longer it takes to shake them out of the system. And at almost 50 years, this latest boom is the longest since the post-war economic revolution.

The biggest credit bubble in modern history is causing Deflation, not Inflation, which is on the horizon. Here is why deflation – not inflation – will be the order of the day.

History shows that severe recessions and depressions have three phases;

** A severe crash, as we saw from late 2007 to early 2009, when the Dow fell 55%, from 14,280 to 6,440.

** A market recovery, stimulated by renewed economic activity as a result of government stimulus measures. That’s where we are now.

** And a final crash, deeper depression, and a deflationary phase lasting several years.

Most of us have experienced some kind of deflation in recent years, especially in wages. Once credit bubbles go to extremes, they always burst and deflate – resulting in a sudden tightening of the money supply (credit) – followed by deflation as massive debts are written off and financial wealth disappears as markets crash.

It happened in the 1930s. It happened again in Japan. Because no government can stop that kind of overwhelming debt with any kind of stimulus without making its currency worthless. Which will probably happen this time as this economic cycle continues to unfold.

Final Chapter Of Biggest Real Estate Shake Out

The world is about to see the final chapter of the biggest real estate shake out in history. One of the classic rules of bubbles is that they usually deflate to at least the level at which they started – and often a little lower.

That means that “house prices must fall 55% to 65% from their highs in 2005. House prices could fall back to 2000 levels, or even 1990 levels. As a result, as many as half of the homes would fall into “negative equity” – “which will again increase the number of defaults and foreclosures.”

These economic truths combine to form the components of the perfect storm raging through the economy today.

The last of the greatest generation of spenders in history – the affluent baby boomers – are leaving their prime spending years behind…. Deflation will increasingly become the dominant trend as the economy slows and debts fall apart….

The consequences of these events all lead to one thing: a severe tightening of credit – and the write-off of tens of trillions in loans and claims. That means less money in the system – less spending – less demand – falling prices – and ultimately: Depression and deflation.

This is the reality of today’s economy – and the likely path it will take, based on examination of historical and empirical data.

People all over the world have taken it for granted that money is a worthless piece of paper, an absolutely insane collective delusion that we are forced to believe.

Hundreds of years ago, people travelling accepted banknotes called traveller’s cheques because they believed the banks that issued them had a good reputation. Once these cheques were presented to a local bank, notes were returned to them in the local currency, with no central authority to authenticate them. But today, people do not think that way. They believe that a government is needed to ensure the value of money.

Real money, however, is based on natural characteristics, such as being intrinsically valuable, durable, divisible, uniform, portable, scarce and widely accepted. These characteristics are essential for a medium of exchange to be accepted as a fair standard for payments, which is not the case with currencies issued by Central Banks today.

Unlike central bank currencies, gold has always been valuable, whereas today’s debt money is someone else’s burden, backed by unreliable promises that ultimately cannot be kept.

Money backed by debt is a crime against humanity. It was invented by Mayer Amschel Rothschild and is based on the fact that money is a flow of energy – also known as currency – generated from the combination of raw materials, goods, services, and human labour.

The Rothschilds developed a global slave labour system by issuing debt money through their privately owned central banking system infiltrated in every country. Because the flow of money was designed to be funnelled back to them, this gave them a powerful opportunity to be the first to intervene in financial and economic control.

By controlling the flow of money and bribing governments, they have made their worthless debt money equal to the people’s energy money, which is a fraud of scandalous proportions.

By having this accepted, the Rothschild money changers have transferred the valuable energy of the people’s labour to themselves.

Money created out of nothing and backed by debt should not buy valuables, because it is a fraud. As long as the illusion exists that “debt money” has value, and we sheep continue to consent to this illusion by participating in it, we will not be freed from our debt bondage.

When people wake up and realise that most banks are not only bankrupt but corrupt as well, they will switch en masse to gold as a means of payment, just as they have done for centuries. Read more about it here.

Our choice determines the future

We have arrived at the most important crossroad in world history; our choices will determine the course of the future. On the one hand, the continuation of the Deep State power control structure is on its way to erasing our freedoms, as we can now see happening with the wearing of masks, social distancing and travel restrictions, designed to crush our morale and end our prosperity step by step.

On the other side is the creative termination of corrupt governments and politicians of the Deep State, leading us to prosperity, freedom and friendship.

This will be the most important collective decision we have to make at this time.

Soon we will see all paper and electronic forms of debt of wealth evaporate, levelling the playing field to implement GESARA with the new gold/asset backed monetary system known as the Quantum Financial System (QFS), free from any institutional interference.

It will be a completely new future for everyone on Earth, one built on truth, honesty, creativity, friendship and complete freedom.

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